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Chiara Pugliesi

IG: @chiara_pugliesi
Welcome To My Home Booty Plan

Well done for deciding to join my fit famiglia. I created this

 home guide with the intention of helping you to get used to
the most common glute exercises and help those who could
not afford a gym membership or have little time to train.
Really hope you can take something out of this guide and
cannot wait to see your progress already. You can decide to
keep repeating the workouts as many times as you like!

You are now part of a community of strong, determined and

positive women who lift each other up and work hard to
achieve their goals. I am always happy to help you if you
have any questions, feel free to email me or dm me and I will
do my best to reply ❤
If you work hard and are willing to put in the work, then I
know you will be successful!
Lots of love,
Chiara xx

- TAKE PROGRESS PHOTOS! Take them before you start the guide and from
then on, every 1-4 weeks. Take the photos in the same place, position,

lighting and time of day to ensure you get the most reliable progress reviews!

-I want to see your progress! Tag @chiara_pugliesi on Instagram and let me

know how you are getting on. Send me all your progress pictures!

-Pay attention to your form and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need

any further explanation 

Remember that looks, and gym and how big your bum looks is not everything!

Learn to love yourself first and work on your self esteem as well as looking

after your physical body.


1. Please, note that I am not a qualified personal trainer. However, I have

transformed many poeple and managed to transform my body as well. If you

have any particular injury, make sure you check with your doctor if you are

able to follow the plan first.

2. I am not liable for any injury or harm that may come from using this guide.

3. Resale or sharing of this guide is illegal, and unfair and will be prosecuted

as such. Please acknowledge the effort and time that has gone into creating

this guide, and respect the intellectual properties of the creator

Welcome to my 'Home Booty Plan'. This guide will help you get a
basic understanding of the key exercises that target your glutes. 

Investing in some good resistance bands will help you get the most
ouf of this guide. Later on, once you get used to all the exercises, it
is good you progress up and start adding some weights to keep
growing your muscles.

I have included an exclusive link on YouTube that explains how this

guide works, so make sure you give it a watch.

If you have any questions at all feel free to get in touch with me as
my main priority is help you achieve your fitness goals. Remember to
take transformation pictures to keep track of your progress. I am
already so proud of you xx

click or copy
and paste link


This is a new addition which I decided to to implement to

motivate and encourage each other every day. I will make
sure I post there to check how everyone is doing and check
your progress . You can post and share your questions there

click or copy
and paste
link below


The link above explains how this guide works and there are some
tenchinque tips you do not want to miss out in order to master the
exercises in this guide. It is an addition I added to this guide only so
hope you guys appreciate this little extra I made for you ❤

Booty workouts per week ( targeting side booty -

aka Gluteus Medius and Minimus & Gluteus

Maximus aka middle/upper and under-booty).

Ab circuit per week - However, You can decide to

repeat that same ab workout multiple times in a

week depending on how busy your schedule is

The main thing is is that when you train legs you leave your muscles to rest at least 48 hours

before your next leg session. Make sure your muscles are not too sore when you do your next

session. If they are, avoid training until you fully recover

Every Booty/Leg Session will include 5 exercises per day.

Considering I am giving you a 3 booty days workout split per

week, you do not need more than 5 exercises per session.

In terms of the ab workouts, you can decide to repeat those more

times during the week depending on your own lifestyle as

everyone has different needs, the minimum you should do is 1 ab

session per week but if you want to repeat it a few more times

during the week, feel free to do so.


If you dont like some of the ingredients I

use in the recipes of the meal plan you

can easily swap them with what you like!

E.g. if you don't eat normal milk you can

use almond or oat milk

if you don't eat beef you can use chicken

or turkey

If you don't like fish, try tofu or again


This is all about YOU ENJOYING YOUR

FOOD. Let's make this jouney fun and tasty

N.B IF YOU have any food allergies please

check with your dietitian or doctor as I am

not responsible for any allergies

or intolerance as this plan should only be

used as a reference.

I am not a nutritionist but this is what it has

worked for me and my clients.

By reading and using this guide you agree

to the terms above.

The Meal Plan

I strongly recommend meal prepping your food on a Sunday especially if you are in work all day or have a

busy schedule during the week. Or you can prepare your meals the night before depending on your lifestyle.

You can freeze your food up to 5 days!

You can also add any spices and herbs to your meals, just to add some flavourings etc.

WATER is crucial during a weight loss plan! Aim to drink 3 litres per day as your body will flush out fat faster

when you drink more water.

Protein Porridge

Oats (57g)
1 Handful of frozen berries


1 squirt of honey

1 scoop of vanilla protein

powder or any other flavour of


Granola Bowl


Granola 1.5 cup

1 cup of skim milk


1 cup of berries of choice

Protein shake to drink aside

with 1 scoop of protein

Protein Pancakes


1 ripe banana - mash this with a fork first

2 eggs - add these on the mashed

banana mix

1/4 cup of oats - mix with the above

Pinch of salt and cinnamon & 1 scoop of

protein powder

Fry on non-stick pan & serve with dark

chocolate & fruit of choice

Superfood smoothie

1 frozen banana- chopped

1/2 cup of blueberry or vanilla yogurt

1/2 of blueberries

1 cup or spinach or kale

1 cup of vanilla protein powder

1 cup of almond milk

Throw all ingredients in a blender and mix

until thick

Eggs on toasts

3 egg whites, 1 yolk

2 slices of wholegrain bread

1/3 of 50% reduced fat cheese

2 handful of spinach

1 pinch of pepper
Avocado & Egg Toast

2 egg whites

1 avocado

1 squirt of lemon

1 poached egg on top

2 slices of wholegrain bread

1 handful of spinach or Kale

Top it up with chilli flakes or any other

seasoning of choice

English Breakfast

1 fried egg

3 slices of turkey/pork bacon

1 cup of beans

cherry tomatoes 

mushrooms of choice

You can add 2 slices of bread too

Pasta with prawns & veggies (recommend this high carb meal before your
leg workout)


100g of wholewheat pasta

100g of frozen or fresh prawns

1 bell pepper

1 cup of broccoli

cherry tomatoes

2 Homemade burritos

150g of steak fillet sliced

1 whole tomato

2 wraps 

fresh onions

salad of choice

Oven bake (again I would recommend high carby food before leg day)

2 large potatoes

1 cup of broccoli

1 salmon fillet

1 red onion

Bake in the oven for 35 mins

Add low fat cheese and breadcrumbs & bake

for other 5 minutes


150g of spinach & ricotta tortellini or any

other flavour of choice

100g of minced turkey meat

Tomato sauce of choice

Basil & pinch of pepper for flavour

Linguine with clams or mussels


150g of linguine

150g of mussels or clams

garlic sauce

seasoning of choice


Add rocket salad on the side

Salmon fillet with salad


100g of salmon or 1 salmon fillet

2 potatoes

1 cup of spinach

1 fresh tomato

1/2 red onion

Lemon juice to taste

Stuffed peppers

Use 1.5 peppers for this

150g of cous cous

100g of chicken breast

Top them up with bread crums and 50%

reduced fat cheese

Boil cous cous separately and once ready

stuff peppers and bake in the oven.

Chicken Kebabs (I recommend having low calorie meals on your rest days) 


100g of chicken breast or turkey

1 onion

3 cherry tomatoes 

Lemon juice

You can add some couscous on the side as

this will be a very low calorie meal + 150g of

couscous- Pan fry or bake

Salmon Pasta

150g of penne pasta

100g of smoked salmon

1/2 onion

Fresh basil

Tomato sauce to taste


3 egg whites, 2 whole eggs (Large)

1 cup of broccoli or spinach

1 onion


Parmesan cheese to taste

Salmon bagel x 2

2 bagels

150g of smoked salmon

Low fat cream cheese

Pepper and seasoning of choice

Fresh spring onion to taste

Stuffed aubergines

1 big aubergine/eggplant

1 cup of feta cheese

Pomegranate- optional

50g chicken deli slices or chicken breast

Cut aubergine in half and with a spoon carve out the insides.
Stuff it with the ingredients above and add the rest of the
aubergine on top. Bake for 20-30 mins depending on your
oven. Add raw pomegranate on top once ready
Peanut butter rice cake x 2

2 rice cakes

2 tablespoons of peanut butter 

1 banana

1 handful of blueberries

Cinammon on top

Grenade bar or any other protein bar


Grenade bars can be find almost in any UK

stores but if you don't have those in your

country you can easily get any other protein

bar :)

Parfait with Yogurt


100g Greek Yogurt

0.5 cup of granola

Fruit of choice to garnish 

Enjoy cold or freeze it :)

Mozzarella "Caprese" style

1 mozzarella light

1 tomato

Chilli oil or normal olive oil

Pepper and fresh basil to garnish


Peanut butter banana sandwich


Cut a banana into pieces. Grab some peanut putter and add it on

top. Then add another piece of banana and voila', you got some

healthy mini snacks.

You could even dip them in Greek yogurt and freeze them to

increase protein levels

Nuts- Almonds
CALORIES : 276 PROTEIN: 10.1 CARBS: 10.3 FAT: 23

One handful of nuts as a snack. You can choose any of your

favourite. I personally prefer alomonds and I usually roast them in

the oven for 5 minutes and they taste SO MUCH NICER


'The body achieves what the mind believes'

- Anonymous 
Week 1- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: Jumping Lunges  3x20

Prepare to jump by bending your knees and

sinking down into a deep lunge. Lean

slightly forward and contract your core


Explosively drive both feet into the floor and

launch your body upward, fully extending

your knees and hips.

As you jump into the air, bring your feet

quickly together and switch positions as you

begin to land.

As you land, maintain a balanced foot

position. Have your knees facing the

same direction at your toes.

Don't lock your knees.

EXERCISE 2: Banded Deadlift 4x15

You could even decide to use one

resistance band but I like to add two to feel

more tension/resistance throughtout

the movement

Keep your spine neutral as you go down

Hinge back with your glutes to ahieve a full


When you come back up, do not

hyperextend your back forward but limit

yousefl to squeezing your glutes

If you have some weights e.g. barbells, you

can replace the long resistance band with

2 dumbbells
EXERCISE 3: Single-leg Deadlift 4x15

If you do not have a good balance you can

hold onto your wall as it might be easier

and you can then focus on your glutes more

Use a resistance band

Lean forward in your hips, shifting your

weight onto one leg while your

other leg engages and starts to

extend straight behind you

Keep a slight bend in your standing leg.

Slowly bring in your extended leg and return

to starting position. Repeat with the other


Again, if you have weights, hold a dumbbell

bring your arms straight down with the


EXERCISE 4: Banded Fire Hydrant 4x15

Lean on one elbow for greater glute

recruitment, keeping the other arm slightly


Use a resistance band

Open your leg as wide as you can fully

stretching your muscles

Return to initial position

If you have a dumbbell you can add it to

your workout by placing it behind your knees

EXERCISE 5: Banded Kickbacks 4x15

Get one of the extremities of the resistance

band inside one of the foot of the sofa or

use something heavy to hold your weight

Hold onto the sofa to prevent it from sliding

towards you

Get one foot inside the opposite extremity

of the loop and kick back

Make sure you lean forward and do not

arch your back when you do this exercise

Repeat 15 times x4
Week 1- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: Shoulder Taps  3x25

Start in a plank position

lift one palm to the top of your

opposite shoulder and pause for one

second before returning to start

Repeat the same thing with the opposite


Make sure you engage your core throughout

the movement keeping it nice and tight

EXERCISE 2: Weighted Crunches 4x30

You can use a dumbbell for this exercise or

if you haven't got one use a water bottle to

add weight

With your feet planted on the floor, crunch

and lift the weight up

Make sure you don't add too much pressure

to your spine when you come up, you want

to train and engage your core not your


Repeat 30 times
EXERCISE 3: Russian Twist 3x25

Sit on the floor and bring your legs out


Lean back slightly so your torso and legs

form a V-like shape, bracing your

abdominal wall to engage your core.

Balancing here, twist your torso from side

to side without moving your legs.

Move slowly and breathe

Keep your core engaged throughout the

whole exercise

EXERCISE 4: Cocoons 4x15

Use a small dumbbell or a water bottle for

this exercise

Lift your legs up and form a 90 degree


Pass it across your legs and place the bottle

on top of your ankles

Get back to the initial position and keep

crunching forward to pass the bottle up

Week 1- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x20

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Slightly tilt the foot of the working leg


Raise your leg all the way up

Then bring it back down

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 2: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20
EXERCISE 3: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x20

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Slightly tilt the foot of the working leg


Raise your leg all the way up

Then bring it back down

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20

EXERCISE 5: Single-leg Squats 4x20

Use your right leg to step on the sofa 

Maintain a neutral spine throughout the


Knees always aligned to your feet do not let

them cave in or cave out

Slowly come down from the sofa taking your

time and fully engaging your glute muscles

This exercise is challenging so make sure

you perform it slowly

Week 1- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: Side Leg Press 3x20

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Use a long resistance band and get inside it

like shown in the picture

Raise your leg all the way up in a form of a

side kick

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 2: Banded Clams 4x20

Lie on your side, with legs stacked and

knees bent at a 45-degree angle.

Open your leg forming a clam shape, whilst

keeping the feet together throughout  the

whole movement

Keep core tight during the exercise

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Banded Kickbacks 3x20

Get into all fours, with a straight spine,

 contracting your core muscles

Extend your right leg back and up

Contract your glute at the top of the move

and hold

Return to your starting position without

touching your knee to the ground and


EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x25

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20

EXERCISE 5: Banded Lateral Kick 4x25

Tie the resistance band around your sofa or

anything that is heavy enough to support

your weight

Get the furthest foot inside the loop

Bend forward on a 45 degree angle

Hold onto the sofa for more stability if you

need to

Kick to the side engaging your top and side


Repeat 25 times x4
Home Booty Plan

Favourite exercise of the week:

Biggest achievement this week:

Improvements I need to make:

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Fitness is not about being better than

someone else, it's about being better

than who you used to be!

Week 2- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, shoulder

blades level

Keep your chin tucked in, eyes looking


Feet wide apart with toes pointing outward

In the top position, your knees should be

bent at 90° and your shoulders should be

near the top of the sofa, with your body

forming a straight line between them.

Pause at the top of the lift and squeeze

your glutes, then lower your hips slowly as

close to the floor as possible, without

touching the floor with your glutes

EXERCISE 2: Split Squats 4x12

Plant your front food flat on the floor

Back foot comfortably placed on the sofa

'Squat' down as deep as you can,

maintaining a straight back, you could lean

slightly forward to engage your glutes more

As you come up squeeze your glutes

Go slowly back down really focusing on that

mind muscle connection with your glutes,

then come back up

EXERCISE 3: Kneeling Squats 3x20

Use a long resistance band to increase the

level of difficulty

Place the resistance band below your


Hinge backward with your glutes, fulling

stretching the muscle (until your glutes

touch your heels)

Keep your spine neutral

Come back up and squeeze your glutes

EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20

EXERCISE 5: Dynamic Reverse Lunge 4x30

Stand upright and take a large step

backward with your left foot

Lower your hips so that your right thigh

(front leg) becomes parallel to the floor

with your right knee positioned directly over

your ankle.

Your left knee should be bent at a 90-

degree angle and pointing toward the floor

with your left heel lifted

When you come up, bring the working leg all

the way up allowing a deep stretch and

Week 2- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: Heel Taps 4x35

Lay down on the floor with your head and

shoulders raised looking between your legs.

Knees should be bent with your feet

planted on the floor

Alternate touching each ankle with your

hands by moving from side to side keeping

your head and shoulders raised off the


Keep your core engaged thoughout the


EXERCISE 2: Russian Twist 3x30

Sit on the floor and bring your legs out


Lean back slightly so your torso and legs

form a V-like shape, bracing your

abdominal wall to engage your core.

Balancing here, twist your torso from side

to side without moving your legs.

Move slowly and breathe

Keep your core engaged throughout the

whole exercise
EXERCISE 3: Dynamic V-Sit Holds 4x20

Keep your weight on your glutes, lifting your

upper back and legs

Arms parallel to the floor

Bring your legs as close to your chest as

possible whilst maintaing your form

Return to the initial postion without letting

your feet touch the floor

Keep tensing your abs and repeat 20 times


EXERCISE 4: Shoulder Taps  3x25

Start in a plank position

lift one palm to the top of your

opposite shoulder and pause for one

second before returning to start

Repeat the same thing with the opposite


Make sure you engage your core throughout

the movement keeping it nice and tight

Week 2- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Glute Bridges 4x20

Lie on the floor, with your knees bent and

heels flat on the ground with your toes up,

this allows you to focus more on your glutes.

Keep your arms at your side with your palms


Lift your hips off the ground until your knees,

hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Hold your bridged position for a couple of

seconds before easing back down

When you come back down, do not touch

the floor but get as close to it as possible

for maximum tension

EXERCISE 2: Split Squats 4x12

Plant your front food flat on the floor

Back foot comfortably placed on the sofa

'Squat' down as deep as you can,

maintaining a straight back, you could lean

slightly forward to engage your glutes more

As you come up squeeze your glutes

Go slowly back down really focusing on that

mind muscle connection with your glutes,

then come back up

EXERCISE 3: Side Squats 4x10

Place on foot on the sofa

Squat down with the working leg, maintaing

a slight bent knee

Squeeze as you come back up

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable to yout height

EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Elevated Hip

Same principle as the Single Leg Hip Thrust,

but this time place your foot on the sofa

Make sure you keep your neck tucked in to

avoid any injuries

Use a resistance band to add more tension

Go as low as you can without touching the


EXERCISE 5: Jump Squats 3x15

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Start by doing a regular squat, then engage

your core and jump up explosively

When you land, lower your body back into

the squat position to complete one rep.

Land as quietly as possible, which requires


Get a resistance band just above your

knees but don't ket your knees cave in when

you come down

Week 2- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: Standing Kickbacks 4x20

Hold onto the wall for better stability

Slightly lean forward

Lift one leg and kick back using a

resistance band to add

further tension

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 2: Curtsey Lunge w/ Side Kick 4x15

Stand with your feet hip-width apart

Take a big step back with your right leg,

crossing it behind your left.

Bend your knees and lower your hips until

your left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor.

When you come back home lift your right

leg to the side to engage your side glute


Repeat x15
EXERCISE 3: Side Lying Hip Raises 3x20

Rest on one side of your body

Lift your hips up as well as the leg parallel

to the floor, keeping one of your elbows on

the floor

This exercise requires practice as it is tough

but it will really target your glutes and hips

EXERCISE 4: Lying Abduction 4x25

Back against the floor, maintaining your

spine neutral

Place a resistacne band between your legs

Perform an abduction by opening your legs

as wide as you can go

Return to the initial 90 degree angle


Repeat x25

EXERCISE 5: Banded Single Leg RDLs 4x20

Step on the loop while holding the other

extremity with your hand

Other leg standing back and both of the

legs slightly bent

Bend forward pushing your hips back

Then come back up still holding onto the

resistance band
Home Booty Plan

Favourite exercise of the week:

Biggest achievement this week:

Improvements I need to make:

Share your progress with me

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'Take care of your body, it is the only

place you have to live' - Jim Rohn

Week 3- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: In & Out Jump Squats 4x20

Feet close together, squat down until you

form a 90 degree angle with your legs

Jump up 

Land on you feet on a wider stance

Jump up and return to the intial position

Repeat 20 times

Make sure you do not add pressure on your


All the pressure should be on your

glutues medius and Maximus

EXERCISE 2: Weighted Split Squats 4x12

Hold a weight or if you do not have any, use

a bottle of water

Plant your front food flat on the floor

Back foot comfortably placed on the sofa

'Squat' down as deep as you can,

maintaining a straight back, you could lean

slightly forward to engage your glutes more

As you come up squeeze your glutes

Go slowly back down really focusing on that

mind muscle connection with your glutes,

then come back up

EXERCISE 3: Squats with Side Kick 4x20

Same technique as for the squay apply

Squat down and lift your right foot to the


Squat down again

Lift your left foot to the side

Toes always pointing outward

Repeat 4 times

EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20

EXERCISE 5: Banded Seated Abduction 4x35

Sit on the sofa with your back leaning

slightly forward

Band around your knees

Leaning forward (this is essential as it will

allow you to engage your glutes more)

Open your legs as wide as you can

Return to the initial position and repeat with

little rest in between

Week 3- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: 360 Leg Rotations 4x25

Start with your back flat on the floor

Get your legs together and lift them up

Draw a circle with your legs and keep your

palms flat on the mat to prevent you from

sliding down

Maintain your back and shoulders flat

thoughout the movement, only body part

moving should be your legs

EXERCISE 2: Modified Leg Crunches 4x25

Place a bottle or any other object in front of

you to use as an obstacle for your leg


Sit up and extend your legs as far as your

can whilst keeping your core nice and tight

Retract your legs back with your feet close


Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Mountain Climbers 4x40

Get into a plank position, making sure to

distribute your weight evenly between your

hands and your toes.

Pull your right knee into your chest as far as

you can.

Then switch, pulling that knee out and

bringing the other knee in.

Keeping your hips down, run your knees in

and out as far and as fast as you can.

Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each

leg change.

EXERCISE 4: Side Plank 3x10

Lie on your right side, legs extended and

stacked from hip to feet.

Make sure your head is directly in line with

your spine.

Your left arm can be aligned along the left

side of your body.

Engage your ab muscles

Lift your hips and knees from the mat while


After several breaths, inhale and return to

the starting position. The goal should be to

hold for 60 seconds. Change sides and

Week 3- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Weighted Kneeling 4x20

Add weight to progress, or a bottle of water

N.B heavier weights in the future can be

better as you progress

Use a long resistance band to increase the

level of difficulty

Place the resistance band below your


Hinge backward with your glutes, fulling

stretching the muscle (until your glutes

touch your heels)

Keep your spine neutral

Come back up and squeeze your glutes

EXERCISE 2: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x20

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Slightly tilt the foot of the working leg


Raise your leg all the way up

Then bring it back down

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Single-leg Elevated Hip
EXERCISE 3: Side Squats 4x20
Placeprinciple as the
on foot on the sofa
Single Leg Hip Thrust,

but this down

Squat time place your
with the foot onleg,
working themaintaing

Make sure
a slight youknee
bent keep your neck tucked in to

avoid any injuries

Squeeze as you come back up

Use a with
Play resistance band
your foot to add
stance more tension
to find a position

Go asislow
that as you can
comfortable towithout touching the
yout height


EXERCISE 4: Side Squats 4x10

Place on foot on the sofa

Squat down with the working leg, maintaing

a slight bent knee

Squeeze as you come back up

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable to yout height

EXERCISE 5: Box Squats 4x25

Place on foot on the sofa

Squat down with the working leg, maintaing

a slight bent knee

Squeeze as you come back up

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable to yout height

Week 3- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: 360 degree leg rotations 3x20

This is similar to the fire hyrdrants but it will

involve a 360 leg rotation instead

Lift your working leg up and 'draw' a circle

in the air, this will help engage all your glute

muscles on a 360 degree level

One arm is slightly bent while the other one

rests on the elbow

EXERCISE 2: Weighted Split Squats 4x12

Hold a weight or if you do not have any, use

a bottle of water

Plant your front food flat on the floor

Back foot comfortably placed on the sofa

'Squat' down as deep as you can,

maintaining a straight back, you could lean

slightly forward to engage your glutes more

As you come up squeeze your glutes

Go slowly back down really focusing on that

mind muscle connection with your glutes,

then come back up

EXERCISE 3: Banded Deadlift 4x15

You could even decide to use one

resistance band but I like to add two to feel

more tension/resistance throughtout

the movement

Keep your spine neutral as you go down

Hinge back with your glutes to ahieve a full


When you come back up, do not

hyperextedn your back forward but limit

yousefl to squeezing your glutes

If you have some weights e.g. barbells, you

can replace the long resistance band with

2 dumbbells

EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x25

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20

EXERCISE 5: Squats with ISO hold 4x10

Perform a normal squat but when you come

down you stay down for 5 seconds and

really squeeze your glutes as hard as you

can while pausing down and not moving -

This technique is called isometric training

and it is really effective as it really targets

your glutes when done properly

repeat 10 times
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In two weeks, you will feel it. In four

weeks, you will see it. In 8 weeks you will

hear it!
Week 4- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: Weighted Glute Bridges 3x20

Add weight

Lie on the floor, with your knees bent and

heels flat on the ground with your toes up,

this allows you to focus more on your glutes.

Keep your arms at your side with your palms


Lift your hips off the ground until your knees,

hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Hold your bridged position for a couple of

seconds before easing back down

When you come back down, do not touch

the floor but get as close to it as possible

for maximum tension

EXERCISE 2: Weighted Split Squats 4x12

Hold a weight or if you do not have any, use

a bottle of water

Plant your front food flat on the floor

Back foot comfortably placed on the sofa

'Squat' down as deep as you can,

maintaining a straight back, you could lean

slightly forward to engage your glutes more

As you come up squeeze your glutes

Go slowly back down really focusing on that

mind muscle connection with your glutes,

then come back up

EXERCISE 3: Weighted Kneeling 4x20

Add weight to progress, or a bottle of water

N.B heavier weights in the future can be

better as you progress

Use a long resistance band to increase the

level of difficulty

Place the resistance band below your


Hinge backward with your glutes, fulling

stretching the muscle (until your glutes

touch your heels)

Keep your spine neutral

Come back up and squeeze your glutes

EXERCISE 4: Jumping Lunges  3x20

Prepare to jump by bending your knees and

sinking down into a deep lunge. Lean

slightly forward and contract your core


Explosively drive both feet into the floor and

launch your body upward, fully extending

your knees and hips.

As you jump into the air, bring your feet

quickly together and switch positions as you

begin to land.

As you land, maintain a balanced foot

position. Have your knees facing the

same direction at your toes.

Don't lock your knees.

EXERCISE 5: Squat Step Ups 3x20

Start standing upright

Place one foot on the sofa, then the second

one and squat while being on the sofa

Step back down with one foot at the time

Squat again


Take yout time when doing these as they

require balance
Week 4- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: V-Sit Holds 3x12

Lift your arms, shoulders and legs off the


 Hold this lifted position by contracting your


Reach you arms straight toward your shins

while maintaining a strong spine

Hold for 30 seconds if you are a beginner,

60/60 seconds plus if you are more


EXERCISE 2: Cocoons 4x15

Use a small dumbbell or a water bottle for

this exercise

Lift your legs up and form a 90 degree


Pass it across your legs and place the bottle

on top of your ankles

Get back to the initial position and keep

crunching forward to pass the bottle up

EXERCISE 3: Heel Taps

Lay down on the floor with your head and

shoulders raised looking between your legs.

Knees should be bent with your feet

planted on the floor

Alternate touching each ankle with your

hands by moving from side to side keeping

your head and shoulders raised off the


Keep your core engaged thoughout the


EXERCISE 4: Side to Side Planks  3x25

With your arms straight get in a plank


Move your legs from one side to the other,

maintaining your back straight and head

aligned to the back

Tense/squeeze your abs while doing this

exercise to engage them as much as

Week 4- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Single-leg Deadlift 4x15

If you do not have a good balance you can

hold onto your wall as it might be easier

and you can then focus on your glutes more

Use a resistance band

Lean forward in your hips, shifting your

weight onto one leg while your

other leg engages and starts to

extend straight behind you

Keep a slight bend in your standing leg.

Slowly bring in your extended leg and return

to starting position. Repeat with the other


Again, if you have weights, hold a dumbbell

bring your arms straight down with the


EXERCISE 2: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x20

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Slightly tilt the foot of the working leg


Raise your leg all the way up

Then bring it back down

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Single-leg Elevated Hip
EXERCISE 3: Side Squats 4x20
Placeprinciple as the
on foot on the sofa
Single Leg Hip Thrust,

but this down

Squat time place your
with the foot onleg,
working themaintaing

Make sure
a slight youknee
bent keep your neck tucked in to

avoid any injuries

Squeeze as you come back up

Use a with
Play resistance band
your foot to add
stance more tension
to find a position

Go asislow
that as you can
comfortable towithout touching the
yout height


EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, with one

knee bent and that foot flat on the floor.

Raise your other leg and bend your knee so

that your hip and knee form 90-degree


Place the back of your elbows against the


Add a resistance band

Pushing your knees out, squeeze your glutes

and raise your hips until they’re in line with

your torso.

repeat x 20

EXERCISE 5: Banded Kickbacks 4x15

Get one of the extremities of the resistance

band inside one of the foot of the sofa or

use something heavy to hold your weight

Hold onto the sofa to prevent it from sliding

towards you

Get one foot inside the opposite extremity

of the loop and kick back

Make sure you lean forward and do not

arch your back when you do this exercise

Repeat 15 times x4
Week 4- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: Lateral Side Kicks 3x20

Same Starting position as for the fire


Extend the leg all the way back crossing the

resting leg

Then kick to the opposite direction

Core remains nice and tight

This exercise will target your side and

under booty

EXERCISE 2: Standing Hip Abduction 4x25

Place a resistance band just above your


One hand on your hips

Slightly lean forward

Abduct laterally with one leg whilst

maintaining the other one on the floor

Hold onto a wall if you require extra


Repeat for each leg x25

EXERCISE 3: Banded Kickbacks 4x20

Get into all fours, with a straight spine,

 contracting your core muscles

Extend your right leg back and up

Contract your glute at the top of the move

and hold

Return to your starting position without

touching your knee to the ground and


EXERCISE 4: Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, shoulder

blades level

Keep your chin tucked in, eyes looking


Feet wide apart with toes pointing outward

In the top position, your knees should be

bent at 90° and your shoulders should be

near the top of the sofa, with your body

forming a straight line between them.

Pause at the top of the lift and squeeze

your glutes, then lower your hips slowly as

close to the floor as possible, without

touching the floor with your glutes

EXERCISE 5: Dynamic Reverse Lunge 4x30

Stand upright and take a large step

backward with your left foot

Lower your hips so that your right thigh

(front leg) becomes parallel to the floor

with your right knee positioned directly over

your ankle.

Your left knee should be bent at a 90-

degree angle and pointing toward the floor

with your left heel lifted

When you come up, bring the working leg all

the way up allowing a deep stretch and

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'You have to believe in yourself when

none else does - that makes you a winner

right there' - Venus Williams

Week 5- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: Chair Step ups 4x15

Step up with the right foot, pressing through

the heel to straighten your right leg.

Bring the left foot to meet your right foot on

top of the step.

Bend your right knee and step down with

the left foot.

If you haven't got a good balance feel free

to hold onto the wall for stability

As you progress with the exercise, if you got

any free weights at home, you could even

do these holding some dumbbells

EXERCISE 2: Squats with back kick 3x20

If you haven't got a dumbbell at home, you

can just use your bodyweight

Squat down just below your knees

When you come up, squeeze and then kick

back with one leg

Squat down and when yuo come up kick

back with the second leg

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE3:3:Frog Pumps
Side Squats 4x10

Sit withon
Place your knees
foot on sofa
on the the floor pointing

outwards andwith
Squat down yourthe
feet together.
working leg,Your legs

should make
a slight bentaknee
diamond shape

Lie back on
Squeeze asthe
comeas back
you would
up for glute

Play with your foot stance to find a position

Squeezing your glutes

that is comfortable tohard, lift your hips so
yout height

that your body makes a straight line to your


Lower your glutes back down without

touching the floor, and repeat

EXERCISE 4: Lying Abduction 4x25

Back against the floor, maintaining your

spine neutral

Place a resistacne band between your legs

Perform an abduction by opening your legs

as wide as you can go

Return to the initial 90 degree angle


Repeat x25

EXERCISE 5: Banded Lateral Kick 4x25

Tie the resistance band around your sofa or

anything that is heavy enough to support

your weight

Get the furthest foot inside the loop

Bend forward on a 45 degree angle

Hold onto the sofa for more stability if you

need to

Kick to the side engaging your top and side


Repeat 25 times x4
Week 5- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: Wood Choppers 3x25

You could do this exercise either standing

up or on your knees

Hold a weight or if you haven't got any, hold

a water bottle

Without twisting your tose too much move

the weight from one bottom side to the

diagonal opposite

Do the same for the other side and repeat

25 times

EXERCISE 2: Flutter Kicks 3x50

Keeping your legs straight and together

start lowering one leg.

Raise your lowered leg and lower the other,

focusing on keeping your core engaged.

You can hold onto the mat with your hands

for more stability too to prevent you from

sliding down the matt

EXERCISE 3: Russian Twist 3x30

Sit on the floor and bring your legs out


Lean back slightly so your torso and legs

form a V-like shape, bracing your

abdominal wall to engage your core.

Balancing here, twist your torso from side

to side without moving your legs.

Move slowly and breathe

Keep your core engaged throughout the

whole exercise

EXERCISE 4: Mountain Climbers 4x40

Get into a plank position, making sure to

distribute your weight evenly between your

hands and your toes.

Pull your right knee into your chest as far as

you can.

Then switch, pulling that knee out and

bringing the other knee in.

Keeping your hips down, run your knees in

and out as far and as fast as you can.

Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each

leg change.
Week 5- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x30

Lay on one side of your body

Place a short resistance band around your


Lift your leg up as high as you can go in

order to engage your side glute muscles

Reps are higher here in order to help you

pump your muscles

EXERCISE 2: Weighted Split Squats 3x20

Hold a weight or if you do not have any, use

a bottle of water

Plant your front food flat on the floor

Back foot comfortably placed on the sofa

'Squat' down as deep as you can,

maintaining a straight back, you could lean

slightly forward to engage your glutes more

As you come up squeeze your glutes

Go slowly back down really focusing on that

mind muscle connection with your glutes,

then come back up

EXERCISE 3: Banded Deadlift 4x20

You could even decide to use one

resistance band but I like to add two to feel

more tension/resistance throughtout

the movement

Keep your spine neutral as you go down

Hinge back with your glutes to ahieve a full


When you come back up, do not

hyperextedn your back forward but limit

yousefl to squeezing your glutes

If you have some weights e.g. barbells, you

can replace the long resistance band with

2 dumbbells

EXERCISE 4: Hip Thrusts 4x25

Place your back against the sofa, shoulder

blades level

Keep your chin tucked in, eyes looking


Feet wide apart with toes pointing outward

In the top position, your knees should be

bent at 90° and your shoulders should be

near the top of the sofa, with your body

forming a straight line between them.

Pause at the top of the lift and squeeze

your glutes, then lower your hips slowly as

close to the floor as possible, without

touching the floor with your glutes

EXERCISE 5: Box Squats 4x25

Place on foot on the sofa

Squat down with the working leg, maintaing

a slight bent knee

Squeeze as you come back up

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable to yout height

Week 5- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: Banded Kneeling 3x20

Another version of banded kneeling squats

Tie the other extremity of the resistance

band on something that can hold your

weight such as the sofa or something


Sit up and push your glutes as you come up,

Sit back down allowing a full glute stretch

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 2: Standing Hip Abduction 4x25

Place a resistance band just above your


One hand on your hips

Slightly lean forward

Abduct laterally with one leg whilst

maintaining the other one on the floor

Hold onto a wall if you require extra


Repeat for each leg x25

EXERCISE 3: 360 degree leg rotations 4x20

This is similar to the fire hyrdrants but it will

involve a 360 leg rotation instead

Lift your working leg up and 'draw' a circle

in the air, this will help engage all your glute

muscles on a 360 degree level

One arm is slightly bent while the other one

rests on the elbow

EXERCISE 4: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x25

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Slightly tilt the foot of the working leg


Raise your leg all the way up

Then bring it back down

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 5: Banded Kickbacks 4x20


Get into all fours, with a straight spine,

 contracting your core muscles

Extend your right leg back and up

Contract your glute at the top of the move

and hold

Return to your starting position without

touching your knee to the ground and

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Definition of a really good workout: when

you hate doing it but you love finishing it

Week 6- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: Banded Sumo Walk 4x30

Place a small resistance band oround your


Slightly lean forward with yout back

Make sure you keep your knees out while

you perform the exercise

Shift your weight from one leg to the other

Repeat 4x30

EXERCISE 2: Chair Step ups 4x20

Step up with the right foot, pressing through

the heel to straighten your right leg.

Bring the left foot to meet your right foot on

top of the step.

Bend your right knee and step down with

the left foot.

If you haven't got a good balance feel free

to hold onto the wall for stability

As you progress with the exercise, if you got

any free weights at home, you could even

do these holding some dumbbells

EXERCISE 3: Lateral Side Kicks 3x20

Same Starting position as for the fire


Extend the leg all the way back crossing the

resting leg

Then kick to the opposite direction

Core remains nice and tight

This exercise will target your side and

under booty

EXERCISE 4: Weighted Glute Bridges 3x20

Add weight

Lie on the floor, with your knees bent and

heels flat on the ground with your toes up,

this allows you to focus more on your glutes.

Keep your arms at your side with your palms


Lift your hips off the ground until your knees,

hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Hold your bridged position for a couple of

seconds before easing back down

When you come back down, do not touch

the floor but get as close to it as possible

for maximum tension

EXERCISE 5: Squat Step Ups 3x25

Start standing upright

Place one foot on the sofa, then the second

one and squat while being on the sofa

Step back down with one foot at the time

Squat again


Take yout time when doing these as they

require balance
Week 6- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: Half Burpees 3x25

Start in a plank position

Bring both of your legs as close to your

chest as possible

Jump back to the initial position 

Repeat 25 times as fast as you can go

engaging your abs thoghout the whole


EXERCISE 2: Leg raises 3x30

Lie on your back, legs straight and together.

Keep your legs straight and lift them all the

way up to the ceiling until your butt comes

off the floor.

Slowly lower your legs back down till they're

just above the floor.

Hold for a moment.

Raise your legs back up.

EXERCISE 3: Side to Side Leg Crunches 3x25

Place a bottle or any other object in front of

you to use as an obstacle for your crunches

Lift your shoulders and head up as well as

your legs, balancing all the weight on your


Shift your legs from one side of the bottle,

bring them close together to your chest and

then shift them to the other side of the


Repeat 25 times

EXERCISE 4: Side Plank 3x10

Lie on your right side, legs extended and

stacked from hip to feet.

Make sure your head is directly in line with

your spine.

Your left arm can be aligned along the left

side of your body.

Engage your ab muscles

Lift your hips and knees from the mat while


After several breaths, inhale and return to

the starting position. The goal should be to

hold for 60 seconds. Change sides and

Week 6- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Single Leg Glute bridges 3x30

Same initial position as to perform a glute


Add a resistance band just above your


Lift one leg up while putting all the weight

on the resting leg (always on the heel)

When you come down, go as low as you can

without touching the floor

Keep your chin tucked in thoughout the

whole movement

EXERCISE 2: Squats with back kick 3x25

If you haven't got a dumbbell at home, you

can just use your bodyweight

Squat down just below your knees

When you come up, squeeze and then kick

back with one leg

Squat down and when yuo come up kick

back with the second leg

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Banded Deadlift 4x20

You could even decide to use one

resistance band but I like to add two to feel

more tension/resistance throughtout

the movement

Keep your spine neutral as you go down

Hinge back with your glutes to ahieve a full


When you come back up, do not

hyperextedn your back forward but limit

yousefl to squeezing your glutes

If you have some weights e.g. barbells, you

can replace the long resistance band with

2 dumbbells

EXERCISE 4: Single-leg Deadlift 4x15

If you do not have a good balance you can

hold onto your wall as it might be easier

and you can then focus on your glutes more

Use a resistance band

Lean forward in your hips, shifting your

weight onto one leg while your

other leg engages and starts to

extend straight behind you

Keep a slight bend in your standing leg.

Slowly bring in your extended leg and return

to starting position. Repeat with the other


Again, if you have weights, hold a dumbbell

bring your arms straight down with the


EXERCISE 5: Squats with ISO hold 4x10

Perform a normal squat but when you come

down you stay down for 5 seconds and

really squeeze your glutes as hard as you

can while pausing down and not moving -

This technique is called isometric training

and it is really effective as it really targets

your glutes when done properly

repeat 10 times
Week 6- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: Banded Kickbacks 4x20


Get into all fours, with a straight spine,

 contracting your core muscles

Extend your right leg back and up

Contract your glute at the top of the move

and hold

Return to your starting position without

touching your knee to the ground and


EXERCISE 2: Banded Kickbacks 4x20

Lie on all fours, place your hands on top of

one of the extremities of a long resistance


Get one foot inside the loop

Kickback extending your working leg all the

way out

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE3:3:Frog Pumps
Side Squats 4x10

on the
the floor pointing

Squat down

a slight
bent a
diamond shape

back on
you would
up for glute

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable
your glutes
to hard,
yout height
lift your hips so

that your body makes a straight line to your


Lower your glutes back down without

touching the floor, and repeat

EXERCISE 4: Banded Clams 4x20

Lie on your side, with legs stacked and

knees bent at a 45-degree angle.

Open your leg forming a clam shape, whilst

keeping the feet together throughout  the

whole movement

Keep core tight during the exercise

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 5: Banded Seated Abduction 4x35

Sit on the sofa with your back leaning

slightly forward

Band around your knees

Leaning forward (this is essential as it will

allow you to engage your glutes more)

Open your legs as wide as you can

Return to the initial position and repeat with

little rest in between

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Make fitness and looking after your mind

& body your favourite habit

Week 7- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: In & Out Jump Squats 4x20

Feet close together, squat down until you

form a 90 degree angle with your legs

Jump up 

Land on you feet on a wider stance

Jump up and return to the intial position

Repeat 20 times

Make sure you do not add pressure on your


All the pressure should be on your

glutues medius and Maximus

EXERCISE 2: Standing Kickbacks 4x30

Hold onto the wall for better stability

Slightly lean forward

Lift one leg and kick back using a

resistance band to add

further tension

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Side Squats 4x10

Place on foot on the sofa

Squat down with the working leg, maintaing

a slight bent knee

Squeeze as you come back up

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable to yout height

EXERCISE 4: Weighted Glute Bridges 3x20

Add weight

Lie on the floor, with your knees bent and

heels flat on the ground with your toes up,

this allows you to focus more on your glutes

Keep your arms at your side with your palms


Lift your hips off the ground until your knees

hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Hold your bridged position for a couple of

seconds before easing back down

When you come back down, do not touch

the floor but get as close to it as possible

for maximum tension

EXERCISE 5: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x30

Lay on one side of your body

Place a short resistance band around your


Lift your leg up as high as you can go in

order to engage your side glute muscles

Reps are higher here in order to help you

pump your muscles

Week 7- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: Weighted Flutter Kicks 3x30

Hold a weight with your arms

Maintain your back, head and shoulders flat

on the mat

Lift one leg at the time

When you bring it back down get as close

as you can to the floor without touching it

Repeat the same thing with the other leg

Tense your core to keep your abs engaged

during the movement

EXERCISE 2: Leg raises

Lie on your back, legs straight and together.

Keep your legs straight and lift them all the

way up to the ceiling until your butt comes

off the floor.

Slowly lower your legs back down till they're

just above the floor.

Hold for a moment.

Raise your legs back up.

EXERCISE 3: Mountain Climbers 4x40

Get into a plank position, making sure to

distribute your weight evenly between your

hands and your toes.

Pull your right knee into your chest as far as

you can.

Then switch, pulling that knee out and

bringing the other knee in.

Keeping your hips down, run your knees in

and out as far and as fast as you can.

Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each

leg change.

EXERCISE 4: 360 Leg Rotations 4x25

Start with your back flat on the floor

Get your legs together and lift them up

Draw a circle with your legs and keep your

palms flat on the mat to prevent you from

sliding down

Maintain your back and shoulders flat

thoughout the movement, only body part

moving should be your legs

Week 7- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Side Lying Hip Raises 3x20

Rest on one side of your body

Lift your hips up as well as the leg parallel

to the floor, keeping one of your elbows on

the floor

This exercise requires practice as it is tough

but it will really target your glutes and hips

EXERCISE 2: Weighted Kneeling 4x20

Add weight to progress, or a bottle of water

N.B heavier weights in the future can be

better as you progress

Use a long resistance band to increase the

level of difficulty

Place the resistance band below your


Hinge backward with your glutes, fulling

stretching the muscle (until your glutes

touch your heels)

Keep your spine neutral

Come back up and squeeze your glutes

EXERCISE 3: Banded Clams 4x20

Lie on your side, with legs stacked and

knees bent at a 45-degree angle.

Open your leg forming a clam shape, whilst

keeping the feet together throughout  the

whole movement

Keep core tight during the exercise

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 4: Banded Sumo Walk 4x30

Place a small resistance band oround your


Slightly lean forward with yout back

Make sure you keep your knees out while

you perform the exercise

Shift your weight from one leg to the other

Repeat 4x30

EXERCISE 5: Box Squats 4x25

Place on foot on the sofa

Squat down with the working leg, maintaing

a slight bent knee

Squeeze as you come back up

Play with your foot stance to find a position

that is comfortable to yout height

Week 7- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: Knee Banded Hip Abduction 4x35

Place a short resistance band just above

your knees

Shift your body weight from one leg to the


This exercise will engage your top

glutes/shelf and it requires you to perform a

lot of reps in order to really feel its


Seems really simple but it really targets your


EXERCISE 2: Hip Thrusts 4x20

Place your back against the sofa, shoulder

blades level

Keep your chin tucked in, eyes looking


Feet wide apart with toes pointing outward

In the top position, your knees should be

bent at 90° and your shoulders should be

near the top of the sofa, with your body

forming a straight line between them.

Pause at the top of the lift and squeeze

your glutes, then lower your hips slowly as

close to the floor as possible, without

touching the floor with your glutes

EXERCISE 3: Side Lying Hip Abduction 3x25

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Slightly tilt the foot of the working leg


Raise your leg all the way up

Then bring it back down

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 4: Weighted Kneeling 4x25

Add weight to progress, or a bottle of water

N.B heavier weights in the future can be

better as you progress

Use a long resistance band to increase the

level of difficulty

Place the resistance band below your


Hinge backward with your glutes, fulling

stretching the muscle (until your glutes

touch your heels)

Keep your spine neutral

Come back up and squeeze your glutes

EXERCISE 5: Banded Kickbacks 4x20

Lie on all fours, place your hands on top of

one of the extremities of a long resistance


Get one foot inside the loop

Kickback extending your working leg all the

way out

Repeat 20 times
Home Booty Plan

Favourite exercise of the week:

Biggest achievement this week:

Improvements I need to make:

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'If you have the courage to start, you

have the courage to suceed' - Mel

Week 8- Day 1:

EXERCISE 1: Banded Fire Hydrant 4x15

Lean on one elbow for greater glute

recruitment, keeping the other arm slightly


Use a resistance band

Open your leg as wide as you can fully

stretching your muscles

Return to initial position

If you have a dumbbell you can add it to

your workout by placing it behind your knees

EXERCISE 2: Side Leg Press 3x20

Lay on one side of your body, resting on the


Use a long resistance band and get inside it

like shown in the picture

Raise your leg all the way up in a form of a

side kick

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Banded Kickbacks 4x20

Lie on all fours, place your hands on top of

one of the extremities of a long resistance


Get one foot inside the loop

Kickback extending your working leg all the

way out

Repeat 20 times

EXERCISE 4: Banded Sumo Walk 4x30

Place a small resistance band oround your


Slightly lean forward with yout back

Make sure you keep your knees out while

you perform the exercise

Shift your weight from one leg to the other

Repeat 4x30

EXERCISE 5: Banded Kickbacks 4x15

Get one of the extremities of the resistance

band inside one of the foot of the sofa or

use something heavy to hold your weight

Hold onto the sofa to prevent it from sliding

towards you

Get one foot inside the opposite extremity

of the loop and kick back

Make sure you lean forward and do not

arch your back when you do this exercise

Repeat 15 times x4
Week 8- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: 360 torso rotation 4x25

Hold a weight and keep your arms relatively


Draw a circle with the weight you are

holding starting from the right side, lifting it

all the way up and taking it right to the left


Tense your abs thoughout the whole


EXERCISE 2: Wood Choppers 3x25

You could do this exercise either standing

up or on your knees

Hold a weight or if you haven't got any, hold

a water bottle

Without twisting your tose too much move

the weight from one bottom side to the

diagonal opposite

Do the same for the other side and repeat

25 times
EXERCISE 3: Single Leg Raises 4x25

Keep your back flat on the floor

Lift the weight up keeping your arms


Lift one leg at a time towards the


Bring your leg down and lift the other one


Repeat 25 times x 4

EXERCISE 4: Bicycle Crunches 4x30

Start by lying on the ground, with your lower

back pressed flat into the floor and your

head and shoulders raised slightly above it.

Place your hands lightly on the sides of your


Lift one leg just off the ground and extend it

out.Lift the other leg and bend your knee

towards your chest.

As you do so twist through your core so the

opposite arm comes towards the raised


You don’t need to touch elbow to knee,

instead focus on moving through your core

as you turn your torso.

Week 8- Day 3:

EXERCISE 1: Banded Deadlift 4x20

You could even decide to use one

resistance band but I like to add two to feel

more tension/resistance throughtout

the movement

Keep your spine neutral as you go down

Hinge back with your glutes to ahieve a full


When you come back up, do not

hyperextedn your back forward but limit

yousefl to squeezing your glutes

If you have some weights e.g. barbells, you

can replace the long resistance band with

2 dumbbells

EXERCISE 2: Squats with back kick 3x25

If you haven't got a dumbbell at home, you

can just use your bodyweight

Squat down just below your knees

When you come up, squeeze and then kick

back with one leg

Squat down and when yuo come up kick

back with the second leg

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Chair Step ups 4x20

Step up with the right foot, pressing through

the heel to straighten your right leg.

Bring the left foot to meet your right foot on

top of the step.

Bend your right knee and step down with

the left foot.

If you haven't got a good balance feel free

to hold onto the wall for stability

As you progress with the exercise, if you got

any free weights at home, you could even

do these holding some dumbbells

EXERCISE 4: Weighted Glute Bridges 3x20

Add weight

Lie on the floor, with your knees bent and

heels flat on the ground with your toes up,

this allows you to focus more on your glutes.

Keep your arms at your side with your palms


Lift your hips off the ground until your knees,

hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Hold your bridged position for a couple of

seconds before easing back down

When you come back down, do not touch

the floor but get as close to it as possible

for maximum tension

EXERCISE 5: Squat Step Ups 3x25

Start standing upright

Place one foot on the sofa, then the second

one and squat while being on the sofa

Step back down with one foot at the time

Squat again


Take yout time when doing these as they

require balance
Week 8- Day 4:

EXERCISE 1: Squats with Side Kick 4x20

Same technique as for the squay apply

Squat down and lift your right foot to the


Squat down again

Lift your left foot to the side

Toes always pointing outward

Repeat 4 times

EXERCISE 2: Banded Kneeling 3x20

Another version of banded kneeling squats

Tie the other extremity of the resistance

band on something that can hold your

weight such as the sofa or something


Sit up and push your glutes as you come up,

Sit back down allowing a full glute stretch

Repeat 20 times
EXERCISE 3: Jumping Lunges  3x20

Prepare to jump by bending your knees and

sinking down into a deep lunge. Lean

slightly forward and contract your core


Explosively drive both feet into the floor and

launch your body upward, fully extending

your knees and hips.

As you jump into the air, bring your feet

quickly together and switch positions as you

begin to land.

As you land, maintain a balanced foot

position. Have your knees facing the

same direction at your toes.

Don't lock your knees.

EXERCISE 4: 360 degree leg rotations 4x20

This is similar to the fire hyrdrants but it will

involve a 360 leg rotation instead

Lift your working leg up and 'draw' a circle

in the air, this will help engage all your glute

muscles on a 360 degree level

One arm is slightly bent while the other one

rests on the elbow

Week 8- Day 6:

EXERCISE 1: In & Out Jump Squats 4x20

Feet close together, squat down until you

form a 90 degree angle with your legs

Jump up 

Land on you feet on a wider stance

Jump up and return to the intial position

Repeat 20 times

Make sure you do not add pressure on your


All the pressure should be on your

glutues medius and Maximus

EXERCISE2:3:Frog Pumps
Side Squats 4x10

Sit withon
Place your knees
foot on sofa
on the the floor pointing

outwards andwith
Squat down yourthe
feet together.
working leg,Your legs

should make
a slight bentaknee
diamond shape

Lie back on
Squeeze asthe
comeas back
you would
up for glute

Play with your foot stance to find a position

Squeezing your glutes

that is comfortable tohard, lift your hips so
yout height

that your body makes a straight line to your


Lower your glutes back down without

touching the floor, and repeat

EXERCISE 3: Hip Thrusts 4x30

Place your back against the sofa, shoulder

blades level

Keep your chin tucked in, eyes looking


Feet wide apart with toes pointing outward

In the top position, your knees should be

bent at 90° and your shoulders should be

near the top of the sofa, with your body

forming a straight line between them.

Pause at the top of the lift and squeeze

your glutes, then lower your hips slowly as

close to the floor as possible, without

touching the floor with your glutes

EXERCISE 4: Side Lying Hip Raises 3x25

Rest on one side of your body

Lift your hips up as well as the leg parallel

to the floor, keeping one of your elbows on

the floor

This exercise requires practice as it is tough

but it will really target your glutes and hips

EXERCISE 5: Squats with ISO hold 4x10

Perform a normal squat but when you come

down you stay down for 5 seconds and

really squeeze your glutes as hard as you

can while pausing down and not moving -

This technique is called isometric training

and it is really effective as it really targets

your glutes when done properly

repeat 10 times


This was just a taster of what your routine should

look like. As mentioned before, you need to be

able to challenge your body with real weights

and progress with new weights over time in order

to really see some noticeable changes! So I hope

this guide has given you the confidence to join a

gym soon. Really wish you the best with your


Feel free to tag me on Instagram or post on the

Facebook group so I can see what you are up to

with this guide and I can show you some love ❤I

want to see your progress, I am PROUD OF YOU

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MY GYM GUIDES www.chiarapugliesi.com

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