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Defence Sector

Product Import – Embargo List

Aug 2020

Aug 10, 2020

Import embargo on 101 Defence items; Big push to
“Atmanirbhar Bharat” initiative

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced an import embargo list of 101 defence items to be progressively
implemented between 2020 and 2024 to boost indigenisation of defence production providing a big push to

“Atmanirbhar Bharat” and “Make in India” Initiatives. This was one of the major steps proposed in Draft
Defence production and Export Promotion policy (DPEPP) 2020. The decision offers a great opportunity to
the Indian defence industry to manufacture the items in the negative list by using their own design and
development capabilities or adopting technologies designed & developed by DRDO to meet the
requirements of armed forces in coming years.

Key Highlights:

 The list of 101 embargoed items comprises not just simple parts but also some high technology weapon

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

systems like artillery guns, assault rifles, corvettes, sonar systems, transport aircrafts, light combat
helicopters (LCHs), radars and many other items to fulfil the needs of our Defence Services

 Almost 260 schemes of such items were contracted by the Tri-Services at a cost of ~| 3.5 lakh crore
between April 2015 and August 2020

 With the latest embargo on import of 101 items, it is estimated that contracts worth almost | 4.0 lakh
crore will be placed upon the domestic industry within the next five to seven years. Of these, items
worth almost | 1.3 lakh crore each are anticipated for the Army and the Air Force while items worth
almost | 1.4 lakh crore are anticipated by the Navy over the same period
Key Highlights (Continued…):

 The 101 embargo list creating opportunity worth ~| 4.0 lakh crore for the domestic industry over five to
seven years includes key prominent items/ products/ platforms like 1) wheeled armored fighting vehicles
(AFVs) with indicative import embargo date of December 2021, of which the Army is expected to
contract almost 200 AFVs worth ~| 5,000 crore, 2) Similarly, the Navy is likely to place demands for
submarines with indicative import embargo date of December 2021, of which it expects to contract
about six submarines worth ~| 42,000 crore, 3) For the Air Force, it is decided to enlist the light combat
aircraft LCA MK 1A with an indicative embargo date of December 2020. Of these, 123 are anticipated at
an approximate cost of over ~| 85,000 crore

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research


The embargo list is in line to reduce needs for imports and push 'Make in India' and ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’
initiative through design and development or adopting technologies designed and developed by DRDO. It
focuses on support to MSMEs, R&D, export promotion, ease of doing business etc. The estimated embargo
list to enable estimated | 4.0 lakh crore worth of contracts would be placed to the domestic industry over
the next five to seven years. This comes to average contract of | 57000 crore to | 80,000 crore per annum.
This would provide significant thrust to defence manufacturing companies in scaling up their production
capabilities in long term. In our coverage universe, companies like L&T, Bharat Electronics (BEL) and Cochin
Shipyard (CSL) with strong indigenous capabilities in products like artillery systems, missile sub-systems,
aerospace, radars, electronic warfare systems, shipbuilding, etc, are likely to benefit from the move in the

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long run. Companies like Bharat Dynamics (BDL), Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL), BEML, Mahindra Defence
Systems (MDSL), Tata Advance Systems (TASL) to benefit across their varied product portfolio. However,
bulk of future contracts are between LCA MK1A and submarines (~| 1.27 lakh crore). Excluding these
contracts, average contracts comes down to | 39000 to | 54000 crore per year. Though the embargo list is
sentimentally positive, the execution on ground in terms of rapid indigenisation, pick-up in ordering, which
usually takes bit longer and get delays, allocation of funds to defence capital expenditure and working
capital management would be key monitorables to achieve the desired results.
101 Defence embargo import list and beneficiary companies…..

In d icativ e y e ar o f Be n e ficiar y co m p an ie s w ith lo cal

Nam e o f p latfo r m /w e ap o n /s y s te m /e q u ip m e n t
Im p o r t e m b ar g o p r o d u ct m fg . C ap ab ilitie s

1. 120mm Fin S ta bilis e d A rmour Pie rc ing Dis c a rding S a bot (FS A PDS ) Ma rk II A mmunition De c -20 L &T
2. Tra c ke d S e lf Prope lle d (S P) G un (155mm x 52 C a l)
3. 7.62x 51 S nipe r R if le
4. Tow e d A rtille ry G un (155mm x 52 C a l)
5. Tra c ke d S e lf Prope lle d (S P) G un (155mm x 52 C a l)
6. Fie ld A rtille ry Tra c tor (FA T) 6X 6 f or Me dium G uns
1. S hort R a nge S urf a c e to A ir Mis s ile s (L a nd v a ria nt) De c -20 Bha ra t Dy na mic L td (BDL ), L &T, BEL
2. S hipborne C ruis e Mis s ile s
3. Multi Ba rre l R oc ke t L a unc he r (MBR L ) (Pina ka V a ria nt)
4. Mis s ile De s troy e rs
1. S imula tors Pre s e nting S ma rt R a nge s A nd Multi-Func tion Ta rge ts De c -20 Bha ra t Ele c tronic s L td (BEL ), L &T, HA L
2. Ba tta lion S upport We a pons S imula tors
3. C onta ine r-ba s e d S imula tors f or L iv e Fire Tra ining
4. Ta ilor-ma de S imula tors f or C ounte r Ins urge nc y (C I)/C ounte r Te rroris m (C T) ba s e d Tra ining
5. Forc e -on-f orc e L iv e Ta c tic a l S imula tors / Inf a ntry We a pon

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

6. Ta nk S imula tors (driv ing, a s w e ll a s , c re w gunne ry )
7. S imula tors f or A V e hic le s / B V e hic le s
8. S of tw a re De f ine d R a dio (TA C ) f or IN
8. S imula tors f or Tow e d a nd S e lf Prope lle d G uns of A ir De f e nc e
9. S imula tors f or C orre c tion of Fire by O bs e rv e rs
10. Ne x t G e ne ra tion Ma ritime Mobile C oa s ta l Ba tte ry (L ong R a nge )
11.A dv a nc e L a nding G round C ommunic a tion Te rmina ls (A L G C Ts )f or A G L s

1. 155mm/39 C a l Ultra -L ight How itz e r De c -20 Ma hindra De f e nc e S y s te ms L td (MDS L )

1. S uc c e s s or of Fly c a tc he r & Upgra de d S upe r Fle de rma us (US FM) / A ir De f e nc e Fire C ontrol R a da r (A DFC R ) De c -20 Bha ra t Ele c tronic s L td (BEL ), L &T, Ta ta
2. R a da r Wa rning R e c e iv e r (R WR ) f or Tra ns port A irc ra f t A dv a nc e S y s te ms L td (TA S L )
3. G round Ba s e d Mobile EL INT S y s te m
4. Digita l Tropo S c a tte r/L O S C ommunic a tion S y s te m
5. L ow L e v e l Tra ns porta ble R a da r
6. High Pow e r R a da r (HPR )
7. C BR N De te c tion & Monitoring S y s te m
8. C BR N De c onta mina tion & Prote c tion S y s te m
9. S hipborne S ona r S y s te m f or L a rge S hips
10. Hull Mounte d S ubma rine S ona r

Source: Ministry of Defence (MoD), ICICI Direct Research

August 10, 2020 ICICI Securities Ltd. | Retail Equity Research 5
101 Defence embargo import list and beneficiary companies…..

In d icative ye ar o f Be n e ficiar y co m p an ie s w ith lo cal

Nam e o f p latfo r m /w e ap o n /s ys te m /e q u ip m e n t
Im p o r t e m b ar g o p r o d u ct m fg . C ap ab ilitie s

1. S hipborne C los e in Wea pon S ys tem Dec-20 BDL

1. Bullet Proof Ja ckets Dec-20 S ma ller PS U a nd Priv a te Pla yers

2. Ba llis tic Helmets
1. Multi-Purpos e V es s el Dec-20 C ochin S hipya rd L td (C S L ), G a rden Rea ch
2. O f f s hore Pa trol V es s el S hipbuilders & Engineers (G RS E), L a rs en &
3. Nex t G enera tion Mis s ile V es s els Toubro (L &T)
4. A nti-S ubma rine Wa rf a re S ha llow Wa ter C ra f ts
5. Wa ter Jet Fa s t A tta ck C ra f t
6. A mmunition Ba rges
7. 50ton Bolla rd - Pull Tugs
8. S urv ey V es s els
9. Floa ting Dock

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

10. Div ing S upport V es s els
11. Pollution C ontrol V es s els
12. 500 Ton S elf Propelled Wa ter Ba rges

1. S hipborne Medium Ra nge G un Dec-20 BDL , L &T

2. Torpedo Tube L a uncher f or L ight Weight Torpedoes
3. A ll v a ria nts of Depth C ha rges
1. S hort Ra nge Ma ritime Reconna is s a nce A ircra f t Dec-20 L &T
2. A nti-S ubma rine Rocket
3. C ha f f Rockets
4. C ha f f Rocket L a uncher
5. Integra ted S hip’s Bridge S ys tem

1. L ight C omba t A ircra f t (L C A ) MK I A - Enha nced Indigenis ed C ontent Dec-20 Hindus ta n A erona utics L td (HA L )
2. L ight C omba t Helicopters
3. Tra ns port A ircra f t (L ight)
4. A eria l Deliv ery S ys tems f or Tra ns port A ircra f t

Source: MoD, ICICI Direct Research

August 10, 2020 ICICI Securities Ltd. | Retail Equity Research 6

101 Defence embargo import list and beneficiary companies…..

In d icative ye ar o f Be n e ficiar y co m p an ie s w ith lo cal

Nam e o f p latfo r m /w e ap o n /s ys te m /e q u ip m e n t

Im p o r t e m b ar g o p r o d u ct m fg . C ap ab ilitie s

1. G S A T-6 S atellite Terminals Dec-20 HA L , L &T

1. Parachute Tactical A s s ault (PTA )- G 2 Dec-20 L &T

2. Dragunov Upgrade S ys tem
3. PK MG Upgrade S ys tem

1. Military trucks of 4x4 and abov e v ariants : 12x12, 10x10, 8x8, 6x6 Dec-20 BEML

1. Fixed Wing Mini UA V s Dec-20 L &T, TA S L , HA L

In d icative ye ar o f Be n e ficiar y co m p an ie s w ith lo cal

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

Nam e o f p latfo r m /w e ap o n /s ys te m /e q u ip m e n t
Im p o r t e m b ar g o p r o d u ct m fg . C ap ab ilitie s
1. Wheeled A rmored Fighting V ehicle (A FV ) Dec-21 MDS L , BEML

1. L ight Machine G un Dec-21 L &T

2. 125 mm Fin S tabilis ed A rmour Piercing Dis carding S abot (FS A PDS ) New G eneration A mmunition
3. A s s ault Rif le 7.62 x 39mm
4. 30 mm A mmunition f or Inf antry Fighting S ys tems

1. Mine Fragmentation Dec-21

2. Mine A nti-tank
3. Mine A nti-Pers onnel Blas t
4. Multipurpos e G renade
1. Conv entional S ubmarines Dec-21 G RS E, CS L
1. Inertial Nav igation S ys tem f or S hip A pplication Dec-21 BEL

Source: MoD, ICICI Direct Research

August 10, 2020 ICICI Securities Ltd. | Retail Equity Research 7

101 Defence embargo import list and beneficiary companies…..

In d icative ye ar o f Be n e ficiar y co m p an ie s w ith lo cal

Nam e o f p latfo r m /w e ap o n /s ys te m /e q u ip m e n t
Im p o r t e m b ar g o p r o d u ct m fg . C ap ab ilitie s

1. 40mm UBG L (Under Barrel G renade L auncher) Dec-22 L &T
2. L ightw eight Rocket L auncher
1. 155 mm A rtillery A mmunition Dec-22 & Dec-24 L &T
3. G RA D BM Rocket
4. Clos e in Weapon Sys tem (L and bas ed)
5.23 mm Z U A mmunitions
6. 30mm V O G 17
1. EW Sys tems Dec-23 & Dec-24 BEL , L &T
2. EW Suit for MI-17 V 5

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research

3. L ight L ow L evel Terrain Radar (L L L WR)
4. Electronic Fus es for A rtillery A mmunitions
5. Bi- Modular Charge Sys tem (BMCS )

1. Material Handling Crane 2.5 to 7.5 Tons (V ehicle Mounted) Dec-23

1. A STRA -MK I Beyond V is ual Range A ir to A ir Mis s ile (BV R A A M) Dec-23 & Dec-25 BDL
2. L ong Range – L and A ttack Cruis e Mis s ile
1. Communication Satellite G SA T-7C Dec-23 HA L , L &T
2. Satellite G SA T 7R
1. Bas ic Trainer A ircraft (BTA ) Dec-23 & Dec-24 HA L
2. Expendable A erial Targets
3. Small Jet Engines w ith 120kgf thrus t

Source: MoD, ICICI Direct Research

August 10, 2020 ICICI Securities Ltd. | Retail Equity Research 8

ICICI Securities – Retail Equity Research
Pankaj Pandey Head – Research pankaj.pandey@icicisecurities.com

ICICI Direct Research Desk,

ICICI Securities Limited,
1st Floor, Akruti Trade Centre,
Road No 7, MIDC
Andheri (East)
Mumbai – 400 093



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