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Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2001, p. 225. Translated from Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya, Vol.

37, No. 2, 2001, pp. 254.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2001 by Bezborodov.


L.I. Vorobiova, Propionibacteria, Kluver Academic Publishers,

Dordrecht–Boston–London, 1999
This textbook provides information on the unique The book consists of a preface, an introduction, a
properties and application of one of the most useful history of the art, and seven chapters: (1) The Genus
bacterial groups. Unlike books formerly published in Propionibacterium, (2) Genetics of propionibacteria;
Russian, it reports data obtained in the last 25 years. (3) Energy transformation, (4) Biosynthesis and forma-
They include new phylogenetic taxonomy on the tion of bioactive compounds, (5) The role of B12 vita-
basis of modern molecular biology; genetic features; mins in the metabolism of propionibacteria, (6) Immo-
antimutagenic and response-causing properties of pro- bilized cells, and (7) Industrial and medical applica-
pionibacteria acting on organisms weakened by various tion; and (8) Conclusion.
stress factors; the unusual fermentation mechanism The book is 300 pages long. A great number of stud-
involving a short respiratory chain; new functions of ies are cited.
B12 vitamin in constitutive metabolism; the ability of The book is brilliantly designed. It contains figures
B12-deficient cells to switch from the anaerobic to aer- and electronic microphotographs comprehensible to
obic respiration; the molecular mechanism of this common readers.
switch; synthesis of new bacteriocins and new methods The contents of the book, clearly presented, are impor-
for production of propionic acid; and detection of tant for those studying microbiology and biotechnol-
strains producing large amounts of porphyrins, NO, ogy. The book can be considered an excellent textbook
and superoxide dismutase. for students and postgraduates. It is an up-to-date and
New bacterial associations are recommended for probably the best review dedicated to bacteria.
cheese production and siloing. New areas of their appli- The book does credit to the author, as well as to the
cation are proposed. Chair of Microbiology and Department of Biology of
The immunomodulating properties of propionibac- the Moscow State University where it was written.
teria are considered. Their probiotic properties attract
considerable medical and veterinary interest. A. M. Bezborodov

0003-6838/01/3702-0225$25.00 © 2001 MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica”

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