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Nama : Ellen Naftalia Kristalani

Nim :
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2

Activity 1- Individually
1. Is the patient a man or a woman? Man
2. When is the patient’s birthday? 12th September 1982
3. What is the patient’s job? Construction worker
4. Is the patient married? Yes, he is
5. Who is the patient’s family doctor? dr. Fathony
6. Who is Anasthasia Mahardika? Next of his kin

Find the words in the admission form with these meanings.

1. family name : Mahardika
2. job : Construction worker
3. Mr / Mrs / Ms : Mr. Heru Mahardika
4. family doctor : dr. Fathony
5. the name the patient wants the medical staff to use : Mr. Heru
6. closest relative : Anasthasia Mahardika
7. country where patient was born : Kediri
8. male or female : Male
9. married / single / divorced / widowed : Married
10. why the patient is visiting hospital : Because he sick, diarrhea
11. date of birth : 12th September 1982
12. the amount of something you drink / eat, etc. regularly : 1 pack a day of
smoking intake
13. a bad reaction to, for example, food or medicine : seafood allergies

Activity 2 - Individually
Complete the nurse’s questions.
1 Can you give me your full …. please? name
2 Can you ….. that, please ? spell
3 What would you like us to….. you? call
4 What is your …. of ….. ? date of birth
5 What is your …. ? job
6 Do you have any …. ? allergies

Activity 3 - Work in Pairs.

Complete these questions with what, where or who. Then practice asking and
answering the questions.
1. what’s your surname/first name/full name?
2. where do you live?
3. what’s your address/email address/mobile phone number?
4. what’s your date of birth?
5. who’s your GP?
6. who’s your next of kin?
7. who’s his/her relationship to you?

Activity 4 - Work in Pairs.

Interview your partner with the questions listed above.
Name : Adellia Irma Pratiwi
Ages : 22nd years old
Address : Malang city
Phone : 081913542712
Ethnic Origin : Javanese
Marital Status : Single
Health Insurance : Not have health insurance
Occupation & Title : College student
Next of Kin : Malikah (Mommy)
Reason for Contact : pain of the lower left abdomen since 2 hours

Activity 5 - Work in Pairs.

Take turns playing the role of a patient and of the nurse who admits the patient to
hospital. Invent an identity for your patient, including the details below. Copy a
blank patient admission form like the one. Interview your patient and complete
the details in the form.
a. Full Name : Mila Angela
b. Address : jl tirta mas no 12 betet kota kediri
c. Family : Next of kin
d. Next of Kin : Sister
e. Date and Place of Birth : Kediri, 12 December 1999
f. Occupation : Indonesia
g. Marital Status : Single
h. Smoking Intake :-
i. Allergies :-
j. Reason for Admission : Pain
Activity 6 - Work in Pairs:

Learn and understand the way to collect chief complains. Interview your partner
and make description of chief complains based on your partner’s symptoms.
 Would you show me the location of your pain?
Answer : yes, i would show the location of my pain.
 Can you point at the location of your pain?
Answer : abdomen
 Show me where the location of your pain is!
Answer : left lower abdomen
 Where is the pain?
Answer : abdomen
 Is it (your pain) in your leg (part of the body)
Answer : no, my pain in left lower abdomen
 Do you feel pain in your ankle (part of the body)
Answer : no, I don’t feel pain in my ankle
 Would you say that was moderate or severe?
Answer : yas,
 Does the pain move at all?
Answer : no
 How long did the pain last this time?
Answer : when of the move
 Can you tell me how it started?
Answer : fell and hit a rock
 How often do you have these pains?
Answer : every move
 What seems to make the pain better?
Answer : break
 Is there anything that makes it worse?
Answer : when pressed
 How do you feel about your condition?
Answer : so sad
 Can you describe your symptoms to me?
Answer : pain like being pricked by sharp object
 What happens when you get pain?
Answer : break
 When did you start feeling ill?
Answer : 2 days
 Does it hurt when I press your abdomen just here?
Answer : yes
 How bad is the pain?
Answer : scale 7
 Tell me, what were you doing when the symptom appeared?
Answer : warm compresses
 Were you taking your medication?
Answer : yes
Activity 7 - Individually

Each of following sentences has at least one adjective or adverb. Circle the
adjective and adverb, and label them. Draw arrows to the words they describe.
Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. Her hair was an unusually color of red. ( C )
2. The weather is really comfortable. ( C )
3. The nurse injected intravenous carefully.( I )
4. We attended a poor planned conference. ( C )
5. He talked slowly and carefully. ( C )
6. The blood samples were automatically examined in laboratory ( C )
7. The composition was careful prepared ( I ) .
8. She had an incredible story about her long trip ( I )
9. He sent me a quickly written note. ( C )
10. The cat meowed sad.( I )
11. The children are hungry and tired.( C )
12. The lecturer spoke extremely loud. ( I )
Activity 8
Translate these into communicative English.
1. Maaf pak, sepertinya perut anda sakit.
sorry sir, it looks like your stomach hurts
2. Maaf pak, kelihatanya bapak mengalami gangguan pada dada bapak.
Sorry sir, it looks like you have trouble with your chest
3. Sepertinya bapak merasa tidak nyaman ketika berjalan.
It seems that you feel uncomfortable when walking.
4. Anda seperti kelelahan.
You are like exhausted
5. Jari tangan anda kelihatan bengkak.
Your fingers look swollen
6. Sepertinya anda takut dengan tindakan medis ini
It seems you are afraid of this medical action
Activity 9

Susun kata campur aduk ini menjadi kalimat tentang keluhan pasien.

1. look – scars – reddish – your. (Your scars look reddish)

Bekas lukamu terlihat kemerahan
2. seem – respiration – to have – you – with – problem – your. (you to have
seen problem respiration to have with your)
Anda telah melihat masalah respirasi dengan Anda
3. your – look – uncomfortable – turning – head – when – you. (When your
head turning look uncomfortable you)
Saat kepala Anda menoleh terlihat tidak nyaman Anda.
4. skin – dry – your – looks. (your looks skin dry)
kulit Anda terlihat kering
5. seem – with – uncomfortable – you – sling – that. (you seem
uncomfortable with sling that.)
kamu tampak tidak nyaman dengan sling itu.
Activity 10 - Work in Pairs
1. Observe your partner’s physical performance.
2. Focused your observation on health condition.
3. Share your observation to your partner.
4. Reserve the role.
5. Write your observation result.
6. Tell your result to your partner.

Aktivitas 10 - Bekerja dalam Pasangan

1. Amati kinerja fisik pasangan Anda.
2. Fokuskan pengamatan Anda pada kondisi kesehatan.
3. Bagikan pengamatan Anda kepada pasangan Anda.
4. Cadangan peran.
5. Tulis hasil observasi Anda.
6. Ceritakan hasil Anda kepada pasangan Anda.

Activity 11 – Work in Pair

Translate these into communicative English.

Apakah anda pernah memperhatikan ada perubahan lain sehubungan dengan rasa
sakit ini?
Apa yang bisa mengurangi rasa sakit itu?
Kapan rasa sakit itu berubah?
Apakah rasa sakit itu terjadi di tempat tertentu atau dalam kondisi tertentu?
Berapa lama rasa sakit itu berlangsung?

Activity 11 - Work in Pair

Translate these into communicative English.

Have you noticed any other changes in connection with this pain?
What can reduce the pain?
When did the pain change?
.................................................. .................................................. ..............................
Does the pain occur in a certain place or under certain conditions?
.................................................. .................................................. ..............................
How long the pain lasts?
.................................................. .................................................. ..............................
or each number, arrange these jumbled words into a sentence about patient’s

( vomiting – have – I – been )

I Have been Vomiting

(short – lost – have – a lot of – I – weight – in – time )

I Have lost weight have short a lot of in time

( 3 days – more – pain – my – than – persists )

. my pain more than 3 days persists

(pain – the – mainly – back – lower – in – is – part – the – my – of )

the pain mainly is of back in the my lower part

(pain – the – back – legs – shoots – the – my – down – of )

the pain the of back legs shoots the my down

class Activity 12 (Group or Pair – Orally)

Have you ever been sick?
Mention what you complaint based on your sickness?
What do you call kind of your complaints?

Answer :
1. Yes, I was sick
2. stomach aches and feels nauseous when the stomach rises
3. ulcer

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