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It is very possible to hypnotize yourself into a trance and there are a few step

s you need to take in order to get success. This will only work if you want it t
o, if you have doubts then do not try this and take a good look in the mirror an
d ask yourself if you truly want to put 100% of yourself in to improving yoursel
1) the first step is to find a quiet place free of distraction where you can be
2) Use a (mantra) positive word or phrase to affirm your enjoyment of the moment
and life. For my specific example I use this to increase my gymnastics training
effectiveness (Mind set and focus is 75% of gymnastics) and my mantra word is "
3) Take at least 10 deep breaths and when inhaling visualize the good in your li
fe entering your body and when exhaling visualize the bad in your life exiting.
For myself I visualize the skills I am trying to master successfully entering my
muscle memory and as I breath out the bad technique exiting me.
4) Count down and visualize floating down a beautiful valley, as you count repla
ce the numbers with the mantra, so for myself I repeat "success" as I float down
the valley.
5) Contemplate your problem over and over while confirming affirmations that wil
l solve the problem. So for myself I think of a specific skill I am trying to ma
ster and contemplate where I keep failing and at the same time use affirmations
of "focus on technique", "break the skill down", "follow each step of the skill"
and I reach I point of visualization of the skill in slow motion and keep this
perfect skill in my mind over and over.
6) Repeat this over and over because it will solidify the solution in your subco
nscious so that it will stay categorized in your mind that this is the reaction
needed in regards to your problem. So for myself I do this every night and I hav
e to say my training efficiency has more than tripled and people keep asking me
what I have changed.
This self hypnosis technique woks and if you take it seriously then I know you w
ill get the results you are after. A small tip that I can give is if you have a
quite park that you can use this is very effective because you can use the surro
unding physical feelings of being outside to relate to your visualization of flo
ating down a beautiful valley. In this way you can use your neuro physiology (li
nk between your mind and physical reactions) to your advantage. Still doing it i
n your room is still just as effective and you can play soom very soft mood musi

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