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GARLITOS, Aldrix Jan Krixophe C.

7783U2 FIT CS

BSCE 1 9:30 – 11:30 T

Activity 1

1. What are the health and fitness benefits of combative sports training?
 Physical activity

- it improves your muscle tone and a weekly cardio work out are only some of the physical advantages
of combat sports. It exercises your body and also exposes your body to different types of workout

 Confidence

- the sense of confidence fill extends to other areas of your life, including work, school and
relationships. If you are trained in a combat sport, you’ll feel a sense of skill, power and
accomplishment that you didn’t have before.

 Respect

- a key part of martial arts is the respect extended to the teacher, fellow students and
oneself. A martial arts class will help foster respect in your child, and if you, ad an adult, are looking
at class, it might be refreshing reminder of the importance of courtesy.

 Self-defense skills

-when it comes to dangerous situations, having some self-defense moves up your sleeves will help
inspire confidence.

 Improved focus

- martial arts require more focus than ever. Since balancing, concentration and memorization of
techniques come into play, a study of combat sports can be great way for you or your child to improve
your focus.

 Controls body weight

- combative sports help reduce body fat and controls body weight because this type of sport requires
your whole body to move.

2. Are combative sports a good workout?

- For me, combative sports are a good workout because not only will is it good for the health, it is also
good for your brain. It exercises the brain because combative sports also require focus. this type of
sports also trains the reflex time of our body to adapt, recover and be ready. Combative sports bring the
cardio intensity to a whole new level, putting one’s agility, physical and mental reflex to the test. Having
combative sports as a workout also help improve one's breathing.
3. Why are combative sports perfect for fitness?

- combative sports are perfect for fitness because it controls your whole body. According to my
research, a 50 minutes body combat class allows you to burn an average of 740 calories. While the
number of calories burned is based on one’s fitness level, height and weight. This amount is higher
than most cardio activities and definitely qualifies as an elite fat blaster activity. just like other
sports, combative sport is a great conditioning of the body. Body combat offers comparable stamina
training as to running with its explosive workouts and the non-contact nature reduces the chances
of sustaining unwanted injuries. They usually conducted in timed intervals and of different speeds,
hence allowing for participants to maximize their hurt and lung capacities.

Activity 2: infographic or poster





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