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Metabolism is a sum of events which are carried out in the human body to create energy and other
substances necessary for its activities. In our organism there are catabolic and anabolic processes.

Catabolism is a process during which organic matter is broken down and the energy is simultaneously
released. It is characterized by missing reserves of glycogen and mobilisation of non-saccharide sources
of energy – fats and proteins. Catabolism takes place during increased movement activity and is
necessary to sustain life functions.

Anabolism, on the other hand, is a energy-consuming process during which substances are created. The
substrate supply exceeds the immediate need. The organism creates energy reserves, tissues are
created and renewed. Anabolic processes are prevalent in situations of reduced physical activity.

The basic nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) are present in food we eat. Those are transformed
and absorbed through the digestive system. Carbohydrates break down into individual carbohydrates
(monosaccharides) where the glucose ranks among the most important ones. Lipids break down into
free fatty acids and glycerol. Proteins break down into amino acids. These simple agents can then
become involved in more complicated processes.

Carbohydrates are used in both anaerobic and aerobic activities. ATP resynthesizes from glycogen
(muscle glycogen, liver glycogen) which transforms into glucose. Supplies of glycogen in the human body
are restricted. Lipids are used in endurance-based movement activity of low intensity. While the use of
proteins in the ATP resynthesis is very limited, free fatty acids are used to a large extent. Glucose is
generated through gluconeogenesis.

Muscle metabolism

Muscles need energy to produce contractions (Fig. 6). The energy is derived from adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) present in muscles. Muscles tend to contain only limited quantities of ATP. When
depleted, ATP needs to be resynthesized from other sources, namely creatine phosphate (CP)
and muscle glycogen. Other supplies of glycogen are stored in the liver and the human body is also able
to resynthesize ATP from lipids, i.e. free fatty acids. Different modes of energy coverage are used
depending on intensity and duration of the workload put on the organism.

Figure 6 Energy for muscles

The ATP-CP system

The above mentioned ATP and CP are the energy sources of muscle contraction (Fig. 7, 8, 9). The
production of energy used in muscle contraction takes place through the anaerobic way (without

Figure 7 ATP molecule

Figure 8 ATPase (ATP breakdown and energy production for muscle contraction)

Figure 9 ATP resynthesis from CP

Anaerobic glycolysis

It is a chemical process during which ATP gets renewed from glycogen, i.e. glucose in an anaerobic way
(without access to oxygen). In these processes lactate, i.e. salt of the lactic acid is generated in muscles.
This energy system produces 2 molecules of ATP. Glycolysis - transformation of glucose into 2 molecules
of the pyruvate generating the net yield from ATP molecules and 2 NADH molecules (anaerobic
breakdown of glucose into pyruvate and lactate) – see. Fig. 10.

Oxydative system

This is a chemical process during which the ATP resynthesis takes place through an aerobic way (with
access to oxygen). Both glycogen or glucose and free fatty acids act here as sources of energy.

Aerobic glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell where 34 ATP molecules are generated from
the glycogen, i.e. glucose with oxygen present (Fig. 10).

Figure 10 Anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis

Free fatty acids present in mitochondria of muscle fibres transformed into acetyl CoA are used in the
ATP resynthesis. Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle and thus ATP molecules are generated.
Individual energy systems get involved according to the intensity of a movement activity carried out. If
the performance is conducted at the maximum level, there is a gradual involvement of all the systems
(Fig. 11, 12).

Figure 11 Energy coverage under maximum workload

Figure 12 Energy coverage under maximum workload

Types of muscle fibres

Human muscle fibres have distinct qualities. Although nowadays almost 30 types of muscle fibres are
known to be present in the human body, we tend to work only with the following three types:

Slow red muscle fibre I (SO - slow oxidative fibres)

The slow red muscle fibre is typified by a high aerobic capacity and resistance to fatigue. As their
anaerobic capacity is slow, they are not able to show great muscle strength. Muscle contraction tends to
be slow – 110 ms/muscle contraction. One motoric unit contains about 10-180 muscle fibres.

Fast red muscle fibre IIa (FOG – fast oxidative glycolytic fibres)
The fast red muscle fibre shares some of qualities with a slow fibre or a fibre of IIx type. This fibre is
typified by medium aerobic capacity and resistance to fatigue. It also shows high anaerobic capacity and
is able to display great muscle strength. The speed of contraction is 50 ms/muscle contraction. One
motoric unit contains about 300-800 fibres.

Fast white fibre IIx (FG – fast glycolytic fibre)

Unlike the previously mentioned types the fast white fibre is characterized by low aerobic capacity and
tendency to fast fatigue. On the other hand, it has the greatest anaerobic capacity and is able to display
considerable muscle strength. The speed of contraction is 50 ms/muscle contraction. One motor unit
contains about 300-800 fibres.

The volume of this type muscle fibres is genetically given (up to 90 %) (Jančík et al., 2007) and varies in
individual persons. In the average population the ratio of slow to fast fibres is 1:1. The following Figure
(Fig. 13) shows the ratio of slow to fast fibres in athletes engaged in different disciplines.

Figure 13 Ratio of fast (type FG and FOG) to slow (type SO) fibres in different type athletes

In muscle contraction individual types of muscle fibres get activated in accordance with the intensity of
muscle movement. During low intensity exercise slow fibres are primarily recruited. However, with
increasing intensity of exercise fast fibres get activated. It is important to note here that the fibre ratio
differs in different muscles of the human body. For example, postural muscles tend to contain more
slow fibres.

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