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Paper accepted for presentation at PPT 2001

2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference

loth-13'h September, Porto, Portugal

Influence of Earthing Conductors on Current

Reduction Factor of a Distribution Cable
Laid in High Resistivity Soil
Ivan Sarajcev, Matislav Majstrovic, Member IEEE, Elis Sutlovic

Abstract- Various types of system circuit faults are conductors laid in the same trench. Influence of both
possible. The most common is the phase-earth fault. During electromagnetic characteristics and earthing conductor
this fault, currents flow through earthing grids as well as geometrical characteristics as well as influence of
through the earth. These currents are the consequence of geophysical features on the reduction factor will be
electromagnetic coupling of conductors and earthing grid
potentials and can he presented by current reduction factor.
When earhing conductors are laid together with cables, the
current reduction factor is very difficult to define. In this paper 11. MATHEMATICAL MODEL
a mathematical determination model of current reduction A cross-sectional area of the trench with a three-core
factor is presented for the cable and earthing conductors laid in cable and n earthing conductors is shown in Figure 1.
the same trench. Influence of both electromagnetic
Earthing conductors (I ,2,..,n) are set anywhere in relation to
characteristics and earthing conductor geometrical
characteristics as well as influence of geophysical features on the cable. Those conductors and the conductive cable shield
the current reduction factor is analyzed in this paper. ( n t l ) are earthed on both ends. This is the system of n+l
passive conductors.
lndex Tens--reduction factor, earthing conductor,
distribution cable
Croatia is a country of 1185 islands, islets and reefs. Soil
on islands is mostly of stony nature, with average earth
electrical resistivity over 2000 Rm. Therefore, statutory
earthing conditions are very difficult to satisfy. Distribution
network on the islands consists of overhead lines and cables.
Cables laid into high resistivity soil are sometimes exposed
to lightning strikes. It happens particularly when cables are
laid on geographically higher island routes. Usually, for
better earthing conditions and lightning protection, earthing
conductors are laid in the same trench with cables.
Generally, earthing conductors are connected to earthing
grids of terminal plants. The same procedure is necessary
with the conductive cable sheath. This is the way in which
the earthing system is built. Croatian distribution 20 kV
Figure 1. Cross-sectional area of the trench with three-core cable
networks are earthed via a small resistance (R,=40 a). and earthing conductors
Various types of system circuit faults are possible. The most
common is the phase-earth fault. During this fault, currents
flow through earthing grids as well as through the earth. During the phase-earth fault, currents ILI,IL2 and IL3 flow
These currents are the consequence of electromagnetic through phase conductors L1, L2 and L3, respectively.
coupling of conductors and earthing grid potentials and can Those currents determine the triple zero sequence current
be presented by current reduction factor. Determination of according to the following relation:
cable current reduction factor is well known [1-31. However,
when earhing conductors are laid together with cables, the
current reduction factor is very difficult to define. In this
paper a mathematical determination model of current
reduction factor is presented for the cable and earthing

0-7803-7139-9101/$10.000200 1 IEEE
The following matrix equation describes the current state in The earth current is:
a passive conductor system caused by electromagnetic



E l - Matrix of self and mutual impedance of passive

conductors with earth return. Its dimension is
The current reduction factor is defined, as follows:
(n+l, n+l). Because of low frequency (f=50 Hz)
and cable trench cross-sectional area
terms of this matrix are calculated according
to [4-61.
{j } - Column vector of unknown currents, dimension and therefore,
(n+l). Its terms are unknown passive conductor
- n+ln+l
currents ( Ii, i=1,2,...,n+l).
{ Zc } - Column vector of mutual impedance between
phase conductors and passive conductors with
earth return, dimension (n+l). Its terms are
calculated according to [4-61. 111. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE
The model presented is applied in the distribution line of
The unknown {T} is: three-core cable. Cross-sectional area of the copper
stranding conductor is 185 mm'. The insulation thickness is
5.5 mm. The sheath is made of 2.4 mm thick plumb pipe
with outside diameter of 58 mm. A 2.2 mm thick PVC is
used for non-metallic outer sheath. The cable's external
diameter is 62.5 mm. Rated voltage is 20 kV. Cable is laid in
the earth. Earth electrical resistivity is 3000 Om. N copper
stranding earthing conductors with cross-sectional area of 50
According to equation (4) the current of the passive mm2 are laid in the same duct. According to Fig. 1,
conductor i (Ti ,i=1,2,. ..,n+l,) is: coordinates of earthing conductors are: 1 xi 1 = a and 1 y, 1 =
a , i=1,2,...,n. Terms of matrix [z] from (2) are calculated
by the following equations:
T.1 -- 3 j 0 . c y .11. . ?CJ. (5)

yij i Zcj are terms of matrix [ y ] and vector { z , } ,
respectively. The total current of all passive conductors is:

n+l -
Tp = I;
Substituting for Ti from equation (5),
Rli - resistance of passive conductor i, SUkm
(sheath: 0.52 Cllkm, earthing conductor:
0.36 Qh),
sii - geometric mean radius of passive conductor i, m,
sij - geometric mean distance between passive
conductors i and k, m,
P - earth electrical resistivity, Rm. Influence of earthing conductors on the current reduction
w - angular frequency, o = 2.71;.f , factor of the distribution cable laid in a high resistivity soil is
f - fi-equencyof system, Hz, analyzed in an example, applying the method presented
Po - vacuum permeability, p0=471;10'7,VsIAm, here. If total number of earthing conductors (n) is increasing
and coordinate (a) is decreasing then the current reduction
j - imaginary unit, j = J-1 factor is decreasing.

Terms of vector Ec}
are obtained from (13). On the basis L. Heinhold, Power Cables and their Application., Siemens, AG,
of mathematical model presented in chapter 11, and (12) and Berlin, 1979.
H. Seljeseth, A. Compling, K. H. Feist, M. Kuussari, "Station earthing,
(13) a software package has been developed. Current
Safety and Interference Aspects", Electra, No. 71, July 1980.,
reduction factor of the distribution line of three-core cable is pp. 47-69, CIGRE, Paris
calculated for different cases of total number of earthing IEEE K G. 56.1 (1986): IEEE Guide for Safely in ACSubstation
conductors (n) and coordinates (a). Calculation results of Grounding, IEEE Std. 80, ISBN 471-85393-3, New York
J. R. Carson, "Ground Return Impedance: Underground Wire with
current reduction factors are presented in Table I. Current
Earth Return", Bell Sysfem Tech. Y., Vol. 8, pp. 94-98, 1929.
reduction factor of presented distribution line without F. Pollaczek, "Uber das Feld einer unendlich langen
earthing conductors is k = 0.5461-53.3" . wechselstromdurchflossenen Einfachleitung", Elektr. Nachr. Technik,
Band 3, Heft 9, S. 339-359, 1926.
Siemens A . G.: Formel-und Tabellenbuch fuer Starkstrom -
Ingenieuere, Girardet, Essen, 1965.

a k Ivan Sarajeev was born in Split, Croatia, on October 28, 1947. He
graduated BSEE from the University of Split, .Faculty of Electrical
Im1 n=l n=2 n=3 n=4 Engineering. He obtained his MSEE and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Zagreb in Croatia 1981 and 1985, respectively. He is
0.295 0.198 0.146 0.115 currently an associated professor at University of Split, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering. His research interests include Power System Analysis,
1-58.3" 1-62.0" 1-66.6" 1-70.8" Electromagnetic Phenomena, and Protection in Electrical Power System.
He is a member of CIGRE, and Energy Association of Croatia.
0.303 0.206 0.152 0.120

1 1 o.20
1 1-61.3"
1-6 1.3"
1 1-65.9'
I 1-69.6"
Matislav Majstrovic was born in Dragljane, Croatia, on December 24,
1949. He graduated B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Croatia He received
his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of
Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering 1979 and 1986, respectively. He
is currently a senior researcher at Energy Institute '' Hrvoje Pozar" Zagreb
and full professor at University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
His research interests include Power System Analysis, Implementation of
IV. CONCLUSION fuzzy system theory and genetic algorithm into Electrical Power System
Equation (1 1) presents a general mathematical model for Analysis, Restructuring of Electrical Energy Sector. He is a member of
IEEE, IASTED, CIGRE, and Energy Association of Croatia.
the current reduction factor of the three-phase cable and an
arbitrary number of earthing conductors. The presented Elis Sutlovic was born in Sibenik, Croatia, on April 17, 1961. He received
mathematical model takes into consideration B.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Split, Faculty of Electrical
electromagnetic and geometrical features of all passive Engineering 1984 and 2001, respectively. He obtained his MSEE in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb in Croatia 1993. He is
conductors, electromagnetic coupling between passive and currently an assistance professor at University of Split, Faculty of Electrical
phase conductors, positions of cable and earthing conductors Engineering. His dominant research interest is Power System Planning. He
in the trench and geophysical features of the soil on the is a member of CIGRE, and Energy Association of Croatia.
cable route.

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