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1. Quantitative techniques used to solve business problems are called.

a. Operation research

2. For analysing a problem decision-makers should normally study.

a. Its qualitative aspects and b. Its quantitative aspects

3. Decision science deals with

a. Real-world problems

4. A physical model is example of

a. A verbal model

5. Which model are used to allocate recourses to activities in such a way that some measure of
effectiveness (object function) is optimized
a. Allocation model

6. An assignment problem is considered as a particular case of a transportation problem because

a. The number of rows equals the number of columns.
b. All xii = 0 or 1
c. All rim conditions are 1
d. All of the above

7. An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines. Which can be drawn
through squares with zero opportunity cost be equal to the number of
a. Minimize total cost of assignment

8. A job assignment problem is unbalanced when.

a. The number of jobs is not the same as the number of workers

9. In case a worker cannot be assigned a particular jobs

a. The relevant cost item is replaced by M a very large number.
10. Balancing of an unbalanced assignment problem may involve.
a. The introduction of a dummy row or a dummy column

11. In case multiple zero are obtained in all rows and columns
a. The problem has multiple solutions

12. A maximizing assignment problem can be converted to an equivalent minimization problem by

a. Subtracting all element in the matrix from the highest element in the matrix

13. A closed path has the following characteristics except

a. The path may skip over occupied cells

14. A degeneracy may occur when

a. The number of occupied cells is less than m + n -1

15. If supply exceeds demand we should

a. Add a dummy destinations which has a demand equal to the difference between supply and
demand. Transportation costs from all source to the dummy destination are zero

16. In vogel’s approximation method we calculate

a. The opportunity cost of not using the best option but using the next best option for a source
row or a destinations columns.

17. The vogel’s approximation method given

a. A basic feasible solution which must be tested for optimality

18. Which of the following transportation techniques does not emphasize on cost control
a. North-West corner method

19. Which applying the NW corner rules for obtaining an initial solution
a. None of the above

20. If certain routes are not available for transportation

a. Assign a very high cost for movements along these routes

21. The transportation model

a. Deals with minimization of transportation cost

22. The dummy source or destinations in a transportation problem is added to

a. Satisfy rim conditions

23. The method used for solving an assignment problem is called

a. Hungarian method

24. Balancing of an unbalanced assignment problem may involve

a. The introduction of a dummy row or a dummy column

25. If the number of line =s covering all the zeroes all the zeroes is less than the number of rows the
least uncovered number is
a. Subtracted from all uncovered number and added to twice covered number

26. The purpose of a dummy row or column in an assignment problem is to

a. Obtain balance between total activities and total resources

1. In Markov analysis state probabilities must

a. Sum to one

2. In Markov analysis is a technique that deals with the probabilities of future occurrences by
a. Analyzing presently known probabilities

3. Markov analysis might be effectively used for

a. All of the above

4. In Markov analysis the likelihood that any system will change from one period to the next is
revealed by the
a. Matrix of transition probabilities
5. The condition that a system can be in only one state at any point in time is known as
a. Mutually exclusive condition

6. Markov analysis is useful for

a. All of the above

7. The purpose of simulation technique is to

a. All of the above

8. Which of the following is not the special purpose simulation language


9. Simulation is defined as
a. All of the above

10. The point (x, 3) satisfies the inequality -5x-2y < 13 find the smallest possible value of x
a. 3.8

11. How many points with integer co-ordinates lie in the feasible region defined by 3x+4y < a2, x > 0
and y > 1
a. 6

12. Find if possible the minimum value of the objective function 3x-4y subject to the constraints -
2x+y < 12, x-y < 2 0 and y > 0
a. No solution

13. Which can you say about the solution of the linear programming problem if the objective
function 3x-4y subject to the constraints -2x + y < 12, x – y < 2, x > 0 and y > 0 is to be maximized
instead of minimized
a. Unique solution at (2, 0)

14. Non-negativity condition is an important component of LP model because

a. Value of variables make sense and correspond to real-word problems
15. If a solution can be made infinitely large or small without violating any constraints the liners
programming problem has an
a. Unbounded solution

16. Graphical method can be applied for solving those problems which contain
a. A maximum of three decision variables

17. Multiple solutions occur when

a. The line representing one of the constraints coincides with the iso-profit line passing
through the extreme point of the feasible solutions space

18. Mathematical model of LP problem is important because

a. It helps in converting the description and numerical data into mathematical expression

19. Linear programming is a

a. All of the above

20. A constraint in an LP model restricts

a. All of the above

21. The distinguishing feature of an LP model is

a. Relationship among all variables is linear

22. Each constraint in an LP model is expressed as an

a. None of the above

23. In a linear programming model all constraints are written as

a. All of the above

24. A Linear programming problem

a. Is descriptive in nature
25. In the graphical model of linear programming the region defined by the constraints and the non-
negative restriction is the
a. Non-negativity restrictions

26. Identify the term that describes the solutions which satisfy all the restrictions of a linear
programming problem
a. Feasible solution

27. The graphical method of LP problem uses

a. All of the above

28. A feasible solution to an LP problem’

a. Need not satisfy all of the constrainsts only some of them

1. A type of decision-making environment is

a. All of the above

2. Decision theory is concerned with

a. All of the above

3. Which of the following criteria is not used for decision-making under uncertainty
a. Minimize the expected loss

4. Which of the following criteria is not applicable to decision-making under risk

a. Knowledge of likelihood occurrence of each state of nature

5. In decision-making under uncertainty a decision-maker

a. Has insufficient information to assign a probability

6. In decision-making when a problem has a large number of possible actions one would normally
a. Marginal analysis
7. The pleasure or displeasure one drives from a pay-off is subjected to characteristics of a
decision-maker and termed as
a. Utility

8. The expected value of perfect information (EVPI) is

a. Equal to expected regret of the optimal decision under risk

9. The value of the coefficient of optimism (a) is needed while using the criterion of
a. Realism

10. The decision-maker’s knowledge and experience may influence the decision-making process
when using the criterion of
a. Realism

11. The game theory has the following drawbacks except

a. A situation where one decision-maker is in competition with another is unlikely to arise in
real life

12. Two-person zero-sum game means that the

a. Sum of losses to one player equals the sum of gains to other and b. Sum of losses to one
player is not equal to the sum of gains to other

13. Game theory models are classified by the

a. All of the above

14. A game is said to be fair if

a. Both upper and lower values of the game are same and zero

15. What happens when maximin and minimax values of the game are same
a. Saddle point exists

16. A mixed strategy game can be solved by

a. All of the above
17. The size of the payoff matrix of a game can be reduced by using the principle of
a. Dominance

18. Games which involve more than two players are called
a. N-person game

19. When the sum of gains of one player is equal to the sum of losses to another player in a game
this situation is known as
a. Zero-sum game

20. When no saddle point is found in a payoff matrix of a game the value of the game is then found
a. Knowing joint probabilities of each row and column combination to calculate expected
payoff for the combination and adding all such values.
b. Reducing size of the game to apply algebraic method

21. While creating a pay-off table

a. The pay-offs are expressed as gains of the row player

22. Game theory deals with decision-making

a. Under conditions of competition

23. While using mixed strategies

a. They must use the available strategies according to proportions given by the solution and
should ensure security and secrecy of their strategy

24. A row strategy A is dominated by row strategy B

a. When all values of row B are greater than all corresponding values of row A

25. A saddle point is

a. It is the minimum value in the row and the maximum value of the column in which it lies

26. Linear programming method should be used to determine value of the game when size of payoff
matrix is Answer(3 * 4)
27. Which of the following is not an assumption of the M/M/1 queuing model
a. The calling population is finite

28. For an M/M/1 queuing model which of the following is true

a. Ls is always greater than La

29. Customer behavior in which be moves from one queue to another in a multiple channel
situation is
a. Jockeying

30. Which of the following characteristics apply to queuing system

a. Customer population and b. Arrival process

31. Which of the following is not a key operating characteristic for a queuing system
a. None of the above

32. Priority queue discipline may be classified as

a. Pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive

33. Which of the following relationships is not true

a. Ls = Lq+1/a

34. Which of the cost estimates and performance measures are not used for economic analysis of a
queuing system
a. Average waiting time of customers in the system

35. A calling population is considered to be infinite when

a. Arrivals are independent of each other

36. The cost of providing service in a queuing system decrease with

a. None of the above
37. In a queue if the arrivals follow the poisson distribution then the inter-arrival time will follow
a. Normal

38. Which of the following is not a characteristic of queuing analysis

a. It helps in maximizing the number of service workstations required

39. The phenomenon in which customers join a line but leave after some time because they are too
impatient to wait for their turn is called
a. Renege

40. The costs involved in a queuing system include the following except
a. The ordering costs

41. Utilization factor is

a. Arrival rate divided by service rate

42. In a single channel multi-server queuing system

a. There are different points where different types of service are provided and a customer has
to go through all these points.

1. Which of the following statements is true for PERT network

a. Each activity requires a three time estimate

2. The objective of network analysis is to

a. Minimize total project duration

3. Arcs in a project network indicate

a. Activities

4. The critical path

a. Is the longest path
5. Activities with zero slack
a. Have no predecessors

6. Which of the following is always true about a critical activity

a. ES = LS

7. Network models have advantage in terms of project

a. All of the above

8. The stack for an activity is equal to

a. LS – ES

9. The another term commonly used for activity slack

a. All of the above

10. Generally PERT technique deals with the project of

a. None of the above

11. If an activity has zero slack it implies that

a. It lies on the critical path

12. A dummy activity is used in the network diagram when

a. Two parallel activities have the same tail and head events.
b. The chain of activities may have a common event yet be independent by themselves

13. While drawing the network diagram for each activity project we should look
a. What activities precede this activity

14. In PERT network each activity time assume a Beta distribution because
a. It is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainty of time
estimates of activates
15. Amount of time by which an activity can be delayed beyond its earliest start time without
delaying the project is called
a. Ei = Li and Ej = Lj

16. Float or slack analysis is useful for

a. Project behind the schedule only

17. The activity which can be delayed without affecting the execution of the immediate succeeding
activity is determined by
a. Tree float

18. In time-cost-trade-off function analysis

a. Cost decreases linearly as time increases

19. Amount of time by which an activity can be delayed beyond its earliest start time without
delaying the project is called
a. Slack time

20. In crashing a CPM network

a. Only activities on the critical path should be considered for crashing

21. The use of interference float in an activity

a. Affects the availability of float for subsequent activities

22. Resource leveling attempts to

a. Smoothen out peaks and troughs in demand of resources

23. Critical path of the PERT chart is

a. Path which takes the longest time to complete the project

24. The latest time that the event can be delayed without delaying the completion of the entire
project in PERT chart is
a. Latest allowable time
25. PERT uses three time estimates because
a. The duration of activities is probabilistic

26. A network
a. Must be periodically updated and revised

27. The johnson’s rule can be applied to a n job 2 station situation

a. If all jobs follow the same order for processing on the machines

28. In applying Johnson’s rule

a. All of the above

29. If n jobs are to be processed on two stations in different sequence then

a. Jobs which have to move from one machine to the other are scheduled first on their
respective first machine

30. Managers make the jobs of an employee more interesting by enlarging his job
a. Horizontally

31. Assigning specific jobs to each work center for the planning period is called
a. Loading

32. Is the basis for job analysis job description and job specifications
a. Job design

33. Job enlargement does not have scope for

a. Full autonomy

34. A – G is processed on workstation 1 and then workstation 2. The time required at each
workstation for each job is given in the table below. Use Johnson’s rule to sequence these jobs.
According to Johnson’s rule the sequence should be
Jobs A B C D E F G
Workstation 1 9 8 7 6 1 2 4
Workstation 2 6 5 7 3 2 6 7
a. E-F-G-C-A-B-D

35. Investigates the job content the physical conditions in which the job is done and the
qualifications that are necessary to carry out job responsibilities
a. Job analysis

36. If n jobs are to be processed on m stations in the same order the problem can be converted to a
n job 2 stations and Johnson’s rule applied if
a. The minimum processing time on the first machine is lesser than the maximum processing
time on all machines except the last

37. Which of the following is a pre-require for empowerment of personnel

a. Job enrichment

38. Which of the following is not an application of gantt chart

a. Used to track the performance of shop floor workers

39. Today is day 20 for a job operation having 3 jobs in WIP. The due dates and scheduled time
remaining for each job are
Job Due Date Work Days Remaining
1 25 7
2 32 14
3 27 5
a. 1.4, 1.16, 0.714

40. Which of the following is not a job-sequencing rule

a. Longest slack time

41. While solving a 2 job n stations in random order problem graphically a horizontal line on the
graph indicates
a. Job represented on X axis is progressing while job represented on Y axis is waiting

1. The probability of an occurrence of an event is known as

a. Marginal probability
2. If the outcome of one event does not influence another event then the two events are
a. Independent

3. Probability can be expressed by

a. P

4. The events of tossing a coin are mutually exclusive because

a. On any one toss it is not possible to get a head and tail

5. The probability of the simultaneous occurrence of two events A and B given as

a. P(A B) = P(A). P(B / A)

6. What is the probability of a value chosen from a population is less than its median
a. 0.5

7. Symbolically a marginal probability is

a. None of these

8. Assuming that a box contains in all ten balls of which six are green and four are red what is the
probability of drawing a red ball
a. 0.4

9. What is the probability of getting an even number when a dice is tossed

a. 1

10. The probability of two tails

a. q * q = q2

11. It P(AB) = 0 then the two events A and B are said to be

a. None of these

12. Which of the following examples of random experiment are

a. All of these
13. Baye’s thesrem is useful in
a. Revising prior probability

14. What is the probability of drawing an ace from a bunch of playing cards
a. 1/10
b. 1/13
c. 1/52
d. None of these

15. The probability of getting head while tossing a coin three times is
a. 0.125

16. The standard deviation of a binomial distribution depends on

a. All the above

17. In the context of a binomial distribution if on an average 8 ships out of 10 arrive safely at ports
and 150 ships have returned safely the mean is
a. 120

18. In Binomial
a. Variance < or > Mean

19. Standard deviation can be expressed as

a. A=/-----npq

20. Which of the following conditions is not necessary for a distribution to be a binomial distribution
a. Number of observations are large i.e more than 30

21. A normal distribution curve

a. All the above

22. Using the normal area table find out the area between Z = 0.46 and Z = -1.0
a. Z = - 1.0 and Z = 0.46
23. Using the normal area table find the Z value when the area to the left of Z is 0.75550 –
a. Z = 0.69

24. Which of the following normal curves looks very similar to the curve for u = 12 and o = 4
a. Curve for u = 24 and o = 4

25. A binomial distribution may be approximated by a poisson distribution provide

a. None of these

26. A characteristic of probability distribution for any random variable is

a. No given probability occurs again
b. Each item in the series has a probability
c. The probability of all individual item must add up to 1
d. Both b) and c) but not a)

27. A binomial distribution can be symmetric provided

a. P = 0.5

28. The area covered by the normal curve within u + 3o limits is

a. 99.73 %

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