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LBC Manual
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About/FAQ (/about) Part I: Admin (this page)
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Part II: User (/man/user)
Statistics (/stats) Part III: Technology (/man/tech)
Trophies (/trophies) Part IV: Theory (/man/theory)


LBC Manual
Before You Begin
RTFM Make sure you've read what this is all about (/about).
There are some requirements for your computer system:
Original text At the moment, you need to run a Linux OS.
There will be an initial download data volume of about 200MB.
The collider needs about 550MB of disk space.
The collider needs at least 770MB free RAM.
For best CPU performance you need fast new CPU cores with AVX2
capability and high clock. You can get a GPU client which boosts
performance even more. See a comparison (/man/admin#generator-
speed) of what performance to expect.

Go to the download section (/download). If you are already running Linux, grab the
LBC script (a mere 65kB) and continue with the On Linux (/man/admin#on-linux)
section. If you are running WIndows, you will need the LBC Appliance (around
1GB) - see next section.

LBC Appliance

There is a ready-made LBC Appliance (https://lbc.cryptoguru.org/static/appliance/)

in case you do not want to install LBC on your system directly. This appliance is a
VMware image with a pre-installed LBC on a fairly new 64bit Arch-Linux.

Depending on the free Vmware Player (http://www.vmware.com/products/player

/playerpro-evaluation.html), you can run the LBC appliance on both Linux and
Windows hosts.

While the appliance offers better encapsulation than a native Linux installation, you
have to download about 1GB of data in 2-3 packages. On the other hand this
comes already with a fairly new .blf file and all neccesary programs (gcc, xdelta3)
preinstalled. The performance penalty of running ina a VM is negligible (~3%).

Here's how:

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1. Make sure your computer is 64bit and supports virtualization (which is

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enabled in the BIOS)
2. Download and install the VMware Player (http://www.vmware.com/products
Navigation /player/playerpro-evaluation.html) (~75MB)
3. Download the LBC Appliance (https://lbc.cryptoguru.org/static/appliance)
Home (/) (~1800MB)
About/FAQ (/about) 4. (optional) The archive is packed with 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1604-
Download (/download) x64.exe). Download if you haven't a .7z unpacker already
5. Unpack the archlinux.7z, it will need around 2GB on disk.
Statistics (/stats)
6. Start VMware Player, choose the Archlinux Image, Press "Play"
Trophies (/trophies) 7. The Arch Linux base is from http://www.osboxes.org/arch-linux/ so Linux
Manual should boot and in the login you enter

username: osboxes password: osboxes.org

LBC Manual
RTFM 8. on the shell do

Original text cd collider; ./LBC -x

On Linux
1. Make sure the following packages are installed:
perl (5.14 or newer) - probably preinstalled
bzip2 - most probably preinstalled
xdelta3 (http://xdelta.org/) - look for a "xdelta3"-named
libgmp-dev(el), The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
(https://gmplib.org/) including header files (therefore the -dev or
libssl-dev(el), OpenSSL Library (https://www.openssl.org/)
including header files (therefore the -dev or -devel)
A sane compilation toolchain: gcc, make
2. You want to perform the installation as root or with "sudo". After install,
"chown" all files to the user you want LBC to run as. Sissy.
3. Download LBC (https://lbc.cryptoguru.org/static/client/LBC) into some
suitable directory, go to that directory. e.g. via wget
4. Continue in section All OS.

All OS
1. In the LBC directory, start the client via

./LBC -h

2. After a fair share of incomprehensible messages and ASCII vomiting, the

help should appear. If it doesn't, simply enter LBC -h again.
3. If the help appears, it also shows the Id of the client on your machine
4. The final step is to perform a system check of LBC:

./LBC -x

This will look for any existing updates and install them. It will also
benchmark the generator and check connection to the pool server. Warning!

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Do not expect any support if you omit this step.

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Navigation Operation
Home (/)
System Usage
About/FAQ (/about)
Download (/download) LBC is a CPU intensive application. If you tell it to use 4 cores, it will use these
Statistics (/stats) cores 100% non-stop. If you tell it to use 128 cores, it will also hog these 100%.
On the other hand, while using these 128 cores, it will not grab more than 2.5GB
Trophies (/trophies)
memory, it will have virtually no disk IO and cause very little network traffic
(couple bytes every couple minutes).

LBC Manual
This allows it to operate LBC on machines that have e.g. high IO load, but spare
CPU cycles without performance impact. Say your CPU has 4 cores and
Original text hyperthreading enabled (= 8 logical cores in total). If you let it run with the -c 4
argument, it will use only 4 cores, leaving the hyperthreaded cores for the system
or your interactive work.

When you observe the running processes by issuing e.g. a "top" command, you will
see something similar to this:


18146 root 20 0 515m 514m 512m R 105 0.4 0:26.50 ./gen-hrdcore-avx2-linux6
18148 root 20 0 515m 514m 512m R 105 0.4 0:26.50 ./gen-hrdcore-avx2-linux6
18135 root 20 0 515m 514m 512m R 99 0.4 0:28.51 ./gen-hrdcore-avx2-linux6
18139 root 20 0 515m 514m 512m R 99 0.4 0:27.51 ./gen-hrdcore-avx2-linux6
18140 root 20 0 515m 514m 512m R 99 0.4 0:27.51 ./gen-hrdcore-avx2-linux6

These are basically the generators as started by the LBC client (if you did e.g. -c 4
you should see 4 of these processes) and each generator uses pretty much like
100% - which means 1 core. the -I parameter is the key offset where the
generator starts to generate and check its block of 224 keys. The -c parameter you
see there is the challenge the LBC client gave the generator. (Note: this has
nothing to do with the -c parameter you started the LBC client with - number of
CPUs to use)


LBC operation is secure and poses no threat to your computer system. Security is
maintained where it matters: The underlying server infrastructure down to
hardware level, no BTC infrastructure requirements, mutual client-server
monitoring and validation. LBC has been used by more than 260 users (and
counting) with no security incident since its inception. See thread @ bitcointalk
(https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1573035) for current news.

LBC server infrastructure is under tight control. No vague cloud services, no

managed servers. The systems are fully and solely under the authors' control.

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They are kept up-to-date and are being monitored for any even remotely potential
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All program and data have sufficient checksums in place to prevent code or data
tampering. The clients and the server perform mutual checks on protocol level to
Home (/)
be sure the other party is legit.
About/FAQ (/about)
Download (/download) Any non-standard behavior is met with rigorous cancellation of communication
Statistics (/stats) (both LBC server and LBC client), misbehaving clients (code tampering, excessive
Trophies (/trophies) false positives, no PoW, excessive promise of work and undelivery) go fairly quick
to a blacklist. Also, the LBC client validates the key generators tightly with a
challenge-response protocol to defy PoW cheating.

LBC Manual
The programs themself do not require any critical Bitcoin infrastructure on the
machine. You do not need any blockchain data, or any wallet on a LBC-client
Original text machine. If security is paramount, you are encouraged to run LBC in a virtual
machine or container to provide more encapsulation. There is some performance
loss, but with a good VM configuration this can be kept at a minimum.

The LBC client is deparsed Perl source. While somewhat scattered, you can
ultimately look at it in your text editor. It also checks its own source code to
prevent code tampering. The LBC server also performs randomly a challenge-
response protocol to the LBC client and will deny communication with a tampered
client. You can try: Even if you add a single whitespace somewhere, the server will
consider the client tampered and block communication. Warning! It is safe to do
this once/twice, but unless you want to end in the pool blacklist, revert
your change.


Generator Speed

The following are various benchmark results for given CPUs and generators. This
should give you a good comparison to evaluate if your system works at reasonable
speed. The keys/s number is a rough estimation of performance per core (*).
Some of these may be outdated and your speed should always be at least as high.

CPU Generator keys/s

Intel Xeon E3-1505Mv5 @ 2.8GHz (http://ark.intel.com
Cache-2_80-GHz) kardashev- ~5 700
+ 20% of Nvidia Quadro M2000M skylake 000
Intel Xeon E3-1505Mv5 @ 2.8GHz (http://ark.intel.com gen-hrdcore- ~877
/products/89608) skylake-linux64 000
Intel i5-3570 @ 3.4GHz (http://ark.intel.com/products kardashev- ~880
/65702) sandybridge 000

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Intel i5-2500K @ 3.3GHz (http://ark.intel.com/products gen-hrdcore- ~598

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/52210) sse42-linux64 000
Intel Xeon E5-2620v3 @ 2.4GHz (http://ark.intel.com kardashev- ~590
Navigation /products/83352) haswell 000
Intel i7-4510U @ 3.1GHz (http://ark.intel.com/products gen-hrdcore- ~535
Home (/) /81015) avx2-linux64 000
About/FAQ (/about) Intel Xeon X5672 @ 3.2GHz (http://ark.intel.com kardashev- ~636
Download (/download) /products/52577) westmere 000
Intel i5-4460 @ 3.2GHz (http://ark.intel.com/products gen-hrdcore- ~520
Statistics (/stats)
/80817) avx2-linux64 000
Trophies (/trophies) Intel i5-4300U @ 2.9GHz (http://ark.intel.com/products gen-hrdcore- ~470
Manual /76308) avx2-linux64 000
Intel i5-4690 @ 3.5GHz (http://ark.intel.com/products gen-hrdcore- ~442
LBC Manual /80810) sse42-linux64 000
Intel E5-2630Lv3 @ 1.8GHz (http://ark.intel.com kardashev- ~450
/products/83357) haswell 000
Original text Intel Xeon L5630 @ 2.13GHz (http://ark.intel.com gen-hrdcore- ~415
/products/47927) sse42-linux64 000
AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ @ 2.2GHz (http://cpuboss.com kardashev- ~375
/cpu/AMD-Athlon-64-X2-4400) generic 000

(*) Rough estimation means that your numbers using several cores may be above
or below that number. Lower if the CPU is busy otherwise and probably also clocks
down due to thermal constraints, Higher, because in a longer run the startup cost -
present in the 1st benchmark run - are mitigated. I.e. the skylake numbers would
suggest over 3.5Mkeys/s for 4 physical cores. The real yield is about 2.8Mkeys/s
when all 4 physical cores are used, as they clock at max. 3.2GHz or even 2.8Ghz
(contrary to 3.7GHz when one core is used).

As for hyper threading (HT) a.k.a. logical cores of the CPU: These give you only a
marginal performance gain. Normally, HT is used to distribute load more efficiently
on the CPU, but the LBC generators are pretty optimized already so they are using
the physical cores to a greater extent than regular software. It is therefore
advisable to use only the physical cores for the LBC generator.

GPU acceleration usually means your numbers per core will be about 7 times
higher than a CPU-only key generation. This factor also may be higher or lower
depending on other system constraints.

System Speed

A list of total speed in complete configurations:

System/Machine Config keys/s

AWS p2.8xlarge 32 vCores Xeon v4, 8x K80 GPUs (50% each) ~80-88M
Lenovo P50 4 Cores E3-1505v5 + 85% Nvidia Quadro M2000M ~22.6M
AWS m4.16xlarge 64 vCores Xeon v4 ~23M
AWS p2.xlarge 4 vCores Xeon v4, 1x K80 GPUs ~11M

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all things cryptocurrencies.

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