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RESTRUCTURING BUREAUTRATION IN THE Good Governance, besides that In bureaucratic

DEVELOPMENT OF GOOD GOVERNANCE IN THE restructuring the formulation is also dominantly

CITY OF BIMA based on consideration of interests Subjective
By: bureaucrats rather than objective judgment. And
TAUHID, SE., M.AP Second; The result of restructuring can not yet
Realizing the increased competence of institutions
ABSTRACT and personnel competencies, because in the
practice of bureaucracy It is still found the reality
This research entitled "RESTRUCTURING of duplication of duties and responsibilities
BUREAUTRATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF between units. Distribution Personnel are not yet
GOOD GOVERNANCE IN THE GOVERNMENT OF referring to the principle of "The Right Man on
BIMA CITY", with the following problems: 1). The Right Place" and in the promotion of
What is the process of Bureaucratic Restructuring personnel Dominant still based on the aspect of
of Local Government of Bima City; And 2) How to seniority not competence. Restructuring the
Restructuring Bureaucracy implemented by Local bureaucracy yet Can realize the increased
Government of Bima City leads On Good transparency of the Regional Government
Governance development. Bureaucracy, because formally Aspects of
This study aims: 1). To know the process of transparency are not accommodated in the basic
Bureaucratic Restructuring of Local Government tasks and functions of the organization and
of Bima City; And 2) To know the Restructuring of practically, Bureaucratic activity is still closed and
Bureaucracy implemented by Local Government tend to pro status quo. Bureaucracy Restructuring
of Bima City aimed at the development of Good also not yet Can realize efficiency improvement,
Governance. because the restructuring did not make
This research is classified as descriptive Bureaucracy Local governments are increasingly
research. Informants in this study consist of efficient, both in the use of public funds for
General Administration Assistant, Head of BKD, bureaucratic purposes As well as in providing
Secretary BKD, Head DPKAD, Head of OPA, services to the community In the context of Good
Kasubag. Institution and staff of Organization and Governance Development at the local level it is
Utilization Division of Regional Secretariat of Bima recommended to The Regional Government to
City. Meanwhile, data collection techniques used conduct a comprehensive and objective review of
are interviews, observation and documentation. its bureaucracy. In the review need to consider
Technical data analysis is descriptive qualitative. several aspects including, namely: process
The results show that: first, the process is improvement, Expansion of actors, and need to
the restructuring of the bureaucracy maintain objectivity of formulation and
Implemented by the City Government of Bima is implementation.
done in a closed way or in other words the Key Words: Restructuring the Bureaucracy in the
process Restructuring of bureaucracy conducted Development of Good Governance
limited discussion only done by formal structure, in the City Government of Bima
Namely the Regional Government Bureaucracy
and the Regional House of Representatives
without involving other elements Especially the
community as one of the supporting elements of
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION to achieve the objectives that have been
1.1. Background established in an effective and efficient, but on
Bureaucratic reforms of the structural the side of officials. The structure within a
government bureaucracy is shaped and filled to
dimension require institutional change through
accommodate people, and not vice versa, people
the creation of new structures in managing local are placed in structures that match their
governance. The renewal of structures requires a competencies. This phenomenon Which then by
legal basis as a formal basis for the exercise of Caiden (1991) caused the structure of
authority, directed by a clear, effective, efficient government organizations to be large but poor
and specialization structure. function.
The implications of the new structure in the The tendency of institutional development in
bureaucracy should facilitate public service not the bureaucracy is more due to the issue of
the other way around, because of bureaucratic political pressure-bureaucracy; Which Osborne
fragmentation During this make administration is and Gaebler (1992) develops without considering
very complicated and prone to corruption. This the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability
causes public services at the central level As well aspects of governance so as to produce a
as the area becomes a scourge for the monopolist bureaucracy. Actually not all matters
businessmen and the community in developing can be submitted to the Local Government to be
the business and gain the rights Reasonably. The automatically instituted in the form of service
efficiency and quality of service can be area. There are many matters that can actually be
guaranteed with Simplification of structure. The done by the local government together with its
development of a less bureaucratic structure is partners with the private sector, eg through the
based on in-depth study and less attention to the privatization policy depending on the urgency of
empirical needs and challenges faced by the the affairs; (Provan and Kenis, 2007). Lane, (1995)
government Regions have led to the creation of looks more at reforms of privacy and
new administrative institutions at the lower levels marketisation aspects, so that when all matters
of course have implications Positive but also are handed over by the Central Government and
negative (quoted from Dr. William Djani, M.Si then contained in a service will Gave rise to high
(Lecturer: FISIP Undana Kupang) in blogspot site overhead costs to established institutions,
http://timorexpress.fajar.co.id/2016/09/ 06/ thereby reducing the allocation of financing in
restrukturisasi-kelembagaan-barubirokrasi- other sectors that are closely related to public
The new structure has implications regarding
This shift and institutional change becomes
the readiness of apparatus resources, funds, and
important to know the local government
so forth in supporting the functioning of the
institutions whether in accordance with the needs
structure. To accommodate and solve needs and
of the region and the community. Farazmand,
problems of the public plus the region requires a
(2002) emphasized the importance of
bureaucratic structure, but the question is
determining the model of bureaucratic reform
whether the formation of a coherent structure
from the institutional aspect, whether top down,
with the needs and problems of the public ?. This
or from the environment or a combination of the
should be objectively reviewed so as to have a
two so as to realize public service through good
positive impact on the public. And avoid the
governance. Need to redecorate the bureaucracy
attractiveness of bureaucracy and policymakers in
to rediscover the bureaucracy within the
developing bureaucratic structures, rather than
structure And a new culture that is superior in
Streamline the structure according to local needs
sustaining higher performance.
Local government organizations are not and issues.
formed as a container and system of cooperation
Because it is an institutional expert Such as requires a review Carefully so as not to harm the
March and Olsen in (Mgonja And Tundul, 2012) public and area. Aspects of empirical need, is The
focuses New institutionalism as a critique of consequences of the dynamics of development
Traditional thinking focuses on Old Society as the demands of that need Increased.
institutionalism that has a classic value Which can Needs to supply Excellent public services in terms
not be maintained. So New institutionalism, of quality As well as quantity, and other needs
presenting Organizations that embody deep Growing day by day. Various New and growing
values His relationship with power responds needs Needs that already exist, the government
External changes and dominate The institutional needs Organize it through institutional ownership
structure requires The study overcomes the Characteristics of flexibility, integration and
barriers to creating Economic, social and political Innovation. The academic aspect is Demands of
conditions. various parties to reform Bureaucracy affects the
The new institutions want change which is a institutional aspect Tend to be effective and
basic principle, by Wijaya and Danar (2014) trying efficient.
to accommodate the various factors occurring This is in line with developments
within the institutions covering the products of Governments in developed countries have
political actors and products of value added Leaving the bureaucracy developed Weber who
supported by a set of norms, building emphasizes the concept A rigid, mechanistic
relationships between institutions and the government is known With the ideal type (Peter
environment. M. Blau & Marshall W. Meyer, 2000). The
New institutional changes based on the concept, then Also known as bureaucracy Feudal /
process are sustainable, or whether discrete and traditional that is less sensitive to Developments
leverage the changes Is internal or external to the that occur, and therefore It comes the urge to
external institution. Designing effective create New innovations in the practice of
organization of parameters required by Chatab organizing Bureaucracy. The institutional
(2009) leads to a structure equipped with arrangement of the device Effective areas should
specialist resources, managing the environment be able to answer Community issues, or Refers to
contextually with strategy, commitment and the needs and challenges that Faced by local
innovation and adaptation for the benefit of government.
stakeholders. Large bureaucratic look and Fat will spend a
Institutional reform that has been done so far lot of risorsis, This phenomenon has been widely
in Indonesia, considering the juridical aspect is seen in The practice of bureaucracy during this
based on the implementation of autonomy Areas good level Central or regional. Bureaucratic
under the Act No.23 of 2014. Various changes Organization The area from Sabang to Merauke
bring the consequences of the arrangement of was built And developed using the principle
regional authorities in establishing regional Uniformity.Adaptation to diversity Local
institutions. Thus exit PP.No. 38 of 2007 and PP contextual actuality is not responded
no. 41 of 2007 which is the answer, however this proportionally. As a result the nomenclature, The
regulation has not been able to provide solutions type and number of institutions (organizations)
related to regional institutions in public issues, that are Developed in all regions in Indonesia
which is considered not effective and efficient, So almost the same. What is an organization
out again PP 18 Year 2016 As an answer but Developed is necessary and urgent In order to
respond to the interests The local community or bureaucracy while for the empowerment of the
not is not the thing Important to answer. people become not priority.
In Government Regulation No. 84 of 2000 In addition to the above, the establishment of
which was later amended by PP.No. 38 of 2007 a large bureaucratic organization also resulted in
and PP no. 41 Year 2007 and the last PP 18 Year overlap implementation of the main tasks and
2016, then the Region is given the discretion to functions between existing organizations. Lots of
Stipulate / develop nomenclature, type and diversity The bureaucratic organization built by
number of local government bureaucracy that is the Local Government creates the potential for
adapted to Needs, capabilities and work loads at duplication of the implementation of the task.
the regional level. With such new material rules, This condition in addition to creating the difficulty
there is an implicit realization of the realization of coordination at the level of implementation
that the practice of establishing and developing Public policy also results in wasteful use of
institutional Bureaucratic Local Government The resources The diversity of organizations built also
uniform is irrelevant to the dynamics of its creates more possibilities for creating a conflict
internal and external environment. Another line Among the bureaucratic organizations
implicit nuance as mentioned in the government themselves. Conflict between bureaucratic
regulation is that the organization formed by the organization caused by the existence of task
Regional Government must be adapted to the struggle (project), this signal besides will cause
contextual condition Daerah.Dengan guided by inefisiensi also resulted neglected public service.
the things The above is actually for areas that Based on the argumentation, it is proper that in
have the volume and complexity of problems that the restructuring of bureaucracy done by the local
are different from other areas must also have, government then it is necessary to get a
establish and develop organizations in the proportional consideration, So that the
environment of different governments. For areas bureaucratic organization built by the local
that have the volume and complexity of the government is a bureaucratic organization that
problem is relatively small compared with other really in accordance with the wishes of the era.
areas should Also develops small organizational Organizational Structuring and Work
institutions as well Means that the organizations Procedures of Local Government of Bima City as
within the local government that have existed so stipulated in Regional Regulation of Bima City
far need to be reviewed to be developed Number 2 Year 2010 concerning Organization and
accordingly With the conditions and demands of Working Procedure of Other Institution As Part Of
the Era of Regional Autonomy. Local Apparatus (Regional Gazette of City of Bima
Despite the bureaucratic reforms but the Year 2010 Number 101, Supplementary of Bima
Local Government in Restructure and or develop City Gazette Number 102) Bima City Government
an organization in its environment as it was in the consists of: (1) Regional Secretariat of City of Bima
past. Regional bureaucracy is still built with the consists of 8 Sections, (2) Regional Offices of 13
old structure and style Tend to be more precise departments, (3) Regional offices of 3 pieces, (4)
than before. With such a display, the will to Regional agencies As many as 9 units, 5 sub-
realize Empowerment of the people will districts, and Lurah as many as 38 units. Based on
encounter problems, because most of the the Regulation of Regions are still considered fat
government funds will be sucked to finance the and inefficient, so considered wasteful, therefore
must be done Restructuring and reforming the 1. As an input for the Regional Government of
structure of local government of Bima City. Bima City in conducting further assessment on
More broadly in the presence Restructuring the implementation of bureaucracy
of Local Government Bureaucracy Is actually restructuring policy.
within the framework Good governance 2. As input for other researchers who are
development (Good governance). Bureaucratic interested to examine further and
Restructuring Local Government within the comprehensive about the restructuring of
framework of Good Governance is expected to regional bureaucracy, especially in the era of
create A regional administration Which is more bureaucratic reform that is running now.
accountable, transparent, responsive, Open, CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW
effective and efficient, as with The 2.1.Concept of Restructuring of Local Government
implementation of Good Governance Allows all Bureaucracy
existing elements ie Countries, the private sector Restructuring comes from the word re- and
and society can Involved proportionately in structure, then the organizational structure
determining Public policy created and will relates to a relatively fixed relationship between
Implemented. The various tasks that exist within the
organization. According Handoko (2006: 114),
1.2. Formulation of the problem organizational restructuring or organizational
Based on the existing problems, the research design can Is defined as the formal mechanisms
questions raised in analyzing and analyzing the by which the organization is administered where
bureaucratic restructuring implemented by the the organizational structure shows the framework
Regional Government in relation to the and arrangement of the embodiment of a fixed
development of Good Governance is As follows, pattern of relationship between the functions,
namely: sections or positions as well as those that show,
1.What is the process of Restructuring different duties of authority and responsibility
Bureaucracy Local Government of Bima City? within An organization.
2.How to Restructuring Bureaucracy implemented According to Gitosudarmo (2001: 90), the
by Local Government of Bima City leads to the structure Organizations relating to relative
development of Good Governance?. relationships Remain among the various tasks
within Organization where the process to create
1.3. Research purposes The structure, and decision-making About
1. To know and examine more deeply about the alternative structures called by name
process of Restructuring Bureaucracy Local Organizational design. Furthermore, Robbins
Government of Bima City. (2006: 77) Define the organizational restructuring
2. To know and examine in more depth about as A redesign or rearrangement process Against
Restructuring of Bureaucracy implemented by the existing bureaucratic order There is a dynamic
Local Government Bima City leads to the in the environment both internal Or externally
development of Good Governance. then the bureaucracy should also be Adapt the
dynamics in order to Developing. Adaptation to
1.4. Benefits of research the dynamics Happens to cause the bureaucracy
Benefits of research in this paper are: to perform accordingly With the existing reality.
Restructuring or Rearrangement of bureaucratic
organizations on Essentially is the activity to called by design name organization.
compose Bureaucratic organizational unit to be (Gitosudarmo, 1997).
handed over Field of work, task or function. Restructuring of Bureaucracy can be
Don Hellriegel (2001: 474) defines interpreted As a redesign or structuring process
Organizational design as the appraisal process and Repeat of the existing bureaucratic order. When
The selection of formal communication systems there is dynamics in good environment Internal
and structures, Field of human resources, and external bureaucracy as well Must adapt the
coordination, control, authority And responsibility dynamics in order Can survive. Adaptation to the
for achieving goals organization. In principle, the dynamics Happens to cause the bureaucracy to
design of the organization should be Able to: perform accordingly With the existing reality.
a.Disseminating information and making Restructuring or Rearrangement of bureaucratic
Decisions based on interests Stakeholders. organizations on Essentially is the activity to
b.Determine authority and responsibility In compose Bureaucratic organizational unit to be
duties, sections and departments. handed over Field of work, task or function.
c.Balancing the integration between work, Team, The success of organizational structuring
department and part with ability Adaptation to Depends on two things: the determination of the
environmental change. policy Structural changes that can anticipate
Restructuring of Bureaucracy can be Changes in structure in the future, and
interpreted As a rearrangement process The participation All members of the organization,
existing bureaucratic order. When it happens ability Changing their behavior, skills and Attitude
Dynamics in the environment both internally and (Huse, 1985). Based on opinion It can be
Externally then the bureaucracy must also concluded that the arrangement Organization is
Adapting these dynamics in order to Survive. an activity to design Organizations that suit your
Adaptation to the dynamics that occurred Causing needs and Demands for environmental change.
the bureaucracy to perform accordingly With the Activities Designing According to Robbins (1994)
existing reality. Restructuring or Rearrangement structure The organization determines how the
of bureaucratic organizations on Essentially is the task will be Divided, who reports to whom, and
activity to compose Bureaucratic organizational Formal coordination mechanisms and patterns
unit to be handed over Field of work, task or Interaction to be followed. Therefore,
function. Organizational structure (organizational Organizational structure is very important for a
design) Can be defined as mechanism mechanism Organization to work mechanism well.
Formal with which organization Managed.The
organizational structure shows Framework and 2.2. The Purpose of Bureaucracy Restructuring
embodiment of fixed pattern embodiment The purpose of organizational
Relationships between functions, Parts or restructuring According to Goiullart and Kelly
positions as well as people Which indicates, the (1995: 7) are "Preparing the organization to
duty of authority and Different responsibilities achieve The level of competition used, this is it
within a Organization (Handoko, 1995). Dealing with lean organizations and Fit ".
Organizational structure Relating to a relatively Government Organization as an organization The
fixed relationship Among the various tasks within public that has held a restructuring Where the
organization. Process to create structure , And organizational structure is adapted to
decision-making about Alternative structure is Organizational goals ie for welfare The whole
society, it will have an effect To the quality of organization Public with a new understanding of
service to the community itself. Restructuring can restructuring Then the purpose, is:
not be seen only From streamlining the 1. Downsizing functions that are not Should be
organization, HR, or Its performance alone but done by the government, This public
also must be considered That restructuring is a organization can divert Work out but still have
system that is Affect each other In achieving it.
organizational goals. 2. That is by eliminating political Aapointinalam
Restrukturirasi bureaucracy by some public organizations on the one hand And
People think is an effort to Minimize and organizing the organization in accordance with
professionalism within The achievement of Public demand.
governmental administration Good and clean 3. Restructuring that is external, that is Build a
(clean and good governance) This was once also diamteral relationship however Functional
written by Yusril Ihza Mahendra But in the organization with counter - Bureaucratic.
approach of bureaucratic reform Where the 4. Organize according to national demands, in
government is required to reform Bureaucracy as particular Which suggests today is
the answer of the rise of KKN. decentralization. Due to restructuring on
Restructuring the bureaucracy with a Essentially will form a structure that More
purpose Improve, professionalism and quality streamlined starting from the central level up
Regional bureaucracy service that is service With the area.
Effective, efficient, responsive to needs 5. Organizing public organizations in accordance
Community. The main basis of restructuring the with Global demands. Specifically organization
bureaucracy Regional devices in the form of an The public must be adaptive to the flow of
organization Is the existence of government mobility Capital that passes not only between
affairs that become Regional authority, countries But between parts of the country
comprising mandatory functions And matters of with parts other countries.
choice, but that does not mean that Every In organizational Restructuring as well Impact
handling of government affairs should be Formed on social systems and behavior Within the
into a separate organization Should pay attention organization. According to Follz. Harvey and
to aspects of competence Administration and Oclaughin (1974) in Miftah Toha (1996: 52):
efficiency to realize The implementation of Good "Restructuring and organizational coaching Is one
Governance in each unit Working device way to change the social system And the original
area.With the change Terminology of the behavior of the new behavioral order. P This
distribution of government affairs Is concurrent includes changes in work methods, work
under the Act Number 32 Year 2004, then in procedures Part of the action.
implementation Institutions at least contained
functions Government on each Level of 2.3.Connections between Bureaucracy
government. According to Nugroho (2002) The Restructuring
purpose of restructuring the bureaucracy is And Good Governance Development The
Reorganization of the organizational structure so reality of governance During the New Order
that Creating an efficient, effective, Transparency, regime put the bureaucracy In a very position
accountability by putting forward Giving the best Dominant.Dominannya position bureaucratic
service to Community. If associated with the position In the implementation of government is
Instruments of governance practice authoritarian. Government One area should do Restructuring of
When placing bureaucracy (Government) in a its bureaucracy. Must Local Government to do
face-to-face position With society then the The restructuring of the bureaucracy must be in
position of society Relatively very powerless. line With paradigm development The
Bureaucratic conditions Which comes with such a implementation of a new government that is
reality because Bureaucracy is sustained by a Must be able to realize the Good Governance
relative residence Excess when compared to that Especially at the local level. The reality of society
Owned by society. Bureaucratic structure Built Which is powerless as a result of the policy Past,
and developed in all directions, well Both then through bureaucratic restructuring, Local
vertically and dayzone. All The life line of society governments should be able to create community
is almost nonexistent Sterile from bureaucratic empowerment. Empowerment This society is
intervention.This condition in addition Creating meant to be Achieve parallels with other
the powerlessness of society as well Ultimately elements as The support of Good Governance, ie
making the community very dependent With State / government (bureaucracy) and the private
bureaucracy. sector Which has been more powerful than the
When there is political change at the level people. Bureaucratic Restructuring conducted by
National with the roll of reform, then there is The Local Government within the framework Good
will to empower the community and Reducing Governace development at the local level, Then
bureaucratic domination. Desire It is a reflection the restructuring must be able Creating a Regional
of Democratization democracy demands Government Bureaucracy Which comes with a
reinforcement On the community side compared new performance. The look of the local
to Bureaucracy / government. With the existence government bureaucracy should be No longer like
of democracy Allows the community to determine the previous period, that is a Great Local
His own fate that so far can not Get it. Due to Government Bureaucracy and Many require
democracy The community will have wide access resosis, but must exist With sleek but rich
to Enter and engage in the process arena Public functionality. If Local Government Bureaucracy
policy making. Democracy Making society is no can perform with The new performance is "lean
longer just an object That can be exploited but and mean" then The will to empower the people
society will Become subject. will Can be realized. Because of the recent resoses
In accordance with the development, it is Used for bureaucracy can be used for
now Good Governance paradigm into a Demands Empowering the community. With pity Society
in the organization Governance.Good Governance there will be a balance of roles Of all elements of
demands Balance of roles among all elements Good Governance. There is a balance of roles
Its supporters, namely the State / government between elements Good Governance support will
(Bureaucracy), the private sector and be able Realize the implementation of governance
society.Realitas Now this shows that position good.
Society is relatively unbalanced (no Powerless) In accordance with the governance
compared to element positions Other countries aspects of Good Governance as outlined Earlier,
and the private sector as Resulting from the then the appearance of the Government
practice of government administration past. Bureaucracy Areas that are accommodative to
With the implementation of the development "Good Governance" is only possible
regulatory package New regional autonomy, the if The bureaucracy has been able to transform
itself Into an organization that can Improve While the competence of personnel Defined as
administrative competence, Transparency and the ability and characteristics Owned personnel in
efficiency in the bureaucracy own. Such a the form of knowledge and Skills that serve as a
bureaucratic look will Able to greatly reduce the foundation in Placement / promotion on positions
use of resosis Which he has been using. So that Available in the bureaucratic organization of
Resosis that has been used by the bureaucracy results Restructuring process. With no
Can transfer for enhancement of empowerment competence Personnel in the ranks of
Community. government bureaucratic organizations Area then
The administrative competence of the the use of resoses for purposes The bureaucracy
Bureaucracy Local Government will be possible will be reduced, because Bureaucratic
The organization has institutional competencies professionalism can be realized. Capability of
And personnel competence. Competence is personnel in carrying out the task With good
defined As authority (power) for Determine / (form of professionalism) will Reduce the use of
decide something (KBBI, 1994) .Competency of costs that are not should.
individual / personnel approach This focuses on Based on the above perspective then in
one's superiority Especially in terms of knowledge This study is a Competency Administration, which
and skill (Widiyatnya, 1999). includes competence Institutions and individual
In accordance with the above perspective, competencies are Ability and characteristics of
then in Bureaucracy restructuring context organization and Personnel in carrying out basic
implemented By the Regional Government, tasks and Function. This concept will be viewed
bureaucratic organization Must have good with Indicators as follows: suitability between
competence from the side Institutional as well as missions Organization with basic tasks and
from the side The institutional competency is functions Organization, clarity of the main tasks
intended As a capability or authority Owned by and functions between Organization, employee
the institution / organization to achieve recruitment requirements on An organization,
Organizational goals effectively and This employee promotion requirements At certain
institutional competency contains Meaning that positions in the organization.
the established organization is true Have Transparency allows the community to be
authority and ability To carry out its main tasks able Controlling the bureaucracy in running
and functions Effectively and efficiently. Activity.As a strict control of the Society is what
Competence Institutional is meant to avoid The causes bureaucracy No longer able to casually use
existence of duplication of task implementation resosis That there is then a resosis Bureaucracy is
(overlap between Existing institutions) because of used especially for the benefit Subjective
the existence Competence of institutions then bureaucrats can be controlled towards Towards
every institution will Have different characteristics the diminishing. According to Finkelstein (2000)
with Other institutions in carrying out their Transparency is a characteristic Of those policies
activities To achieve effectiveness and efficiency that are easily understood, where Information
from organization goals. No inter-duplication about the policies is available, where
Organizations require the construction of a lean Accountability is clear, and where citizens know
bureaucratic organization. With Building such What role they play in policy implementation That
bureaucratic organization Then a resosis for sense can be interpreted that Transparency
bureaucracy will also be experienced Reduction. contains meaning, where Policies have easy
characteristics Understood, information about the public policy implementation then In public policy
policy easy Obtained, clear accountability, and implementation activities Should be done
community Know the rules of the game in efficiently (Widodo, 2001). Efficiency is the use of
implementation Policy. The more transparency time As short as possible at a cost As cheaply as
aspect leads On the clarity of the formulation service (Dwiyanto et al., 2002). The Perspective
mechanism and Implementation of policies, Shows that efficiency can be seen from Two
programs and projects Made and implemented by dimensions of cost / fund dimensions and
the government (Widodo, 2001). dimensions time.
In accordance with the above perspective, In this study and its relation to
then in This study and in accordance with the Restructuring of the bureaucracy, especially the
context Restructuring of the bureaucracy Local formation Organizations in the ranks of the
Government in the organization Local bureaucracy Local Government then the
Government then more specifically Transparency efficiency will be seen From the efficient use of
is defined as openness Owned by the organization public funds (APBD) For bureaucratic purposes
in implementation Public policy, where the and service efficiency To the community. This
people freely Can get information and know concept will be seen With the following
Clearly about the process of formulation and indicators: ability To simplify the Organization of
Implementation of public policy. Bureaucracy, Including the type of organization,
Concept of Transparency or openness of the number of organizations and Organizational
the organization Which is in the bureaucracy of echelonization, distribution of budget allocations
Local Government From the results of the (APBD) for the purpose of organizing Government
bureaucratic restructuring process, will Seen with (bureaucracy) and for the purposes Public
the following indicators : The obligation to be (community) and the ability to do Change / repair
open to the task Principal and organizational service to Community.
functions and implementation Of the obligation to
be openly owned by Organization based on main CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODS
tasks and functions. While efficiency is meant that
Restructuring of the bureaucracy Local 3.1. Types of research
Government must be able to produce A simpler Type of Research to be used in This
bureaucratic organization, Slim but rich research is descriptive. This study Parse and solve
functionality so aspect Efficiency especially in the problems that arise As well as an evaluation of
use of funds Public for more bureaucratic the process from Bureaucratic restructuring
purposes Good (efficient). Regarding its conducted by Bima City Government especially on
importance Organizational simplification and Good Governance development at the local level.
deep efficiency Good Governance Nisjar Furthermore, from the results of this study is
framework within Widodo (2001) states that the produced A recommendation to that problem
application of principles - The principle of "Good Investigated.
Governace", the government must ... Creating
institutional structures for The development of 3.2. Research sites
community participation, ... with So there needs This research is done in the environment
to be downsizing bureaucracy or Style of Bima City Government precisely on the Agency
government. Because bureaucracy is Institution of Regional Personnel of Bima City and Section
Organization and Utilization of Apparatus bureaucracy is implemented Through interviews
Regional Secretariat of Bima City, because the with resource persons Relevant and competent in
second This agency is more directed to the accordance with the material Research, namely:.
arrangement The institutional structure of the Administrative Assistant General, Head of BKD,
City Administration Bima. Secretary of BKD, Head DPKAD, Head of OPA
Section, Kasubag. Institutions and staff of the
3.3. Resources and Data Collection Techniques Organizational Section and Utilization of City
The main data source in this study Taken Secretariat Apparatus Bima. While the technique
from secondary data ingredients. Data Secondary of data collection Done with interview
obtained from the documents Is in the Office of techniques, observation And documentation
the Mayor of Bima, such as PP. 41 Year 2007 and
last PP 18 Year 2016 About the Organization 3.5. Data analysis technique
Guidelines for Regional Devices, Government Data analysis technique in this research
Regulation No. 99/2000 and Number 12 Year Using qualitative descriptive. With Data reduction
2002 About Promotion PNS, Government steps, data presentation and Conclusion
Regulation Number 100 Years 2000 and No. 13 of
2002 About Appointment of Civil Servants in CHAPTER IV. DISCUSSION OF RESEARCH RESULTS
Structural Position, Regional Regulation Number
18 Year 2000 About Establishment, Organizational 4.1. Profile of Bima City Government
Structure and Work Procedures Regional Devices In running the government, Bima City has
of Bima City, Calculation Data APBD Fiscal Year the support of various Device area. Structure or
2015/2016, APBD Data Fiscal Year 2016, Kota device area Bima City is described as follows:
Bima In Figures Year 2016, Brief Information Bima Table 1. Structure of Government Bureaucracy
City, Data Personnel Government City Bima State Kota Bima
1 October 2016, SOTK Data in Government Ranks NO Dinas/Badan/kantor Amount
Kota Bima. (fruit)
1. Bima City Regional 1
Given this research is focused on Secretariat
Restructuring of bureaucracy conducted by The 2. Secretariat of DPRD 1
Kota Bima
city government of Bima, then the data are many
3. Regional Offices 14
Obtained from the source of the Regional
Secretariat. Data Regarding the restructuring of 4. Regional Agency 8
5. Inspectorate 1
the bureaucracy in particular In relation to the
6. Regional Offices 4
organization of the Government Areas obtained 7. District 5
from the Organizational Section. While the source 8. Kelurahan 38
of personnel data and APBD Obtained from the Total 72
Data source: Kota Bima in 2015 figures
Regional Personnel Board of the City Bima and
Dinas Revenue and Management Finance and
4.2.Profil Government of Bima City.
Regional Assets of Bima City.
Bima City Government in creating The welfare of
As for extending and deepening
society managing finances And regional wealth in
Understanding of the particular issue Concerning
the form of Revenue Original Region (PAD). Data
the formulation process and policy outcomes The
restructuring of the local government
depicting Source and management of PAD Kota Then Bima City Government Bureaucracy can
Bima As well as the following data: Described as follows;
Table 2 Profile of Bima City Budget

Budget overview and realization Local

Own Revenue (PAD) Kota Bima Gives an idea of
the amount of funds Managed by the Kota Bima
government and realization Its use. APBD funds
are the ones to be Object deviation done by
apparatus The city government of Bima.

4.3. Description of Bima City Government

4.3.1. 1. Condition of Organization of Regional
Kota Bima was formed under the Law -
Law Number 13 Year 2002 About The
establishment of Kota Bima.Kota Bima was
inaugurated On 10April2002, hereafter
Immortalized as Bima City Anniversary. Since
Standing up to the Era of Regional Autonomy at
Under Law Number 23 of 2014 On Regional
Government (State Gazette Republic of Indonesia
Year 2014 Number 244, Supplement to the State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number
5587) as amended with Law Number 9 Year 2015
on Local government. Government Bureaucracy
The area has undergone several times the process
Change or restructuring. Lastly, Restructuring of
Bima City Government Bureaucracy Implemented
by guiding the Rules Government Number 41 Year
2007 About Guidelines for the Organization of
Regional Devices. By More specifically the
restructuring Led the Minister of Home Affairs
Regulation And Regional Autonomy Number 57
Year 2007 About the Organization Guidelines for
Regional Devices. From the results of the
restructuring that has been implemented
Based on City Regulation Bima Number 8 Is the Central PNS delegated to Region, this
Year 2008 About Formation Organizational abundance as a consequence of Some transfer of
Structure and Work Procedures of Devices Bima authority Government from the Central
City Area then Organization of Devices Bima City Government to The Regional Government in
area consists of Three kinds, namely the Regional accordance with the Undang- Law Number 32
Secretariat as Staff element, Regional Office as Year 2004 About Local government. regional
the executing element And Regional Technical autonomy. If Not supported by education and the
Institute as an element support. litihan Adequate then the number of employees is
The Position of the Regional Device is relatively enough Large can not guarantee an
Are under and accountable to Head of Region. organization Public able to perform its functions
The task of the Regional Device is Assist the well. As an illustration of the conditions
Regional Head in implementing The task of Employees in Kota Bima can be seen in the table
organizing the Government. While Its function is the following.
to formulate policy Local Government either
general or technical; Administration Table 6: Number of Employees by Level Education
administration Governance, resource In Organization of Devices Bima City Area
management apparatus, Finance, infrastructure
and facilities of the Government Area; Licensing
and execution public service; Seta perform other
tasks Provided by the Head of the Region in
accordance with Tasks and functions.
Organization of the Regional Devices
Formed in Kota Bima as a whole Totaling 31
organizations (see table 1) .All 14 organizations in
the form of service, 9 Organizations in the form of
bodies, and 3 organizations In the form of office
as well as 5 on the level Sub-districts and 38
organizations are at the level Kelurahan. Of the 33
organizations that are on District level consists of: The data shows that 43.90% of employees in the
2 staff elements Secretarial form; 31 Municipal Government bureaucracy Bima has
implementing elements Form of service; And 12 high school education. Besides it is visible Also
supporting elements Shaped bodies and offices, that 12.26% of employees are educated Bachelor
while existing At the kecamatan level other than degree (S1 & DIV); 24.70% Educated equivalent
the organization Sub-districts are also 5 Sub- Diploma 1 & 2 (D1 & 2); 7.39% educated
district Offices, and 38 In the form of the Lurah equivalent Diploma 3 (D3); 5.21% have
Office. elementary education; 3.63% educated Junior
high school; And 0.41% of each employee
4.3.2. Condition of Regional Personnel Educated at the level of Post-Graduate (S2) and
Number of employees inside Organization Doctoral (S3). In addition to the current employee
of Bima City Area Totaling 3,760 employees. High school education, D 1,2,3 and 4 and Bachelor
Partly Large and more than half that amount degree Some are taking formal education
A higher level with Task status Study and Study The echelon also increased one level.
Permit outside the region

4.4. Discussion of Research Results

4.1. Government Bureaucracy Restructuring
Kota Bima Bureaucracy Restructuring
Process The government of Bima City is
implemented not deeply Capacity to
accommodate existence Real change to
restructure Bureaucracy as a necessity. Where
there is Awareness of bureaucrats (the
authorities) To create a bureaucratic form
Better (otherwise ideal) and The existence of an
objective interest as a result The existence of
environmental changes, so would not Want to be
adjusted to Performance of existing bureaucracy.
However Restructuring of the Government
Bureaucracy Kota Bima is implemented only
within the framework Accommodate changes to
existing rules As a result of the issuance of a law
package New regional autonomy, in particular
Which regulates the Government institution
Regions, namely Government Regulation Number
41 Year 2007 About Organization Guidelines
Regional Devices and more specifically Decree of
the Minister of Home Affairs and Autonomy
Regional Number 57 of 2007 on Guidelines
Organization of Regional Devices.
The evidence of this analysis is based on
data Obtained in the field, that the Organization
The bureaucracy is in the City Government of
Bima Consists of staff elements, implementing
elements and Elements before the restructuring
process Amounted to 31 pieces of good
organization At the city, sub-district or district
level Kelurahan while after the process The
restructuring amounts to as much as 50 Fruit
organization. Structural positions are Developed
also increased Amount, originally as many as 464
positions Into as many as 237 positions, for all
Various positions at all levels of existing levels

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