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Imran Raza Malik

Perception of colors includes, source of light, object & observer (eye & brain)
that perceive the color.

Light: The source of object illumination; usually daylight,

fluorescent, or a tungsten lamp.

Object: The colored material being evaluated.

Observer: The “average” human viewer of the object.

Factors affecting color vision:

The factors that affect the perception of colored material are:

 The type of light source under which the materials are viewed.
 The light reflecting properties of the material.
 The observer and the response of his eye to light entering them.
Imran Raza Malik

Imran Raza Malik
Imran Raza Malik


The perception of color and vision by eye is due to cones and rods. Cones
require higher level of illumination as compared to rods. The rods and cones
are connected to the fibers of the optic nerves by which the signal is
transmitted to brain. There are about 1 million of fibers in optic nerve. In the
central part of retina that is fovea region, the cones and rods are connected
separately to each fiber. Therefore this area of the eye provide high receiving
power and gives distinct vision. The signal generated by rods and cones is
passed to brain through optic nerve.
Imran Raza Malik
Imran Raza Malik

Color Mixing

Additive Color Mixing

 Applies to light
 Primaries are red, green, and blue (RGB)
 Colors are produced by adding various amounts of each primary
 Mixing additive primaries produces white
Imran Raza Malik

Additive Color Mixing (cont.)

Imran Raza Malik

Subtractive Color Mixing

 Applied to pigments and dyes

 Primaries are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY)
 Light is subtracted through the process of selective absorption
 Mixing additive primaries produces black
Imran Raza Malik

Subtractive Color Mixing (Cont.)

Imran Raza Malik
Imran Raza Malik

We consider color to be a composite, three-dimensional characteristics

consisting of a lightness attribute, and two chromatic attributes, which in this
discussion we shall call hue and saturation.
Property of wavelength of light that is color, it is an attribute of color by
means of which a color is perceived to be red, yellow, green, blue etc. Pure
white, black and gray possess no hue.

How much light appears to be reflected from a surface. It distinguishes light
color from dark colors.
Imran Raza Malik

Purity of hue, for example red is more saturated than pink

 Color is the mixture of pure hue

and achromatic color

 Portion of pure hue is degree of


 Achromatic colors are neutral

colors such as black, white and gray

 The world of color is a mixture of

three attributes hue, lightness and

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