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It is a common thought among the most people that organization¶s success is based on the
employees. It is thought that employee¶s performance can be measured by his attitude towards
work. It is common practice to make employees motivated and get 100 percent of them. So
motivation is as important for the employees as employees are for an organization.

It is said that if you have employees who are coming late to work, their performance is de graded
instead of improving in last couple of months, they do not initiate ideas or projects, they are
failed to follow through, the quality of the work generated by them is very poor or their behavior
towards the work changes with the change in mood; Then you really need to motivate your
employees. All of the above are the symptoms of lack of motivation in employees and you really
need to check that how you can improve the motivation level of your employees. [24]

Employee motivation is a main ingredient in success of an organization. Employee motivation

involves in boosting up enthusiasm and energy of employees to work in challenging and
competitive environment. Many organizations follow process of motivation for their employees
to keep the good work up.

Organizations often hire an expert to motivate their employees, which not only benefit
organizations but also employees feel their energy level enhanced and produce good work. It is
often believed that good work from employees can only come if you pay them more and more.
But this statement is not so much applicable in nowadays environment, people get excited on pay
benefits but it does not always lead to the improvement in performance of an employee.

Realization of employee¶s abilities and making it clear to them results in improvement of one¶s
work. Environment of office also play an important role in improving self motivation of an
employee. Respect giving attitude leads to the road of confidence which results in improvement
of the employee¶s work.

Organizations always seeks for employees who are self motivated, this is the reason self
motivation is as important. Self motivated employees are a valuable asset of an organization;
they have the ability to face challenges and competition present in the market even if there are no
employee motivational schemes applied in organizations. Sometimes, self motivated people

become influence for others, therefore, self motivation is considered as an important factor in
selection of an employee.

These days, employee motivation becomes necessary to get the positive work from employees.
It is in human nature, he gets fed up of the routine work. To keep employees happy and
energetic is the key to success of an organization.Self motivated employees are more likely to be
chosen for the jobs. It becomes common to motivate employees using different benefits, like,
salary increment, bounces and other facilities. Performance and commitment of employees are
based upon their satisfaction; which can be achieved by using employee motivation techniques.
Trend has been changed and it is seen that many people are motivated to work more while they
are provided with opportunities to improve their skill level.

A hotel named R ‘   ‘

  was chosen for the purpose of sample data
collection. Both quantitative and qualitative ways are used to see the results. Hotel employees
were provided with the questionnaire. Interviews were also conducted to support full collection
of data. In Quantitative analysis results from questionnaire are included whereas in qualitative
analysis results from the interviews are included.

The analysis of data proved the assumption that people are more motivated to work while
provided with a chance of practicing and improvement of skills. However, from the findings we
had seen that employee¶s motivation is supported by managers of hotel as well as we found that
employees are happy with the incentive schemes provided by their supervisors.


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Self-motivation is the way to energies or activates oneself, to find a reason and positive
attitude to do the work, with no need of the need of influence from other persons. It makes
the person to work in consistent and continuous manner without getting fed up of it.

Normally an employer¶s concept about the best motivation factor is that the good pay or
attractive benefits are best motivators for them. However, some employer¶s believe that the
best motivation factors are the rewards given to employees like bonuses, gifts, parties or
leaves for outings etc. However these are not the things which motivate employees. We can
say that these things make an employee happy. Research shows that the µwork¶ of an
employee plays the most important role in employer¶s motivation. If the work assigned to an
employee challenging and goes with his interest, if work provides learning opportunities and
sense of responsibility to the employee it the best motivation to an employee. The job which
fully utilizes abilities of an employee is the best job for him and the people who think that
monetary benefits are best motivations are wrong in their concept.[1]

#   #"

Self motivationplays very vital role in life of a human being. There are so many reasons for
self motivation to play an important role in a human being¶s life.In this era, having so many
challenges and competitions out there a person needs to survive, self motivation can lead to
the road of success. It boosts energy level and provides necessary enthusiasm to perform
work.If you want success and happiness in your life, you need to be motivated. Self
motivation also plays a very important role in increasing the self esteem of an employee. An
employee having high motivation levels tries to achieve his goals in life.

Following are some reasons that show why self motivation is so important:‘

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As we all know this is the era of competition, if someone loses interest in his/her work then
eventually he/she will suffer from it. Neither of bosses is ready to compromise on
performance of their organization. So a person must be self motivated towards his work. He
must possess a positive attitude to the work leading not only him but also the organization to
the road of success.

Motivation is a booster that makes it possible for an individual to keep up the good work. It
cultivates self confidence and faith in a person. With a high self ± motivation it is very easy
for an individual to face the competition of life and to achieve the defined goals of life.

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Within a competitive environment, one must keep him energized for work. If a person fails
in producing good work he will suffer from it. Self motivation is not only important to
perform the job. It can lead one¶s life to the road of happiness and pleasure.

Self motivation makes an individual life smooth and progressive. It is not only helpful to
achieve success and accomplish goals, set by a person in life.

Motivation is very vital for a happy life and it helps persons growing his capabilities and
strengths. The motivation in daily routine works helps a human being to be successful in his

life. If there are no challenges or motivations in doing a work even if it is an ordinary daily
routine work, person is left with a very simple and normal life and he will get bored of such
life very soon. Motivation is very important for normal day work like the emails which needs
to be answered, the fulfillment of promises and duties to the friends and family members etc.
so there is a great need to passion and motivation for even the daily activities of life.[2]

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Employee motivation is a main ingredient in success of an organization. Employee

motivation involves in boosting up enthusiasm and energy of employees to work in
challenging and competitive environment. Many organizations follow process of motivation
for their employees to keep the good work up.

Organizations often hire an expert to motivate their employees, which not only benefit
organizations but also employees feel their energy level enhanced and produce good work. It
is often believed that good work from employees can only come if you pay them more and
more. But this statement is not so much applicable in nowadays environment, people get
excited on pay benefits but it does not always lead to the improvement in performance of an

Realization of employee¶s abilities and making it clear to them results in improvement of

one¶s work. Environment of office also play an important role in improving self motivation
of an employee. Respect giving attitude leads to the road of confidence which results in
improvement of the employee¶s work.

Organizations always seeks for employees who are self motivated, this is the reason self
motivation is as important. Self motivated employees are a valuable asset of an organization;
they have the ability to face challenges and competition present in the market even if there
are no employee motivational schemes applied in organizations. Sometimes, self motivated
people become influence for others, therefore, self motivation is considered as an important
factor in selection of an employee.

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These days, employee motivation becomes necessary to get the positive work from
employees. It is in human nature, he gets fed up of the routine work. To keep employees
happy and energetic is the key to success of an organization. Following are some tips to
motivate employees towards positive attitude:


Self awareness is a technique often useful in enhancing one¶s energy and enthusiasm
towards the achievements of goals. In this method a person is motivated by realization of
his abilities and emotions. Once a person knows his goals, abilities, interests and emotions
he is moved on track, producing the positive work.

Self Awareness can be developed in employees by giving them a brief intro on following

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Positive approach towards life and work plays an important role to motivate a person.
Studies shows, there is 99 percent chance we work in a way as we think. So if person has
positive thinking, he will move positively in his daily life. Positive thinking and productive
work go side by side.

This is important technique to motivate employees. Employees can be forced to think

positively by providing them a good, trustworthy and healthy environment. Furthermore, an
employee can be realized of his positive qualities which can make him enthusiastic towards
the challenging life.

This technique often worked. Make your employees to think positively, once they know to
which way their thoughts move them, they will get motivated and you can lead your business
to the road of success.

A goal setting is an old and authentic technique. Goals give a direction in which you need to
travel. It gives you reason to work in a continuous manner. Setting up goals makes the
decision making ability of a person much easier than a person with no defined goals. In a
single line, if a person does not have clear and well defined and clear goals in life, he will
have to define at each stage of life that what should he do next.

If you wish that your employees work hard in your office, you need to set goals for them.
There is also another option, define the work to them and motivate employees with the
rewards, which they can get if they are able to achieve goals.

Goals help to make the vision clear. Studies showed that most successful organizations have
people with clear vision and goals, which automatically lead the organization to success.

In order to make the vision of your employees clear, you need to train them in setting goals
and get motivated for their goals. If your employees have clear picture of their goals, it will
attract them more to work. This is an attraction method. If you don¶t have guts to attract the
workers towards work then sooner or later you will lead your business in chaos.

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To enhance your business, train employees to improve their professional skills by arranging
workshops and in house training for them. Let them motivate to attend the educational and
skill development seminars related to the market. Try to arrange educational classes for your
employees and encourage them to attend. Research has shown, when employees feel you are
investing in them, it improves their job performance.


It motivates people to work for an organization which shows care for them. So when you
feel there is load of work try to minimize its tension by giving a special treat in dinner or
lunch break. Once the work is done make one day off, it will give a pleasant effect on your
employees. Next time when you will face such situation you will clearly notice all your
employees are working to give their 100 percent.


Try to look the accomplishments and achievements of your employees, celebrate with them
and give a big hand to them for their accomplishment.


Try to provide your employees with bonuses. It will create an atmosphere of competition
and all of your employees will work hard to get the reward. Make some titles for the end of
month; give money to the title winners. These steps will help in improving the employee¶s
motivation and eventually the performance of employees.


Try to win the trust of employees by keeping your promises. If you promise with your
employees of the bonuses, promotion, get-together or a lunch party, try to fulfill your
promises. If you fail to follow your promises your employees will get annoyed, will not trust
you in the future. If you want to let your employees trust you and be motivated, keep your


People get motivated towards work when they have something in their mind to achieve. Not
only set the goals, but also provide your employees with career guideline. Arrange some
counseling and couching, which can help them to overcome difficulties.

Training or the teaching of employees so that they can use different tools and techniques
available to solve the problem is also very important. Normally just a training of one or two

weeks is required to train an employee according to the requirements. However after one or
two week employees know the basics of the tool and they can start working on that.
Motivation without the knowledge of appropriate tools will not result in very effective
advantage to the company. When employees have learned different tools, they can perform
much better in the team and they can help in improving business processes and different
products. If the organizations wants to go for the six sigma¶s performance level (i.e. less than
3.4 ppm error rate), management really need to actively involve employees in learning and
training of different tools specially the problem solving tools.[3].

One of the main jobs of project manager is to make the environment suitable for employee
motivations, because arranging workshop and training are not what is required sometimes
rather for the involvement of employee¶s suitable environment is also needed.

One of the prime jobs of supervision and management is to create the climate and the
systems for employee motivation. Organizations need empowered employees involved from
the neck up and not just from the neck down. This is not to say that all will chose to do so.
The obligation is provide the opportunity and the means. It is then the duty of the employee
to take advantage of the employee development opportunity. Most employees when they
believe in and trust their management/supervision will leap at the opportunity to make higher
level contributions to the organization [3].


In any organization or business, mankind is the main force. Employees can make a business
successful or in danger, so it is very important to motivate employees present in an
organization. There are many benefits of employee motivation; some of them are as follow:

Research shows that most of the times people give their best when they are motivated
towards the work:

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Mostly a healthy employee motivation program is required to develop employee decision

power. A correct decision at right time is a cure to most critical problem. Employee
motivation and development programs allow creating an atmosphere in which employees are
able to take the right decisions, which are beneficial for the progress of an organization or a

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As all of us know this is the era of competition, you cannot survive if you leave even a single
lose end. These days, load of work, tension, competition and challenges to life, which are
faced by almost every person, requires some process to keep them moving. In this situation
keeping yourself normal and living your life with ease and happiness becomes difficult.
Moreover, in businesses employee satisfaction and motivation towards work is required.
That¶s why; there is need of motivational studies not only for a single human being but also
for organizations.

My studies focused on the major issues in employee motivation and self motivation. I have
mentioned following points in my research:

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To work for above mentioned aims and objectives I have gathered data and analyze it. After
going through a study, I become able to explain the above points in my research.


Employee motivation can be moved more positively by realizing them of their abilities to
work and progress. An employee can be motivated by number of factors including,
incentives, healthy and trustworthy environment, challenges and scope of growth etc. An
organization must be able to motivate his employees. Self motivation also plays an important
role in this regard. Sometimes, self motivation leads to the employee motivation. Provision
of a healthy environment and attitude of supervisor can make employees more and more
motivated in the benefit of organization. I have observed following important points
regarding my research.

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In business employees are the main asset. They are also known as key of the success for any
business. If employees are hardworking and efficient almost every difficulty can be
overcome easily. So, it is very important for any business to make their employees

It is said that acknowledging and realizing your employee¶s abilities plays an important role
in motivation. When an employee is provided with the opportunity to fulfill the goal based
on his ideas, it is prove they work hard to achieve the goals and accomplish the success line.

In any organization, realizing employees of their abilities increase the productivity. When
employees realized that they have abilities to perform a certain job, then they work hard to
get the job done to meet your desires and expectations.

You can make the system to tell your employees they have lot of caliber to do work in
productive way. Organization can arrange seminars and training programs which enhance
the trust of employees in them. It is best for the manager to realize the skills of employees
and assign them jobs accordingly.

Trusting employee¶s skills and ideas make him motivated and energized to work hard and get
the required results for organizations. It is in human nature that when he is trusted on his
skills he always perform better job. Organizations make it possible by allowing mutual
meetings and conferences before starting a work order. There is also another thing that leads
employee motivation in positive direction, providing them with the opportunity to enhance
their abilities. Help is offered to each employee in improvement of his skills. This way is
very easy to get employees motivated to work and get the job done.

It is important to arrange seminars and meetings with employees on timely basis so that
employees know organization have trust on them and they can motivate themselves to work.

Manager of company must know the fact that every person has his own skills and abilities
each of which has its own importance. You can lead your business to a new level if you
develop a respect towards the abilities of your employees. Proper value must be given to
each employee¶s skill. Work division system needs to reconsider according to the
employee¶s skills and abilities. If there is someone who is junior in rank but he can perform
senior level work, don¶t get hesitate and let him finish the job, you will not get disappointed
by the end.

Employees become energized and enthusiastic while they see their abilities are trusted by
employer. Try to appreciate your employees when they done a good job, it will increase their
interest in work and will finally lead your business to the road of success.

It is proved that employees don¶t just work for financial support. If there is no support,
appreciation and praise to employee¶s abilities, they can get fed up of the work and can leave

organization. Employer should try to create an environment where employees love to come
to work because they enjoy their jobs.

It is proved that if employees are motivated, it results into increased employee productivity
which in turn will improve company¶s overall status and profits. Organizations have realized
the fact if you value your employees they will value your work. That¶s why there are no of
ways through which employer tries to make their employees happy. The success of an
organization lies in the happiness of employees.

The best way to know about the abilities of your employee is at the time of interview, realize
what they have to give you. There are occasions when one doesn¶t know about his skills but
when provided with the opportunity he proves him best. Never get rude with your
employees. Providing them with the different opportunities to realize their inner abilities is a
key to motivation of employee.

Small details help to find out the abilities of an employee, it can make a long relationship
between employee and employer which subsequently results into enhanced staff motivation.

Realizing employee¶s abilities also satisfies their ego as people like to be important.
Employer should always fulfill its commitment. If the senior managers have promised of
some work to be given, they must fulfill it. It will create an atmosphere of trust and respect.
But if in case, management fails to fulfill its promises, it will lose its employees.

       # "  #" 

It is true that people are most important thing in an organization. All the organizations are
trying to compete with each other and to satisfy the needs of their clients in best possible
way, knowing that it is only possible by getting maximum productivity from their employees.

Organizations are making methods to enhance the abilities of their employees to get
maximum work from them. Employers are using many techniques to make their employees
motivated and energized for work. For this purpose, organizations offer incentives, pay
increment, paid holidays, skills development and a good environment to employees, but
studies have shown that not all employees get motivated with these fringe benefits. It has
been proved through surveys and research that employees get more motivated when they are
provided with the opportunities to practice their inner abilities.

There must be an environment where employees can practice their abilities. It is necessary to
let the employees show what they have for you. Sometimes, you get amused by the approach
of an employee in a certain employee, but it is only possible when you give people
confidence and encourage them. Organizations must consider the thoughts of employee
productive, because this one will boost the level of energy in all the other employees and
organization will be able to achieve high results with productivity, profitability and customer

Job satisfaction is necessary for employees. It is assumed that if a person finds a job
interesting, enjoying, rewarding and permanent, that person will show better performance on
that job. It is only possible if they get platform where they can practice their inner abilities.
Dissatisfaction in job of a single employee will not only limit to him, later or sooner every
employee is going to be affected by this which eventually leads the organization to a big loss.

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Self motivation is an important ingredient in the success of a person. Self motivation makes
people to live their lives with aims and objectives. It is very important factor in the success
of a person¶s life. Self motivation is not only helpful to a person life but it also enhances
performance of the employee.

Self motivation becomes a necessary thing in employee, when asking or hiring a person.
Organizations seek for employees who are self motivated towards their work and life. It is
often happened that people with self motivation are preferred on those who don¶t posses this

Employees having self motivation are very responsible and perform the work more
positively. They are aware of the job responsibilities and know how to mould themselves to
work if they find concentration loss in work.

Self motivated people set goals or standard of performance for themselves and try to
accomplish their goals accordingly. Accomplishing their goals leads the organization to
success. People who have set the high standards for them usually do more than they are
required to do.

Taking initiatives is a necessary thing to get the job done; this quality is present in self
motivated people. Such people believe in self starting rather than waiting someone to help
them. People motivate them to achieve the set goals; they go beyond the normal action if
they find any difficulty in achieving goals.

Stability under pressure and competition is very necessary factor to keep up the good work.
Self motivated people know how to stand in competitive and tough routine. It is often seen
that performance of such people is more than expected.

Management is the key to success in jobs. Many employees failed to produce good work just
because of lack of management techniques. Self motivated people have great management
skills; they know how to manage job in order to complete the task within specific time.

Positive energy, attention to details and willingness to accept challenges are major factors in
getting a job done. People who are aware of these factors show great level of performance in
their work. Self motivated people have the guts to keep them moving with the use of positive
energy level and paying attention to the details of work in order to receive required results
from their work.

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It is seen that people are motivated by their leaders. Good leadership motivates people in
positive way. There are certain leadership styles followed by the employers. It is good to be
modest, generous and show positive attitude to your employees.

Different leaders have different motivational schemes. When the leaders show respect to
their employees, they get motivated to work. Employees are motivated more by leaders,
who cares for them, respect their problems, provide incentives on their success and praise

For a leader it is necessary he should think on long term, only goals setting and forcing
employees to achieve goals is not a good technique to be applied. An employer should take
care of small details about his employees like their future plans, problems, skills, abilities,
needs and capabilities. It motivates employees to work and makes them happy.

In organizations leader is the motivational source for employees. He must set himself as a
role model in front of his employees. It is seen that if an employer/leader is punctual, hard
worker, self motivated, respect giving, challenge accepter and tries to compete then
employees of such organization tries to follow their leader.

Employer makes it possible to create the competition which is helpful in motivating the
employees of organization. An employee makes the environment of his office best suitable
for work so that every employee can enjoy his job.

Hence, employer with great personality and problem solving techniques cultivate motivation
in employees. Employer, himself is a source of motivational schemes in an organization
which can lead the business to success or disaster.

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The aim of study was to focus that employee¶s performance enhanced when they are motivated
positively to the work. The first hypothesis derived from the literature was ³Employee¶s
motivation is effected positively when they are provided with opportunities to realize their
abilities´. Surveys have been taken to provide link between the reality and theory. From the
surveys and analysis of collected data it has been proven that employees get motivated to work
while there are opportunities in the job to enhance their abilities and skills. This hypothesis has
proven to be true.

Further, research continues to get the results for hypothesis two which states ³Opportunities for
practicing inner abilities are more effective for motivation as compared to fringe benefits´. From
the literature review and gathered data analysis it has also proved true that employees work hard
and stay committed to a job if they find they are provided with the opportunities to enhance their

The results show that satisfaction to the utilization of inner abilities is the most significant factor
towards the motivation of employees. Employees work hard and prove best assets to the hotel.

Moreover, the research goes on finding links between the hypotheses ³Self motivation enhances
performance of the employee´. The preliminary studies and research shows that self motivated
employees are hard working and derived to work with more enthusiasm.

The results from surveys show that hotel employees having self motivation abilities can lead
work and organization to the success.

Further, we have analyzed the hypothesis ³Good leadership can make employees more motivated
and energized for work.´ The hotel leadership does not show positive response to this option and
shows they are not so much interested in employee motivation. On the other hand employees
insisted that having good leadership can change their way to work and they can work more


The research has shown that employee motivation can enhance performance of employees. It
has proved through the research that most employees get positive energy and enthusiasm from
the motivational schemes of managers and supervisors.

It cannot be proved that employees are fully motivated to work because of motivational schemes
of managers. It may be possible that there are other reasons to the motivation and enthusiasm of
an employee to his job. However, even if job satisfaction is not an ingredient of service
performance, it doesnot mean that supervisors and employers should neglect hotel
employees¶requirements in any of the way.

Employees¶ attitudes towards work must be considered and observed carefully, because there is
an important link between employee satisfaction and performance of employees.

It is true that employees can give much more performance when managers follow the
motivational schemes in their organization. Our research shows positive link between the
enhancement of performance and job satisfaction.

Whileservice performance is very crucial to hotel¶s¶ success, an employees¶ less energy and
enthusiasm can cause poor performance that would harm customer serviceand profitability.
Improving employee satisfaction by increasing motivational schemes would improve the morale
in theorganization as well as lower the staff turnover rate to some extent.

Further, the results from this research indicated that Reading Central Travelodge employees
arelikely to be motivated by recognition of their abilities good leadership and different types of

Realization of abilities was highly selected by the respondents, which suggested that hotel¶s
managers should provide their employees with a chance to enhance their abilities and provide
such an n environment in which they can practice their inner abilities. This must be taken into
consideration by the managers and supervisors of employees.

Moreover, in this study, managers and supervisors showed that they are not fully interested in
motivating their employees. It was also regarded by employees that they are not satisfied with

their management¶s job of providing incentives. Employer should reconsider their incentive and
motivational policies for the hotel employees.


In our study there are many limitations. First of all, its scope was narrow and not based on entire
hotel system. We have selected just a single hotel, which cannot tell about the entire employees
from hotel sector and there are the chances that results are not suitable to other organizations.

Secondly, the analysis of this study was simple, because the analysis is done using very limited
no. of variables. It may be possible that there exist many other factors that can change the result
of the study if not completely but may be to a lower extent.

Last limitation in the research is that the education of the employees is limited to a scale. It may
be chance that many of them interpret the question wrongly.

As our study is limited to only one hotel survey, further work can be done by choosing more than
one hotel from the industry. By gathering data from more than one hotel and analyzing it we can
be much more confident about the motivational factors of employees. Moreover, the
motivational factors were limited; we can consider many other factors for our work results.

It was shown that employees are not happy with the motivational schemes of their organization.
It is possible that employees had overestimated the needs of money and incentives while not
considering other job factor like job security, abilities realizations, environment etc. Further
studies in the area of employee¶s satisfaction can be done through finding links between
employee satisfaction and most important factors related to job.


Our study although have some limitations in it but still it provides a guideline towards the
employee motivation. The results from study shows it clearly that employees get motivated most
to work while they are provided with a chance to enhance their abilities.

It is recommended that employees should given the chances of ability enhancements. Managers
and supervisors of the hotel -Reading Central Travelodge- should take this into consideration.

Respondent of the surveys showed that they are not fully satisfied with the incentives provided
by the employees; it is recommended that managers and supervisors check their incentive

It is recommended that managers and supervisors should consider employee motivation as an

important factor to get maximum performance from the employees.

Providing good leadership is also important and employer of the hotel must take this point into


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