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In the modern life, there are more and more people spending less time with their family.

This essay
will examine the major causes and possible influences of this phenomenon. 

To begin with, there are several explanations that are worth mentioning about this issue. The first
reason is that due to the fast pace of modern life, people are now living a busier one and devoting an
increasing amount of time to work. It is increasingly common that people tend to lose the balance
between family and clerical work since they usually spend more time at work and do not come home
until late at night. For example, due to the heavy workload many workers have to work more than 10
hours a day, and sometimes they are required to work during weekend or overnight to meet the
deadline. The rapid development of social media is the second reason for this trend. That parents and
children stay together but hold their own mobile phones or laptops to communicate with online
friends on Facebook instead of talking with each other is easily seen these days. 

This rising issue is having considerable impacts on both individuals themselves and family. First, it
is believed that family is where people can share their feelings and problems, which help them to
release their stress. However, an individual may experience emotional distress if they do not receive
proper support from his/ her immediate family. Second, the bonds between parents and children may
be weakened. For instance, when parents do not spend much time with their children, their children
will lack of appropriate parental care and attention and are likely to follow a path towards criminal

In conclusion, there are two main factors leading to the fact that people hardly make time for their
family and not only individuals but also the family may suffer from this trend in both physical and
emotional ways.
(317 words)


- balance between family and clerical work: Cân bằng giữa gia đình và công việc văn phòng
- Parental care and attention: sự chăm lo từ bố mẹ
- Immediate family: gia đình ruột thịt
- Emotional distress: rối loạn tâm lý
- To follow a path towards criminal behaviors: sa vào con đường của những hành vi tội lỗi
- Hardly make time for one’s family: hầu như không dành thời gian cho gia đình
- Devote an increasing/a huge amount of time to work: dành phần lớn thời gian cho công việc
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từ (Vocabularies) thông dụng trong chủ đề “FAMILY”. Bên cạnh từ vựng, các bạn sẽ được cung cấp
nghĩa của từ và ví dụ để các bạn có thể xác định được cách dùng của từ/ cụm từ đó.

- Family structure/ Family pattern
Meaning: cấu trúc/ kết cấu gia đình
Example: Family structure is classified into nuclear or extended.
- close-knit family
Meaning: gia đình có quan hệ khăng khít
Example: They are a pretty close-knit family as they talk to each other every day.
- Extended family
Meaning: gia đình lớn (gồm cô, dì, chú, bác, anh chị em họ cùng sống chung một nhà)
Example: She lives in an extended family, so her children are taken care of by her aunts and uncles
when she is away.
- Family background
Meaning: nền tảng/ hoàn cảnh gia đình
Example: Many people are interested in their family background.
- Family bonds
Meaning: sự gắn kết/ tình cảm gia đình
Example: Family bonds are now being weakened in accordance with the development of technology.
- Nuclear family
Meaning: Gia đình hạt nhân (thường bao gồm bố, mẹ, và con)
Example: Most families in Western countries are nuclear families.
- Parent-child relationship
Meaning: quan hệ cha mẹ và con
Example: The parent-child relationship is qualitatively different than all of our other relationships.
- Stay-at-home parent/ stay-at-home dad/ stay-at-home mom
Meaning: bố/ mẹ ở nhà chăm lo việc nhà
Example: He has been a stay-at-home dad since he lost his job.
- The primary breadwinner
Meaning: trụ cột chính (trong gia đình)
Example: His father is the primary breadwinner in the family.
- To bring up/ raise/ nurture children
Meaning: Nuôi nấng/ chăm sóc con
Example: Both mother and father should take responsibilities to raise their children.
- To engage in screen-time activities
Meaning: tham gia những hoạt động “màn hình”
Example: Nowadays, family members tend to engage in screen-time activities instead of talking to
each other at home.
- To lack of parental support
Meaning: thiếu sự hỗ trợ/ ủng hộ từ cha mẹ
Example: Children who lack of parental support tend to
- To negatively affect children’s long-term mental health
Meaning: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới sức khỏe tâm lý lâu dài của trẻ
Example: It is surveyed that early childhood abusement will negatively affect children’s long-term
mental health.
- To pay child support
Meaning: chi trả tiền giúp nuôi con
Example: After 10 years, he finally agreed to pay the child support.
- To strengthen/ Weaken family relationships/ family bonds
Meaning: củng cố/ làm suy yếu tình cảm gia đình
Example: They usually organize get together party to strengthen their family relationship.

- To take more family trips

Meaning: tổ chức nhiều chuyến đi cùng gia đình hơn
Example: In order to strengthen the family bonds, people should take for family trips.
This divide has grown due to the increased use of technology among children in several ways. First,
children’s absorption in technology, from texting to playing video games, does by their very nature
limit their availability to communicate with their parents. One study found that when the working
parent arrived home after work, his or her children were so immersed in technology that the parent
was greeted only 30 percent of the time and was totally ignored 50 percent of the time. Another
study reported that family time was not affected when technology was used for school, but did hurt
family communications when used for social reasons. Interestingly, children who spent considerable
time on a popular social networking site indicated that they felt less supported by their parents.
In this age of materialistic inclination and technology, every aspects of human life, including family
and personal relations, depends on modern technology and gadgets, no exception to family life and
relationship (please follow the logical structure of a sentence.). As such, many people believe that
the overuse of such technology can lead to imbalance in family relationship. I moderately disagree
with their opinion since these technological improvements played play (Simple Present Tense) a
major role among in connecting (mention the major role to make a greater impact) the family
members who live apart. (Well-written!)
It is true to an extent that the extensive use of mobile phones, laptops and other electronic gadget
widen the gap between parents and children. Specifically, some children spending spend most of
their leisure time in surfing the internet from texting to video games (the examples are NOUNS,
which surfing the internet is an ACTIVITY. Doesn’t match) , which includes playing video games
and watching movies on-line, (surfing, playing, watching are activities. Match. Write this as a
modifier.) and it leads to poor communication and less quality time with their parents which is
detrimental to their family health. A recent research conducted among teenage
students at in Vietnam (in country) showed that intimacy of children, who possessed
smartphones (this can’t be between two commas – can’t be a modifier), to their parents decreased by
30% percent from those (I can see “intimacy of children”. I can’t see children.) who were without.
This survey concluded that unrestricted use of modern technology can create irreversible family
divide.  (The example is fine. Could have been better structured to make comparison: A recent
research of teenage students in Vietnam revealed that children who possessed a smartphone had a
30 percent less intimacy with parents than those who do not.)
Despite the above mentioned opinion, I strongly (you wrote mildly in the introduction.) believe that
these technological advancements have a positive impact in communication and family
relationship. To explain (of course you’re explaining), if each family member has a cellphone or
laptops installed with latest application, they he can maintain a healthy
relationship each others by making (parallelism – making and sharing are parallel – both
verbs) frequent contacts and sharing theirupdates so conveniently (a lot of singular-plural issues).
My personal example shows that availability of latest applications such as Skype and IMO
have made my communication smoother and better with my family members who live
faraway, (punctuation issue – discuss with me.) whereas 10 years ago, my father and mother had
very limited options to maintain a regular family relationship and communication (singular-plural
issues). Hence, such technologies have significant (significant = important) a great/
prime importance in strengthening the family relationship and communication.
In conclusion, though some argue that possession of latest technology leads to lack of
communication in family, I still believe (I can’t see moderate disagreement highlighted in the
introduction.) that since these technology not only improve the relationship but also facilitate
communication who value each other among friends and family living away from each other.

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