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Name of Drug Mode of Action Nursing Responsibilities

Aminophylline Bronchodilator • Maintain adequate hydration

Relaxes bronchial smooth • Monitor result of serum
muscles causing theophylline levels carefully
bronchodilation, and increased • Monitor for clinical signs of
vital capacity which has been adverse effects, particularly if
impaired by bronchospasm and serum theophylline levels are
air trapping not available
• Ensure that diazepam is
readily available to treat
Amniodarone Cardiovascular drug • MonitorECG continuously
Blocks Na channels at rapid during IV therapy or initiation
pacing frequencies, prolongning of oral therapy
myocardial cell action, potential • Monitor HR and rhythm
and refractory period. Also throughout therapy
causes non-competitive alpha • Assess for signs of pulmonary
and beta adrenergic blockade. toxicity (Rales/crackles,
Decreases sinus rate. Increase decreased breath sounds,
PR and QT intervals with pleuritic friction rub, fatigue,
changed T wave contour. And dyspnea, cough, pleuritic pain,
reduces peripheral vascular fever)
resistance. • Monitor BP frequently,
hypotension usually occurs
during first several hours of
therapy and is related to rate
of infusion. If Hypotension
occurs, slow rate.
Atropine Sulfate Anticholinergic • Do not give to patients who
Decreases action of the had anyadverse reactions that
parasympathetic nervous affects the movement of
system increasing material through the digestive
conduction velocity tract.
(dromotropy) and heart rate • Do not give to pregnant
(chronotropy), enhances women or nursing mothers
conduction through the AV • Monitor VS.
junction • Report increase HR
Decrease bodily • Monitor for constipation,
secretions oliguria.
(anticholinergic effect) • Instruct to take 30 mins before
• Monitor BP and apical pulse
administration and periodically
after dose.
• Eat foods high in fiber and
drink plenty fluids.
• Can cause photophobia
• Instruct client not to drive a
motor vehicle
• or participate in activities
requiring alertness.
• Advise to use hard candy, ice
chips, etc. for dry mouth.
• watch out for adverse
dry mouth, blurred vision,
photophobia and tachycardia.
Patients may also stop
sweating making them prone
to discomfort in warm
weather. Excessive doses can
lead to excessive thirst,
dizziness, tremor fatigue and
loss of coordination.
Bricanyl Bronchodilator • Do not give to mother or fetus
Acts by activating specific receptors in which prolongation of the
in the airways known as beta 2 pregnancy is hazardous
adrenoreceptors • Do not give to patients with
hypersensitivity to this drug
• Monitor VS
• Assess for characteristics of
• Watch out for adverse
reactions: Increased heart
rate, Muscle cramps, Agitation,
Diarrhea, Bad taste,
Hyperactivity in children,
Insomnia, Skin rash,

Buscopan Antispasmodic • Do not give to patients with

exerts a spasmolytic action on the myasthenia gravis, megacolon
smooth muscle of the and hypersensitivity.
gastrointestinal, biliary and urinary • Do not administer in patients
tracts. with: untreated narrow angle
glaucoma; tachycardia,
hypertrophy of the prostate
with urinary retention; and
mechanical stenoses of the
gastrointestinal tract.
• Assess for condition of patient
before therapy
• Monitor bowel sounds
• Watch out for adverse
reactions: rash, itching,
swelling of the hands or feet,
trouble breathing, increased
pulse, dizziness, diarrhea,
vision problems, eye pain.
Calcium Gluconate Mineral and electrolyte • Observe patient closely for
Replacements or suppliments symptoms of hypocalcemia
Maintain cell membrane and capillary (Paresthesia, muscle twitching,
permeability. Act as an activator in laryngeospasm, colic, cardiac
the transmission of nerve impulses
and contraction of cardiac smooth arrhythmias) Notify physcian if
and skeletal muscle. Replacement of these occur.
calcium in deficiency states • Monitor BP, PR, and ECG
frequently throughout
parenteral therapy. May cause
vasodilation with resulting
hypotension, bradycardia,
arrhythmias, and cardiac
Dexamethasone Corticosteroid • Monitor patient’s weight, BP,
Decreases inflammation mainly by and electrolyte levels
stabilizing leukocyte lysosomal • Monitor patient for cushing
membranes: suppresses immune goid effects
response, stimulates bone marrow • Watch for depression and
and influences protein, fat and psychotic episodes specially in
carbohydrate metabolism high dose therapy
• Inspect patient’s skin for
Diazepam Antiepileptic, Antxiolytic • Monitor ECG in patients
Exact mechanism of action not treated with epilepticus,
understood. Acts mainly at the limbic seizure may recur after initial
system and recticulo-formation. control.
• Report severe dizziness,
weakness, hearing
disturbances, difficulty voiding.
Diphenhydramine Decongestant • Assess frequency and nature
Acts on blood vessel, GI, respiratory of cough, lung sounds,
system by antagonizing the effects of amount, and type of sputum
Histamine for H1 receptor site. produced.
Decreases allergic response by • Assess degree of nasal
blocking Histamine causes increase stiffness, rhinorrhea and
heart rate, vasodilatation, secretion. sneezing
Dobutamine Adrenergics • Palpate peripheral pulses and
Stimulates beta-1 (Myocardial) assess appearance of
adrenergic receptors with relatively extremities routinely
minor effect on HR or peripheral throughout administration
blood vessels. Increase cardiac • Monitor BP,HR, pulmonary
output without significantly increased capillary wedge pressure,
HR cardiac output and urinary
output continuously during
• Report significant changes in
VS or arrhythmias
Dormicum Anxiolytic, Anticonvulsant • Use with special precautions in
short-acting drug in pregnant women, neonates,
the benzodiazepine class that is used elderly patients, and patients
for treatment of acute seizures and who are alcoholic
for inducing sedation and amnesia • Monitor VS
before medical procedures.
Duvadilan Vasodilator • Monitor HR and BP frequently
beta-adrenergic agonist that causes direct • Let the patient know that this
relaxation of uterine and vascular smooth muscle.
Therefore, it's used in humans for treatment of drug may be detected in the
premature labour. urine for several months after
Dopamine Inotropic Agent • Do not give to people with
Immediate precursor of Epinephrine Hyperthyroidism, nor in
in the body, exogenous presence of uncorrected
administration produces direct tachyarrhythmias or
stimulation of Beta-1 receptors and ventricular fibrillation
variable (dose-dependent) • Take precaution in pregnant
stimulation of alpha receptors women (pregnancy category
(peripheral vasoconstriction), will C), hypovolemia should be
cause release of norepinephrine from corrected before the
storage sites. This actions results in administration
increased myocardial contraction and • Monitor Vital signs and ECG
cardiac output, systemic during infusion, watch for
vasoconstriction as well as increase dysrhythmia and ischemia.
renal blood flow and sodium • *if BP drops 30 mmHg stop
excretion. infusion and report to the
• Monitor for possible adverse
Digoxin Cardiac Glycoside • Do not give to people with
Inhibits sodium-potassium activated Intermittent Heart block, and
adenosine triphosphate, thereby hypersensitivity
allowing influx of calcium into the • Take precaution in pregnant
intracellular space (cytoplasm), more women (pregnancy category
available calcium promotes C), renal impairment, thyroid
increased force of myocardial disease, previous cardiac
infarction (positive inotropic glycoside use, Hypertensive
effect)resulting to increased cardiac Heart Failure, AMI
output. It also acts on the CNS to • Assess for PR before giving
enhance vagal tone, causing the this medication. If <60 in adult
decrease of conduction speed and <90 in infant or
between SA and AV nodes. significantly different,
reassess. If still the same
report to the physician.
• Monitor cardiac status
• Monitor renal function
• Watch out for signs of
Anorexia, GI disturbances,
Gynecomastia, and

Epinephrine Beta2 Adrenergic Agonists • Monitor V/S. and check for

 Stimulates beta receptors in lung. cardiac dysrrhythmias
 Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle. • Drug increases rigidity and
 Increases vital capacity tremor in
 ↑BP, ↑ HR, ↑PR • patients with Parkinson’s
 ↓ airway resistance. disease
• Epinephrine therapy interferes
with tests for urinary
• Avoid IM use of parenteral
suspension into buttocks. Gas
gangrene may occur
• Massage site after IM injection
counteract possible
• Observe patient closely for
reactions. Notify doctor if
adverse reactiondevelop
• If blood pressure increases
sharply, rapid acting
vasodilators such as nitrates or
alpha blockers can be given to
Furosemide Loop Diuretic • Monitor wt., BP and PR
Inhibits Na and Cl reabsorption at the • Monitor fluid, I&O, electrolyte,
proximal BUN and
and distal tubules and in the • CO2 levels frequently
ascending loop of • WOF signs of hypokalemia
• Monitor uric acid levels
• Monitor glucose levels esp in
DM pts
Hydralasine Antihypertensive • Monitor BP and PR frequently
Direct acting peripheral arteriolar during initial dose and
vasodilator. Decrease of BP in HPN periodically after therapy
and decrease after load for patients • If PO, administer with meals to
with CHF. enhance absorption
• If direct IV administer
undiluted. Use solution as
quickly as possible after
drawing through needle into
syringe (changes in color after
contact with metal filter)
Isosorbide Dinitrate Anti-anginal, Vasodilator • Report blurred vision,
Relaxes vascular smooth muscles persistent or severe headache.
with a resultant decrease in venus
return and decrease in arterial BP.
Decreases myocardial consumption
Ketorolac NSAIDS • Carefully observe patient with
May inhibit prostaglandin synthesis coalgulopathies.
to produce anti-inflammatory
analgesic and antipyretic effect
Levophed Inotropic agent • Monitor cardiac status
Powerful peripheral vasoconstriction • Monitor VS specially BP and HR
(Alpha-adrenergic action) and as a • Watch out for adverse effects:
potent inotropic stimulator of the
heart and dilator of coronary arteries
(Beta- adrenergic action)
Lidocaine CV drugs: Anti-arrhythmics • Assess pt before and after
Anesthetic therapy
Increases electrical stimulation of • Pts infusion must be on cardiac
ventricle and monitor
His-purkinje system by direct action • Monitor ECG, if QT or QRS
on tissues, increases by 50% or more,
resulting to decrease depolarization, withhold the drug
automaticity • Monitor BP, check for rebound
and excitability in ventricles during HPN after 1-2 hrs
diastolic phase
• Assess respiratory status,
and pulse deficits
• Assess renal and liver function
• Monitor CNS symptoms
• Monitor blood levels
Magnesium Sulfate Anticonvulsant • Do not give to patient if RR is
>16 cpm
Decreased acetylcholine released to • Use with caution in patients
prevent ventricular arrhythmias and with renal impairment or
to prevent or treat seizures in severe whose urine output has been
preeclampsia or eclampsia. less than 100 ml in the
previous 4 hours, elderly and
those with severe
• Monitor I&O. make sure urine
output is 100 ml or more in 4
hrs pd before
each dose
• Take appropriate seizure
• Keep IV Ca gluconate at
• Watch out for adverse
reactions: respiratory
depression, loss of reflexes,
flaccid paralysis, tetany,
hypotension, cardiac arrest,
heart block, bradyarrhythmias,
hypocalcemia, flushing,
hypothermia, diaphoresis
Mefenamic Acid Analgesic, Antipyretic, Muscle • Assess patient’s level of pain
Relaxant before therapy
Exhibits anti-inflamatory analgesic • Assess patient’s level of pain
and antipyretic activity. The exact after administration of
mechanism had not been clearly medication
established but many of the actions • Use in precaution in patients
appear to be associated principally with renal or hepatic failure
with the inhibition of prostaglandin
Methergin Oxytocin drug • Monitor uterine response
Increase motor activity of the uterus • Monitor VS
by direct stimulation of smooth • monitor Blood loss
muscle, reducing blood loss.
Metoclopramide Anitiemetic • >Do not give to patients with
lowers pressure threshold for Hypersensitivity, possible GI
occurrence of intestinal peristaltic obstruction or hemorrhage and
reflex. Coordinates gastric, pyloric history of seizure disorders
and duodenal activity to improve GI
motility • >Monitor I and O
• >Monitor and record for
• >Watch out for adverse
reaction Acute CHF, AV block,
bradycardia, fluid retention,
hypertension, hypotension,
supraventricular tachycardia,
nausea, fluid retention,
incontinence, urinary

Nalbuphine Hydrochloride Opioid analgesic • >Reassess patient’s level of

Unknown. Binds with opiate pain at least 15v and 30 mins.
receptors in the CNS, altering After parenteral
perception of and emotional administration.
response to pain. • Monitor circulatory and
respiratory status and bladder
and bowel control or function.
• If respiration are shallow or
rate is below 12 breaths per
min., withhold dose and notify
• Psychological and physical
dependence may occur with
prolong use.
Naloxone Opioid Antagonist • Assess patient’s condition
used to reverse the effects of before the therapy
narcotic drugs used during surgery or • Do not give to patients with
to treat pain, may also be used to Respiratory depression
treat narcotic drug overdose or to • Monitor VS
diagnose narcotic drug addiction. • Monitor for abrupt increase or
decrease in BP
• Watch out for adverse
reactions: chest pain or fast or
irregular heartbeats;feeling
light-headed, fainting;seizure
(convulsions); or difficulty
Paracetamol Analgesic, Antipyretic • Assess patient’s fever or pain:
Decreases fever by inhibiting the Type of pain, location,
effects of pyrogens on the intensity, duration,
hypothalamic heat regulating center temperature, and diaphoresis
and by a hypothalamic action leading • Assess allergic reactions: Rash,
to sweating and vasodilatation. urticaria. If these occur, drug
Relieves pain by inhibiting may have to be discontinued.
prostaglandin synthesis at the CNS
but does not have anti-Inflammatory
action because of its minimal effect
on peripheral prostaglandin
Phenergan Antihistamine • Monitor patient fro neuroleptic
Phenothiazine derivative that malignant syndrome, altered
competes with histamine for H1 mental status, autonomic
receptor sites on effector cells. instability, muscle rigidity, and
Prevents, but does not reverse hyperpyrexia.
histamine mediated responses. At • Stop drug 4 days before
high doses, drug also has local diagnostic skin testing
anesthetic effect. because antihistamines can
prevent, reduce or mask
positive skin test response
Phenobarbital Anticonvulsant • Do not give to patients with
To enhance the inhibitory actions of hypersensitivity to this drug
gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) on • Assess for the patient’s
neurons. condition before the therapy
• Assess for the seizure
• Monitor VS
• Watch out for adverse
reactions: CV: slow heartrate
(bradycardia), low blood
pressure (hypotension). CNS:
lethargy, sedation, ataxia, or
paradoxical excitement. Often
dose related, these signs may
subside with continued
therapy. Respiratory:
breathing depressed. GI:
polydipsia (increase thirst)GU:
polyuria (increased urine
output) Skin: abscess or
necrosis at injection site.

Phenytoin Anticonvulsant • Do not give to patients with

Treatment of epilepsy. The primary history of confusion or
site of action appears to be the restlessness from hypnotics, or
motor cortex where spread of seizure hypersensitivity, renal or
activity is inhibited. hepatic impairment and severe
pulmonary insufficiency
• Monitor I and O
• Assess for cessation of seizure
• Assess renal studies
• Watch out for adverse
reactions: GI disturbances,
slurred speech, diplopia,
mental confusion with
headache, dizziness
Potassium Chloride Mineral and electrolyte • Assess for signs and symptoms
replacement or supplement of hypokalemia (weakness,
Maintain acid-base balance, fatigue, arrhythmias, polyuria)
isotonicity, and electrophysiologic and hypovolemia.
balance of the cell. Activator in many
enzymatic reaction. Essential to • Monitor pulse, BP and ECG
transmission of nerve impulses, periodically during IV therapy.
contraction of cardiac skeletal and
smooth muscle, gastric secretion,
renal function, tissue synthesis and
carbohydrate metabolism.
Ranitidine H2Receptor antagonist • Administer oral drug with
Competitively inhibits the action of meals
histamine at the H2 receptors of the • Decrease dose in renal and
parietal cells of the stomach, liver failure
inhibiting basal gastric acid secretion • Provide concurrent antacid
and gastric acid secretion that is therapy to relieve pain
stimulated by food, insulin, • Report sore throat, fever,
histamine, cholinergic agonist, unusual bruising or bleeding,
gastrin and pentagastrin. tarry stools, confusion,
hallucinations, dizziness,
severe headache, , muscle or
joint pains.
Sodium Bicarbonate Anti-ulcer agent • Assess fluid balance (I and O,
Acts as an alkalinizing agent by daily weight, edema, lung
releasing bicarbonate ions. Following sounds) throughout therapy
oral administration, releases • Report symptoms of fluid
bicarbonate, which is capable of overload (HPN, edema,
neutralizing gastric acid. dyspnea) if they occur
Tramadol Analgesic • Control environment (Temp.
Binds to mu-opioid receptors and and light) If sweating or CNS
inhibits the reuptake of effects occur.
norepinephrine and serotonin causes • Instruct the patient to avoid
many effects similar to the opioids: driving or performing tasks
dizziness, somnolence, nausea, that requires alertness
constipation, but does not have the • Report severe nausea,
respiratory depressant effects. dizziness, severe constipation
Verapamil calcium channel blocker • Do not give to patients with
Treatments of hypertension, angina Bradycardia second and third
pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, and degree atrioventricular block,
most recently cluster headaches. It is heart failure, Wolff-Parkinson-
also an effective preventive White syndrome
medication for migraine. Verapamil • Assess patient’s condition
has also been used as a vasodilator before drug therapy
during cryopreservation of blood • Monitor VS and I & O
vessels. • Watch out for adverse
reactions: Constipation,
nausea, hypotensive
symptoms, ankle edema,
atrioventricular block
Saint Dominic College of Asia

E. Aguinaldo Highway, Talaba IV Bacoor, Cavite

Emergency Drugs
(Drug study)

Submitted By:

Chan, Celine C.


Submitted to:

Ms. Lorda R.N.

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