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Human Anatomy and Physiology with

Pathophysiology (HAPP111)
3.3 Cell Membrane
Chapter 3: Cell Structures and their  Outermost component of a cell
Functions  Selective barrier
 Encloses cytoplasm
3.1 Cell Structure  Extracellular – material outside cell
 Basic unit of life  Intracellular – material inside cell
 Synthesis of molecules
Structure of Cell Membrane
 Communication
 Cell metabolism and energy release  Called Fluid Mosaic Model
 Reproduction and inheritance (DNA)  Made of phospholipids and proteins
 Phospholipids form a double layer or bilayer
 Phospholipids contain 2 regions: polar and
Polar (hydrophilic) region – phosphate containing
Nonpolar (hydrophobic) region – fatty acids

Polar regions:
- “heads”
- Hydrophilic (H2O Loving)
- Exposed to H2O
Nonpolar regions:
- “tails”
- Hydrophobic (H2O Fearing)
Cell Structure - Away from H2O
 Organelles: 3.4 Movement Through Cell Membrane
- Specialized structures in cells that perform
specific functions  Cell membrane selectively determines what can
- e.g. nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes etc. pass in and out of the cell
 Cytoplasm:  Enzymes, Glycogen, and Potassium are found in
- Jelly – like substance that holds organelles higher concentrations INSIDE the cell
 Sodium, Calcium and Chloride are found in
higher concentrations OUTSIDE the cell
3.2 Functions of the Cell Ways Molecules Pass through Cell Membrane
1. Cell metabolism and energy use 1. Directly (through diffusion)
2. Synthesis of Molecules - O2 and CO2 (small molecules)
3. Communication 2. Membrane Channels
4. Reproduction and inheritance - Proteins that extend from one side of cell
membrane to other
- Size, shape, and charge (+/-) determine what
can go through

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- e.g. Na+ passes through Na+ channels Mediated Transport Mechanisms
3. Carrier Molecules
- Bind to molecules, transport them across  Facilitated Diffusion
and drop them off - Diffusion with aid of a carrier molecule
- e.g. glucose - Requires no ATP
4. Vesicles  Active Transport
- Can transport a variety of materials - Moves substances from low to high
- Fuse with cell membrane concentration
- Requires ATP
- e.g. sodium – potassium pump

- Diffusion of water across a cell membrane
- Movement of molecules from areas of high
to low concentration Osmotic Pressure

Solution - Force required to prevent movement of

water across cell membrane
- Solid, liquid or gas that contains one or
more solutes Types of Osmotic Solution

Solute 1. Hypotonic Solution

2. Hypertonic Solution
- Substance added to solvent that dissolves 3. Isotonic Solution
- Substance such as H2O that solute is being
added to
 Concentration gradient
- Measures concentration difference at 2
- Greater the distance the faster the solute will
 Filtration
- Movement of fluid through a partition with

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 Hypotonic Solution
- Lower concentration of solutes outside cell
- Higher concentration of H2O outside cell
- H2O moves into cell
- LYSIS (burst)
 Hypertonic Solution
- Higher concentration of solutes outside cell
- Higher concentration of H2O inside cell
- H2O moves out
- CRENATION (shrinks)
 Isotonic Solution
- Equal concentration of solutes
- Water doesn’t move
- Cell remains INTACT
- The process that brings materials into cell
using vesicles
2 Types of Endocytosis
1. Phagocytosis
- Cell eating (solid particles)
2. Pinocytosis
- Cell drinking (liquid particles)
3.5 Organelles
- Inside nucleus
Cytoplasm - Made of DNA and proteins
- Part of genetic makeup
- Located inside cell
- Jelly – like fluid Chromatin
- Give cell shape and hold organelles in place
- Inside nucleus
Nucleus - Loosely coiled chromosomes

- Center of cell Nucleolus

- All cells contain nucleus at some point
- Inside nucleus
- Houses DNA
- Produce ribosomes
Nuclear Envelope
- Edge of the nucleus
- Attached to rough ER or cytoplasm
Nuclear Pores - Produce proteins

- Surface of nucleus RER (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum)

- Where materials pass in and out of nucleus
- Located in cytoplasm
- Membranes with ribosomes attached
- Site of protein synthesis
SER (Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum)
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- Located in cytoplasm 1. Microtubules
- Membranes with no ribosomes 2. Intermediate Filaments
- Site of lipid synthesis (e.g. cholesterol) 3. Microfilaments
Golgi Apparatus
- Located in cytoplasm Microtubules
- Closely packed stacks of membranes
- Largest diameter
- Collect, sort, package and distribute proteins
- Provide structural support
and lipids
- Form cilia and flagella
Secretory Vesicles
Intermediate Filaments
- Located in cytoplasm
- Medium diameter
- Distributes materials out of cell
- Maintain cell shape
- Smallest diameter
- Located in cytoplasm - Involved in cell movement
- Enzymes that digest foreign material
- Facilitate the movement of chromosome
- Located in cytoplasm during cell division
- Contains folds (Cristae)
- Produces ATP
Flagella 3.6 Whole Cell Activity

- Located in cell surface  A cell’s characteristics are determined by the

- 1 per cell type of proteins produced
- Move cell (e.g. sperm cell)  Protein’s function is determined by genetics
 Information in DNA provides the cell with a
Cilia code for its cellular processes
- Located in cell surface
- Many per cell
- Move substances over surfaces of certain DNA
- Double helix in nucleus
Microvilli - Composed of nucleotides

- Located in cell surface Contains:

- Shorter than cilia
- 5 carbon sugar (deoxyribose)
- Increase surface area
- Nitrogen base
Cytoskeleton - Phosphate group

- Cells framework Flow of Genetic Information

- Made of proteins
 Also called Central Dogma
- Provide support
 Occurs in three stages: DNA replication,
- Hold organelles in place
Transcription and Translation
- Enable cell to change shape
Gene Expression
Type of Cytoskeleton
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- Information in DNA directs protein
- Proteins provide code for gene expression
- Enzymes regulate chemical reactions
- Uses the transcription and translation
- Process by which DNA is “read” Prophase
- Occurs in ribosomes
- Produces mRNA (messenger RNA) - Chromatin condenses into chromosomes
- mRNA contains codons - Centrioles move to opposite ends
- Nucleolus, nuclear envelope disappears
Codons: set of 3 nucleotide bases that code for a
particular amino acid
- synthesis of proteins based on the
information in mRNA
- occurs at ribosomes
- the mRNA molecules produced by
transcription pass through the nuclear pores
to the ribosomes
- during translation, a ribosome binds to an
Cell Division Metaphase
- formation of 2 daughter cells from a single - Chromosomes align
parent cell
- uses mitosis and meiosis
- each cell (except sperm and egg) contains 46
chromosomes (diploid)
- sperm and egg contain 23 chromosomes

Stages in Mitosis
 Interphase
 Prophase - Chromatids separate to form 2 sets of
 Metaphase
- Chromosomes move towards centrioles
 Anaphase
 Telophase
- Time between cell divisions
- DNA is in strands (chromatin)
- DNA replication occurs


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- Chromosomes disperse
- Nuclear envelopes and nucleoli form
- Cytoplasm divides to form 2 cells

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