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The four stages of the employment interview.

Alan Sinaí Castro Meraz – a219204564695.

Stage 1.

The stage one starts when the interviewer meet the candidate, the objective of that
meeting its to verify if the candidate is fully correct to work in the position he wants
to work, that’s what I think about that. The interviewer must fully evaluate the
candidate from the quality and competence points to see if he is reliable, but here
the first impression greatly influences since from there you can see how reliable
the person is. During this stage, everything should be observed, from the
appearance even to the initial handshake so that afterwards the interview begins
where at the end a decision will be made, but within that decision what is
mentioned above regarding appearance influences it is worth mentioning that
appearance is not related to job performance but it is an important aspect.
Appearances aside, touching on the subject of personality, extroverts are the ones
who generally present themselves well throughout interviews since they are
emotionally expressive, while introverts do not show much of their way of being as

Stage 2.

The second stage begins when the interviewer tries to make the candidate feel
comfortable, to adapt quickly so that the interviewer can proceed to touch on
different topics through comments inadvertent to the candidates. The interviewer
should try to postpone the interview during this stage until the end of the interview.
Within this stage the interviewer will be very observant since they are more
influenced by the way the candidates speak and by their fluency as well as the
personalities and actions that they exercise throughout the interview in the first
instance through the interview

Stage 3.

The third stage is the one that is considered the interview as such since the
selection decisions are defined here and the structure of the interview begins to be
developed where hypothetical situations are raised to see how the candidate
develops. These types of interviews are known as structured interviews which
ensure that the candidate is qualified based on the requirements of the job in which
he wants to perform, within these interviews it is advisable to show behavioral
questions and situations so that it results Helps interviewers to see interviewee's
impressions and actions.
Stage 4.

In this last stage, candidates are asked questions about the job as such, questions
and expectations about the company in which they may work. It is said that most
candidates ask questions about what their responsibilities will be, about what the
job will be like, which has some usefulness in revealing useful information about
both the job position and the candidate, these types of specific questions can
convey unique personal qualities that they can be a competitive advantage which
turns out to be beneficial for the company that is why the interviewers have to set a
tone of encouragement for the candidate at the end of the interview.

Personal opinion.

From my point of view I can say that the information on these four stages can be
quite useful for both the interviewer and the candidate due to the fact that they will
know how to perform and how to function within the interview and thus be able to
know how to act and what actions show throughout the interview in order to comply
with the standards that have been raised. Basically the candidate will be more
prepared to know what to do and not fall into the tests that the candidate puts on
him and in the same way to do things correctly and in the case of the interviewer it
can be said that he will be more prepared to know what to ask the candidate and
be able to put certain tests and mainly to know what points to verify, from the
behavior, actions and responses that it provides and performs.

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