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I. Match the following job descriptions with the business cards:

1. I buy all the things that the company needs.
2. I check the accountants’ work.
3. My job is to make sure that the company has a good
4. My job is to find and test new products.
5. I’m in charge of the people who sell our products.
6. I type letters, file papers and make appointments for
my boss.
7. I have general responsibility for the whole
8. I make sure we have the products which people
want to buy.
9. I look after the company’s money.
10. I do the books and prepare the balance sheets.
11. I’m the company’s people manager.
12. I make the products which the company sells.
13. I’m responsible for everything when the boss is away.
14. I’m the person with the most important position in the company.

a. John Sutton b. Linda Gabbiadini

Managing Director Human Resources Director
c. Dietrich Hoffmeister d. Alice Hernandez
Finance Director Chief Accountant
e. Li Wan f. Lena Johansson
Secretary Purchasing Manager
g. Francois Barbot h. Yuri Mankovich
Assistant General Manager Director of Research and
i. Jim Hicks j. Padrig Byrne
Production Manager Marketing Director
k. Santi Brunello l. Kate Hogg
Sales Director Public Relations Manager
m. Mark Greenfield n. Jean Picard
Chief Executive Officer Internal Auditor

II. Use the following words to complete the company organization chart:
a. market research; b. Chief Executive Officer; c. wages and salaries; d. purchasing; e. pensions; f.
Human Resources; g. marketing; h. design department; i. accounts; j. Chairman; k. litigation
department; i. Production.
Board of Directors
3 Finance 4 Sales and
Training 5 Plant management 6
7 Budget 8 Sales
Company 9 Research and 10
administration development
11 12 Transport and

III. Match the following concepts with their definitions. Then use them to fill in the following
gapped text, making all the necessary changes:

1. prospects a. protection from danger/ harm

2. hierarchy b. to give/ offer a stimulus to do something
3. motivators c. attitude of admiration; feeling of approval
and liking
4. status d. conditions and practices that serve to
promote or preserve health
5. fringe benefits e. factors bringing satisfaction
6. motivate f. the position of somebody in society/ how
important others think you are
7. self-actualization g. compensations to employees beyond the
regular payment for the work done
8. hygiene h. a system where ideas are arranged in a
formal structure
9. esteem i. chances
10. security j. self-development

In order to ensure that employees work efficiently, a manager must ……1.… his staff. The factors
influencing motivation have been presented as a …….2……. of needs by Maslow. The first group are
physiological needs such as food, water, air and sleep. Before these needs have been satisfied, people will
not think of other needs. The second place is held by ……..3…...needs, such as being safe, being free
from danger, pain, unemployment and having a shelter where to stay. When these needs are satisfied,
people will have social needs which include the feeling of belonging to a group as well as being accepted
and liked by the others. The next type of needs are called …….4…...needs, that is self-respect, the esteem
of others, the desire to have power and ……5……. . The highest level in the hierarchy of needs is held by
…….6…… needs, i.e. the desire to develop, to maximize one’s potential, to achieve one’s goals.
Another theory of motivation is that worked out by Herzberg. He has a two-factor theory. ……
7…….. include challenging work, career …..8….., responsibility and recognition, promotion. The second
group of factors, …….9…… factors, refer to conditions of work such as salary and ……10……,
relationships with colleagues, job security, status. The latter group does not give increased satisfaction.
However, the absence of such factors is likely to lead to dissatisfaction.

IV. Combine one word from the box on the left with one word from the box on the right so as to
obtain word partnerships related to organisational behaviour. Then, complete the sentences below.

1. human a. satisfaction
2. incentive b. burnout
3. change c. record
4. appraisal d. management
5. motivation e. theory
6. job f. scheme
7. leadership g. resources
8. executive h. qualities
9. sickness i. interview
10. selection j. procedure

1. These days people talk about ………….rather than personnel.

2. Stress and overload are both common causes of …………… .
3. Rates of pay, recognition and opportunities for personal growth contribute to overall
………………. .
4. Demotivated employees tend to have a fairly poor ……………….and are prone to absenteeism.
5. An………………….is one way of monitoring employee performance and personal development.
6. …………………..include health insurance, a company car and contributory pension plan.
7. To get into Harvard Business School you have to go through a rigorous ……… .
8. Essential …………..include decisiveness and the ability to get the most out of employees.
9. According to one……………….., giving people more autonomy is better than a higher salary.
10. In a global market in which nothing stays the same, …………….has a crucial role to play.

V. Fill in the gaps with the right phrase from the ones given below:

bank holiday character reference clocking-in job description made redundant

maternity leave middle management minimum wage part-time short list
white collar backroom staff glass ceiling golden handshake in-service
girl Friday labour force sick pay staff turnover tied cottage

1. ……………. workers work in the office.

2. ……………. time is when employees should arrive at work.
3. ……………. is people who are below those who are in control of
the company as a whole.
4. ……………. is a period in which a woman is absent from work in
the weeks before and after she gives birth.
5. The ……………… is the supply of people in a particular country
or area who are able and willing to work.
6. If you work…………….., you work for only some of the day or
the week.
7. A……………………….. is the smallest amount of money that an employer is allowed to pay to
8. A…………………… is an official holiday when most businesses are closed for a day.
9. A……………………. is a written statement of a person's good qualities,written by someone
who knows the person well, which is sent to a future employer.
10. A……………………. is a list of the responsibilities which you have to perform in your work.
11. A…………………… is a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job.
12. …………………….. training takes place during your time at work.
13. …………………… is the amount of employees joining and leaving the company within a period
of time.
14. …………………… is money given by an employer to someone who cannot work because of
15. ………………….. are people in an organisation whose work is not seen by the public.
16. A………………….. is an amount of money paid to senior managers when they leave the
17. A…………………… is a point beyond which you cannot improve your position at work.
18. A…………………… is a house owned by your employer that you can live in for as long as you
are employed.
19. If someone has been ………………..he has lost his job.
20. A …………………..is a type of secretary or general helper in an office, willing to do different
types of work.

VI. Translate into English:

1. Am trimis o cerere pentru acest post acum 15 zile, dar încă nu am primit niciun răspuns.
2. Muncitorii din producţie au primit o mărire de salariu de 8%.
3. De când se face selecţia candidaţilor pe calculator?
4. Acest program de calculator a fost special conceput pentru a satisface necesităţile serviciului
nostru de contabilitate.
5. Am studiat dreptul timp de trei ani iar în prezent mă pregătesc pentru a obţine o diplomă de licenţă
în conducerea întreprinderii.
6. Noul director al oficiului de calcul a concediat luna aceasta mai mult personal decât predecesorul
său în cinci ani.
7. Anul acesta firma noastră a instalat un sistem de supraveghere computerizat, ceea ce a provocat
luna trecută declanşarea unei greve în rândul muncitorilor.
8. Aţi fost vreodată să vedeţi sucursalele noastre din provincie?
9. Stephen şi-a terminat perioada de probă, dar mai are încă dreptul la un concediu de studii de 18
zile pe an.
10. Firma lui a dat faliment şi el nu şi-a găsit un alt post de contabil.

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