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One Price

 A pricing strategy in which the same price is offered to every customer who purchases the product
under the same conditions. A one price policy may also mean that prices are set and cannot be
negotiated by customers. A one price policy is the opposite of a differential pricing approach, in which
prices may vary based on location, promotional offers, method of payment, or other factors.
 Is one of each customer are changed the same price for all the goods and services offered for sale.
Example: anything you buy at a store that is non-negotiable or can only be bought at one price, like
2 liter bottle of sprite.
Methods of Application

 the customer knows that negotiation is not possible. In other words, there are no favored customers.
In this type of policy, the seller treats every customer equally, regardless of location and other
When is the method best used?

 if the seller offers a discount, it offers them on equal terms to all purchasers.

 Uniform return from each sale and assured certain profits. Lower selling costs and no waste of time in
niggling which drags on prolonged sales talk. Large retailers, automatic vending and mail order
selling. Follow one price policy.
 There is a uniform return from each sale. This assures certain profits.
 The seller has lower selling costs.
 There is no waste of time negotiating prices. In other words, sales personnel can achieve each
sale more rapidly
 It is easier for mail order sellers and those who sell through automatic.


 Competitors may bring out a lower-priced product, taking away your market. Some sales may be lost
because customers are not willing to pay the higher price. Can put some potential customers off
because of the high price.
 The seller does not have flexibility. Sales personnel are stuck. For example, if a potential
customer asks for better terms, there is nothing the employee can do.
 There is a risk of losing valuable customers. In other words, some people would have bought if
the seller had offered a better deal. By being inflexible, the seller risks losing valuable sales.
 When you offer discounts, you encourage bulk buying. If there is just one price, the seller
might lose out on big sales. In other words, by being flexible on price, you are more likely to
get large orders.
 Price flexibility is a weapon the seller can use against rivals. For example, imagine the sales
staff of one company cannot alter prices but those of another can. Which company is more
likely to gain market share?

Benefits in terms of Sales / Market share

 the seller shows no discrimination. The seller charges all similar types of purchasers the same price.
Also, the terms of sale are the same. Negotiating or bargaining are out of the question.

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