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Firstly I apologize for the delay in the response; it is due to the previous Holy occasion that has

caused me to response late as I needed time to clearly answer the correspondence given to me by your
office. It is not my intention to cause any inconvenience, but it is quite understandable that I take school
matters important and to give my full attention to this matter.

In response to the March 25, 2019 letter;

In reference to school regulation and the manual of regulations for private schools, all
violations or infractions must be given fare and just warning before permanent action can be
adjudged to a person.

In fair and just practices an employee is given 3 warning before any punishment is given,
to the offender. In fact I have no knowledge of most of the violation alleged on your letter of
response; this includes the alleged violation of learners at the school library at school hours. If
such violations were true, then why was I not informed at the time or due to school business I
was called out from my stations which is most likely the case since it’s a busy school year? If
such violation did occur, then did the school employee reprimanded the students loitering in
the library and if so, why I was not informed. In the event a student is outside the classroom is
it not the homeroom`s advisor responsibility for the student’s violation. Since this incident
occurred numerous times when I was conveniently out of the library, I’m surprised that this was
not put to my attention sooner rather than later.

In relation to this subject, I was tardy with my school attendance due to a medical
condition I incurred during my tenure with this school. This is supported by my medical records
while I was undergoing treatment for my various conditions. (i.e. High Blood and heart
condition) it is quite excusable to say that my negligence for not informing the school was due
to my question condition at this time. I did inform my colleague of my predicament (absence
due to illness), but has failed to rely my request at the time as per school policy. This in turn has
to my in inability to take the recent Licensure Exam due to my swelling and injured leg at the
time when the exam was administered.

With the subject of tardiness with ICL Class, it is in my knowledge that I was not
summarily informed that I was handling of the class which was under Mr. Van Laz the class
adviser. In fact, thru negligence of others I was informed late of the changes hence, my inability
to handle all the responsibilities thrust upon me. In fact there was no formal notice or memo to
the changes in my schedule. As you can see from below my class load for 2018 – 2019 Schedule,
this was not the only class assigned to me and the failure of the assigning officer (Mr. Jose
Samuel Fadriga) to give me adequate has led to my violation of my tardiness.

In response to the tardiness of submission of basic requirements, it is to my knowledge

that not all the staff has completed their submission due to the full schedule with this school
year. Thus it is understandable to see, the reason for my inability to completely finish this task.

Lastly in response to my Licensure Examination, it is true that I have not qualified for
this requirement for permanency however I believe I am not the only teacher/adviser that has
failed on this matter example Mr. Jose Samuel Fadriga. I have over the course of my tenure
participated in school activities hoping to be indispensable to the school as seen on my records.
In the hope for a clear resolution to this matter, it is my sincerest hope to avoid further
inconvenience to the school it is my intention to submit the entire request needed from me as
the Library in charge and Subject Teacher. However I respectfully request from the school to
grant my request to garnish me with a certificate of employment for my work experience
during my tenure these past few years including a copy of any other documents collected in the
same period.

Below are the lists of duties assigned to me during my school tenure:

School Experience
2012 – 2013
Grade V adviser
Subject Teacher IV, V & VI English, HELE & MAPEH
Asst. DLC Adviser
Boy Scout Troop Leader

2013 – 2014
Grade V adviser
Subject Teacher IV, V & VI English, HELE & MAPEH
Asst. DLC Advisor headed by Mrs. Fabales
Boy Scout Troop Leader

2014 - 2015
Grade V adviser
Subject Teacher IV, V & VI English, HELE & MAPEH
DLC Advisor
Boy Scout Troop Leader
2015 - 2016
Grade V adviser
Subject Teacher IV, V & VI English, HELE & MAPEH
Grade 7 English Teacher
DLC Advisor
Boy Scout Troop Leader

2016 - 2017
Grade IV adviser
Subject Teacher IV, V & VI English, HELE & MAPEH
Grade 8 English Teacher
DLC Advisor
Boy Scout Troop Leader

2017- 2018
Grade III Adviser
DLC Advisor
Boy Scout Troop Leader

2018 – 2019
Library In – charge
Subject Teacher IV, V & VI MAPEH
DLC Advisor
ICL Grade 10 St. Thomas
ICL Grade 7 St. Hyacint
ICL Grade 8 St. Margarette & St. John

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