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1 24
2 35 Mean 37.2
3 38 Standard Error 1.2607241123
4 48 Median 38
5 45 Mode 35
6 38 Standard Deviation 6.905270351
7 39 Sample Variance 47.682758621
8 40 Kurtosis 0.167725744
9 47 Skewness 0.2004121621
10 45 Range 30
11 35 Minimum 24
12 33 Maximum 54
13 39 Sum 1116
14 35 Count 30
15 29 Largest(1) 54
16 35 Smallest(1) 24
17 39 Confidence Level(95.0%) 2.5784702859
18 45
19 40
20 25
21 30
22 35
23 54
24 40
25 30
26 35
27 27
28 33
29 40
30 38
AGE TV hrs
27 8
31 10
29 9
44 5
21 9 AGE TV hrs
56 7 AGE 1
34 4 TV hrs -0.394605 1
37 5
17 10
13 9
31 7
34 3
37 4
43 3
29 7
29 8
28 4
32 8
32 5
30 10
22 4
21 5
35 4
Sr. No. AGE
1 24
2 35
3 38
4 48
5 45 BOX AND W
6 38
7 39
8 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
9 47
10 45
11 35
12 33
13 39
14 35 MIN = 24
15 29
16 35
17 39
18 45
19 40
20 25
21 30
22 35
23 54
24 40
25 30
26 35
27 27
28 33
29 40
30 38
Q1 33.5
Q3 40
Median 38

The median divides the data into a lower half and an upper half. 

The lower quartile Q1 is the middle value of the lower half. 
The upper quartile Q3 is the middle value of the upper half. 
25 30 35 40 45 50 55

MAX = 54

Q1. The 770 respondents from different retail zones have shown their willingness to purchase a shop in a mall as follows:

Willingness/Zone FURNITURE Electronics FLEE FOOD FASHION

YES 13 79 47 22 34
NO 32 77 54 27 55
GRAND TOTAL 45 156 101 49 89

Willingness/Zone FURNITURE Electronics FLEE FOOD FASHION

YES 16.4220779221 56.9298701299 36.85844 17.88182 32.47922
NO 28.5779220779 99.0701298701 64.14156 31.11818 56.52078
GRAND TOTAL 45 156 101 49 89

chitest 4.33212967E-08

Interpretation =
hase a shop in a mall as follows:


36 42 8 281
72 102 70 489
108 144 78 770


39.412987013 52.5506493506494 28.464935064935 281
68.587012987 91.4493506493507 49.535064935065 489
108 144 78 770
Sr. No. AGE
2 35 24-29 3 29
3 38 29-34 5 34
4 48 34-39 9 39
5 45 39-44 7 44
6 38 44-49 5 49
7 39 49-54 1 54
8 40 TOTAL 30
9 47
10 45
11 35 BIN Frequency
12 33 29 4
13 39 34 4
14 35 39 12
15 29 44 4
16 35 49 5
17 39 54 1
18 45 More 0
19 40
20 25
21 30
22 35 Frequency
23 54 14
24 40 12
25 30
26 35
8 Frequency
27 27
28 33 6
29 40 4
30 38 2
Q1 33.5
Q3 40 29 34 39 44 49 54 More
Median 38

The median divides the data into a lower half and an upper half. 

The lower quartile Q1 is the middle value of the lower half. 
The upper quartile Q3 is the middle value of the upper half. 

Frequency 39
student marks before course marks after course
1 26 33
2 27 31
3 29 33
4 23 35
5 22 33
6 31 29
7 23 26
8 21 31
9 22 26
10 25 29

compare means of 10 students before and after course

H0 : There is no diffrence between means of 10 students before and after course.
hint : when sample size is 30 or less than 30 , we use T-test .
H1 : There is diffrence between means of 10 students before and after course.
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

marks before course marks after course

Mean 24.9 30.6
Variance 10.9888888888888 9.37777777777774
Observations 10 10
Pearson Correlation 0.09413022182393
Hypothesized Mean Differe 0
df 9
t Stat (calculated value) -4.1957663361419
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.00116060027563
t Critical one-tail 2.82143792141052
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.00232120055126
t Critical two-tail 3.24983554112748
F-Test is used to compare the diffrences found in the individual samples from 2 different groupd

Sr.no Mumbai Pune

1 40 57
2 14 25
3 20 64 Q. Test the Hypothisis that diffrences in monthly fuel consuption in t
4 19 10
5 17 58
6 33 23 F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
7 11 74
8 10 20 Mumbai Pune
9 28 16 Mean 23.48387096774 50.4838709677
10 38 40 Variance 106.7913978495 521.391397849
11 17 28 Observations 31 31
12 17 42 df 30 30
13 17 54 F 0.20482002252
14 31 70 P(F<=f) one-tail 1.98080875E-05
15 29 58 F Critical one-tail 0.465260173543
16 13 88
17 45 52
18 27 71
19 28 90
20 41 34
21 20 74
22 30 69
23 16 62
24 10 62
25 14 81
26 24 27
27 37 40
28 12 33
29 33 44
30 27 79
31 10 20
onthly fuel consuption in there 2 cities are not significantly different at 98%.
Sr.no brand 1 brand 2
1 14 18 Q. compare the means to check if both brands are registering equal performance
2 17 15
3 18 11
4 20 9
5 19 9
6 16 13
7 16 9
8 13 16
9 19 19
10 14 19
11 19 13
12 17 19
13 19 16
14 13 11
15 13 10
16 17 14
17 13 13
18 20 18
19 17 16
20 13 12
21 16 9
22 16 11
23 14 17
24 14 18
25 17 17
26 13 12
27 18 19
28 12 11
29 15 9
30 16 14
31 12 11
egistering equal performance at 95%

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