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Happy New Year 2019 everyone. Have a Blessed Day

Went to daddy’s grave on his birthday and on new year’s day. Tear’s dropped. 5 months has passed since that sad day,
when one we so dearly loved was called away. God took you home. It was His will, But in our hearts you lived still.
There isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t at some point think of you. Your life is full of loving deeds. Forever
thoughtful of our special needs. Today and tomorrow. My whole life through I will always love and cherish you.
Eternal rest grand unto David Lee O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon him. May your soul rest in peace.
Celebrated new year’s day in Genting Highland. This was what daddy wants. He wants us happy. Since mamasan got
free room, we went up to Genting. Had a good jolly time up there. Saw Pikachu

Sayang, Missing you in Genting but we managed to catch

up in Midvalley and had a good time. I had a good and
relax fruitfull time on New Year’s day in Genting. Leaving
tomorrow on Wednesday, 02/01/19. C u on Monday, 7 th
Jan 19.


Lord Jesus, on this New year day, we pray May this new
year find us healthier and happier, peaceful, content,
satisfied, looking forward to fresh, revitalizing interests, a variety of pleasures, interesting new people, material and
personal successes to make this new year the best one yet. Happy New Year! We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for all that you've allowed into our lives this past year, the good
along with the hard things, which have reminded us how much we need you and rely on your presence filling us every
single day.
We pray for your Spirit to lead us each step of this New Year. We ask that you will guide our decisions and turn our
hearts to deeply desire you above all else. We ask that you will open doors needing to be opened and close the ones
needing to be shut tight. We ask that you would help us release our grip on the things to which you’ve said “no,” “not
yet,” or “wait.” We ask for help to pursue you first, above every dream and desire you’ve put within our hearts.
We ask for your wisdom, for your strength and power to be constantly present within us. We pray you would make us
strong and courageous for the road ahead. Give us ability beyond what we feel able, let your gifts flow freely through
us, so that you would be honored by our lives, and others would be drawn to you.
We pray that you’d keep us far from the snares and traps of temptations. That you would whisper in our ear when we
need to run, and whisper in our heart when we need to stand our ground.
We pray for your protection over our families and friends. We ask for your hand to cover us and keep us distanced
from the evil intent of the enemy; that you would be a barrier to surround us, that we’d be safe in your hands. We
pray that you would give us discernment and insight beyond our years, to understand your will, hear your voice, and
know your ways.
We ask that you would keep our footsteps firm, on solid ground, helping us to be consistent and faithful. Give us
supernatural endurance to stay the course, not swerving to the right or to the left, or being too easily distracted by
other things that would seek to call us away from a close walk with you.
Forgive us for the times we have worked so hard to be self-sufficient, forgetting our need for you, living independent
of your spirit. Forgive us for letting fear and worry control our minds, and for allowing pride and selfishness wreak
havoc over our lives. Forgive us for not following your ways and for living distant from your presence.
We confess our need for you…fresh…new…again. We ask that you make all things new, in our hearts, in our minds, in
our lives, for this coming year. We pray for your refreshing over us.
Keep your words of truth planted firm within us, help us to keep focused on what is pure and right, give us the power
to be obedient to your word. And when the enemy reminds us where we have been, hissing his lies and attacks our
way, we trust that your voice speaks louder and stronger, as you remind us we are safe with you and your purposes
and plans will not fail. We ask that you will be our defense and rear guard, keeping our way clear, removing the
obstacles, and covering the pitfalls. Lord, lead us on your level ground.
We ask that you would provide for our needs, we ask for your grace and favor. We pray for your blessings to cover us,
we pray that you would help us to prosper and make every plan that you have birthed in our heart to succeed. We
pray that others would take notice of your goodness and could not help but to say, “These are the ones that the Lord
has blessed.”
Help us to be known as great givers, help us to be generous and kind, help us to look to the needs of others and not be
consumed by only our own.
May we be lovers of truth, may the fruits of your spirit be evident in our lives - your love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Shine your light in us, through us, over us. May we make a difference in this world, for your glory and purposes. Set
you way before us. May all your plans succeed. We may reflect your peace and hope to a world that so desperately
needs your presence and healing.
To you be glory and honor, in this New Year, and forever.
In Jesus’ name,


Begin work today. 12 Bible Verses quotes of Renewal and Hope for the New year 2019
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for
these words are trustworthy and true.” Rev. 21:5

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is
your faithfulness.” Lam. 3:22-23

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth,
do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Is. 43:18-19

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Cor.

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining
forward to what lies ahead.” Phil. 3:13

“Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from
the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a
hope.” Jer. 29:11

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run
and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Is. 40:31

"I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them..." Ez. 11:19

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he
will make your paths straight.” Prov. 3:5-6

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Ps. 20:4

"You crown the year with your goodness, and your paths drip with abundance." Ps. 65:11

CHAPTER 305 - 04/01/19 – Session on Ecclesiastes by KLABA


had a fruitful, spiritual, knowledge filled in this session. Very informative. Lots of questions asked. Quotes, Annecdotes,
Jokes. I am looking forward for 7th January where we will be on the book of Maccabees 1 & 2

CHAPTER 306 : 05/01/19 – Weekend Seminar on Safeguarding in the church of Assumption.

I have a fruitfull and Learning day in the Seminar from

8am - 5pm.

About this course

 to enable those who work with children and young people to develop awareness and understanding of
safeguarding children and child protection
 to be able to recognise and respond appropriately to safeguarding and relate these to their roles and
responsibilities within their own organisation.

Expected learning outcomes

By the end of this course practitioners should be able to:
1. Identify what is meant by safeguarding, child protection and child abuse.
2. Identify the relevant legislation and guidance that provides the framework for safeguarding children and
young people.
3. Name the categories of child abuse and neglect and recognise the signs and indicators of each.
4. Recognise ow their own beliefs, experience and attitudes might influence professional involvement in
safeguarding work.
5. Respond to concerns about the safety and welfare of a child or young person using safeguarding and child
protection policies and procedures within the setting or organisation in which they work.

CHAPTER 307 -– Sunday Weekend Encounter on 06/01/19

New Year. New Chapter, New Sunday weekend, I attended mass downtown. Philo was shocked and surprised to see
me. She let me sit next to her and she welcomed me to St John. After mass, I gave Philo a big new year tight hug and
kisses. She kiss me on my cheek and a sign of cross on my forehead. Thank you love. I had breakfast with her. After
that we went to attend Adult’s class with various topics from unity, inter-religious dialogues, inter human
development, BECs, youth, family life, social communication, formation, workshops from 9:00am – 10:30am. I am
happy for it.

CHAPTER 308 - Epiphany of the Lord prayer - 06/01/19

CHAPTER 309 - 07/01/19 – B40 Class in HRC (Hot Roti Canai- ) – Book on Maccabees 1 & 2 by Fr Clarence Devadass

Preview by Mr L A Fernandez

Group Sharing on the book of Eccleesiates. Video recording on the book of Maccabees 1 & 2 by Fr Clarence Devadass.
Preview by L A Fernandez.

Me (07/01/19) : Hey Darling Philo, You are well missed today. We have
14 Participants today. It saddened me to see you lost your voices and
was having severe headache. You will see doctor next week for scan.
Hope you are well and getting better. Weather has been humid. no
good. Do take care. Praying earnestly for you.
CHAPTER 310 – Woken up early. Couldn’t sleep. While thinking of Philo, I begin typing out the Attendance list with
birthdays. Then sent email. After I sent email, I whatsapp her in the morning around 8am.
Me : Good morning Philo darling, Hope you feel much better. Please kindly check ur email I have sent the participants
with birthdate with no year.
Philo replied at 10:30am : Thank You sweety. Well done. Good job.  . I am fine. Thanks for the prayer. Don’t worry
too much about me till affect your health. I c u soon dear.
Me : Are you on medical leave today?
Philo : Yes. Only 1 day. There is a side effect on the medicine which doctor gave me. I feel drowzy and sleepy.
Me : Wish I am right beside you, Want me to bring you porridge?
Philo : NO. Thank You. My sister will bring. You relax.
Me : Yes. Boss
Philo : You know I don’t like to be call boss.
Me : kekekekeke. Ok. Dear. You take care. Go and sleep. And make sure you drink water with lemon, honey.
Philo : Yes sweety. Bye
Me : Bye. Babed

After whatsapp chat with Philo, I feel much better. 

08/01/19 – New Year Reflections 2019

Looking back on the months gone by,
 As a new year starts and an old one ends,
 We contemplate what brought us joy,
 And we think of our loved ones and our friends.
Recalling all the happy times,
 Remembering how they enriched our lives,
 We reflect upon who really counts,
 As the fresh and bright new year arrives.
And when I ponder those who do,
 I immediately think of you.
Thanks for being one of the reasons I'll have a Happy New Year!

CHAPTER 311 - 09/01/19 – New Year’s Reality Check

Another year, another chance
 To start our lives anew;
 This time we’ll leap old barriers
 To have a real breakthrough.
We’ll take one little step
 And then we’ll take one more,
 Our unlimited potential
 We’ll totally explore.
We’ll show off all our talents
 Everyone will be inspired;
 (Whew! While I’m writing this,
 I’m getting very tired.)
We’ll give up all bad habits;
 We’ll read and learn a lot,
 All our goals will be accomplished,
 Sigh...or maybe not.
Oh well, Happy New Year anyway!
CHAPTER 312 - 10/01/19 – New Year’s Resolution 2019
Each year I resolve with the strongest intent
 To be better this year than the last.
 And I work very hard; the rules hardly get bent,
 But this discipline gets old so fast!
But with this new year I just know I’ll win out,
 Just watch how I do and you’ll see!
 I’m not going to have yet another blowout;
 I’ll be good as I know I can be.
But, if wicked things beckon, and I’m not so strong,
 If I weaken and fall on my ast,
 I’ll be thankful again that you’ll help me along
 As you have during all new years past.
I’m so grateful that you’re my Companion, my best friend, my life partner! Happy New Year!

CHAPTER 313 - 11/01/19 – A New Year with You

I'm so grateful for a new year
 to spend with you,
 my most special one,
 my cherished and treasured love,
 who has gifted me with happiness and joy,
 adventure and excitement,
 comfort and peace.
 As I look ahead, I see each day with you
 filled with warmth and affection,
 a deeper, more fulfilling love,
 than I could have imagined
 in my fondest, most perfect dreams.
 A new year with you
 is the most valuable, most precious treasure
 I could ever have.
Happy New Year Sweetheart!
CHAPTER 314 - 11/01/19 – Missed Phone Call

As I was about to start my car engine and leave to pasar malam and 99 speed mart and de market in taman desa .
Angela called me.
Me : hello
Angela : Hello dear
Me : You called me. Why??
Angela : Sound so serious. Cheer up.
Me (malau) : What is it.
Angela : are you free??
Me : why??? You want to see me??
Angela : yes. Please. Today is Friday. There is a pasar malam in taman desa near Danau Condo
Me : Yes. There is where I am heading to. Why?? Want to meet.
Angela : Yes. I come and pick you up.
Me : No need, You drive to Danau Murni Condo, park your car outside and I meet you there.
Angela : You driving??
Me : Yes dear. As the matter of fact, I am heading towards Danau Murni Condo, park my car and walk to pasar malam.
Where are you by the way??
Angela : I am actually at the Taman Desa bus stop, opposite Taman desa Hospital.
Me : Since you know the way to danau murni condo. I c u there in 5 minutes. I am leaving now.
Angela : Ok. C u.

Had great time and have a hard talk with Angela but I
will never go back to her no matter how painful it is. I
make my decision. She requested me to rethink over, think of her
mom. Her mom has been seriously wanted to see me and her
together but after the whole episode, I said NO. What Angela did
was too painful for me to bear. After more than 45 minutes with
Angela in pasar malam, I drove to 99 speedmart and de market for
some groceries shopping then I drove home.

CHAPTER 315 - Its the weekend training. On SHIP in Fatima Church

– 12/01/19
CHAPTER 316 - 13/01/19 – Baptism of the lord

Open the heavens, Almighty Father,

and pour out your Spirit upon your people.
Renew the power of our Baptismal cleansing,
and fill us with zeal for good deeds.
Let us hear your voice once again,
that we may recognize in your beloved son
our hope in inheriting eternal life.
Grant this through Jesus Christ,
your Word made flesh,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
in the splendor of eternal light,
God, forever and ever. Amen.

CHAPTER 317 - 14/01/19 Bible 40 weeks. Sharing on 1 & 2 Maccabees. Preview on Daniel by Philo

Angela texted me and miscalled me while I was in class. I didn’t see it or hear it. she went to HRC look for me before
she went to Fatima church for meeting. I was not amused at all. She tried to come in to see me during break but was
prevented by Philo who was there.
Chapter 318 - 15/01/19 : For a Dad Who Was Always There
Though the world is confusing and full of pain
Despite the harsh sun and the torrential rain
I'm hurt. I'm scared. I'm tired
When others leave me uninspired
There's only been one on who I could count
Your role, to me, was paramount.

Chapter 319 - 16/01/19 : For a Dad Who Taught Life Lessons

There's a big hole in my heart now that you're gone.
You taught me life isn't a sprint - it's a marathon.
At this point in the race, I want to collapse
But you taught me to not let my fortitude lapse.
So I'll arise and keep on going
Without the man I saw as a king.
The hole in my heart will always be there
Losing you now just doesn't seem fair.
Goodbye, Dad. Watch over me
So I can feel your presence daily.

Chapter 320 – 17/01/19 : For my daddy in heaven

My father, my angel, my rock, my friend
I know that this life isn't truly the end.
Go soar with the angels and praise our Lord
With the praising and joy you'll never get bored.
I'll see you again Dad when my time is done
Knowing you're there makes Heaven seem more fun.
Strong to the very end
He was my best friend
Always ready to help me
He fiercely loved his family.
He stood tall and sure
He helped me mature
His strength and his love for me
Will remain a part of his legacy

Chapter 321 – 18/01/19 : Not Enough time Dad

The time we had, Dad, wasn't nearly enough to pack in an entire Lifetime of love.
There are so many questions that I need answers to,
But now that you're gone there's no way to ask you.
But there are still photos to remember you by,
Each time I look at them, I still want to cry.
They say grief is easier to bear as time goes by,
But that doesn't stop me from wondering why?
Why my dear, sweet dad was taken so soon,
When he was my guiding star, My sun and my moon.
There are no answers to a question like this,
So I'll cherish your memory, and mourn the months we'll miss.

Chapter 322 – 19/01/19 - – Weekend Saturday FORMation

It was 2nd Sunday in ordinary time. I decided to attend mass down town. After mass, Philo took me back to her house.
She prepared nasi lemak for me. After lunch, Philo took me to her couch and we hang out there. We talked. We
laughed. It was pretty apparent that we were both interested in each other and have something in common. I asked
her if I could kiss her and see what it's like? She asked what does it like. I said soft. And we kissed. We kissed for a
couple seconds and broke apart. I wanted to stand but she wont allow me. She pull me closer to her and we kissed.
That kiss was a major landmark in exploring my sexuality. It was a confirmation that this was right for us. I realized that
we enjoyed it so much. We had a passionate long kissed (with clothes on) minus the bra cuz we wanted to be
comfortable with each other. We had a wonderful bonding together. She took me to do some shopping cuz the next
day I will be going to Genting Highland for family vacation before dropping me home. I gave her a tight hug and kiss
before we parted. I promised to stay touched with her. She smiled. She drove away.
CHAPTER 324 : B40 Class – 21st January 2019

CHAPTER No 345 : Tuesday, 22nd January 2019

There’s a moment between a glance and a kiss where the world stops, for the briefest of times. And the only thing
between us is the anticipation of her lips on mine. A moment, so intense, It hangs in the air. As it pulls its closer. A
moment so perfect. That’s when it comes to an end. We realize it’s only just beginning.

You need no fancy clothes to make you look sexy. She needs no man by your side to make you look sturdy. You need
to tell no lie; your honesty is your beauty. You are smart in the head, and courageous in the heart, confident in herself,
and compassionate in your thoughts, independent and able, strong and graceful. You are no ordinary woman, you are

You are a strong woman who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow just as abundantly as you

CHAPTER 346 Wednesday, 23rd January 2019

CHAPTER 347 Thursday, 24th January 2019

CHAPTER 348 Friday, 25th January 2019

CHAPTER 349 Encounter In St John – 26/01/19

Was in St John Attending Parish Formation Entitled Practice during Lent and why Pentential from 9am – 12pm
organized by SHIP (Spiritual, Human, Intellectual and Pastoral) in preparation for Lent. It was interesting topic but a bit
boring. No jokes, too serious. So I decided to draw a boat. Philo who was sitting next to me saw me drawing and
Philo : What are you doing?
Me (Yawning) : Excuse me, Sorry. Very boring so I’m drawing
Philo : What are you drawing?
Me : Ship
Philo : Why did you draw a ship?
Me : Organized by SHIP 
Philo : What’s that for?
Me : For me and you sailing 
Philo : So small how to fit in?
Me : You call this small. I consider medium size.
Philo : How many can fit in?
Me : For two persons

Then I started drawing tshirt. Philo was amused.

Philo : What are you drawing?

Me : Drawing T-shirt
Philo : For who?
Me : For you.
Run away with
Philo : What does it stay?
Me : Run away with me please?
Philo : Run away with you?? .
I nodded my head
Philo : To where?
Me : Langkawi, Penang, Lumut, Pangkor, Morib, Port Dickson,
Philo : $$$$$$
Me : Draw a thinking emoji

Philo : What are you drawing????

Me : Drawing thinking emoji??
Philo : Why??
Me : Coffee or Tea.
Philo : Huh?????
Me : Phi, Monsignor Leonard Lexson is watching
In Monsignor head “What dis two malau whispering and giggling. Are they
listening or gossiping about me.

After ½ day session, Philo took me to downtown for Yummylous, sockalism lunch. After lunch, we proceed to
brickfields for some shopping and thence to home. We kissed before she drive home. I thank her.

CHAPTER 350 : MY HEART DESIRE – 27/01/19

As usual, I attended mass in my parish. To my surprise, Philo was there parking her car. I waited for her. In order not to
make it look so obvious, I bought candles and was lighting the candles and pray at the grotto. I was so focus of lighting
the candles I didn’t notice she was there standing behind me. I lost my balance nearly step on her heel but she
managed to catch me, gave me a kiss on the forehead. I gave her a smile and gave her kiss on her cheek. She helped
me lighting the candle. We stand and prayed for 5 minutes, grab the Herald and went inside the church. I let her direct
me to the sit. We sat, kneel, pray together. During whole mass, Philo was staring at me, I don’t know why my tears
started rolling down. She passed me tissues. She put her arm around me assuring me that she is with me no matter
what challenge comes. I smile at her and focus on the mass. After mass, we left the church and head back to her
house for lunch which she had prepared earlier. I glare at her puzzled why she need to cook. Isnt she supposed to rest
on Sunday. Her advice was not to eat too much outside food, there is a lot of ajinomoto. No good for health. I said
once a week only no harm. But she preferred home cooked. I surrender all. Beside I am a guest. She’s the boss. She’s
the host. And I was looking forward to taste her cooking . After lunch, I offered to help washed the dishes. She push
me out of the kitchen and said no need. I am her guest. She ask me to go to the couch and relax. She turn on the fan
and tv and then she’s back to the kitchen to washed up the dishes. I went to the couch and took out the B40
assignment and start doing. But somehow I felt hot and so I switch to higher mode to no 5. I felt better.  After more
than 20 minutes in the kitchen, Philo finished washing, she came out of the kitchen, saw the fan high mode, she turn it
back to low 2nd mode, and she caught me red handed doing the assignment immediately scolded me what was I
doing? I just giggling away. And immediately snatched it away from me and grab my hand by forced and pushed me to
the sofa and laid on top of me give me an earful
Philo : What are you doing?
Me : B40 homework.
Philo : What did I said?
Me : Relax
Philo : Relax means what?? close your eyes. Not revise B40. Don’to do that, not in my house. Come to my house must
close your eyes and relax. Enjoy tv and fan. I just smile, look into her eyes and said
You : Yes mam. Your house, Your rule, You’re the boss. I obey.
Philo (giggled while adjusting her hair) : funny. Thank you.
We kissed. After 5 -10 minutes later, I turned around and laid on top of her. I lick her lips and kiss, she smile at me.
And then I stand up, ready to make a beeline to the washroom next to the kitchen, she stood up and follow me to the
washroom she instructed let the door open don’t lock. She watched me like a mother hen watching her chicks. Of
course, she’s the host, she won’t allow anything happen to me. She care for me and love me unconditionally. After
toilet break, she took my hand and lead me upstair to her room. I was a bit skeptical. My heart beat jump fast. My clit
gets its own heartbeat whenever I’m around her. All I want is to push her up against the bed, laid on top of her and
kiss her but she was too powerful. I let her be the honour to do OT on me. I loved her and that’s the beginning and of

CHAPTER 351 : B40 Class – Unexpected Encounter 28/01/19

It’s Monday, Bible B40 class sharing on the book of the Mark Gospel Part 1. Video on Mark Gospel Part 2 by fr
Raymond Michael, as we prepare for the video presentation after the break, I saw the door was being forced open and
behold Angela follow Alice in and quickly pushed Alice aside and rushed in tried to grab me yet I spray chemical
weapons to Angela’s eyes and gave her a fly kick to Angela groan till she fell down. Then I heard Philo called my name,
I quickly ran towards Philo who was there assessing the situation. My heart panting. Then Angela stand up and tried to
rush to me but was being given two big slaps from Philo who was ready to fight. Then Angela warned me that my days
are numbered and watch my back. And she left for her meeting next door.

Chapter 371 – B40 class, KLABA B40 2018/2019 Fatima Chinese new Year Celebration 2019

B40 class. Though it is still in Chinese New Year. I have no mood to celebrate cuz this year will be 1 st time I celebrate
CNY without my daddy. I was so emotional. Philo isn’t amused at all. Fearing I will harm myself, she pulled me out of
the room, and joined others for KLBA B40 CNY celebration, we have a mini Yee Sang. In the meantime, I was looking
scared and frightened. Philo reassure me she is by my side. Why scare? Scare to be eaten alive. Tresa, Lisa, Paul, LA,
Shalini will giggling    Naughty lah

Alice Lai – Cake

Estee Wong – Prawn crackers
Joachim and Carol – Noodle Yee Sang with meat, nuts, crackers,
Angeline Lee – Curry puff

Had marbellous time. Then video preview for 1 Thessalonians. Preview by Paul for next week.

Chapter 372 –– 12/02/19

Chapter 373 –– 13/02/19

Chapter 374 –– 14/02/19 Valentine’s Day Message


The truth is After 9 years, it’s enough. There is no more love between me and Angela. It’s is all over. I felt betrayed and
hurt. I don’t know what else to do with this. I began drafting out the paper. And type into the computer I print it out
and file it.. I forgot all about it. Until my file was dropped unto the floor during the B40 class, Philo pick it up during
break time and read it. During the video presentations was being screen, I was searching for my file. I didn’t realize
Philo took it. After the video presentations, Philo walked to the front with the folder and the books. It was her turn to
give overview and review for next week topics. She give me back the folder with a note : MY DEAR ANGELINE, STOP
IN CATHOLIC WAY, READ THE BIBLE, PRAY. After reading it, my eyes went teary. After the session end, Philo can felt I
was heart broken, like a mother put her arm around me and adviced me not to act hashly. God would not like it. She
gave me a tight cuddle and told me she will sent me home.


Went to church to attend mass and pray. I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation.
Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and
Philo, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each
other, and may you make each one of us realize each other’s worth. Please touch the heart of Philo, fill it with much
love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you
may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not
into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other’s heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing
my prayer. I love you. Thank you Lord for praying our prayer requests. We pray for your long life, safety, good health
and that you remain in your vocation. God bless. Amen.

CHAPTER 393: B40 Class 2019 Frightening Experience – 25 th February 2019

B40 class today, as usual, I was in the group sharing, half way through the sharing, suddenly Angela opened the door
without knocking.
Me (Eh…I scream in terror as if I saw a ghost) : Angela Francis, What the fuck!! What the fucking hell you are doing
here. WHY are you always like to act like this. You know very well, I am having class. Malau.
Angela : Angeline Lee, watch your mouth and your language.
Before I could talk, Philo came in and stand between me
Philo : What is this girl? Angeline Lee? Screaming all.. Ah…I see. The betrayer, you have meeting next door. What are
you doing here? What do you want?
Angela : Excuse me. Betrayer. Who’s the betrayer? I want to see Angeline about this
Philo : We are having class now and you are very rude.
Angela : Angeline, Please just 1 minute. I really need to talk
Me : I shade my head NO.
Philo : We are having class now and my girl doesn’t wish to talk to you
Angela : Angeline, please
Philo : Don’t please. GET OUT!! Go to your meeting and don’t disturb my class and my girl
Angela went off. Philo turn around and saw me holding my chest. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain and collapsed. Lisa,
Greta, Helen, Carol quickly ran to me and help me up. Philo immediately pulled a chair, sat next to me and comforted

Malau. Disturbing
me!!! Just you wait
Angie. Karmasan is
coming to town!!!!!!

ENCOUNTER No 354: Prayer for Strengthening of Relationships

Lord, thank you for giving me a loving woman in my life… After months of searching and asking with You, you gave me
someone i deserve to be with. Lord, I love her very much, ever since my daddy passed away, Philo and I have been
very closed each other, guide our relationship that we will keep and love each other. That in time we meet physically,
we are ready for each other. Prepare our selves that all trials met along the way may serve as a tool for us to
understand each other and that also results to more stronger bond of love. Keep the trust, respect, patience, our faith
in You and a good communication so that everything will be fine.

It is our faith and trust in you that keeps me going and remains positive no matter what worries and doubts whatever
there is. And so with him Lord, keep the love with him for me that it will be forever, guide him in his happiness and in
his career, health and moods. Lord, with these petitions with You, i remain positive that we will meet and be partners
in real life, and a successful and eternal one with Your unending guidance to us. Lord, bless our family also that in time
we level up with marriage, they will be most happy to say yes and support us. Most especially Lord, i THANK YOU for
such abundance of love and unending bridges You are giving to us… Guide it that we may end successfully according to
Your will…
Thank you very much again Lord and i ask all these petitions in Jesus Name… Amen

CHAPTER 301 Thinking of you daddy – 01/03/19

CHAPTER 302 – Lenten Workshop/Talk by AOHD on Environment – Fr Bernard Hycinth , sj
CHAPTER 303 – 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Went to daddy’s grave with MT and mummy. Thinking of you daddy. Then MT dropped me off to church. I told her I
will come back after lunch abt 1:30pm as we are leaving after 2pm/3pm to Gateway Genting.
Chapter 304 – B40 class 04/03/19
Sharing was on Galatians. Video Preview by Fr Paul Dass on 1 st Corinthians. 1 Corinthians. Presented By Paul Soosay.
Came back from Genting. Took a short nap and final printing of my assignment before heading out for B40 class.

Angela texted me while I was attending class with silence mode. I didn’t see it so I didn’t know she was coming.
Suddenly I heard commotion outside. I wanted to find out what is it all about so when it was my turn to share, I did it
less than 5 mins express train till everyone was holding the breath. After complete my sharing, I went out.   
Me : Hi Angie, what are you doing here?
Angela : Hi Angeline, coming to see you.
Me : Why you want to see me you know very well I have class.
Angela : Sorry for interrupting It’s regarding ... Philo interrupted
Philo : Regarding what? Excuse me, Angeline what are you doing here. Go inside the class
Me : But………
Philo : NO But. In now. Who asked you to come out?
Me : I heard commotion just now so I was curious. I wanted to find out what is going on and Why are you screaming?
You scared me. I thought you just seeing a rat or squarer or cockroach.
Philo laughed and walked towards me and open the door for me, kiss my forehead, pushed me inside and she will
After the door was closed, I was even more confused??? All was giggling.
During the break, I stay inside the room and pondering. Philo saw me day dreaming, became worried and pulled me
out of the room, offered me coffee and sandwitch.
After class end, Philo sent me home and give me bear advice, hugs and kisses.

Chapter 305 – In Memory of daddy

Chapter 306 – Ash Wednesday,
Thinking of you daddy on Ash Wednesday. You are well missed.

Chapter 307- Journey Through Lent

Chapter 311 – B40 Class – 11/03/19

Group sharing on 1 Corinthians. Video was on 2 Corintians by Fr Paul, Philo gave overview
Angela tried to talk to me before she go for her meeting but was prevented by Philo.
Philo : Have you enough disturb my girl?
Angela : I am not here on purpose to disturb Angeline. Sorry, what did you say, your girl. Angeline lee is your girl?
Since when? She's mine
Philo : Hei u, stop your nonsense. she is my girl!! You are disturbing her. Why are you doing this? You know very well,
my girl doesn't wish to talk to you and she is having class now. Leave her alone.
Angela :Sorry for interruption. I need to see her urgent. I have a message to pass it to her from my mom.
Philo : Don't use your mom as an excuse to see my girl. She doesn't wish to talk to you or see your face at all.
Me (I opened the door and went out) : What's going on?
Philo (Did’nt realize Philo was just at the door & block me from coming out): girl, get in to the room.
Angela (pass me the letter) : Angeline, before you go in, letter from my mom to you.
Me (I took the letter and went in) : Thnx.
Philo : Now you go for your meeting and don't disturb my girl anymore.
Angela went for her meeting.
During the break time, I went downstair to the washroom in order to read the letter. Didn’t realized Philo followed
me. I read the letter it was not from Mrs Rosa it was from Angela herself “My dear Angel, I thought I would be better
off alone. But I am nothing without you, time has shown. I thought our RELATIONSHIP was immune to all of life’s
diseases until a virus called LIES made it sick. I am going to use a regular doze of medicine which includes
APOLOGIES, HUGS and KISSES to make it feel better. Better off apart, I thought we would be. But that, is what my
heart refuses to believe. I am sorry, I took your love for granted. But trust me, this is not what I really wanted. Being my
girlfriend I know you have the right to be angry. But don’t forget that being your partner, I too have the right to pamper
you until you accept my apology. Sorry for being aloof and making you feel that I don’t care for you. I promise to
behave in a way that mimics our love – profound and true. Ever since the day I broke your heart, I may have lost your
trust but I gained something much more powerful – the urge to make you fall in love with me all over again. Please
babe, come back to me.” I broke down in tears. Philo knocked the toilet door.
Philo : Angel, what are you doing inside?? Could you please open the door and come out.
Me : Ok. Coming out now.
I open the door slowly with tears rolling down. Philo not amused at all
Philo (saw me crying and give me a hug and took the letter away from me) : what are you doing inside so long….
Me (letting go my tears) : Philo, help me please.
Philo : shhhhhhhh…don’t cry. I am here.
After 10 minutes later, I washed my face, we headed upstair. I went to the room and listen the video. And then Philo
told me to wait for her after class, she will sent me home. And put 2 curry puff on top of the table before proceeding
to the front and give her presentation. I noted down with 1 or 2 tears dropped. After class, Philo sent me home and
give me bear advice, hugs and kisses.

Chapter 311 – B40 Class – 18/03/19

It was raining heavy while I was in brickfields, so I went inside the KK speed mart to buy some groceries. Next to the
counter, there was a ray of alcohol, so I took the brandy and snacks and soft drinks. Didn’t noticed Philo was there too
buying groceries. She saw me buying not amused. I put into my bag carefully. Then I left, Philo called me and I
followed her to the car and we went to church. After we parked the car, Philo pulled my hand and I follow her to the
church to pray. Then we walked towards the Parish house and went upstair. I gave Tresa a hug she passed me a letter,
she said is from SSVP. I said thank you. During the group sharing, I quietly read the letter is from Angela again “If I had
a time machine, you wouldn’t be reading this message right now because I would have gone back in time and undone
the hurt I caused you. I regret my actions badly. I made a mistake because I am only human. But I expect you to forgive
me because I know that you are Supergirl. I have realized that lies and deception are glamorous only in movies and
novels, not in real life. I am sorry that I lied to you I know that my lies have damaged our relationship beyond repair.
But I want you to know that I still care. I know it will be very hard for you to forgive me. But I want you to look into
my eyes to see that I am truly sorry and I want you back. Please give me chance girl.” Philo saw me reading the letter
and took the letter away and tear it apart. She give me a kiss on my forehead and asked me to concentrate. Then she
went out. As I was about to do sharing, suddenly, monsignor James pop his head in and scolded Paul for not keeping
the time, I was so agitated, everyone in the group tried to defense me but I shout it out loud “Is allright. No need for
me to share because I am nothing but a RETARD!!!” the whole room was silence then I left the room and went to
washroom lock myself inside and cried and at the same time filled up my tumbler with mixed drink. I drank some too. I
overheard that I was been cheated and betrayed on by Angela who later gave me apology letters. Thinking that I will
harm myself, Philo quickly knocked the door many many times till I responded. After many knocks, I finally opened the
door, broke down and cried. Philo quickly took away the tumbler and brandy and passed it to Paul and give me a tight
hug. Shhhhhhhh. She assured me she will be here with me and she will handled. She told me to stay calm and leave it
in the hands of God. After that, she kissed my forehead. and took me back home and give me a tight hug and kiss.

CHAPTERNo 378 B40 Class – 25/03/19

Was walking to church. Philo horn at me. I didn’t hear it. My shoes lace came off and I step on it and fall. Owhhh!!! She
smiled with specs. Naughty sayang. After that Philo saw me limping to the church. I sat down and check my injury
immediately I took out the Brandy and yellow lotion and plaster to put on. After Philo re-parked her car, she came
inside the church, saw me putting plaster. She immediately checked how bad my injury. My tears falled. She kiss my
forehead. She is not amused with my dress. She asked what happened. I kept silence thru out. Then Angela texted me
while I was attending class with silence mode. I didn’t see it so I didn’t know she was coming to see me. Suddenly I
heard commotion outside. I wanted to find out what is it all about so when it was my turn to share, I did it less than 5
mins express train till everyone was holding the breath. After complete my sharing, as I was about to go out, Angela
came in to pass me the letter and left to next door for SSVP meeting.
Me : Hi Angie, what are you doing here?
Angela : Hi dear, I got a letter for you.
Me : Another letter.
Angela : Bye.
During the break, I stay back in the room and read the letter. Philo is not taking any more chance and nonsense so she
came near me and we read the letter together "Dear, I do not want u to continue being upset with me, you are the
hostess of my heart, and if you are not happy, my heart is not either. I want to know whether you are calmer now.
When you like, whenever you want, I am willing to talk, I want to solve this soon, I do know that you are upset and
angry. We love each other, and continue to build our love. this is not what your father wants. Please dear, call me and
we'll talk soon." After reading, Philo tear the letter into pieces and throw away. I told Philo Angela is really pissed me
of. Philo pulled my hand, give me a kiss on my forehead and lead me out to have cup of coffee and buns.
Lord, please help me to go through this.

EPISODE No 278 For You My Love – 27/03/19

Your lips so soft and red
The Thought of kissing you is still in my head.

EPISODE No 279 Malay Pasar Malam – 28/03/19

EPISODE No 280 Chinese Pasar Malam – 29/03/19

CHAPTER 381 Saturday Weekend Encounter in LSS – 30/03/19

Couldn’t believe I come so far I just want to Thank You Lord for everything. Decided to attend mass in Fatima before
going to KL Sentral. Surprised to see Philo there, I give Philo a kiss on her forehead. She was stunned. I wish her good
morning. I sat next to her.
Philo : Why aren’t you playing organ.
Me : No need lah.
Philo : Huh???
Me : I went for optional retirement due to health issues.
Philo : Huh??? So young. You look young to be retired. Why??
Me : I got mental and health issue?
Philo : What mental and health issue? Huh?????
She looked at me puzzled. I just laugh.
Me : not to worry. I will explain to you later.
After mass, Philo asked me where am I going
Philo : Where are you going?
Me :

Session 01
1. Why have I come
2. What do I hope to gain
3. What are my expectaations to the sessions

Session 02
1. Do you understand what is
EPISODE No 282 Sunday Weekend Encounter in LSS – 31/03/19

Session 5
1) What do you understand about the Gifts and Baptism of the Holy Spirit
2) What do you understand the Grow and Transfiguration of the Holy Spirit
3) What do you understand what the gifts of tongues and why

EPISODE NO : 383 Some Thoughts on lent in the month March – 31/03/19

EPISODE NO : 384 Some Thoughts on death in the month March – 31/03/19

EPISODE NO : 285 Some Thoughts on death in the month March – 31/03/19

EPISODE NO : 291 Monday B40 – Ruby Fernandez Turn 80. – 01/04/19
EPISODE NO : 292 Monday B40 – Ruby Fernandez Turn 80.

gCHAPTER 461 Battle Begins (1) 03/04/19

I was on phone with Philo when I heard commotion Angela suddenly bach into Philo’s office without knocking. I was
not amused at all. Philo said she will call me back and ask me not to worry she will handle. Luckily I have a friend who
worked in KL Sentral same company but in difference session recorded this:

Philo : Excuse me. What are you doing here?

Angela : Sorry for interruption.
Philo : How do you know where I work??
Angela : I have a relative working here. She told me about it.
Philo : What do you want from me?
Angela : I want to talk to you
Philo : Talk? Talk what?? You are very rude! Like how you did in
church during the Bible class.
Angela : I want to talk to you. I’m been waiting for this day
Philo : What do you want?

Angela : You took my girl, brainwash her, rub coconut on her, have
some passionate hugs and kisses with her till she dump me, give up
on me, making drama stories about me.
Philo : What!! Excuse me. What girl? Which girl/ What’s her name
Angela : Don’t try to pretend you don’t know
Philo : There are so many girls, which one you are referring to?
Angela : The organist Angeline Lee
Philo : Pardon me. Excuse me. This is all baseless and bullshit. Since
when I stole your girl. To my knowledge and understand, she came
to me after you dump her and ditched her.
Angela : That’s not true. She is really a drama queen. She dramatize
the scenery in the hope of getting attention.
Philo : I don’t understand what you are talking about? What drama
queen. I have enough listening to nonsense. What do you really
Angela : Since you took my girl. I want her back. She’s my girl, my
best administrator. I promise her daddy, I will take care of her.
Philo : Bullshit. Who said so. It’s not gonna happen. She’s mine. You
mistreated her, hurt her, cheated her, ditched her, disturb her in my
class and now you bach into my office act like gangster demanding
to release her, you think what? you are out of line. I ask you to get out of my office. NOW!! I am going to call the

As Philo was about to call for help, Angela prevented Philo from calling security by grabbing and pushing Philo to the
wall and press her breast towards Philo as well her hand to the wall blocking Philo from escape.

Philo (raise her voice) : Hey!! What is this? Who do you think you are
What are you doing. Pushhy Pushing all. What exactly do you want!!
Angela : You asked me to leave. I would not cause I want to settle with
Philo : Settle what. Get your hands of me.
Angela : You think you are so bad don’t you, I am not an easy girl to
handle in fact, I can wrestling with you till your pussy become my
Philo : What!!! Let me get it straight. You want to fight with me 1 on 1, girl
2 girl, you think what? This is a fighting ring. This is an office. You are too
much. Come here with all the baseless accusations, threaten to have a
fight. This is not going to happen. Please GET OUT!!! I am going to call
security. GET OUT!!NOW!!!
Angela : OK. Perhaps. Next time.


When your enemy presses in hard do not hear.

The battle belongs to the Lord

Lord, as the two cats fight, into your hands, I lift up the two women to you O Lord. Forgive them for they do not know
what they will doing. I love them both Lord but only one is truly deeply mine.
EPISODE NO : 294 Thursday

When tears fell from my eyes,

you were there to brush them away.
When I was lost in confusion,
you were there to say that everything would be okay.
When I stood before you falling apart,
you were there to lend your heart.
When I felt like no one could understand,
you were there to take my hand.
When no one else was left to care,
you were there

EPISODE NO 295 – I am always be There you will never walk alone.

When you're feeling down and blue,

And life is being cruel to you.
Just remember you're not on your own.
I'm always there; you're never alone.
You might not be able to see my face,
As hard as you look around the place,
But close your eyes and think of me,
And before you know it there will be me.
Keep me in the midst of your mind,
And life will seem easier, I think you'll find,
So when life gets too dark to bear,
Just close your eyes and I will be there.
EPISODE NO : 296 Some Thoughts on death in the month April2019 – 05/04/19

Losing someone special is too much for me to bear on this auspicious day on Chinese All soul’s day. Never thought it
could be my dear good friend Lawrence Augustine Fernandez (LA). I never wanted it to. I was shocked, disbelieve,
distraught. My tears will never go away when I heard his passing. Just like my father, LA work until the last breath. I
thank him for being a father figure to me thru many years I known him especially when my daddy passed away last
year. He never failed to be there for me when I need a friend to talk, to hug, to cheer me up, bringing smile and
laughter, advice me, giving me the guidance, wisdom, inspiration, motivation filled with jokes, stories, anecdotes. A
golden heart has stopped beating. Hard working hands at rest. It broke my heart to see him go. God only took the
best. They say that memories are golden, well maybe that it is true. Although my hearts were breaking, we couldn't
make him stay. Our lips cannot speak how we love him My heart cannot tell what to say. But God only know how I
miss him.

Dear LA,
Just couldn’t believe it. Your daily routine was : attend morning mass, morning walk, take shower, read newspaper or
sit at the sofa take a nap or go into internet then you go out do your routine task but today you are much different,
you attend mass, you had your morning walk, instead of taking shower, you look a bit tired and woper so you decided
to take a rest on the sofa. You rest on the sofa without regain conscious. just like that. You had sudden heart attack, By
the time ambulance arrived, you passed away. Like Ruby said what a beautiful death. Went to mass, have a walk and
passed away.

No matter where I go dear LA and no matter what I do. I will miss you everyday. And when the sunshine fades away,
the ache within my heart. Just will not go away. My heart fills with love for him, when I think how much you cared as I
relieve all the happiness and the joy that we had shared. You are with me every moment and in every move i make,
live in the memories I have for you that will never forsake. Eternal rest grand unto LA O Lord and may the perpetual
light shine upon him, may his soul rest in peace. Farewell my friend. Till we meet again.

May God hold you in the palms of his hand. My heart felt Sympathy and Condolences to his wife Aunty Melein, his
children, Sylvia, Donald, Ronald, Harold, Cynthia, Arnold, Lydia and Sonia and children in laws and 15 grand childrens
on the sudden death of your father. My prayers goes out to you at this difficult time. Stay Strong. Be Strong. God

Bless  i

Eternal rest grant unto LA O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon him, may his soul rest in peace. Amen.

EPISODE NO : 296 Some Thoughts on death in the month April2019 – 06/04/19

Losing someone special is too much for me to bear on this auspicious day on Chinese All soul’s day. Never thought it
could be my dear good friend Lawrence Augustine Fernandez (LA). I never wanted it to. I was shocked, disbelieve,
distraught. My tears will never go away when I heard his passing. Just like my father, LA work until the last breath. I
thank him for being a father figure to me thru many years I known him especially when my daddy passed away last
year. He never failed to be there for me when I need a friend to talk, to hug, to cheer me up, bringing smile and
laughter, advice me, giving me the guidance, wisdom, inspiration, motivation filled with jokes, stories, anecdotes. A
golden heart has stopped beating. Hard working hands at rest. It broke my heart to see him go. God only took the
best. They say that memories are golden, well maybe that it is true. Although my hearts were breaking, we couldn't
make him stay. Our lips cannot speak how we love him My heart cannot tell what to say. But God only know how I
miss him.

Dear LA,
Just couldn’t believe it. Your daily routine was : attend morning mass, morning walk, take shower, read newspaper or
sit at the sofa take a nap or go into internet then you go out do your routine task but today you are much different,
you attend mass, you had your morning walk, instead of taking shower, you look a bit tired and woper so you decided
to take a rest on the sofa. You rest on the sofa without regain conscious. just like that. You had sudden heart attack, By
the time ambulance arrived, you passed away. Like Ruby said what a beautiful death. Went to mass, have a walk and
passed away.

No matter where I go dear LA and no matter what I do. I will miss you everyday. And when the sunshine fades away,
the ache within my heart. Just will not go away. My heart fills with love for him, when I think how much you cared as I
relieve all the happiness and the joy that we had shared. You are with me every moment and in every move i make,
live in the memories I have for you that will never forsake. Eternal rest grand unto LA O Lord and may the perpetual
light shine upon him, may his soul rest in peace. Farewell my friend. Till we meet again.

May God hold you in the palms of his hand. My heart felt Sympathy and Condolences to his wife Aunty Melein, his
children, Sylvia, Donald, Ronald, Harold, Cynthia, Arnold, Lydia and Sonia and children in laws and 15 grand childrens
on the sudden death of your father. My prayers goes out to you at this difficult time. Stay Strong. Be Strong. God

Bless  i

Eternal rest grant unto LA O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon him, may his soul rest in peace. Amen.

EPISODE NO : 297 Sunday Encounter – 07/04/19

Went to church in St John. Reach there just 5 minutes before mass started. Philo allowed me sit next to her. As I
pray, I let out some cough. Philo gently stroke my back. I took out the water and drink. After prayer, I sat on the
bench. I let out my tongue very tired. Philo is not amused.

After mass, Philo and I went to brickfields for breakfast. After that she dropped me to my church as I have a meeting. I
gave Philo a kiss on the hand and promised will call/buzz her later and she left home to do some chores.

EPISODE NO : 298 B40 without Guru/Master LA Fernandez – 08/04/19

Was in church early. Before
EPISODE NO : 299 LA Fernandez’s funeral – 09/04/19

Was attending Funeral of Lawrence Augustine Fernandez. Tears drop immediately. Why God took all my mentors
away. As I pen down my thoughts, my thoughts was on LA Fernandez. He is always be a special friend, a father figure
to me so loyal, kind and dear. My heart is filled with sadness knowing he’s no longer around. I was so concentrate
penning down my thoughts till Philo saw me, she came near me putting her hands around me. I turn around and look
around, she smile, my teary eyes dropped non-stop. She took a tissue and wipe my tears. She assured me we will
never walk alone. She reminded me always remember I’m privileged and blessed to have known him and got all his
fatherly unconditional throughout.

Philo : Don’t cry. You are a big girl now. You are 47 years old still cried like a baby. U got to learn to let go
Me : Why must he died so sudden?
Philo : He’s old and have heart problem like your dad. He doesn’t want us to worry
Me : Where are you sitting?
Philo : I am sitting at the back
Me : Will you be going to the crematorium?
Philo : No. I am not. You?
Me : No. I am not too. Are u free for lunch?
Philo : Nolah. Not today. I took ½ day leave, I will go back to office after mass. I have a meeting in the afternoon beside
I came with my 2nd elder brother (Abang Ngah).
Me : OIC.

Then mass began, it was very solemn. Main celebrant was Fr Ferdinand Magimay, Co-celebrant Fr Clarence, Fr
Stanislaus, other priests attended Cardinal Soter, Fr Bernand, Fr Surain, Fr Lawrence Andrew, Fr Richard, Monsignor
James G, Fr John G, Fr Moses Lui. After mass, I was lining up waiting for my turn to pay last respect. When it was my
turn, I cried loud and called LA and hugged the coffin, I didn’t let go. Luckily Philo who was standing behind me
immediately pull me aside and gave me a tight hug and kiss on my forehead and console me. After that, we both went
to Melain, Slyvia, Donald, Ronald, Harold, Cynthia, Arnold, Lydia and Sonia to gave words of couragement and console.

As the coffin being wheel inside the van, I bid farewell to LA. Philo gave me sign of a cross on my forehead and I did the
same to her. Then she left with her brother. I told Philo I will buzz her later if anything. She knodded her head okay.
EPISODE NO : 341 Chrism Mass in SFA – 09/04/19
EPISODE NO : 301 – 10/04/19

EPISODE NO : 302 – 11/04/19

EPISODE NO : 303 – 12/04/19

EPISODE NO : 304 – 13/04/19

EPISODE NO : 305 – Palm Sunday 14/04/19

I slept at 22:30 half way thru the sleep, suddenly I developed a severe headache in the middle of the night at about
01:30am. Went outside my room, saw lights on downstair, decided to go downstairs and scare chimp. So I walked like
tiger tip toe downstair to have a look and act like tiger. Chimp laughed and amused.    hehehehe!!! Mission
Accomplished. Chimp happily went upstairs at 1:45am. I stay downstairs to boiled water 2 rounds then I locked doors
and head back upstairs, took a shower, do some meditation and went back to sleep at 2:30am. I think of my daddy.

Dad, I’m thinking of you always. I miss you. A beautiful memory dearer than gold of a Father, whose worth can never
be told. There’s a place in my heart no once can fill. I miss you dad. You are always part of my life. My heart and soul
forever. Thank You for being my father.

EPISODE NO : 306 – B40 class on 15/04/19

EPISODE NO : 356 – 1 Day Healing retreat by Fr Matthew Linn,sj 18/05/2019

08:00 – 09:00 Registration and Breakfast

09:00 – 10:30 Session 01 -
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Break
11:00 – 12:30 Session 02
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45 – 15:15 Session 03
15:15 – 15:45 Tea Break
15:45 – 17:00 Session 04
17:00 Session End. Hope to see you again

Activity One : Ice Breaker

Activity Two : Action Songs

Activity Three: Ice Breaker

CHAPTER 540 : Dumpling Day

I was on phone with Philo who just arrived at her office, suddenly I heard commotion. Philo saw Angela inside her
office. I was not amused at all. Philo said she will talk to me later and ask me not to worry she will handle and she
hung off. I began very angry. Luckily I have a friend recorded this:

Philo : Excuse me. What are you doing here in my office.

Angela : Sorry for coming in early
Philo : How do you get in here? You broke into my office?
Angela : Relax!! Take a deep breath.
Philo : Excuse me. Relax. You broke into my office and you asked
me to relax. Who you think you are?
Angela : I guess we bumping into each other in many occasion. I
am Angela Francis. You must be Philo.
Philo : I know who you are. Just because you are one of the
maintenance officer. you are one of the beneficial you can come
in here anytime without proper official ID. And you are my girl’s
ex-lover. How do you get in here?
Angela : I have friends who work here. Come again. Your girl’s ex-
Philo : Friends??? Don’t give me this crab. Liar.
Angela : I want to talk to you

Philo : Talk? Talk what?? You are very rude! Like how you did in
church during the Bible class.
Angela : I want to talk to you. I’m been waiting for this day
Philo : Waiting??
Angela : I understand You took Angeline Lee. I heard that she is
wearing ring on her right hand 4th finger. I guess she is already
choosing you. No wonder she couldn’t be contacted.
Philo : Pardon me. Excuse me. Since when I stole your girl. To my
knowledge and understand, I thought I told you before, she came
to me after you dump her and ditched her.
Angela : That’s not true. I was been frame.
Philo : What Frame?
Angela : I desperately need to see and talk to her, I was
wondering you can help me called her.
Philo : I don’t understand what you talking about? You asking me
to help you called our friend. That’s not going to happen. You
already got what you want
Angela : What do you mean.?
Philo : that bitch of yours has been assigned to New York City for work. And she requested you to take care of her
apartment. And our friend doesn’t want to see you or talk to you. To her you are a slut.
Angela : Sorry. Excuse me. Slut!! She called me slut.
Philo : Yes. To her you are a slut. She just 1 2 b left alone.
Angela : How dare she said that. Did you teach her?
Philo : me! No. She is big girl now. She made decision.
Angela : What so of decision when she act like a complete baby. I told you she is a real drama queen, manipulating
people mind. I promise her dad I will take care of her.
Philo : Bullshit. Who said so. It’s not gonna happen. She’s mine. You mistreated her, hurt her, cheated her, ditched her,
disturb her in my class and now you bach into my office plus you did that today break into my office and act like
gangster demanding to release her, you think what? you are out of line. Please get out of my office. NOW!! I am going
to call the security.
Angela : Fine. We will see who is better companion . She would definitely come back to me one day.
Philo : Don’t even think about it. You can dream but she will stay with me.
Angela : Till then, Good day.

Chapter 601 - 01st June 2019 – Hari Gawai. Formation Session in Fatima Church

It is the harvest festival

Chapter 602 – 02nd June 2019 – Went to Genting Highland for short break
Chapter 603 – 03rd June 2019 – Went to Genting Highland for short break
Chapter 604 – 04th June 2019 –
Chapter 605 - 05th June 2019 – BEC Monthly Gathering in Bangsar
Sharing words of God. I did my sharing. All jaw dropped including Cynthia, Philo, Merlin, Slyvia (who is currently back
to settle family property), Mrs Rosa, Helena, Angela, Anton, Mrs Josephine, Mrs Gomez    Mission Accomplished.
Chapter 606 - 06th June 2019 – Deacon Joseph Gomez’s Ordination in Divine Mercy Church, Shah Alam
Chapter 607 - 07th June 2019 - In Loving Memory of my dad David Lee Seng Seong Born on Thursday, 01/01/1948
Departed on Tuesday, 31/07/2018 at 21:30

Daddy, In our home you are fondly remembered, Sweet memories to your name. Those who know you in life
sincerenly. Still love you in death just the same. But memories are precious. Those we love and don’t go away. They
walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still much loved, missed and always remembered by
your loving daughter.


07th June 2019

Dear Fr Richard and Fr Clarence, Thank you for your years of devoted service and commitment to the priesthood. You
have been a joyful witness to all. May the Lord's holy presence fill your heart with joy, and may His grace & peace be
with you. Happy and Blessed Priestly Ordination Anniverary to you both. Congratulations!! Stay Bless, Stay Health, Stay
Focus in your priestly vocation and mission. God Bless.
Chapter 608 - 8th June 2019 – Pentecost Celebration 2019 in SIC

Dear Participants of the Pentecost Celebration,

Peace of Christ be with you and your family.

We hope you are all excited and praying for this New Pentecost and the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the
Catholic Church and the Domestic Church, which is our family.

Here are a few things to take note and some reminders. 

1. Breakfast will be served at 7:30am on the Rooftop. Lunch is 12pm. There will be no Tea Break since we are now
serving Breakfast.
2. Registration is at 8am on the Rooftop. (Paid and non paid. For those who have not made payment for your
registration, you may do so upon registration).
3. To save the environment, let's Go Green! Please bring along you own water bottle. You may refill it at the water
dispenser located on the ground floor beside the vending machine.
4. Please bring a jacket/ sweater/ shawl/ something to keep you warm as we are unable to turn down the air
5. Please bring your own materials and note pad if you would like to take notes on the talk.
6. Do come with an open and joyful heart. The more open you are, the more you will receive. 
7. Come in comfortable shoes and clothes.. there's gonna be some dancing in praising God in song!.
8. Please bring along your bible for scripture references.
Chapter 609 - 09th June 2019 – Musical Choir Practice in Church

Victor’s Crown – C to D
Shine Jesus Shine – G to A
10th June 2019 – Musical Musician’s Practice at Penvia Studio
11th June 2019 –
Chapter 611 – 11th June 2019 – What is God to you

When l was a little girl l had this picture of who God was or rather what He looked like. I imagined Him as an
old white man with a long white flowing beard who sat on top of the clouds and l imagined Him wearing very
large golden slippers holding a long golden sceptre. I imagined a God who lived very far away with lots of
beautiful angels flying around Him daily. I imagined a God who resembled a genie in a bottle, a God who had
to grant my every request. I don’t know where l got all those crazy ideas from but they made sense to me then.

As l grew older l began to comprehend a little better who God truly is and sadly my childish ideas where far
from true. I had a surface and shallow relationship with God and if you read today’s chapter then maybe you
can relate to this as well.

1. I used to follow God only for what He could do for me.

2. I only used to pray to God when things were tough or l needed something.
3. I would get mad at God or feel really disappointed in Him when He didn’t answer my prayers to the
extent where l actually would refuse to talk to Him for a few days.
4. I loved God because of what He did for me. All those answered prayers where the reason l kept going
back for more.
5. I thought I had to beg God or twist His arm to get Him to answer my prayers to the extent where l
would pray the same prayer over and over again even making a deal with God that if He answered my
prayer then l would do this and that for Him.

I’ve come a long way. I still struggle a LOT because sometimes l find myself right back to that old way of
thinking. My desire is to grow into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. And l’ve come to learn
over a few years that this kind of relationship doesn’t just happen, it’s a relationship like any other
relationship you have with your best friend. Like any relationship communication is key. You have to be
intentional about spending time with God alone.

God desires to have a personal relationship with you and He wants you to know Him by name. As l read
Chapter 1 in the power of a praying woman l was excited to see that Stormie has a list of 30 of God’s names.
A list of who God is to her. As l read through the verses l was so happy to be able to relate most of the verses
to some past experiences that l’ve had which show me who God truly is to me. There are hundreds of names
that you can find in the bible that will show you what God wants to be to you personally. I encourage you to
pull out your bible and your journal and to go through some of these names and see if you can relate them to
your own experiences and create a list of your own of who God is to you.
CHAPTER 612 – 12th June 2019 : Musical Choir Practice at the Acoustic Studio, Bangsar
CHAPTER 613 – 13/06/19 Transforming Parish in the Holy Spirit Bukit Bintang, Lot 10, 8 th Floor, From 08:00 – 16:00
13/06/19 : Transforming Parish in Lot 10, 8th Floor. From 08:00 – 16:00
Chapter 614 – An Unexpected Encounter - 14/06/19

Was driving out at 5:45pm, throwing rubbish and did marketing. On the way back home, I spotted a white proton saga
following me close. I was shocked. I wonder who was following me. I was not amused at all. Didn’t notice Philo was
nearby. Sensing not right, she follow Angela behind. Then she used Jalan Desa Ria way to go to my house and she
waited for me at the corner. As I turned into my house, I open the gate. I entered my house, Philo followed me, then
Angela came in. My dog K9 was barking furiously.
I got out of the car and scolded Angela.
Me : Angie, what the fuck are you doing here? Why you follow me? I thought you were in New York?
Angela : Hey you girl, Watch your mouth and mind your language. I need to talk to you. I just return from New York
today. Can I see you.
Philo : Hey hey hey. What is this? You are too much and nonsense. Angeline, you go inside.
Angela : girl, excuse me what are you doing?
Philo : Hey you, shut out, get out. My girl doesn’t want to see you or anything with you.
Angela : this is crab and liar. Angeline Lee, come on please. What’s all these??
Philo : Get Out!!!!
Angela : Who you think you are to ask me to get out? Are you her mother?
Philo : I say Get out now!!!
Angela : You are too much.
Philo : Out!!! Now!! Before I called the cops and security.

While Angela left my house empty handed and confused. I quickly closed the gate. I was relieved. I gave Philo a big kiss
and a big tight hug and squeeze. I thank God for sending me a hero. Thanks sayang. 

Philo : did she tell you she is coming bk today?

Me : NO. She never called me nor whatsapp nor text. I don’t even know she is back today.
Philo : Real Nonsense. Don’t get too close to her. She is dangerous and cunning.
Me : thank you. What are you doing in Taman Desa? Meeting client after
Philo : Yes.
Me : Would you like to join us for dinner. Please??
Philo : Thank You.
Chapter 615 – Feast of Holy Trinity Sunday

May God the Holy Trinity defend us on every side. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Chapter 616 – Father’s Day Wishes and Prayers
Chapter 616 – Confirmation Mass at 16:30
Confirmation mass in Fatima Church. I was very happy and proud to see Anton growing up so fast. Angela was there
but she was a bit confused. After mass, Angela called me over to talk
Me: hi Angie. Welcome back to the bolehland
Angela: thank you
Me : when did you return from new york?
Angela :Friday early morning.
Me: Wat will you doing in taman desa? Why didn’t u tell u are coming bk
Angela : What the fuck?
Me : Watch your language and your mouth
Angela : What’s going on? Who is she?
Me : Who’s who??
Angela : That lady boss friend of yours
Me (hehehehe) : kekekeke.. you are funny
Angela : Its not funny. I came to your house , your lady boss friend chased me away saying you don’t want to see me,
what nonsense is this? Who is she? Your family’s appointed guardian/lawyer?
Me : Sort of.
Angela: What..Excuse me.
Me : You will away when I needed you when something bad happen struck my family for the 2 nd time.
Angela : When??
Me : 2 Weeks ago. I nearly lost my mother
Angela (in shock) : I’m so sorry to hear that. What? What? What happen?
Me : My mom had a fall and fracture her knee at her eldest sister’s house in Taman Midah. She was having high blood
pressure 277/180/120.
Angela : OMG!!! I didn’t know that.
Me : Well, I texted you, I whatsapp you, you didn’t reply.
Angela : Look, I am so sorry to hear that. How is your mom?
Me : Recuperating at home. Cannot drive. I’m the ¾ boiled egg driver, driving her around only short distance.
Angela : hahahahahahahaha. Don’t worry lah you, you can drive. You just have to drive and bring the confidence back.
Me : TQ.
Suddenly my phone buzzing ring
Me : Excuse me
I went closer to the Parish office.
Philo : Hai
Me : Hai Philo. What’s up
Philo : Where are you? Are you in Fatima church?
Me : Yes. Why?
Philo : Come, let’s go home
Me (cheeky) : Yours or mine??
Philo(not amused) : Angeline lee!!!
Me : Yes, sayang.     I am coming. It’s going to be busy and heavy weeks ahead
Philo : That’s right. You need lots of rest and sleep
Me : Yes, mummy. Where are you by the way?
Philo : Inside the car, at the entrance of the church.
Me : Oh..OK. I see you. Give me 5 second. Bye
I said goodbyes to Angela, Mrs Rosa, Helena, Anton and the Ghanapiragasm, the Francis family
Angela : Can we meet?
Me : I let you know. I call you
Chapter 618 – Rev Fr Joseph Gomez Passed away

Received news at 21:45. It was with great sorrow that newly ordained priest Fr Joseph Gomez had passed away after
suffer sudden heart attacked during the priestly recollection in APC on Tuesday, 18 th Jun 2019. Couldn’t believe it. Why
Lord?? Why you take all my mentors away??? Philo called me and comforted me with words of wisdom. She was
shocked too. She asked me when do I want to attend?? I said Friday. Will be taking LRT to Glenmarie then there is
feeder bus to church. Hope to c her there. She said she will tried as it is working day.

Chapter 619 – BEC Gathering – 19/06/19

Philo attended the BEC meeting. I was so happy. Half way thru sharing, Angela called me wanted to talked but Philo
took over and said NO. And even told Angela off that she and I knew what nonsense she (Angela) had gallivanting time
while accompany Diana to New York but Angela denied any wrong doing. She adamant wanted to see and talked to
me. Philo cut off the line and block Angela from calling me. After the fellowship, we will all get into the car. I thank
Philo and told Philo I refused to accept it. It’s over. Philo gave me a kiss on my forehead and saw me getting into the
car first and follow me behind.
Everyday is The Chocolate Day,
Dairymilk For Love
Kitkat For Special
Bounty For Cool
Mars For Best Friend .
Sonat 4 Cute Hug
Galaxy 4 Sweet Kiss
Life is like a box of chocolates and I want to share with you. You never know what you’re getting next but I want to
have it with you.

Happy Teddy Day to my dear valentine.

Teddy bear day is a day of love, It’s a day when you find your true love. A day of hearts and Yummy Candies. A day
when cupid hits you with a love arrow. A day when you find your teddy bear, Because you’re the teddy bear of my life,
Forever by my side and ready with a hug, Because you give me the warmth and make me smile, And fill my days with

No matter where are you,I’ll always find my way to Hug you tight and shower you with passionate kisses.I love only
you, Sweetheart.! Wishing my dear a very Happy Hug Day.

Chapter 620 –

Again Angela called me but was rejected by Philo who came by my house.
Chapter 701 – 1st July 2019 : Monday blues
Chapter 702 – 2nd July 2019 : Alpha Course 2005 testimony

I was introduced to the Alpha course organized by the church of Our lady of Fatima. It was my 2 nd Christian journey to
have deeper understanding the bible. Everyone seemed so friendly and they made me feel as though I had known
them for a very long time. It was also the bery first time that I read the Bible and the word of God seemed as though it
was written just for me. The word of God felt so alive and I was very touched by it. My family and I were baptized in
the same challenging but He has shown me that I can always count on Him in every situation. My walk with God has
transformed me and my life has never been the same evers

The Word of God is living and active sharper than any two edged sword. Hebews 4:12
Chapter 703 – feast of St Thomas, the Apostle


Fr Eugene Benedict’s 30 years Priestly Ordination Anniversary

Dear Fr Eugene (Anna)

Congratulations on your

Eulogy of the death of dad (shorter version)

We are gathered here today to remember the life of David Lee and celebrate wat he meant to us. For those of you
who doesn't know me, my name is Angeline Lee. I am david lee's eldest daughter for past 46 years. I would like to
thank you all for coming here today to mourn the loss of David, with special thanks to my aunt Chia May Ling who
travelled all the way from Sydney, Australia.
David was born on January 1st, 1948 in Penang. He's the eldest of 2 boys.
My dad was especially close to his family (his dad, mom and grandma, and his tennis partner the late Chong Seik Chim.
He always spoke fondly of all the weekends they would spend together in Penang, coffee.
My dad is happily married to my mom Chia Bee Ching for 48 years. They were thrilled to welcome me and my sister.
My grandfather (yeh yeh), my grandma (mah mah), my great grandma (tai poh)'s death has left a hush void in all of my
dad's lives, and he miss them very much. That's why he was so afraid to go to hospital
My favorite memory of my dad is the time we spend together father-daughter time. He took me to 3 nigh markets on
3 different days. I was a bit skeptical. When comes to payment, daddy paid. Another occasion is when I went out with
him buying petrol for the car, I will drive to petrol station and my reward is he bought me ice-cream and he will drove
back home.
Anyone who know my dad knew that he never took life too seriously. He was always pulling pranks and cracking jokes
My dad is a jolly man full of fun and laughter. He played jokes on anyone including his family, his siblings, his relatives,
his colleagues, his co-workers, his clients and his nieces and nephews. He is highly educated and resourceful person.
What he learned he never forget. He wrote what he know all about health issues, the benefits of practicing qi-gong
and tai-chi methods, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Buddhism, Christianity that someday there will be an answer.
My dad is the kindest heart. He's the one who gave me motivate and a few words of encouragement. His friends and
family would turn to him in times of trouble because he knew to make us feel supported, love and calm down. My dad
is a kind, gentle, soft hearted, loving, caring, forgiving, firm and discipline. He is a great husband, a loving and caring
father, a dog’s best friend and a great friend. He nurture me, clothed me, fought for me, feed me, bathed me, sing a
song to me, held me close. While I am his fan of IT computer knowledge, cooking and food trail, daddy is my biggest
fan of in computer data entry, music, dancing, cooking. Like a dill to my channai, chutney to my tosai, beans to my
chapatti, my dad is my hero, my bear, my mentor, my faith educator, my teacher, my lecturer, my motivator, my
inspiratory, my best friend and most importantly he welcome me with an open arm, heart, great smile, loving me
unconditionally and accepting me who I am, what I want to be, supportive in my growing up years, my dreams,
visions, missions, my gifts and talents and unique skills in life long knowledge in data entry, massaging, biding, photo
copying, reorganize files, packing. Although we have ups and downs like a lift, my dad never stop appreciate me.
My dad is a man with the gentle face, who in his youth kept a hectic pace to provide for his family all that he could. He
is that man so giving and good! He is the man with the ready smile who always took time to sit for a while. He was
there when we needed him. He’s the man with the grey hair. He is the one who encourage me and catch me when I
took a fall. Spending a life time extending his hand to those in need. He is kind, compassionate. He is the man who I
am adore, who these words are for. I tell you with all of the love that I can, my dad is truly exceptional man.

No words can ever describe how grateful I am for everything my dad has done for me. No words will suffice to
perfectly sums up how great a man my father truly is. I refuse to refer him in the past tense because he is present
with us, not physically as we like but spiritually. My dad has worked too hard and not enough rest. Always willing to
help and even go extra mile to get things done. He never had sufficient sleep, house work, office work, church work,
college work, social work and his passion to learn new things. Maybe our Heavenly Father said time to go home and
rest my hardworking, over-committed son. We cried for his parting but we must know God knows best. His time is not
our time. Heaven has earned an Angel but he has always been ours on earth. God gifted the most loving and selfless
man to be the heart of our family and friends. I will strive to become one day, be a reflection of his good self. I miss
you daddy, we all do but I feel your presence wherever I go and I never felt more safe. God has blessed me with the
most caring and selfless man that I am so privileges to call my dad. A special smile, a special face, a special someone I
can’t replace. I love you daddy. You have filled a space that no one else could fulfilled. Thank you for being my dad. I
will always remembered and cherish our times together.
Goodbye dear daddy, we all loved you very much and will missed you tremendously. and dearly. You have touched so
many lives. Because of you, I will live my life the way that you taught me to, to work hard, to be kind to others and to
not to myself too seriously. Your sense of humor, kindness and selflessness will continue to inspire us who were lucky
enough to know you forever. Rest in peace, dearest dad.
Chapter 70

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