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A social problem is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large

numbers of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that

needs to be addressed. Matha Nausbaum , an American philosopher once defined a
social problem as an act that gives effect to society, hence, she added that globalization
gives an output that can be a social problem in the world as modernity arrives.
Social Problem can be deteriorated by many social event which have an effect to one
another (i.e. people, community, territory, racism and etc.). Social problems are the
general factors that affect and damage society which is also known as social issues
sometimes. A social problem is normally a term used to describe problems with a
particular area or group of people in the world. Social problems often involve problems
that affect the real world. It also affects how people react to certain situations. Examples
can include poverty, racial discrimination, economic deprivation, political corruption,
Social Problems provides a multidisciplinary forum for issues germane to race and its
enduring relationship to psychological, socioeconomic, political, and cultural problems
(Koeske, 2019). Eskine (2012) added that that people's social behavior can be affected
by manipulating their preexisting emotional state, for instance by showing them
arousing stimuli, exposing them to stressful vs. rewarding conditions, or engaging them
in emotion regulation strategies and as for the case of genetic polymorphisms, these
preexisting emotional states can alter the mental and brain processes critical for
individual social behavior, thus showing how affective and social functioning might rely
on partially overlapping systems.
Social Problem can either be both an objective component and a subjective component.
The objective component refers to any condition or behavior to be considered a social
problem, it must have negative consequences for large numbers of people. The reasons
for these consequences are often hotly debated, and sometimes, as we shall see in
certain event, sometimes the very existence of these consequences is disputed. A
current example is climate change, Although the overwhelming majority of climate
scientists say that climate change is real and serious, fewer than two-thirds of
Americans (64 percent) in a 2011 poll said they “think that global warming is happening”
(Leiserowitz, et. al., 2011). The other type of social problem is subjective component
with addresses that there must be a perception that a condition or behavior needs to be
addressed for it to be considered a social problem. This component lies at the heart of
the social constructionist view of social problems (Rubington & Weinberg, 2010). In this
view, many types of negative conditions and behaviors exist. Many of these are
considered sufficiently negative to acquire the status of a social problem; some do not
receive this consideration and thus do not become a social problem; and some become
considered a social problem only if citizens, policymakers, or other parties call attention
to the condition or behavior.
Personally, me, as a woman, who has been open in our society, social problem is
inevitable. I had been exposed to racial discrimination, war, violence and torment action.
This social events lead to social problem which killed many people around the world.
One social problem that I want to address is poverty and war. We all know that I am
living in a Philippines, a third world country who has a slow progress in terms of justice,
political service, social preferences and others. Me, as a teacher, personally feel an
empathy to my students who has been a big issue of social problems, some of them are
victims of rape, poverty, racial discrimination and lastly, violence. I am here, studying in
ur subject, not just to acquire another tail in my name, but to apply my own visions to
the world. I may not eradicate this social problems, but somehow can be lessen it with
the help of my studies in your subjects.

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