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Projected Business Budget

XYZ Consulting and Other Services Company


REVENUE January February March

Hardware 19,443,321.00 19,495,762.00 18,631,254.00
Support 1,765,475.00 1,531,204.00 1,530,501.00
Consulting 3,035,455.00 2,549,332.00 2,559,327.00
Training 1,861,752.00 1,549,059.00 1,548,234.00
Miscellaneous Revenue 2,866,018.00 2,186,076.00 2,185,356.00
Consulting Other 2,952.00 5,200.00 4,017.00
Lease Rent Revenue 10,555.00 4,555.00 4,555.00

TOTAL REVENUE 28,985,528.00 27,321,188.00 26,463,244.00

Contractor Burden 1,410.00 1,336.00 1,292.00
Cost of Sales 12,768,316.00 14,648,227.00 13,339,225.00
Purchase Price Variance - 919,480.00 - 920,515.00 - 1,316,099.00
Salaries 3,609,017.00 3,377,532.00 3,027,821.00
Resource Absorption - - -

Total Cost of Sales and Services 15,459,263.00 17,106,580.00 15,052,239.00

Gross Margin 13,526,265.00 10,214,608.00 11,411,005.00

Total Employee Expenses 1,866,449.00 1,637,239.00 1,411,309.00
Multiple Accounts 4,099,486.00 3,918,366.00 4,392,733.00
Total Depreciation & Amortization 449,996.00 462,331.00 438,508.00

TOTAL EXPENSES 6,415,931.00 6,017,936.00 6,242,550.00

EARNINGS 7,110,334.00 4,196,672.00 5,168,455.00

TOTAL Sales and Summary Report

REVENUE Services
March 26463244.00 15052239.00

Drop down list of

ces Company

April May June July August

17,382,137.00 17,560,263.00 23,899,636.00 22,899,636.00 22,089,630.00
1,546,079.00 1,503,943.00 1,561,564.00 1,761,560.00 1,562,500.00
2,569,544.00 2,498,904.00 2,595,967.00 2,593,967.00 2,595,967.00
1,564,259.00 1,521,593.00 1,579,743.00 1,479,743.00 1,579,743.00
2,209,755.00 2,149,663.00 2,230,388.00 3,230,388.00 2,230,388.00
5,241.00 2,952.00 8,100.00 5,000.00 4,101.00
10,555.00 - - 7,500.00 -

25,287,570.00 25,237,318.00 31,875,398.00 31,977,794.00 30,062,329.00

1,325.00 1,310.00 1,336.00 3,670.00 1,336.00

12,972,393.00 13,190,942.00 17,940,519.00 16,940,600.00 17,940,519.00
- 524,932.00 - 920,515.00 - 696,887.00 - 696,887.00 - 700,000.00
2,955,259.00 3,226,835.00 3,127,366.00 3,227,396.00 3,127,366.00
- - - - -

15,404,045.00 15,498,572.00 20,372,334.00 19,474,779.00 20,369,221.00

9,883,525.00 9,738,746.00 11,503,064.00 12,503,015.00 9,693,108.00

1,578,793.00 1,634,406.00 1,533,100.00 1,657,000.00 1,550,000.00

4,535,255.00 4,420,854.00 5,117,339.00 4,200,000.00 4,417,300.00
438,359.00 1,789,028.00 765,790.00 650,000.00 709,162.00

6,552,407.00 7,844,288.00 7,416,229.00 6,507,000.00 6,676,462.00

3,331,118.00 1,894,458.00 4,086,835.00 5,996,015.00 3,016,646.00

Summary Report TOTAL

11411005 6242550.00 5168455.00
September October November December
25,899,700.00 20,899,636.00 21,899,636.00 25,899,900.00
1,661,750.00 1,561,564.00 1,561,564.00 1,769,674.00
4,595,900.00 2,595,967.00 2,595,967.00 2,960,000.00
1,650,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,809,743.00 1,779,743.00
3,279,000.00 2,230,388.00 2,230,388.00 3,500,000.00
6,500.00 4,101.00 4,101.00 6,000.00
- 4,555.00 - 9,000.00

37,092,850.00 28,896,211.00 30,101,399.00 35,924,317.00

5,000.00 1,336.00 1,336.00 2,330.00

18,940,519.00 17,940,519.00 17,940,519.00 17,940,519.00
- 896,887.00 - 796,887.00 - 696,887.00 - 696,887.00
5,000,000.00 3,127,366.00 3,127,000.00 4,127,366.00
- - - -

23,048,632.00 20,272,334.00 20,371,968.00 21,373,328.00

14,044,218.00 8,623,877.00 9,729,431.00 14,550,989.00

2,000,000.00 1,533,100.00 1,533,100.00 1,533,100.00

4,117,339.00 4,117,339.00 4,117,339.00 4,117,339.00
650,000.00 709,162.00 709,162.00 709,162.00

6,767,339.00 6,359,601.00 6,359,601.00 6,359,601.00

7,276,879.00 2,264,276.00 3,369,830.00 8,191,388.00

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