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I am a female in a majority female household. I believe that because the majority of my household is of the female gender, I
have become a girly type who loves doing things that involves my femininity. This has always been promoted in my family
because I was always the center of attention in my household, being an only child. Even my father started going to more
‘girly’ movies and enjoying ballets when I came around. Even though I am a very girly girl, I feel that I relate to males well.
I have always done things with my father that he enjoyed such as going to wrestling matches and watching football.


My ethnicity is a mix of euro-descents. My father comes from an Italian mother and a German father, so I saw culture in
only the cooking of this side of my family. My mother came from a mix of cultures and really had no dominating culture,
unlike my father being half and half.

I try to accept everyone from any ethnicity. A child’s ethnicity in the classroom should not hold them back from learning and
should only drive them forward if you use it to their advantage.


My race is white and I belong to the dominant culture. My race has given me a privilege over others where I was in the
dominant culture in my community and school. Being a blonde girl with blue-green eyes, I am seen as in the majority of
American culture, the true American girl. I care greatly about the way I look, love to shop, and fill almost every aspect of
the American girl. Being this blonde-white girl, I do understand what it is like to be placed in a stereotype and I do not like
to be put in that type of situation.


My class is considered middle to high class. Growing up, I was the daughter of a doctor, only child, living in the most fluent
suburb in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. I went to school among the children of millionaires, billionaires, hockey players,
football players, world strongmen, famous ballet dancers, TV personalities, radio personalities, baseball players, just to
name a few. Being among these people made me very aware of what people thought of you and I strived always to be
perfect. I bought the clothes everyone was wearing and did the things that they did (it was always nice knowing people that
could get you in first class!)

This background has worked against me greatly in the real world. When I left for college, I realized that I had once lived in a
bubble where everyone was Barbie and Ken, perfect. Now I realize that I don’t have to be perfect all the time and that there
are all kinds of people, with problems bigger than mine, that have less than me, and that I should truly be grateful for what I
have been given. I do not want people who have money to feel guilty for having it, but rather to appreciate what they have,
respect others who don’t have as much, and to try and understand the situations that others are in who are in need.


I got a major culture shock when my parents decided to move here to Marietta, which is where my mother is from. I feel
very closed in at Marietta and can’t wait to return to Philadelphia in the summer. It’s not that I think I’m too good for the
area, it’s that I miss the theaters, the games, the malls, the people, my friends, the grandness of the city and it’s suburbs; it
was more like my personality. I like the fastness that it all had and the way that there was always something to do or
somewhere to go. I find it hard here to do the same things I used to do.

Here, I have realized though that there is a world outside of where I was. Things are different here; kids go to school without
jackets on winter days, they have no money to eat. I see this a fair amount at the school I am teaching at and I never saw this
at my school back home. It has taught me that things are different elsewhere and to appreciate every small luxury that we

I am in the 20 year old sub-group and act as such. I will be a newlywed by next summer and will be starting a new life, a
new job, and a new home. I love to have fun, partying, exercising, and trying new things. My age sometimes works against
me because I am young for my standing in life and wish I fit in more sometimes. I feel too old for my peers at times, but
hopefully that’s just maturity and that it will come in time.


I believe that my one exception where I stand out the most is in my drama. I have a great background and it is such a large
part of my life. Teaching comes into this when I teach drama classes and I am hoping to use my exceptionality to get myself
into a school system that wants to improve their Creative Arts program.

I also would like to use this to bring drama to kids in schools that wouldn’t be able to pay for it outside of public school.


I have a split background in religion between being Catholic half of my like and Methodist the other half, both were
influenced by my parents. Religion does not play an important role in my life right now and who I am.

Since I do not have a strong religion base, I do not teach religion and do not believe in crossing church and school. I do,
however, respect those with different beliefs than I because I would want them to do the same for me.


My language is Standard English. I feel that I do not have a dialect, although sometimes I do have some Philadelphiaese that
slips out from time to time. I feel that it is important for every student to be able to speak fluent Standard English because
they will be better accepted in the real world, especially if they want to have a professional career. They will be better
respected and seem better educated and credible. (This does not mean that they cannot speak a second language, have
English as a second language, or speak with a dialect.)

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