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Origins of virus:

21-Feb: Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets


15-Feb: Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab


9-Feb: Chinese billionaire whistleblower exposes CCP


6-Feb: Chinese whistleblower doctor "killed by the virus"


6-Feb: Citizen journalist Chen Qiushi missing after criticizing CCP


6-Feb: China knew about nCoV since November 2019


5-Feb: Virus might be an escaped vaccine trial


3-Feb: nCoV is 96% identical to SARS-CoV


31-Jan: Google Maps changed Wuhan biolab location to forest away from ground zero

31-Jan: Prof. Zhengli worked for over a decade at Wuhan Institute of Virology

27-Jan: China biowarfare program might have gone wrong


18-Oct-2019: 7th Military World Games were held in October 2019 in Wuhan

12-Nov-2015: Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks


20-Oct-2007: Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China





Part1: It's also a possibility it's an escapee from a lab. This is definitely not
conclusive but it's strongly suggestive.

1. In 2013 a novel strain of Corona virus was found in Middle East. Suspected
origin was bats. This was sent to a Dutch laboratory and they sent it to the level
4 - highest level biohazard - lab in Canada.

2. Researcher Xiangguo Qiu worked at this lab working on Ebola vaccine.


3. During a two year period she made multiple trips to China helping them design
and train staff for a bio facility like in Canada.

4. This facility is located in Wuhan - 20miles from the market the virus is claimed
to originate from. http://lssf.cas.cn/en/facilities-view.jsp?

5. In March 2019 deadly virus were shipped to China - these samples were studied by
Xiangguo Qui in 2013. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25059478/

6. In July 2019 Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, and Chinese research students were
removed from the Canadian lab, access removed, and an investigation into 'breached
protocol' was initiated. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/07/16/chinese-



The US Government knows that its a CCP accidental release from the Wuhan BSL4

In Canada there is a BSL4 lab called the National Microbiology Lab (NML).
The Lab has a special mail system for sending live samples to other labs located
around the world for collaborative research purposes.

A few years ago some Chinese-Canadian researchers who were part of the 1000 Talents
Program ( aprogram used by the CCP to implant spies in the West) were working at
the lab and sent live Coronavirus and H5N1 to Wuhan's BSL4 lab.

They were caught doing this without authorization from the Canadians. Their
research computers were removed and they were escorted out of the lab by the RCMP
(Canada's Federal Police). This has been publicly reported years ago.

Another Chinese researcher was also arrested at the US border with 22 live samples
in his car.
He was headed to MD Anderson Cancer Center. Please look up the financial ties that
MD Anderson has to the CCP investors.

Canada did not challenge the CCP over the theft as it would have resulted in war,
and collapse of the global economy due to Western market dependence on China as an
emerging market for investing.

The US Military Intelligence has already warned that the Lab in Wuhan was operating
in an unsafe manner and was due for a leak of its contents.

The Chinese stock market has dropped 8.5% on opening day after the Chinese New
Year. The CCP limited traders from selling further to prevent a complete market
crash and has pledged to infuse the market with 180+ Billion Euros to stave off a
catastrophic economic collapse.

The World Health Organization has key people in place that are pro CCP and have
deliberately stalled on calling a global health emergency because it would harm
China's economy. They have advised against any action that would harm China, such
as closing its flights or restricting international trade.

The Western governments will do nothing about this.

******* 11. U.S. Defense Committee *****************************


This coronavirus is a catastrophe on the scale of Chernobyl for China but actually
it's probably worse than Chernobyl which was localized in its effect. The
coronavirus could result in a global pandemic.

While you were all sleeping overnight, the number of diagnosed cases in China
increased by 30%. Now let me be clear: that's not new cases. That is just newly
admitted cases. It is probably several orders of magnitude higher than that.

Also while you were sleeping, China now has its entire border with Russia closed:
2600 miles. Russia has closed that border. El Al has shut down travel between
Israel and China. Air France has shut down travel between China and France. And
that's in addition to all the other countries that had already shut down travel.

From what we know so far, and there's still many unknowns, this virus could have
both a long incubation period as much as 14 days and individuals could be
contagious while asymptomatic which was not the case with SARS in 2003.
Furthermore, from some cases it appears the virus could be aerosolized which means
it doesn't require the kind of contact that you have with, say, a married couple
kissing each other or family living in close quarters in a hotel or apartment, but
rather the distance we are all sitting apart right now.

Yet China is still lying about all of this. They've been lying about it from the
very beginning and you don't need their history of lying about SARS in 2003 though
it is relevant here. You just have to see what's happened over the last two months.
We now know that the first case manifested no later than December 1 even though
China didn't reveal it to the WHO until a month later on December 31 when they
continued to hide it from their own citizens. And they continued to say that it
would be contained inside Wuhan; today it is in every single province in China.
They also claimed for almost two months, until earlier this week, that it had
originated in a seafood market in Wuhan, that locals had contracted it from
animals, say bat soup or snake tartare. That is not the case: The Lancet published
study last weekend demonstrating that of the original 40 cases, 14 of them had no
contact with the seafood market including patient zero. As one epidemiologist said:
that virus went into the seafood market before it came out of the seafood market.
We still don't know where it originated: could have been another seafood market,
could have been a farm, could have been a food processing company. I would note
that Wuhan also has China's only biosafety level 4 laboratory that works with the
world's most deadly pathogens. That include, yes, coronavirus.

Now look at China's own actions: they have quarantined 60 million people. 60
million. More than the entire population of our West Coast. They've shut down
schools indefinitely, classes canceled nationwide indefinitely. Hong Kong, a port
of China, has basically shut down all travel from the mainland. That's why it is
essential that we immediately stop all travel on commercial aircraft between China
and the United States.

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