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As of the scurvy as a disease caused by nutritional deficiency of vitamin it may bring different

affects to the t age group of the people.

As of the Vitamin c or being called as the ascorbic acid has been essential dietary nutrient for

the development and functioning of several bodily structures, for the preventing in the common cold, it

also acts as an antioxidant in the body, meaning it protects our cells from the damage by free radicals

which is essential to maintain everybody’s good health conditions. Moreover, vitamin C deficiency can

be experience by everyone and that includes the infants and the adults who are more prone to

experience different kind of diseases.

Infants are the first eight weeks who have no control over their movements and all their

physical activity is involuntary or reflex. As the infants called as the newborn babies, they have

certain basic needs that must be provided for to ensure their optimal development and wellbeing

and that includes the vitamins, particularly with the vitamin C in which it can be found on their

mother’s milk. According to Made of, (2019) vitamin C help to develop and repair babies’ skin

cells, tissue and bones same as they help to improve their blood vessels and to prevent bruising

from minor injuries. Moreover, this vitamin strengths the body so it can fight off infections and

other health issues.

On the other side, being at the stage of being adult, it requires us to have more productive

body to enable us to perform and to accomplish certain works that was assigned to us. According

to enervon (2019), vitamin c helps to boosts body immune system against common sickness, it is

necessary for the iron absorption , it is also helps to be affected by the mood improvement and

lastly it is essential to maintain skin and eye in a good health condition. Nevertheless, engaging

with these benefits can result for the adults to become more productive on everyday task given

for their lives.

Nevertheless, vitamin C from the foods we intake can help to the infant same as in adults

to engage good body health conditions. By involving with these benefits, it can result and react

to the body to become more productive on everyday task given for our daily lives. However, too

much intake of theses vitamins may be harmful into our health condition same as having a low
supply of vitamin C in the body which can leads to the different health disease and one of those

is called the scurvy.

Deficiency of vitamin C for the infants and for the adults involved different effects into

its health condition and their behavior. As the healthline (2019), stated that infants with scurvy

will be more irritable, anxious and may have trouble in soothe and the worst case that they may

also encounter is they might appear to be paralyze, lying with their arms and legs extend halfway

out. Infants who are experiencing scurvy may also develop weak, brittle bones prone to fractures

and bleeding. In addition, they might be loss their appetite as their gums can become bluish and

might be experience pain that causes them to assume a frog-leg posture of comfort. Moreover,

as the Vitamin C is essential to the structure of collagen, in therefore all the body parts are

affected. Vascular fragility is a major concern for the infants. As for the newborn baby’s pseudo

paralysis may be present due to bone pain whereas older children may refuse to walk (Murphy,

R. n.dd). As for the adults suffering scurvy, according to the Medical News Today, (2017), early

signs of vitamin C deficiency within eight to twelve weeks includes the loss of appetite, weight

loss, fatigue, irritability and lethargy.

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