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Energy-Efficient Link Adaptation in

Frequency-Selective Channels∗
Guowang Miao†,[ , Student Member, IEEE, Nageen Himayat†† , Member, IEEE, and Geoffrey Ye
Li† , Fellow, IEEE

School of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology
Communications Technology Lab., Intel Corporation

Abstract—Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly impor- applications. With sufficient battery power, link adaptation
tant for small form factor mobile devices, as battery technology can be geared toward peak performance delivery. However,
has not kept up with the growing requirements stemming with limited battery capacity, link adaptation could be adapted
from ubiquitous multimedia applications. This paper addresses
link adaptive transmission for maximizing energy efficiency, as toward energy conservation to minimize battery drain. Energy-
measured by the “throughput per Joule” metric. In contrast to efficient communication also has the desirable benefit of reduc-
the existing water-filling power allocation schemes that maximize ing interference to other co-channel users as well as lessening
throughput subject to a fixed overall transmit power constraint, environmental impacts, e.g. heat dissipation and electronic pol-
our scheme maximizes energy efficiency by adapting both overall lution. Hence, recent research has focused on energy-efficient
transmit power and its allocation, according to the channel states
and the circuit power consumed. We demonstrate the existence link adaptation techniques [5]–[7]. It is shown in [5] that when
of a unique globally optimal link adaptation solution and develop the transmission bandwidth approaches infinity, the minimum
iterative algorithms to obtain it. We further consider the special received signal energy per bit for reliable communication over
case of flat-fading channels to develop an upper bound on energy additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, approaches
efficiency and to characterize its variation with bandwidth, −1.59 dB. For band-limited transmission, the lowest order
channel gain and circuit power. Our results for OFDM systems
demonstrate improved energy savings with energy optimal link modulation should be used [6]. However, the investigation
adaptation as well as illustrate the fundamental tradeoff between in [5], [6] does not account for additional circuit power
energy-efficient and spectrum-efficient transmission. consumed during transmission. Energy dissipation of both
transmitter circuits and radio-frequency output is investigated
Index Terms– energy efficiency, link adaptation, frequency
in [8], where the modulation level is adapted to minimize the
selective channel, energy aware, OFDM
energy consumption according to the simulation observations.
I. I NTRODUCTION In [7], these ideas are extended to a detailed analysis of circuit
and transmit powers for both adaptive multiple quadrature
The quality of wireless channel varies with time and fre- amplitude modulation (M-QAM) and multiple frequency shift
quency. Therefore, link adaptation can be used to improve keying (MFSK) in AWGN channels for short range energy-
transmission performance. With link adaptation, modulation efficient communications.
order, coding rate, and transmit power can be selected accord- Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has
ing to channel state information (CSI). emerged as a primary modulation scheme for the next-
Earlier research on link adaptation focuses on power allo- generation broadband wireless standards [9], [10]. The power
cation to improve channel capacity subject to overall power allocation and bit-loading algorithms for OFDM are summa-
constraint. Optimal power allocation for frequency-selective rized in Chapter 3 of [11]. While extensive research has been
channels has been investigated in [1]. Here the highest data conducted to improve throughput [11], [12], limited work has
rate on a band-limited channel is achieved when the total been done to address the energy-efficient communication for
received signal power at each frequency, consisting of channel OFDM systems. In this paper, we address the energy-efficient
noise and desired signal component, is a constant. The termi- link adaptation for frequency-selective fading channels. We
nology, adaptive modulation, was first used in [2] even though account for both circuit and transmit powers when designing
work on adaptive modulation [3] had been reported before. link adaptation schemes and emphasize energy efficiency
In addition to throughput improvement, energy efficiency is over peak rates or throughput. The proposed link adaptation
becoming increasingly important for mobile communications balances circuit power consumption and transmission power to
because of the slow progress of battery technology [4] and achieve the maximum energy efficiency, which is defined as
growing requirements of anytime and anywhere multimedia the number of bits transmitted per Joule of energy. In contrast
∗ This work was supported by Intel Corp. and the U.S. Army Research to the existing water-filling power allocation schemes that
Laboratory under the Collaborative Technology Alliance Program, Coopera- maximize throughput subject to overall transmit power con-
tive Agreement DAAD19-01-20-0011.
[ Corresponding author. Email: gmiao3@gatech.edu. Address: School of
straints, our scheme adapts both the overall transmit power and
Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, its allocation according to the states of all subchannels and the
Georgia, 30332–0250 circuit power consumption to maximize the energy efficiency.
We demonstrate the existence of a unique globally optimal where γm is the system design margin and γc is the coding
link adaptation solution and provide iterative algorithms to gain. For Shannon capacity [16], Γ = 0 dB. Denote the overall
obtain this optimum. While the usefulness of our technique transmit power as PT (R) and
is illustrated using frequency selective OFDM as an example PK K
i=1 PTi No W Γ
in this paper, the solution developed is applicable to more PT (R) = = (e W − 1) , (6)
general transmission scenarios where transmission occurs over ζ i=1
gi ζ
resources experiencing different channel conditions.
where ζ ∈ [0, 1] is the power amplifier efficiency and depends
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section III,
on the design and implementation of the transmitter. PT (R) is
we investigate optimal conditions for energy-efficient trans-
strictly convex and monotonically increasing in R. In fact, the
mission and develop algorithms to obtain the globally optimal
developed theory and approaches can be used for any PT (R)
solution. In Section III-B, we consider a special case when the
that is strictly convex and monotonically increasing in R with
channel is with flat fading. We also consider energy-efficient
PT (0) = 0, where 0 = [0, 0, · · · , 0]T .
link adaptation when the user has either data rate requirement
or peak power limit in Section IV. As an example of energy-
efficient link adaptation, we apply the energy-efficient scheme In addition to transmit power, mobile devices also incur
in OFDM systems and provide simulation results to demon- additional circuit power during transmissions which is rela-
strate energy efficiency improvement in Section VI. Finally, tively independent of the transmission rate [8], [17]. While
we conclude the paper in Section VII. the transmit power models all the power used for reliable data
transmission, we let the circuit power represents the average
energy consumption of device electronics, such as mixers,
filters, and digital-to-analog converters, and this portion of
In this section, we formulate the problem of energy-efficient energy consumption excludes that of the power amplifier and is
link adaptation. independent of the transmission state. If we denote the circuit
Assume that K subchannels are used for transmission, each power as PC , the overall power consumption given a data rate
with a different channel gain. An example of this scenario vector will be
is OFDM transmission over frequency-selective channels. As- P (R) = PC + PT (R). (7)
sume block fading [13], [14], that is, the channel state remains
constant during each data frame and is independent from one
to another. Denote the data rate on Subchannel i as ri and the For energy-efficient communications, it is desirable to max-
data rate vector on all subchannels as imize the amount of data sent with a given amount of energy.
Hence, given any amount of energy 4e consumed in a
R = [r1 , r2 , · · · , rK ]T , (1) duration, 4t, i.e. 4e = 4t(PC + PT (R)), the mobile wants
where []T is the transpose of a vector. The data rate vector, to send a maximum amount of data by choosing the data rate
R, depends on the channel state, coding, and power allocation. vector to maximize
Correspondingly, the overall data rate is , (8)
X which is equivalent to maximizing
R= ri . (2)
i=1 R R
U (R) = = . (9)
For a given channel state, the transmit power on each sub- 4e/ 4 t PC + PT (R)
channel is determined by the requirement of reliable data U (R) is called energy efficiency. The unit of the energy
transmission. If we denote W as the subchannel bandwidth, efficiency is bits per Joule, which has been frequently used in
No the power spectral density, gi the power gain, and PTi the literature for energy-efficient communications [5], [6], [18]–
allocated transmit power on Subchannel i, the channel output [20]. The optimal energy-efficient link adaptation achieves
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) will be maximum energy efficiency, i.e.
PTi gi R
ηi = (3) R∗ = arg max U (R) = arg max . (10)
No W R R PC + PT (R)
and the achievable data transmission rate ri is determined by
[15] Note that if we fix the overall transmit power, the objective
ri = W log(1 + ), (4) of Equation (10) is equivalent to maximizing the overall
throughput and the existing water-filling power allocation
where Γ is the SNR gap that defines the gap between
approach [1] gives the solution. However, besides adapting the
the channel capacity and a practical coding and modulation
power distributions on all subchannels, the overall transmit
scheme. The SNR gap depends on the coding and modulation
power can also be adapted according to the states of all
scheme used and on the target probability of error. For a coded
subchannels to maximize the energy efficiency. Hence, the
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) system, the gap is
solution to Equation (10) is in general different from existing
given by [15]
power allocation schemes that maximize throughput with
Γ = 9.8 + γm − γc (dB), (5) power constraints.

∂PT (R) ¯
PC +PT (Ri )
III. P RINCIPLES OF E NERGY-E FFICIENT L INK anything when (0) < ∂ri ¯ (0)
. Otherwise,
Ri R=Ri
A DAPTATION there should be a tradeoff between the desired data rate
In the following, we demonstrate that a unique globally on Subchannel i and the incurred power consumption. The
optimal data rate vector always exists and give the necessary tradeoff closely depends on the power consumption of both
and sufficient conditions for a data rate vector to be globally circuits and transmission on all other subchannels and can be
optimal. found through the unique zero derivative of U (R) with respect
to ri .
A. Conditions of Optimality To further understand Theorem 1, we consider an example
when each subchannel achieves the Shannon capacity and the
The concept of quasiconcavity will be used in our discussion
transmit power on each subchannel is given in (6) with Γ = 0
and is defined as [21].
dB and ζ = 1. The overall transmit power is
Definition 1. A function f , which maps from a convex set K
of real n-dimensional vectors, D, to a real number, is called
rk No W
PT (R) = (e W − 1) . (12)
strictly quasiconcave if for any x1 , x2 ∈ D and x1 6= x2 , gk

f (λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ) > min{f (x1 ), f (x2 )}, (11) According to Condition (i) of Theorem 1, when rk > 0, we
for any 0 < λ < 1. 1 1
∂PT (R)
= rk N = U (R∗ ). (13)
Any strictly monotonic function is quasiconcave. Besides, ∂rk
e gko

any strictly concave function is also strictly quasiconcave but Hence, the transmit power on Subchannel k is
the reverse is not generally true. An example is the Gaussian rk No W W No W
function, which is strictly quasiconcave but not concave. PTn = (e W − 1) = ∗
− , (14)
It is proved in Appendix I that U (R) has the following gk U (R ) gk
properties. W
which is a water-filling to level U (R∗ ) . Since the water level

Lemma 1. If PT (R) is strictly convex in R, U (R) is strictly is determined by the optimal energy efficiency, we refer to
quasiconcave. Furthermore, U (R) is either strictly decreasing our scheme as dynamic energy-efficient water-filling. Note that
or first strictly increasing and then strictly decreasing in any while the absolute value of power allocation is determined by
ri of R, i.e. the local maximum of U (R) for each ri exists at the maximum energy efficiency U (R∗ ), which relies on both
either 0 or a positive finite value. the circuit power and channel state, the relative differences of
power allocations on different subchannels depend only on the
For strictly quasiconcave functions, if a local maximum channel gains on those subchannels.
exists, it is also globally optimal [21]. Hence, a unique
globally optimal transmission rate vector always exists and B. A Special Case: When the Channel is Flat Fading
its characteristics are summarized in Theorem 1 according to
To facilitate the understanding of the fundamental depen-
the proofs in Appendix I.
dence of energy efficiency on the channel gain, circuit power,
Theorem 1. If PT (R) is strictly convex, there exists a and bandwidth, we consider a special case that the channel is
unique globally optimal transmission data rate vector R∗ = experiencing flat fading in this section. Hence, all subchannels
∗ T
[r1∗ , r2∗ , · · · , rK ] for (10), where ri∗ is given by are with the same channel gain and the same link adaptation
¯ ¯
P +P (R )
T (R) ¯ ∂U (R) ¯ is applied on all subchannels. The overall data rate is
(i) when C T(0) i ≥ ∂P∂r ¯ (0)
, ∂ri ¯ =
Ri i
R=Ri ∗ R=R
1 R∗ R = Kr. (15)
0, i.e. ∂PT (R∗ ) = = U (R∗ );
PC +PT (R∗ )
∂r ∗
i ¯ According to Theorem 1, the optimal transmission data rate
T (R) ¯
PC +PT (Ri )
(ii) when (0) < ∂P∂r ¯ (0)
, ri∗ = 0, follows immediately and is summarized by Theorem 2, where
Ri i
(0) (0)
the upper bound is proved in Appendix II.
where Ri = [r1∗ , r2∗ , · · ·

, ri−1 ∗
, 0, ri+1 ,···∗
, rK ] and Ri =
∗ Theorem 2. If PT (R) is monotonically increasing and strictly
j6=i rj , i.e. the overall data rate on all other subchannels
except i. convex in R, there exists a unique globally optimal transmis-
sion data rate to maximize energy efficiency and is given by
Theorem 1 has clear physical insights. PC +PT (Ri ) is the
PC + PT (R∗ )
power consumption of both circuit and all other subchannels R∗ = 0 , (16)
P +P (R )
PT (R∗ )
when Subchannel i is not used. C T(0) i is the per-bit
Ri 0
energy consumption when Subchannel i is not used and the where PT (·) is the first order derivative of function PT (·).
overall per-bit energy consumption needs to ¯ be minimized Besides, energy efficiency is upper bounded by P 01(0) .
T (R) ¯
for energy-efficient communications. ∂P∂r i
¯ (0)
is the When Shannon capacity is achieved in AWGN channels,
per-bit energy consumption transmitting infinitely small data the upper bound is Ngo .
rate on Subchannel i conditioned on the optimal status of all In the following, we investigate some basic properties
other subchannels. Hence, Subchannel i should not transmit of energy-efficient link adaptation. Propositions 1, 2, and 3

summarize the impact of channel gain, circuit power, and b ∗ can be easily
and its inverse function to be fk−1 (). Then R
the number of subchannels on the optimal energy-efficient obtained via the Lagrangian technique [23] and is
transmission, and are proved in Appendix III. © ª
rbk∗ = max fk−1 (λ), 0 (20)
Proposition 1. Both the data rate and energy efficiency
increase with channel gain. for k = 1, · · · , K, where λ is determined by
Proposition 2. The data rate increases with circuit power, rbk∗ = Γ. (21)
while the energy efficiency decreases with it. With zero circuit k=1
power, the highest energy efficiency, P 01(0) , is obtained by
T When the channel capacity is achieved on each subchannel,
transmitting with infinite small data rate. the corresponding optimal power allocation is a water-filling
From Proposition 2, when circuit power dominates power allocation, which achieves the sum channel capacity Γ.
consumption, which is usually true with short-range com- Similarly, with a maximum transmit power constraint, the
munication, the highest data rate should be used to finish problem is to find
transmission as soon as possible, which has been commonly R
assumed by most MAC layer energy-efficient optimization e ∗ = arg max
R , (22a)
R PC + PT (R)
schemes as describe in the introduction of this paper. However,
when the circuit power is negligible, which is usually true subject to
with long-range communication like satellite communications, PT (R) ≤ Pm . (22b)
the lowest data rate should be used, which coincides with the If the optimal data rate vector without constraint in (10)
results in [6] and [22]. satisfies PT (R∗ ) ≤ Pm , it is also the solution to Problem (22),
e ∗ = R∗ . Otherwise, via the the Lagrangian technique
i.e. R
Proposition 3. The data rate on each subchannel decreases
with increasing number of subchannels while the energy effi- again, we have the unique optimal solution as follows
ciency increases with it. With infinite number of subchannels, © ª
rek∗ = max fk−1 (λ), 0 , k = 1, · · · , K, (23)
the highest energy efficiency, P 01(0) , is obtained by transmitting
with infinite small data rate.
where λ is determined by
e ∗ ) = Pm .
PT (R (24)
Propositions 1, 2, and 3 discover three ways to improve
energy efficiency: increasing channel power gain, reducing When channel capacity is achieved on each subchannel, the
circuit power, and allocating more subchannels. The energy- power allocation is the classical water-filling where the water
efficiency upper bound is achieved by transmitting with infinite level is determined by Pm [1].
small data rate when either circuit power is zero or infinite
number of subchannels is assigned.
Theorem 1 provides the necessary and sufficient conditions
In this section, we study energy-efficient link adaptation for a rate vector to be the unique and globally optimum
when user has either a data rate requirement or a peak power one. However, it is usually difficult to directly solve the joint
limit. nonlinear equations according to Theorem 1 to obtain the
With a data rate requirement Γ, the energy-efficient link optimal vector R∗ . Therefore, we develop iterative methods
adaptation is given by to search the optimal R for maximizing U (R). The global
R optimality of the proposed methods is guaranteed by the strict
b ∗ = arg max
R , (17a)
R PC + PT (R) quasiconcavity of U (R). In the following, we describe our
low-complexity iterative algorithms.
subject to
R ≥ Γ. (17b)
If the optimal data rate vector without constraint in (10) A. Gradient Assisted Binary Search
satisfies R∗ ≥ Γ, it is also the solution to Problem (17), i.e. When there is only one subchannel, Lemma 1 shows that
b ∗ = R∗ . Otherwise, Problem (17) is equivalent to
R function U (r) has a unique r∗ such that for any r < r∗ ,
dU (r)
b ∗ = arg max Γ dr > 0, and for any r > r∗ , dUdr(r) < 0. Hence, we have
R = arg min PT (R), (18a)
Γ PC + PT (R) R the following lemma to seek two points r1 and r2 such that
r 1 ≤ r ∗ ≤ r2 .
subject to
R = Γ. (18b) Proposition 4. Let the initial setting r[0] > 0 and set α > 1.
b∗ For any i ≥ 0, let
Since PT (R) is strictly convex, a unique globally optimal R ( [i] ¯
exists. Denote r dU (r) ¯
∂PT (R) r[i+1] = α dr ¯ [0] < 0 . (25)
fk (rk ) = (19) αr [i]

Repeat (25) until r[I] such that dUdr(r) ¯ [I] has a different sign Similar to the proof of Lemma 1, it is easy to show that gi (µ)
¯ r
¯ is also strictly quasiconcave in µ and has a unique globally
from dUdr(r) ¯ [0] . Then r∗ must be between r[I] and r[I−1] .
r maximum µ∗ such that for any µ < µ∗ , dfdµ i (µ)
> 0, and for
¯ df (µ)
dU (r) ¯ ∗
any µ > µ , dµ < 0. Let ∇U (R ) = [b
i [i]
g1 , gb2 , · · · , gbK ].
To locate r∗ between r1 and r2 , let rb = r1 +r
2 . If
dr ¯ =
¯ r
Replace dUdr(r) in GABS to be
0, r∗ is found. If dUdr(r) ¯ < 0, r1 < r∗ < rb and replace r2
b dfi (µ)
with rb; otherwise, replace r1 with rb. This leads to the gradient e
= [∇U (R[i+1] )]T G[i], (28)
assisted binary search (GABS) for maximizing U (r), which dµ
is summarized in Table I. +
e = d[R +µ∇U (R )] = [e
[i] [i]
where G[i] dµ g1 , ge2 , · · · , geK ], in which
Algorithm GABS(ro ) gek = gbk if the kth component of R[i] + µ∇U (R[i] ) is positive
(∗ algorithm for single-subchannel transmission. ∗) and gek = 0 otherwise. Then GABS can be used for quick
Input: initial guess: ro > 0 location of the optimal step size. This leads to the binary
Output: optimal transmission ¯ rate: r∗ search assisted ascent (BSAA) algorithm in Table II.
dU (r) ¯
1. r1 = ro , h1 ← dr ¯ , initialize α > 1 (e.g.10)
r1 Algorithm BSAA(Ro )
2. if h1 < 0
(∗ algorithm for multi-subchannel transmission. ∗)
(∗ seek r1 and r2 such that r1 < r∗ < r¯ 2 ∗)
¯ Input: initial guess: Ro (default transmission rate can be used)
3. then r2 ←r1 , r1 ← rα1 , and h1 ← dUdr(r) ¯ Output: optimal transmission rate vector: R∗
4. while h1 < 0 ¯ 1. R = Ro ,
5. do r2 ←r1 , r1 ← rα1 , and h1 ← dUdr(r) ¯ 2. while no convergence
¯ r1
¯ 3. do use GABS to find the optimal step size µ∗ ;
6. else r2 ←r1 ∗ α and h2 ← dUdr(r) ¯ +
r2 4. R = [R + µ∗ ∇U (R)]
7. while h2 > 0 ¯ 5. return R
8. do r1 ←r2 , r2 ←r2 ∗ α, and h2 ← dUdr(r) ¯ TABLE II: Binary search assisted ascent
9. while no convergence
(∗ seek r∗ between r1 and¯ r2 ∗)
b dU (r) ¯
10. do rb← r2 +r
2 ; h ← dr ¯
1 C. The Rate of Convergence
11. if b
h>0 While the global convergence of both GABS and BSAA
12. then r1 = rb; is guaranteed by the strict quasiconcavity of U (R) [24], we
13. else r2 = rb further study the convergence rate in this section.
14. return rb Theorem 3 characterizes the convergence of GABS and is
proved in Appendix IV.
TABLE I: Gradient assisted binary search
Theorem 3. GABS converges to the globally optimal trans-
mission data rate r∗ . A rate r, which satisfies |r − r∗ | ≤ ²,
can be found within at most M iterations, ∗where M is the
B. Binary Search Assisted Ascent
minimum integer such that M ≥ log2 ( (α−1)r
² − 1).
To find the optimal data rate vector for the multiple sub-
channel case, we design a gradient ascent method to produce It is difficult to theoretically analyze the global convergence
a maximizing sequence R[i] , n = 0, 1, · · · , and rate of BSAA because of the nonconcavity of U (R). Instead,
h i+ we run numerical simulations and observe the convergence.
R[i+1] = R[i] + µ∇U (R[i] ) , (26) Figure 1(a) illustrates the improvement of energy efficiency
with iterations. Here we assume the channel gain of each
where [R]+ sets the negative part of the vector R to be zero, subchannel has Rayleigh distribution with a unit average. The
µ > 0 is the search step size, and ∇U (R[i] ) is the gradient circuit power is 5. The noise power on each subchannel is
at iteration i. With sufficiently small step size, U (R[i+1] ) will 0.01. The transmit power is given by Equation (6) with Γ = 0
be always bigger than U (R[i] ) except when ∇U (R[i] ) = 0 dB. The energy efficiency is normalized by the optimal value
that indicates the optimality of R[i] [23]. However, small and the curves are the ensemble averages of 5000 channel
step size leads to slow convergence. Besides, each element of instances. Figure 1(b) shows the corresponding probability
the gradient depends on the corresponding subchannel power distribution functions of the numbers of iterations necessary
gain, which potentially differs from each other by orders of for convergence. In both figures, we vary the number of
magnitude. Hence, a line search of the optimal step size needs subchannels to verify its impact on the convergence rate. We
to cover a large range to assure global convergence on all can see that BSAA converges very fast to the global optimum,
subchannels, which is computationally expensive. Therefore, even with 1024 subchannels.
at each R[i] , an efficient algorithm is needed to find the optimal
h i+ The proposed energy-efficient link adaptation is general
fi (µ) = U ( R[i] + µ∇U (R[i] ) ). (27) and can be applied to different kinds of OFDM, MIMO, and

Ensemble average of normalized energy efficiency 1 1

0.9 0.9

Probability distribution function

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7
0.6 K=16 0.6
K=64 K=4
0.5 K=128 0.5
0.4 K=1024 0.4 K=64
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 K=1024
0.1 0.1

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of iterations
Number of iterations
(a) Converging process: relationship between ensemble average and iterations (b) Probability distribution function of the number of iterations for convergence

Fig. 1: Convergence rate of BSAA.

MIMO-OFDM systems. To apply it, we only need to find the (BER) for coherently detected M-QAM with Gray mapping
transmit power relationship PT (R) of those systems. In this over an AWGN channel is approximated by [25]
section, we discuss the optimal energy-efficient link adaptation µ ¶
for OFDM with subchannelization as an example. Pe (γ) ≈ 0.2 exp − , (29)
M −1
where γ is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For a BER target,
A. Modeling of OFDM with Subchannelization
Pe , the required SNR on Subchannel i is
In OFDM systems with subchannelization, subcarriers are
2 2
grouped into subchannels and the subcarriers forming one (1 − Mi ) ln(5Pe ) = (1 − 2Bi ri ) ln(5Pe ).
γi = (30)
subchannel may, but not necessarily be adjacent, such as 3 3
the contiguous and distributed subchannelization schemes in Hence, the overall transmit power on Subchannel i is
802.16e [9]. Each subchannel is treated to be flat fading γi ci No W
and the effective channel power gain, g, rather than physical PTi (ri ) = = Ai (1 − 2Bi ri ), (31)
channel power gain of each subcarrier, is used as a metric.
where W is the signal bandwidth of each subcarrier and
For simplicity, g is the average of channel power gains of all
subcarriers within the subchannel. Note that classical OFDM 2ci ln(5Pe )No W
Ai = . (32)
is a special case when each subchannel has one subcarrier. The 3g i
frame structure is shown in Figure 2. Each transmission slot Assuming no coupling between transmit powers among sub-
consists of a data interval, Ts , and a signalling interval, τ . In channels, the overall transmit power will be the cumulative of
each data interval, l symbols are transmitted. We use uncoded the transmit powers of all subchannels, that is,
M-QAM. The transmit power on each subchannel needs to be
PT (R) = PT i (ri ), (33)
Data Interval n Signaling Interval i=1

which is monotonically increasing and strictly convex in R.

The energy-efficient link adaptation immediately follows from
Sym Sym Sym Sym Sym Sym Section III.
1 2 3 l-1 l 1

B. Performance Comparison
Ts τ In this section, we compare the performance of energy-
Fig. 2: Frame structure efficient OFDM transmission with that of traditional transmis-
sion schemes. The system parameters are listed in Table III.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) pedestrian
Consider Subchannel i that consists of ci subcarriers. The channel model B [26] is used to implement the multipath
numberr of bits transmitted per symbols on each subcarrier is frequency-selective fading. We implement two subchanneliza-
i (T +τ )
bi = c ls . Hence, the modulation order M is given by tion schemes as in Figure 3, fixed-interval and contiguous,
Mi = 2bi = 2Bi ri , where Bi = (Tsci+τ )
l . The bit-error rate both of which group 10 subcarriers into a subchannel. In the

Carrier frequency 1.5 GHz
Subcarrier number 256
Subcarrier bandwidth 10 kHz
BER requirement 10−3
Symbol number of data interval, l 100
Time duration of data interval, Ts 0.01s
Time duration of signalling interval, τ 0.001s
Thermal noise power, No -141 dBW/MHz
User antenna height 1.6 m
BS antenna height 40 m
Environment Macro cell in urban area
Circuit power, PC 100 mW
Modulation Uncoded M-QAM
Subchannelization Fixed-interval and contiguous
Propagation Model Okumura-Hata model
Shadowing Log-normal with standard
deviation of 10 dB
Frequency-selective fading ITU pedestrian channel B
User speed 3 km/h
TABLE III: System parameters

fixed-interval subchannelization, one draws subcarriers out of the throughput of adaptive modulation increases, however, the
all subcarriers with a fixed interval to form a subchannel, while energy efficiency first increased and then decreases. Due to the
in the contiguous one, each subchannel consists of a block of global optimality, the proposed energy-efficient transmission
contiguous subcarriers. for frequency-selective channels always achieves the highest
energy efficiency, and outperforms the others by at least 15%.
Fixed-interval Subchannel 1 Subchannel 2 However, the throughput is not necessarily maximum; the
other schemes, especially the adaptive QAM modulation with
25 dBm transmit power, sacrifice power to obtain higher
1 2 K+1 K+2 throughput. Similar results can also be observed in Figures
Subcarrier index 5(a) and 5(b). Furthermore, we note that when fixed-interval
Contiguous Subchannel 1 Subchannel 2
Subchannelization subchannelization is used, different subchannels have trivial
differences in average channel gain and the energy-efficient
transmission treating the channel to be flat fading performs
1 2 C C+1 C+2 the same as the one considering the difference of different
Subcarrier index subchannels. This indicates energy-efficient link adaptation
Fig. 3: OFDM subchannelization (K subchannels, each with
treating channels to be flat fading is sufficient for performance
c subcarriers)
Figures 4(a) and 4(b) and Figures 5(a) and 5(b) compare
energy efficiency and throughput of different transmission VII. C ONCLUSION
schemes with contiguous subchannelization and with fixed- In this paper, we have investigated the energy-efficient link
interval subchannelization respectively. Two energy-efficient adaptation. While the usefulness of the proposed technique is
OFDM transmission schemes are implemented: FS EE, that illustrated using frequency-selective OFDM as an example, the
is the optimal energy-efficient transmission developed in this solution developed is applicable to more general transmission
paper, and flat EE, that treats the channel as flat fading. scenarios where transmission occurs over resources experi-
Transmissions with both fixed and adaptive QAM modulations encing different channel conditions. Joint circuit and transmit
are also implemented for comparison. For fixed modulation, power consumptions are taken into account to maximize
the transmit power is adapted to meet BER requirement energy efficiency rather than throughput. We demonstrate the
while not exceeding 15 dBm maximum power constraint. existence of a unique globally optimal link adaptation solution
For adaptive modulation, transmit power is equally distributed and provide iterative algorithms to obtain this optimum. The
over all subchannels and the modulation is adapted to meet optimal power allocation is shown to be a dynamic water-
BER requirement. From Figures 4(a) and 4(b), fixed and filling where the water level is determined by the maximum
adaptive modulations perform closely to each other, especially energy efficiency. We further consider a special case when
when far away from BS, for both energy efficiency and the channel is experiencing flat fading and show the upper
throughput, when the maximum transmit power is 15 dBm. bound of energy efficiency as well as two ways to achieve
By increasing the transmit power from 15 dBm to 25 dBm, this bound. We explicitly demonstrate that energy efficiency

120 3
Flat EE Flat EE
Fixed QAM, Adapt Power, 15dBm Fixed QAM, Adapt Power, 15dBm
100 2.5
Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 15dBm Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 15dBm
Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 20dBm
Energy efficiency (kbits/Joule)

Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 20dBm

Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 25dBm
80 2 Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 25dBm

Throughput (Mbits/s)
60 1.5

40 1

20 0.5

0 0
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
Distance to BS (km) Distance to BS (km)

(a) Energy efficiency (b) Throughput

Fig. 4: Performance comparison for contiguous subchannelization.

110 3
100 Flat EE Flat EE
Fixed QAM, Adapt Power, 15dBm Fixed QAM, Adapt Power, 15dBm
90 Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 15dBm Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 15dBm
Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 20dBm Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 20dBm
Energy efficiency (kbits/Joule)

80 Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 25dBm Adapt QAM, Fixed Power, 25dBm
Throughput (Mbits/s)


60 1.5



10 0
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
Distance to BS (km) Distance to BS (km)

(a) Energy efficiency (b) Throughput

Fig. 5: Performance comparison for fixed-interval subchannelization.

is improved by increasing channel power gain, bandwidth, and contour U (0) = α. Hence, Sα is strictly convex when α ≤ 0.
by reducing circuit power consumption. From the simulation Now we investigate the case when α > 0. Sα is equivalent
results, we observed at least 15% improvement in energy to Sα = {R º 0|αPC + αPT (R) − R ≤ 0}. Since PT (R)
utilization when frequency selectivity is exploited and the is strictly convex in R, Sα is also strictly convex. Hence, we
improvement depends on how much frequency diversity exists have the strict quasiconcavity of U (R).
within the channels.
The partial derivative of U (R) with ri is
P ROOF OF L EMMA 1 ∂U (R) PC + PT (R) − RPT (R) β(ri )
= 2
, ,
Proof: Denote the upper contour sets of U (R) as ∂ri (PC + PT (R)) (PC + PT (R))2
Sα = {R º 0|U (R) ≥ α}, (I.34)
where PT (R) is the first partial derivative of PT (R) with
where symbol º denotes vector inequality and R º 0 means
respect¯ to ri . According to Lemma 1, if ri∗ exists such that
each element of R is nonnegative. According to Proposition ∂U (R) ¯
C.9 of [21], U (R) is strictly quasiconcave if and only if Sα is ∂ri ¯ ∗
= 0, it is unique, i.e. if there is a ri∗ such that
ri =ri
strictly convex for any real number α. When α < 0, no points β(ri∗ ) = 0, it is unique. In the following, we investigate the
exist on the contour U (R) = α. When α = 0, only 0 is on the conditions when ri∗ exists.

0 ∗ ∗
The derivative of β(ri ) is R∗ PR ( RK ) − KPR ( RK ) = PC g. By
differentiating the´ left
0 ∗ ∗
0 00 ∂ R∗ PR ( RK )−cPR ( RK )

β (ri ) = −RPT (R) < 0, (I.36) hand side with respect to R , ∂R∗ =
R∗ 00 R∗
00 P R ( ) > 0. Hence, the left hand side is strictly increasing
where PT (R) is the second partial derivative of PT (R) with K K
in R∗ . Therefore, higher data rate should be used when the
respect to ri . Hence, β(ri ) is strictly decreasing. According
channel has higher power gain. Suppose g1 > g2 , and the cor-
to the L’Hopital’s rule, it is easy to show that
responding optimal modulation and coding result in data rates
lim β(ri ) = lim (PC + PT (R) − RPT (R)) R1∗ and R2∗ respectively. Hence, U1 (R1∗ ) ∗> U1 (R2∗ ). Besides,
ri −>∞ ri −>∞ ∗ R2∗ R2
à 0
! U1 (R2 ) = ∗ /K)
KPR (R2 > KPR (R2 ∗ /K) = U2 (R2∗ ).
PC + PT (R) − RPT (R) PC + g1 PC + g2
= lim ri Hence, the energy efficiency increase with channel gain.
ri −>∞ ri 0
à 0 ! According to Theorem 2, R∗ PT (R∗ ) − PT (R∗ ) = PC .
0 00 00
PT (R) − PT (R) − RPT (R) The derivative of the left hand side is R∗ PT (R∗ ) > 0.
= lim ri ∗
Hence, R increases with PC . The proof that the energy
ri −>∞ 1
00 efficiency decreases with circuit power is similar to the proof
= lim −PT (R)Rri < 0. that energy efficiency increases with channel gain. When
ri −>∞
(I.37) PC = 0, according to proof in II, U (R) is maximized when
R approaches zero, i.e. Umax = limR→0 PTR(R) = P 01(0) .
Besides, T
0 R = Kr and PT (R) = KP T ( K ), where P T (r) is the
lim β(ri ) = lim (PC + PT (R) − RPT (R)) transmit power on each subchannel, and is monotonically
ri −>0 ri −>0
(0) (0) 0 (0) increasing and0 strictly convex in r. According to Theorem 2,
= PC + PT (Ri ) − Ri PT (Ri ), ∗ ∗
we have R∗ P T ( RK ) = PC + KP T ( RK ), which is equivalent
(0) (0) 0
P Ri = [r1 , r2 , · · · , ri−1 , 0, ri+1 , · · · , rK ]T and Ri = to r∗ P T (r∗ ) − PT (r∗ ) = PKC . The left hand side is increasing
j6=i rj . in r∗ while the right hand side is decreasing in K. Hence, the
(0) (0) 0 (0)
(1o )When PC + PT (Ri ) − Ri PT (Ri ) ≥ 0, data rate on each subchannel should decrease with increasing
limri −>0 β(ri ) ≥ 0. Together with (I.37), we see that t∗i number of subchannels assigned. The proof that the energy
exists and U (R) is first strictly increasing and then strictly efficiency increases with the number of subchannels assigned
decreasing in ri . is also similar to the proof in III and is omitted. The highest
(0) (0) 0 (0)
(2o )When PC + PT (Ri ) − Ri PT (Ri ) < 0, energy efficiency is obtained with infinite number of subchan-
limri −>0 β(ri ) < 0. Together with (I.36) and (I.37), t∗i does nels, i.e. U (R) = limK→∞ PC +P T (R)
= P r(r) . Similar to
not exist. However, U (R) is always strictly decreasing in ri . the proof in II, U (R) is maximized when r approaches zero.
Hence, U (R) is maximized at ri = 0. We have Umax = limr→0 P r(r) = P 01(0) .
Lemma 1 is readily obtained. T

Proof: U (R) = PC +P b (R) =
≤ PTR(R) . Denote U
T (R)
0 Proof: The global convergence is straightforward from
b (R) PT (R)−RPT (R)
R b 0 (R) = dU [0] [0] [i]
Lemmas 1. Since r2 = αr1 and r1 ≤ r∗ ≤ r2 , with
PT (R) . U dR = PT2 (R)
. According to the
[0] [0]
0 [i] [i] r2 −r1 (α−1)r ∗
b 0 (R) = limR→0
L’Hopital’s rule, limR→0 U
PT (R)−RPT (R)
= induction, we have r2 − r1 = 2i 2i ≤
. Hence,
PT2 (R) [i] [i]
[i] r1 +r2 [i] (α−1)r ∗ ∗ (α−1)r

−RPT (R)
00 00
−PT (R) rb = 2 ≥ (2r2 − 2i )/2 ≥ r − 2i+1 and rb[i] ≤
limR→0 = limR→0 ≤ 0. Besides (α−1)r ∗ ∗ ∗
r[i] −r∗ | ≤ (α−1)r . Let (α−1)r
0 0
2(PT (R))2 ∗
2PT (R)PT (R)
r + 2i+1 . Then |b 2 i+1 2 i+1 ≤ ². We
PT (R)−RPT (R) is 0 when R = 0 and has negative derivative have i ≥ log2 ( ² (α−1)r ∗
− 1). Theorem 3 follows immediately.
when R > 0. Hence, PT (R) − RPT (R) < 0 when R > 0.
Thus, U b (R) is negative when R > 0 and U
b (R) is maximized
when R approaches zero, i.e. U (R) ≤ limR→0 PTR(R) =
P (0)
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