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Science form 4 experiment for question 10

Experiment 1
(a) Hypothesis Metals conduct electricity while non-metal cannot conduct
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between metal and non-metal with
experiment electrical conductivity
(ii) variables Manipulated: type of rod
Responding: electrical conductivity / the condition of bulb
Constant : the type of bulb
(iii) apparatus and Copper rod, glass rod, bulb, wires, dry cells
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Connect the copper rod the circuit
3. Observe what happen to the bulb
4. Repeat step 1-4 using glass rod
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of rod electrical conductivity /
Condition of bulb
Copper rod
Glass rod

Experiment 2
(a) Hypothesis Metals are good heat conductor while non-metal are poor heat
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between metal and non-metal with
experiment heat conductivity
(ii) variables Manipulated : type of rod
Responding : heat conductivity / time taken for the thumbtack to
Constant : type of thumbtack / the distance of the rod from the
flame / the size of the rod
(iii) apparatus and Copper rod, glass rod, thumbtack, Bunsen burner, retort stand,
materials stopwatch
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Heat the end of the rod
3. Record the time taken for the thumbtack to fall using
4. Repeat step 1-4 using glass rod
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of rod Time taken for the
thumbtack to fall (s)
Copper rod
Glass rod

Experiment 3
(a) Hypothesis Impurities increase the boiling point of water
(b) (i) aim of the To study the effect of impurities on the boiling point of
experiment water
(ii) variables Manipulated : type of liquid
Responding : boiling point of water
Constant : the volume of the liquid
(iii) apparatus and Distilled water, common salt, beaker, wire gauze, tripod
materials stand, Bunsen burner, thermometer
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Heat the water until it boils
3. Record the boiling point of water
4. Repeat step 1-4 using salt solution
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of liquid boiling point of water (0C)
Distilled water
Salt solution

Experiment 4
(a) Hypothesis When sodium hydroxide reacts with water, the temperature
increase /
When ammonium chloride reacts with water, the temperature
(b) (i) aim of the To study exothermic and endothermic reactions
(ii) variables Manipulated : type of substances
Responding : the final temperature
Constant : the volume of water
(iii) apparatus and Sodium hydroxide pallet, solid ammonium chloride, water,
materials test tubes, thermometers
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Put a few Sodium hydroxide pallets into the test tube
containing 5cm3 of water
3. Record the final temperature using thermometer
4. Repeat step 1-4 using solid ammonium chloride
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of substances Final temperature of water
Sodium hydroxide pallet
and water
solid ammonium chloride
and water

Experiment 5
(a) Hypothesis Different metals show different reactivity in their reaction
with water.
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between type of metal and
experiment reactivity with water.
(ii) variables Manipulated : type of metal
Responding : reactivity of metal with water.
Constant : the volume of the water
(iii) apparatus and Sodium, calcium, forceps ,knife, filter paper, basin, test tube
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Put a small piece of sodium into the test tube
3. Observe the reactivity of metal
4. Repeat step 1-3 using calcium
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of metal Reactivity of metal with

Experiment 6
(a) Hypothesis Different metals show different reactivity in their reaction
with acid
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between type of metal and
experiment reactivity with acid.
(ii) variables Manipulated : type of metal
Responding : reactivity of metal with acid
Constant : the volume of the acid
(iii) apparatus and Magnesium, aluminium, forceps, test tube, boiling tube, cork
materials stopper, delivery tube, basin
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Put a small piece of magnesium into the test tube
3. Observe the reactivity of metal with acid
4. Repeat step 1-3 using aluminium
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of metal Reactivity of metal with

Experiment 7
(a) Hypothesis Different metals show different reactivity in their reaction
with oxygen
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between type of metal and
experiment reactivity with oxygen
(ii) variables Manipulated : type of metal
Responding : reactivity of metal with oxygen
Constant : the mass of metal
(iii) apparatus and Magnesium, aluminium, potassium manganite (VII), boiling
materials tube, glass wool, spatula, retort stand, Bunsen burner
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Put a small piece of magnesium into the boiling tube
3. Heat the potassium manganite (VII)
4. Observe the reactivity of metal with acid
5. Repeat step 1-3 using aluminium
6. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Type of metal Reactivity of metal with

Experiment 8

(a) Hypothesis Two different metals dipped in an electrolyte give a voltmeter
(b) (i) aim of the To study the production of electrical energy by a simple cell.
(ii) variables Manipulated :pair of metal
Responding : the voltmeter reading
Constant : the type of electrolyte
(iii) apparatus and Copper plate, zinc plate, beaker, voltmeter, connecting wires,
materials sodium chloride solution
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Connect the plate to the voltmeter using connecting
3. Record the voltmeter reading
4. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of data
Pair of metal the voltmeter reading (V)
Copper and zinc
Zinc and zinc

Experiment 9

(a) Hypothesis The ticker the convex lens, the shorter the focal length of the lens.
(b) (i) aim of To study the relationship between the thickness of the convex lens and
the the focal length
(ii) variables Manipulated :the thickness of convex lens
Responding : the focal length
Constant : object distance from the lens
(iii) apparatus Thick and thin convex lens, lens holder, white screen, metre rule
and materials
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Place a thick lens on lens holder
3. Adjust the screen to form a sharp image
4. Measure the focal length using ruler
5. Repeat step 1-4 using thin convex lens
6. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation
of data thickness of convex lens focal length (cm)


Experiment 10

(a) Hypothesis The addition of primary colours produces secondary colours
(b) (i) aim of the To study the addition of primary colours to form secondary colours
(ii) variables Manipulated :the coloured filter
Responding : the coloured light formed on the screen
Constant : the type of screen
(iii) apparatus Red filter, green filter, blue filter, torches, white screen
and materials
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Direct the beam of lights on the white screen
3. Record the coloured light formed on the screen.
4. Repeat step 1-4 using filters of different colours
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of
data coloured filter coloured light formed on the
Red and blue
Red and green

Experiment 11

(a) Hypothesis An alloy is harder than the pure metal
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between type of metal and the hardness of
experiment metal.
(ii) variables Manipulated :type of metal
Responding : the hardness of metal/ the depth of dent
Constant : the mass of weight
(iii) apparatus Copper block, brass block, steel ball, a weight of 1 kg, string, retort
and materials stand, metre rule
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Release the weight so that it falls on the steel ball placed on top of
the copper block
3. Record the depth produced on the copper block
4. Repeat step 1-3 using brass block
5. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of
data type of metal the depth of dent (cm)
Copper block
Brass block

Experiment 1
(a) Hypothesis A steel nail is more resistance to corrosion (rusting) compared to an iron
(b) (i) aim of the To study the relationship between type of nail and the resistance to
experiment corrosion (rusting)
(ii) variables Manipulated :type of nail
Responding : the resistance to corrosion / rusting of the nail
Constant : the volume of sodium chloride
(iii) apparatus Iron nail, steel nail, sodium chloride solution, test tubes.
and materials
(iv) procedure

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

2. Pour 10ml of sodium chloride solution into both test tube
3. Observe the nails after leave it for 3 days
4. Record data in the table
(v) tabulation of
data type of nail The resistance to corrosion
Iron nail
Steel nail


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