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1.  Setiap guru, staf dan karyawan Rabbaanii Islamic School diharuskan
memiliki akun sosial media antara lain Facebook, Instagram, Youtube,
WhatsApp, twitter dan lainnya.

2. Setiap guru, staf dan karyawan Rabbaanii Islamic School

berkewajiban segera share informasi apaun terkait marketing,
kebijakan, program, kegiatan dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan
Rabbaanii Islamic School, sesuai dengan petunjuk dari bagian
management di akun media sosial yang dimiliki.

3. Setiap guru, staf dan karyawan Rabbaanii Islamic School memahami

terlebih dahulu segala bentuk informasi yang dishare.

4. Setiap informasi yang akan dishare harus sesuai dengan petunjuk

management, tanpa ditambahi atau dikurangi

5. Jika ada pertanyaan terkait informasi yang dishare harus

menyamakan jawaban dengan pihak management, tidak menjawab
sesuai jawaban pribadi.

6. Setiap guru, staf dan karyawan Rabbaanii Islamic School wajib

menjaga attitude dalam bersosial media dengan menjaga nama baik
diri sendiri, sekolah dan Yayasan Rabbaanii Islamic School

7. Bagi guru, staf dan karyawan Rabbaanii Islamic School yang

melanggar aturan dalam bersosial media akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai
dengan keputusan management dan yayasan.
2. Coca Cola: Here is a set of comprehensive guidelines, appropriately
titled Social Media Principles. The principles address all roles related
to social media, from personal use to those speaking on behalf of Coca
Cola and affiliates. What the principles ask individuals to do is
reasonable and within the law. Most importantly, it is a sustainable set
of guidance for such a large enterprise.

3. New York Times: In addition to being sound, common sense

guiding principles for personal use of social media (i.e., “Before you
post, ask yourself: Is this something that needs to be said, is it
something that needs to be said by you, and is it something that needs
to be said by you right now?”) the Times’ guidelines request feedback
and commentary on the guidance. This allows for a dialogue versus a
one-way conversation around expectations between the Times and its
journalists and affiliates.

4. Dell: Here is an example of an actual policy. I don’t have firsthand

experience with Dell, so I can’t speak to the rationale of creating a
policy over other types of guidance. But the company did do a good job
of expressing what is formally expected versus what it would like
employees to do. Being clear on what is mandatory behavior in
employees’ personal use of social media versus what the organization
hopes staff members will do is the first step to a realistic and reasonable
digital policy.
5. Boeing. The company chose to roll its personal media use
expectations into the its ethical business conduct guidelines for
employees, and it incorporated the requirements into training. This
serves as a perfect illustration of how to set expectations and support
them through rollout and training. It also provides a great model for
large, distributed enterprises.

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