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To be believed is vital in the world of journalism and media. One strategy that people,
in varied groups, use propaganda devices to spread information and to be believed by a vast
number of people. This module will give ideas on these propaganda devices.

The module will start with a pre-assessment which will determine your prior
knowledge on the topic. Series of activities and discussions will encourage you to explore
and learn about the topic. Through this module, the objectives below are desired.

Learning Objectives:
A. Explain the propaganda techniques used in advertisements.
B. Create advertisements by using appropriate propaganda techniques.


Choose the LETTER of the BEST answer. Write your answer on the BLANK provided
before each number. If you got a perfect score, skip this module. If you got 50%-99%,
proceed with this module.

_____1. Which statement about “propaganda” is TRUE?

A. Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated
B. Ideas or statements that are often true but exaggerated
C. Ideas that are spread in order to malign a cause, a political leader, or a government
D. Ideas or statements that are often true but exaggerated and that are spread in order to
malign a cause, a political leader, or a government

_____2. Propaganda uses techniques in order to persuade people to believe in their

cause, party or whatnot. Which among the following are referred in the statement?
A. Appeals B. Emotions C. Propaganda DeviceD. Devises

_____3. Based from the “Rhetorical Triangle of Appeals,” which among the following
“appeals” uses character to spread ideas?
A. Rhetoric B. Logical Appeal C. Emotional Appeal D. Ethical Appeal
_____4. A working student narrates the difficulties his family is facing to send him to
school just to persuade the passengers in a bus to buy “macapuno” that he is selling.
Which among the appeals did he use?
A. Rhetoric B. Logical Appeal C. Emotional Appeal D. Ethical Appeal
_____5. Emotional Appeal:Feelings :: ______________:Logical Appeal
A. ReasonB. Rhetoric C. Brain D. Books
_____6. Which among the following pertains to a word or phrase used to express a
characteristic position or stand or a goal to be achieved?
A. Bandwagon B. Glittering Generalities C. Slogan D. Testimonial
_____7. An influencer in social media tells people how everyone is using a certain
website in crafting essays. This encourages people to take the same course of action.
Which propaganda device is the influencer using?
A. Namecalling B. BandwagonC. Plain Folk D. Humor
_____8. If a propagandist uses only those facts and details that support his/her
argument, one will get misled if you he/she does not notice that important details are
missing. Which propaganda device is used by the propagandist?
A. Namecalling B. Plain Folks C. Card Stacking D. Testimonial
_____9. Which among the following is an example of “Glittering Generalities”?
A. Gatorade always win!
B. Sarah Geronimo have a long black silky hair in taking good care of her hair she uses
C. Serena Williams promotes Gatorade she wants her fans to buy it.
D. During election periods political parties will often gag their loose cannons who might
pen their mouths and say the wrong thing.
_____10. A researcher found out that customers are attracted to products that divert
the audience by giving viewers a reason to laugh or to be entertained by clever use of
visuals or language. Which type of propaganda device will they likely use?
A. Laughter B. Humor C. Slogan D. Transfer
_____11. An advertising company conducted surveys as to determine the most
famous male actor to the teens today for them to hire to endorse their brand of clothes.
Which type of propaganda device is more likely to be used?
A. Testimonial B. Transfer C. Plain Folks D. Bandwagon
_____12. To inform the world that their school is one of the best in their locality,
Maria’s group wanted to gather experiences of students, teachers and parents through a
video. Which type of propaganda device will Maria’s group use?
A. Plain Folks B. Glittering Generalities C. Transfer D. Testimonial
_____13. “Para sa masa” was used by a politician before in his campaign. Which
type of appeal was used by the politician to win votes from the masses?
A. Logical Appeal B. Ethical Appeal C. Emotional Appeal D. Rhetoric
_____14. ___________:General Mass :: Plain Folks:Rich and Famous
A. Testimonial B. Plain Folks C. Glittering Generalities D. Snob Appeal
_____15. This technique works in a way to establish that the speaker is regular and
ordinary and has the same views and opinions as the people he is appealing to. Which is
A. Snob Appeal B. Humor C. Plain Folks D. Card Stacking



Advertising is an important part of your marketing strategy. The aim is to:
• promote your business
• communicate your message
• reach your audience

•Types of Advertising:
1. Print advertising – you can advertise your business in a range of print publications. This
could allow to reach a wide audience though a national newspaper or magazine.  Print
advertising can also be niche – eg local newspapers or trade publications. 
2. Online advertising – this can include advertising through websites, search engines, social
media and video-on-demand. Online advertising can be targeted to very specific audiences.
It can persuade your audience to take an immediate action, eg make a purchase. It’s easy to
measure your return-on-investment. 
3. TV advertising – this is an expensive option but can have a strong emotional appeal. TV
advertising reaches large audiences. It works well for brand awareness campaigns. 
4. Radio advertising – radio advertising can reach a local or national audience. Local options
can be quite affordable. 
5. Cinema advertising – the key benefit of cinema advertising is that you have a captive
audience and can make a big impact. See TV, radio and cinema advertising. 
6. Outdoor advertising – this can include advertising on billboards and buses. Outdoor
advertising is useful for targeting local audiences and for brand awareness. 


Observe the advertisement below and answer the succeeding questions.

1. What is the idea of the slogan?
2. Who are the intended audience?
3. What strategy/ies was/were used to capture attention?
4. Is/Are the strategy/ies effective? Why or why not?
5. If you will to craft a slogan, will you base it on the given slogan? Why or why not?
-ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to
help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.

Propaganda Devices
-techniques people use in order to persuade people to believe in their cause, party or

A. Logical Appeal
1. Bandwagon
Influencing people by telling them how everyone is using the same product or is
true to the same ideology. This encourages people to take the same course of
2. Card Stacking
This can also be called Cherry-Picking. The propagandist uses only those facts
and details that support their argument. The selected reasons are used to support
the conclusion. You will get misled if you do not notice that important details are
missing. The worst part of card-stacking is that it can be very difficult to detect if
you are not really knowledgeable about the subject.

B. Emotional Appeal
1. Plain Folks
This technique works in a way to establish that the speaker is regular and ordinary
and has the same views and opinions as the people he is appealing to. It creates a
sense of camaraderie between the speaker and his audience which helps build
belief in the idea.
2. Namecalling
Name-calling also called stereotyping or labelling is a propaganda technique.
Direct name-calling is a direct attack on an opponent. If it is likely to annoy the
audience, indirect name-calling is used. In this case, sarcasm is employed.
Cartoons and photographs are used in name-calling. This technique is used in
3. Glittering Generalities
These are vague, broad statements that will connect with the audience's beliefs
and values. They really don't say anything substantive. Slogans make great
examples. The vagueness means that the implications, though varying for different
people, are always favorable. Think of peace, freedom, justice, family values, etc.
4. Catchy Slogan
A word or phrase used to express a characteristic position or stand or a goal to be
5. Humor
Customers are attracted to products that divert the audience by giving viewers a
reason to laugh or to be entertained by clever use of visuals or language.
6. Snob Appeal
The suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite
group with a luxurious and glamorous life style e.g. a coffee manufacturer shows
people dressed in formal gowns and tuxedos drinking their brand at an art gallery.

C. Ethical Appeal
1. Testimonial
When a famous person or a celebrity endorses a certain view, they testify to the
idea or the product. This is an effective propaganda technique that often works
wonders to influence an audience.
2. Transfer
This is an effort to transfer your approval of something you respect and approve of
to another something that the propagandist wants you to approve of. Flag-waving
Activity 1
Study the photos below and identify the propaganda device used. Suggest any other possible
device to be used and illustrate them. Use the box below.
Propaganda Propaganda Used Suggestions with
Name Calling

2. Testimonial

3. Card Stacking

4. Transfer
5. Glittering

Activity 2
Fill in the concept map below by giving at least three possible propaganda devices to be used
in spreading an idea. Give one propaganda from each classification.

Social Media

Propaganda Devices


Complete the Concept Map below using the following words in the box.






Activity 3
Create an advertisement in relation to the youth today. Follow the guidelines given below.

1. Choose an issue in relation to the youth today.
2. Create an advertisement related to the selected issue maximizing the use of
3. Words and photos should be original. Short video clips and sounds may be used in
accordance to copyright rules.
4. Photos should not exceed 500mb. Videos should only be 1-3 minutes.

Content (idea) -10
Organization -5
Effects -5
TOTAL -30 points
Choose the LETTER of the BEST answer. Write your answer on the BLANK provided
before each number.

_____1. Which statement about “propaganda” is TRUE?

A. Ideas or statements that are often true and exaggerated
B. Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated
C. Ideas that are spread in order to malign a cause, a political leader, or a government
D. Ideas or statements that are often true but exaggerated and that are spread in order to
malign a cause, a political leader, or a government
_____2. Propaganda devices are techniques in order to persuade people to believe
in their cause, party or whatnot. Which among the following uses this technique?
A. Appeals B. Emotions C. Propaganda DeviceD. Propaganda
_____3. Based from the “Rhetorical Triangle of Appeals,” which among the following
“appeals” uses the proper way of thinking to spread ideas?
A. Rhetoric B. Logical Appeal C. Emotional Appeal D. Ethical Appeal
_____4. Andang is a teenager who sells pens in classrooms. She usually confides
her brother’s difficulties just to send him to school to persuade the students to buy what
he is selling. Which among the appeals did he use?
A. Rhetoric B. Logical Appeal C. Emotional Appeal D. Ethical Appeal
_____5. Emotional Appeal:Feelings :: ______________:Logical Appeal
A. ReasonB. Rhetoric C. Brain D. Books
_____6. Which among the following pertains to a brief attention-getting phrase used
in advertising or promotion?
A. Bandwagon B. Glittering Generalities C. Slogan D. Testimonial
_____7. Honeylee encourages Baneneng that cheating in Mathematics is just fine
since everyone cheats in that subject. Which propaganda device is the influencer using?
A. Namecalling B. Card stacking C. Plain Folk D. Bandwagon
_____8. If a seller uses only those details that support his/her argument, one may
buy the seller’s products not knowing other important negative details because they are
omitted. Which propaganda device is used by the seller?
A. Namecalling B. Plain Folks C. Card Stacking D. Testimonial
_____9. Which among the following is an example of “Glittering Generalities”?
A. Sarah Geronimo have a long black silky hair in taking good care of her hair she uses
B. Serena Williams promotes Gatorade she wants her fans to buy it.
C. Things go better with coke!
D. During election periods political parties will often gag their loose cannons who might
pen their mouths and say the wrong thing.
_____10. Bea, an advertising researcher, presented that customers are persuaded
to like a company, brand, product, service, or idea by making them laugh and feel good.
Which type of propaganda device is pertained by Bea?
A. Laughter B. Humor C. Slogan D. Transfer
_____11. An advertising company hired Daniel Padilla to endorse their brand of
clothes since he is one of the most popular celebrities to teens nowadays. Which type of
propaganda device is more likely to be used?
A. Transfer B. Namecalling C. Plain Folks D. Bandwagon
_____12. To show to tourists that Lubuagan is a place to visit, a traveler recorded
experiences of other tourists through interviews. Which type of propaganda device was used?
A. Plain Folks B. Glittering Generalities C. Transfer D. Testimonial
_____13. “Para sa masa” was used by a politician before in his campaign. Which
type of appeal was used by the politician to win votes from the masses?
A. Logical Appeal B. Ethical Appeal C. Emotional Appeal D. Rhetoric
_____14. ___________:General Mass :: Plain Folks:Elite
A. Transfer B. Plain Folks C. Glittering Generalities D. Snob Appeal
_____15. This technique works in a way to establish that the endorser is an
ordinary man who shares the same lifestyle as the people he is appealing to. Which
propaganda device is this?
A. Snob Appeal B. Humor C. Plain Folks D. Card Stacking

Choose at least two advertisements on youtube and write a reaction paper comparing and
contrasting the two. Be guided by the questions and rubric below.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the ideas that the advertisements want to convey?
2. Who are the intended audience?
3. What propaganda devices were utilized?
4. Do you think these advertisements are effective? Why or why not?

Content (comparison and contrast) 8
Organization (style of writing) 7
Mechanics (grammar) 5
TOTAL 20 points

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