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Valuation and Negotiation of Technology

Step 1 Recognize the course

Linda Carol Dangond Bolaño

C.C 1102378969


Ingrid Tatiana Gómez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Vicerrectoría Académica y de


Bucaramanga, September 2020



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 3
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................. 4
General objective: ........................................................................................... 4
Specific objectives: .......................................................................................... 4
SKYPE GROUP PARTICIPATION: ................................................................ 6
ARTICLE REVIEW: “A HOTHOUSE FOR GENIUS” ................................... 7
CONCLUSIONS: ........................................................................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY: .......................................................................................... 11


In this Valuation and Negotiation of Technology course, the respective course tour
is carried out, we make the respective presentation, join the Skype group and in the
same way we interpret the text "A Hothouse for Genius"



 Recognize and join the course and appropriate text "A Hothouse for Genius".


 Take a tour of the course.

 Join Skype groups.
 Read and understand text "A Hothouse for Genius".

Visit the Course´s General forum at the Initial Environment and participate on the
Social Interaction Forum, sharing in English the following information:

Take a screenshot of your message on skype or of your participation in the skype group, to
be included in the final work

According to the previous article, the contents outlined in the syllabus of the course and
your own search on internet:

Using your own words, write a one-page (4 paragraphs of 100 to 200 words each one)
article review, including the cites and references in order to avoid plagiarism, explaining
your ideas in relation to:

How does the article demonstrate the importance of technology innovation to promote
development in Colombia?

Orlando Rincon, he is forty three years old , was born in Cali Colombia, a businessman,
ambitious in his projects and entrepreneur, tells us how his PARQUESOFT project is
unique and innovative, it has become a permanent stop for the tour of multinational
executives and representatives of institutions, but What is PARQUESOFT? Parquesoft is
the leading initiative in technology transfer, knowledge and creation; it is a network of
technology parks that hosts technology micro-companies and related services. It began
operations 14 years ago in Cali, Colombia and currently the ParqueSoft network operates in
14 cities in Colombia, bringing together more than 200 companies that integrate more than
1,000 people. In addition, many segments of the economy rely on Parquesoft as a brand, as
the incubator companies serve many businesses, including healthcare, education, heavy
industry, petrochemicals, scientific research, telecommunications and the government, is
the only one of revolution; Parquesoft does not carry out assembly work; created
intellectual property. It is a great savings. Among others, it focuses on making lower-priced
software. "There is no need for joint care procedures, as it is very specialized and there are
very few competitors", that is what makes it a unique and competitive innovative project.

According to Trujillo. In July there could be an agreement in hand, "We believe that this
project could generate between 850 million and 8,100 million through licenses," he says.
"This would make it the largest software export in Colombia", tells us how PARQUESOFT
is one of the most important undertakings in the country PARQUESOFT promotes
development in Colombia, allows young people with limited resources to participate in the
global economy, and tells us that it is typical of our country without the intention of making

a profit, but of generating ideas, employment and competitiveness In the world, innovation
contributes positively to growth and economic development, since it generates higher levels
of productivity, improves exports and foreign trade, favors the generation of employment
and the addressing of social and environmental challenges. Sustain rising income and
employment in the growing urban population, help foster agricultural diversification, and
boost sustainability environmental sustainability of growth. At the social level, innovation
makes it possible to extend new responses to social problems through new services that
improve the quality of life of individuals and communities, new jobs, new forms of
participation. Social innovation seeks to respond to the challenges of health, demography,
social exclusion and inequalities.

In Colombia there is from the economic plane, competition in the market is an aspect that is
at the base of innovation processes, competition encourages companies to be more effective
and to outperform others. Companies are forced to reinforce their innovation capacities if
they want to be successful in a more competitive environment. An innovative market is
what we need in our country that allows our country to be competitive, becoming a
developed country, since we have skills and thus many young people would not emigrate, if
they would not contribute more of their knowledge for the development of the country and
its growth, there are multiple political, economic and social factors that affect innovation
processes. In Colombia, effective public policies are need to generate more and better
innovation in the country: innovation based on the private sector, regional development
and, above all, derived from solid human capacities. The solution is not to copy and paste
successful innovation policies from other countries, but to generate our own policies
adjusted to reality and the Colombian context. However, this will only be possible when
our society understands and gives the necessary importance to innovation as a source of
economic and social development.

On the other hand, innovative business ideas and proposals are fundamental since they give
people ownership of their creations and serve as an incentive for the creation of new
entrepreneurship, but they also go hand in hand with perseverance and perseverance of to
achieve the objectives, being an entrepreneur is not easy at all, starting with an initiative is
not easy at all, believing, convincing people of the business idea, but it is a matter of

persevering and if we want to generate a competitive, innovative market in Colombia for

development , it is required to undertake and innovate a world labor market, which is
different, practical and that is at an average cost of the labor market, personally this article
is important for me because I consider myself an entrepreneur, and in my life project it is in
carry out a project that generated an impact on the labor market, and in advance generate
employment in the country, encourage young people to create innovative projects, generate
I employ Colombians, and create a unique market in Colombia. I am proud of my country
and I know that there are many opportunities to be market leaders, we have the capabilities
and we are competitive.


 With the attached text "A greenhouse for geniuses" we practice the English
 Parquesoft is the leading initiative in technology transfer, knowledge and creation; it
is a network of technology parks that hosts technology micro-companies and related
 Parquesoft It began operations 14 years ago in Cali, Colombia and currently the
ParqueSoft network operates in 14 cities in Colombia, bringing together more than
200 companies that integrate more than 1,000 people.


Velázquez, A. F. (2006). A Hothouse for Genius. Latin Trade (English)

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