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Departamento de Biodiversidad y Ecologı́a Animal, Instituto de Ecologı́a A. C., Km 2.5 Carretera Ant. a Coatepec No.
351 Congregación del Haya, Xalapa 91070, Veracruz, México
*Correspondent: mandujan@ecologia.edu.mx

ABSTRACT Track counting is a quick, easy, cost-effective technique to estimate the population
density of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). By employing the double-count procedure, I
generated 2 models in which track counts were calibrated to estimate the density of deer in dry
tropical forest in Chamela on the Mexican Pacific Coast. For both models, I calibrated a track
index using density obtained from the line-transect method as a reference. The first model was
based on simple linear regression and the second on the strip-transect method. I discuss the
usefulness of these models for monitoring local populations as well as possible applications in
other regions.

RESUMEN Contar huellas es una técnica fácil, rápida, y poco costosa para estimar la densidad
poblacional del venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus). Empleando el procedimiento del do-
ble conteo, generé 2 modelos en los que se calibra el conteo de huellas para estimar la densidad
de venado en el bosque tropical seco de Chamela, en la costa Pacı́fica de México. En ambos
modelos, calibré el conteo de huellas usando como referencia la densidad obtenida con el método
de conteo en transectos de lı́nea. El primer modelo se basó en una regresión lineal simple, y el
segundo en el método de transecto de franja. Discuto la utilidad de estos modelos para monitorear
poblaciones locales ası́ como la posibilidad de aplicaciones en otras regiones.

The double-sampling procedure has been with the less precise method is fitted to that of
used to estimate the population density of the more reliable method. If there are paired
many taxa (Caughley, 1974; Pollock and Ken- data between an abundance index and density,
dall, 1987; Hone, 1988a). It has, for example, the index can be calibrated with a linear re-
been applied to crocodiles (Bayliss et al., gression fit (McCaffery, 1976; Eberhardt, 1978;
1986), emu (Caughley and Grice, 1982), and Hone, 1986; Parer and Price, 1987; Menkes et
mammals as diverse as kangaroos (Coulson al., 1990).
and Raines, 1985; Barnes et al., 1986; Short It is not easy to select a method of determin-
and Hone, 1988), weasels (Graham, 2002), ing density of populations in tropical forests
lynx (Andrén et al., 2002), feral pigs (Hone, that is accurate, easily applied in the field, and
1988b), pronghorn (Firchow et al., 1990), and inexpensive (Duckworth, 1998; Caro, 1999). In
deer (Floyd et al., 1979; Bobek et al., 1986; Es- the case of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgi-
cos and Alados, 1988; White et al., 1989; Fuller, nianus), methods used elsewhere ( Jeter, 1965;
1991; Potvin et al., 2002). Double sampling Jenkins and Marchinton, 1969; Mooty, 1980)
consists of 2 phases (Eberhardt and Simmons, are not appropriate, because they are based on
1987). During the first phase, 2 independent assumptions developed with information gen-
methods are applied simultaneously; the den- erated in temperate zones (Mandujano and
sity estimate obtained with the first model is Gallina, 1995). Furthermore, it is difficult to
considered more accurate but costlier to apply see deer in tropical forests due to limited visi-
in the field, whereas the second yields less re- bility and to frequent harassment by people.
liable results but is easy and inexpensive. Dur- Therefore, the track count might be the best
ing the second phase, the estimate obtained way to estimate density of deer in tropical for-
224 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 50, no. 2

ests (Fritzen et al., 1995). Along dirt roads, to 580 m. The mean annual temperature is 258C; the
track counts correlate well with other indices warmest months are May through September (Bull-
of population abundance (Mooty et al., 1984). ock, 1986). Mean annual rainfall for 1977 through
The track count is inexpensive and easy to ap- 1997 was 748 mm (SD 5 119 mm). The rainy season
runs from July to October, when 80% of annual rain-
ply on a large scale ( Jenkins and Marchinton,
fall occurs. The dominant vegetation is dry tropical
1969) and can detect up to 20% of variations forest, located on shallow-soiled slopes. The arboreal
in population size (Downing et al., 1965). Oth- stratum varies from 4 to 15 m and has a well-devel-
er researchers have correlated the number of oped understory. Numerous species of trees and
tracks with the amount of excrement (Mooty shrubs lose leaves in the dry season (Lott et al.,
et al., 1984), number of deer (Tyson, 1959; 1987). Tropical semi-deciduous forest occurs in
Daniel and Frels, 1971; Bobek et al., 1986), deep soils of protected areas along major streams,
and paths made by deer (McCaffery, 1976). where the arboreal stratum ranges from 10 to 25 m.
The development of a density estimator using Direct Deer Count Method From 5 to 8 permanent
track counts requires modeling the relation- transects were established on dirt roads (Fig. 1) and
varied from 6 to 11 km in length. I walked along the
ship between the number of animals in the
roads (1 to 2 km/h) between 0700 and 1200 h and
area, spatial distribution, and the abundance 1600 and 1900 h 2 or 3 times per month. All obser-
of tracks (Caughley, 1977). Tyson (1959) and vations were grouped into 4 classes of perpendicular
Daniel and Frels (1971) developed models that distance: 0 to 10 m, 11 to 20 m, 21 to 30 m, and 31
convert track counts to population density. to 40 m. I estimated monthly density (D, individu-
In a tropical forest, Mandujano and Gallina als/km2) as D 5 nf(0)/2L, where n is the number of
(1995) compared estimated densities of white- animals detected, f(0) is the probabilistic function
tailed deer obtained with transect-line meth- of density at a perpendicular distance of 0 m, and L
ods using the Fourier Model to those obtained is total transect length (km). To estimate f(0) and
the standard error, I employed the DISTANCE Re-
with track counts using the Tyson (1959) Mod-
lease 2 program (Thomas et al., 2003). I sampled
el. The assumptions of the Tyson Model, which during the rainy seasons ( July to November) of 1989
was developed for temperate habitats where and 1990 and during the dry seasons (December to
deer move more widely than in tropical habi- June) of 1990 and 1991.
tats (Sánchez-Rojas et al., 1995), are not satis- Track Count Method I established 12 strip tran-
fied in tropical forest. Consequently, estimates sects 500 3 0.90 m on dirt roads (Fig. 1). No tran-
derived from the Tyson Model are biased as sects were placed in heavy traffic or rocky areas, nor
much as 85% more than estimates based on where 2 roads were close together. One day before
the Fourier Model (Mandujano and Gallina, the track count took place, I swept transects clean
1995). Despite the drawback to the Tyson Mod- of litter, removing loose dirt to erase old tracks and
to permit a clearer impression. After 20 to 24 h, I
el, it is an attractive method for estimating den-
observed the transects between 0700 and 1200 h,
sity due to the ease with which tracks, as op- repeating the procedure twice during each sampling
posed to the deer themselves, can be counted month. When I found tracks, I recorded the follow-
in the study area. The purpose of this study is ing data: track length and width, distance or stride
to present 2 models for estimating density of between tracks, and the direction and number of
deer in tropical forests using the track index. animals when .1 series of tracks were found near
Both models were calibrated using the double- each other. To calculate density, I used the Tyson
sampling procedure. I considered the density Model, modified to metric units: D 5 (n/((t 3 0.5)/
obtained through the line-transect method as 1.6))/(2.56), where D is deer density/km2, n the to-
more accurate but also more costly in terms of tal number of tracks counted, and t the total number
of transects on the 500-m transect. I estimated pop-
sampling effort, and track counts as less accu-
ulation density for each sampling period. In the fol-
rate but easier to apply in the field. I also dis- lowing 2 models, n/t was used as a track index (IT)
cuss the possible application of both models in to derive a density estimate. Nevertheless, the meth-
other regions. od of estimating density varied with each model.
Model I This model is based on the equation ob-
METHODS Study Area This research was conduct- tained from the simple linear regression model, us-
ed at the Chamela Biology Station of the Universi- ing the track index as an independent variable and
dad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), on the density obtained with the line-transect method
the coast of Jalisco, Mexico (198309N, 1058009W; Fig. as the dependent variable. I paired data obtained
1). The Station covers 3,600 ha at an elevation of 30 from the 4 sampling periods. The linear-regression
June 2005 Mandujano—Track count calibration estimate 225

FIG. 1 Location of study area, detailed map of roads used as transects for direct counting, and approx-
imate location of 500-m 3 0.90-m transects for track counting (the thick black line on road maps) for white-
tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Jalisco, Mexico. From http://www.ibiologia.unam.mx/ebchamela/
226 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 50, no. 2

slope was tested using an analysis of variance to as-

certain the functional relationship between track in-
dex and density. I also estimated confidence inter-
vals for the regression coefficient.
Model II Finding fresh deer tracks on the road
implies that, at a particular time, I had the oppor-
tunity to see the animal leaving them. Such a sight-
ing could have been from a perpendicular distance
of 0 to 40 m. This strip includes the maximum width
at which I saw deer on line transects. Therefore, for
this model, assuming that I determine the average FIG. 2 Relationship between track index (track
number of times that an individual crossed the road number/500 m) and population density (deer/km2)
over 24 h, the track index can be transformed into of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Jalis-
population density. This is the model proposed: co, Mexico, obtained with the line-transect method.
Each point on the graph represents a season (rainy
1 t 2132
n 2
or dry) during the 2 years of the study period. Dot-
D5 3 100 (1) ted lines represent confidence intervals to 95%.

1 2
1,000 3 2 3 W
line transects (Fig. 2; r2 5 0.90, F 5 18.2, df 5
where n/t is the track index (IT), 2 to obtain the 1, 2, P 5 0.05). Thus, the regression equation
number of tracks/kilometer, and 3 the number of for Model I that predicted density on the basis
times that, on average, a deer crosses the road (Dan- of track index was:
iel and Frels, 1971). The denominator is the surface
of the strip transect (2Lw, expressed in hectares), D 5 6.0 1 4.5 3 IT (3)
where W is transect width. Thus, Equation 1 can be
and the standard error of the slope was 1.41 (t
resolved as follows:
5 4.2, n 5 4, P 5 0.05).
333.5 The substitution of different widths in Mod-
D 5 IT 3 (2)
W el II resulted in significant differences between
To estimate density using the track index with this density estimates (F 5 34.4, df 5 3, 15, P 5
model, it is necessary to define the appropriate W. 0.0001). With an increase in transect width, es-
To do this, I substituted various widths (10, 20, 30, timated density decreased (Table 1, SNK test,
and 40 m) into Equation 2 and used a one-way anal- P , 0.05). Comparison of these estimates and
ysis of variance to compare the densities obtained. the density obtained with line transect showed
To determine the appropriate width, I used paired that when transect widths of 10 and 20 m were
t-Student tests to compare the estimates obtained us- used, significant differences resulted (t 5 27.5,
ing each width against that obtained with the line- df 5 6, P 5 0.0003, and t 5 24.6, df 5 6, P 5
transect method. The width at which there was no
0.004, respectively); in contrast, use of 30-m
statistical difference between Model II and the line
transect was substituted as the calibration factor in
and 40-m widths produced no differences (t 5
Equation 2. 21.8, df 5 6, P 5 0.12, and t 5 0.75, df 5 6, P
Finally, I applied a one-way analysis of variance to 5 0.48, respectively). In consequence, when a
determine differences in the density estimates ob- strip-transect width of 40 m was employed, the
tained from the 4 models (transect line, Tyson, Mod- density estimate was similar to that obtained
el I, and Model II) and used the Student-Newman- with the line-transect method. Thus, by substi-
Keuls Test for comparison of means (Zar, 1985). tuting W 5 40 m in Equation 2, the expression
is reduced as follows:
RESULTS I counted 226 tracks on 82 km
(164 transects) and 177 deer on 418 km of line D 5 8.338 3 IT (4)
transects. The track index was 1.32 6 0.25 (SD) Finally, the density obtained with the Tyson
tracks/500 m, while the direct index was 0.43 Model produced the lowest estimate of all
6 0.07 deer/km. Both indices increased si- models (Table 1, F 5 48.4, df 5 6, 27, P 5
multaneously, although the correlation was not 0.00001).
significant (r2 5 0.87, df 5 3, P 5 0.07). On
the contrary, there was a correlation between DISCUSSION With the track-count method,
track index (IT) and the density estimated with 6.4 times more deer tracks were recorded per
June 2005 Mandujano—Track count calibration estimate 227

TABLE 1—Estimations of population density (D, deer/km2) of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in
dry tropical forest in Chamela, Mexico, obtained with the line-transect method (DTL), the track-count meth-
od using the Tyson Model (DTyson), Model I (DModel I) using linear regression, and Model II (DModel II) based
on the strip-transect method with varying widths (w). P values on the last line indicate the comparison of
density as estimated with each model against that estimated with the line-transect method.

DModel II*
Season/year DTL DTyson DModel I w 5 10 m w 5 20 m w 5 30 m w 5 40 m
Rainy/1989 11.3 1.4 11.9 40.9 20.5 13.6 10.2
Dry/1990 13.3 2.0 13.1 55.6 27.8 18.5 13.9
Rainy/1990 10.6 1.3 10.4 35.6 17.8 11.9 8.9
Dry/1991 12.5 1.7 12.6 44.1 22.1 14.7 11.0
Mean 12.0 1.6 12.0 44.1 22.1 14.7 11.0
SE 0.6 0.2 0.6 4.2 2.1 1.4 1.1
P ,0.0001 0.99 0.0003 0.004 0.12 0.48
* In Model II, different values of the transect width (w) were substituted in Equation 2.

km than the number of animals observed di- graphic changes and dense vegetation. If hu-
rectly; moreover, the sampling effort was 5 mans cause little disturbance to deer, another
times lower with track counting. As reported option might be to establish a certain transect
by others (such as Daniel and Frels, 1971), length, divide roads into equal segments, and
track counts had the advantages of minimally select randomly certain segments as transects,
disturbing the population and of obtaining a as I did in this study. During the rainy season,
relatively large sample size. Furthermore, the deer can be seen foraging alongside roads in
number of tracks was correlated with the esti- this region. However, preliminary data on deer
mated density obtained with the line-transect equipped with radiotransmitters (Sánchez-Ro-
method, as previously reported by Tyson jas et al., 1997) suggested that activities are not
(1959), Daniel and Frels (1971), McCaffery near roads during all seasons. For this reason,
(1976), Mooty et al. (1984), and Bobek et al. using roads as transects for track counts should
(1986). In addition to supplying data on the be limited as much as possible; it is only advis-
number of animals, the track-count method able to use forest paths when there is evidence
permits the detection of differences in track that doing so does not disturb deer.
characteristics that can indicate age group Both models derived in this study (Equa-
(fawn or adult) and probably gender (Mc- tions 3 and 4) served to monitor populations
Cullough, 1965). Tracks can be monitored of white-tailed deer in the tropical forest of
during the rainy season, when soil conditions Chamela. Extrapolation to other sites should,
yield clearer tracks. For these reasons, the however, be considered with caution. To ob-
track count is an appealing and easily applied tain the regression equation for other regions
method for estimating density of deer in dry with Model I, it would be necessary first to pair
tropical forest. track data with a density estimate obtained
The main limitation of the track-count meth- with the line-transect method, and then to cal-
od was that, in this habitat, dirt roads were not ibrate the track count using a robust regression
located randomly. Human activity can cause model. Model II (Equation 2) is more widely
disturbance that keeps deer away from roads, applicable to other tropical dry forests and dif-
or, on the contrary, deer can be attracted to ferent habitat types because of the use of a
roads as foraging sites during certain times of strip transect with a defined width. The density
year (Harlow and Downing, 1967; Sage et al., estimate will depend on an adequate defini-
1983; Mooty et al., 1984). Ideally, transects tion of transect width; width can be deter-
should be established randomly for track mined using the farthest perpendicular dis-
counting, but in tropical forest, this is neither tance at which deer have been observed at the
simple nor economical due to abrupt topo- site in question. Thus, by substituting this
228 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 50, no. 2

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