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Year 10 – Partial Re-opening Information

Attendance Dates and Arrival Times

Year 10s will attend for 2 days each week. The days will depend on the subjects being studied. An overview is
included in the table below.

Week Days Year 10 Arrival Times in School

8:30 – 10:00 10:00 – 11:30 Notes 8:00 – 8:15 8:15 – 8:30
15.06 Monday Maths Sets English Sets 1-5 Surnames A - Surnames
1-5 Kamara Kantalia - Z
Tuesday Maths Sets English Sets 1-5 Surnames A - Surnames
1-5 1.5 hours of Kamara Kantalia - Z
Wednesday Maths Sets English Sets 6- each subject Surnames A - Surnames
6-10 10 per day. Kamara Kantalia - Z
Thursday Maths Sets English Sets 6- Surnames A - Surnames
6-10 10 Kamara Kantalia - Z
Friday School Cleaning No year 10 in school
29.06 Monday Science Sets 1,3, 5,7, 9 Surnames Kantalia Surnames A -
-Z Kamara
One class
Tuesday Science Sets 1,3, 5,7, 9 Surnames Kantalia Surnames A -
each of
-Z Kamara
Wednesday Science Sets 2,4, 6, 8, 10 Surnames Kantalia Surnames A -
-Z Kamara
Biology per
Thursday Science Sets 2,4, 6, 8, 10 Surnames Kantalia Surnames A -
-Z Kamara
Friday No classes No year 10 in school
06.07 Monday EBacc Block 1 Surnames A – Surnames
(History/Geography/MFL) Surnames A - Cottingham Coulson - Kamara
Tuesday Kamara Surnames A – Surnames
EBacc Block 2 (MFL/Options)
Cottingham Coulson - Kamara
Wednesday Surnames Kantalia Surnames
EBacc Block 1
Surnames – Quantrill Raheem - Z
Thursday Kantalia-Z Surnames Kantalia Surnames
EBacc Block 2
– Quantrill Raheem - Z
Friday No classes No year 10 in school
13.07 Monday Surnames Coulson Surnames A –
Option A
Surnames A - - Kamara Cottingham
Tuesday Kamara Surnames Coulson Surnames A –
Option B
- Kamara Cottingham
Wednesday Surnames Raheem Surnames
Option A -Z Kantalia –
Surnames Quantrill
Thursday Kantalia - Z Surnames Raheem Surnames
Option B -Z Kantalia –
Friday No classes No year 10 in school

Looking at each week, you will be able to identify which group each student will be in. To help with this an individual
timetable will be produced and sent directly to each student. This will show the subject, the teacher and the room
that they will be in.

A link to a survey has been sent which we would ask you to complete letting us know if your child will be attending
or not. This will be sent each week of face-to-face teaching so that we can produce registers and ensure we know
who should be in school.
Guidelines and Expectations
Arrival and Departure

- Students will only be permitted to attend lessons on their designated days (see above)
- Lessons will begin at 8:30am each day
- Students should arrive at the front of school according to the timetable above. This is to prevent crowding at
the front of school and to allow a calm and ordered start to the day.
- Students will line up, 2 metres apart, outside the main school entrance following the markings on the ground
- Once admitted to the building they will be registered and directed to one of the hand sanitising stations
- Students must leave the school site promptly at 11:30pm
- Students may wear a face mask, although this will not be compulsory

Moving around the school

- Students will go straight to their designated classroom. They will enter and take the next available seat
which is furthest from the door.
- Students will remain 2 metres apart at all times and should follow the floor markings provided
- Students must follow the one-way-system. This will be clearly signposted (see photos on page 4).
- Students will remain in single file when travelling through corridors
- All internal doors will be propped open to minimise hand to surface contact


- Rooms will have been cleaned thoroughly before students arrive

- Homework will still be submitted electronically
- Students will remain in their designated classrooms for the day except in week one where a minority of
students will move classrooms at 10:00 (see individual timetables).
- Classrooms will be set up to enable social distancing between students
- Students will not be permitted to loan or borrow equipment. They must arrive with everything they need
and take these materials home with them at the end of each day
- Staff will dismiss students at the end of a lesson. School bells will be switched off.

School canteen

- Students will not be able to use the school canteen

- Students may bring a drink of water and snack with them if required


- The designated student toilets will be located off the Street by the English Office.
- Only one student at a time will be permitted to enter the toilets
- A member of staff will supervise the entry and exit to the toilets


- We have updated our student behaviour policy and expect all students to adhere to our behaviour
expectations at all times (see below )
Addendum to behaviour expectations – June 2020
We recognise that returning to school after an extended closure presents a challenging set of circumstances. There
will be some amendments to our school rules and expectations for students to follow. These have been made to
ensure the safety of students and staff and should be taken very seriously.

The aim of this update is to ensure that everyone knows and understands the ways in which we must change our
behaviour to keep everyone safe from the risk of infection and to promote a positive and safe learning environment.

We continue to have high expectations of all students. Where a student behaves in a deliberately unsafe way or acts
against the spirit of these measures, their actions will be taken seriously and addressed as such.

Our key values remain central to our approach:

• We are engaged;
• We are kind and respectful;
• We do no harm.

The Trustees have recently approved the addendum to the Behaviour Policy:

‘Any pupil who commits a serious or persistent breach of the new Covid-19 protection rules may be sanctioned by the
Head of School using the full range of sanctions available, dependent on the seriousness of the breach, up to and
including in extreme cases permanent exclusion'.

To help your understanding of what this means we have produced a list of expectations which students must follow.
This list cannot be exhaustive but serves to show the types of behaviours that we would consider to be in the spirit of
following the new Covid-19 protection rules

Our expectations for students include, but are not limited to:

• Always aim to maintain social distancing, keeping 2 meters apart from others.
• Move around the school safely using the markings and instructions that are given.
• Ensure that you wash/sanitise your hands regularly.
• If you need to cough or sneeze use a tissue and put it in the bin. If you do not have a tissue, then cough or
sneeze into your elbow/upper arm. Immediately wash/sanitise your hands.
• Arrive to school in time for your lessons and go straight to your classroom.
• Leave school immediately after your lesson.
• Come to school fully equipped to learn: Equipment and workspaces in lessons will and must not be shared.
• Wear fresh clothes to school every day. Uniform rules are relaxed but hoodies, open toe shoes and jewellery
should not be worn.
• Mobile phones should remain in bags throughout the day and should not be used in school.
• Behave in such a way that no one can doubt that your intention is to follow these expectations at all times.
School Environment
We have placed signage in all the corridors and the entrance to the school to show students where to go and how to
keep 2 metres apart. I have included a few pictures here to show you what we have done and what to expect when
students arrive in school.
1: Sanitiser station on the Street

2: Signage on the Street

4: Entrance to School showing 2m strips and 'no walking' 3: Humanities corridor showing 2m strips and no entry
area barrier

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