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31/07/2020 How to Seed the Composite Triangulation Model - OpenRoads | OpenSite Wiki - OpenRoads | OpenSite - Bentley Communities

How to Seed the Composite

Triangulation Model

Applies To

Product(s): Bentley MXROAD

Version(s): N/A

Environment: N/A

Area: Analysis

Subarea: Trinagulation

Original Author: Jason Walsh, Bentley Technical Support Group


How to Create a Composite Triangulation
How to exclude an area of a model from a
tringualtion analysis
Tailoring Triangulation

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Steps to Accomplish
Setting up the Automatic Seeding
Seeding is the process of adding groups to a triangulation model i.e. Road, Shoulder, Grass etc. This
process allows for the creation of rendered images and videos once the triangulation has been
associated with the relevant style and feature set.

Display both the COMPOSITE MODEL and the COMPOSITE TRIANGULATION (How to Create a
Composite Triangulation Model) as this will let you determine to determine the locations for the
different groups.

Load the Automatic Seeding tool Analysis>Triangle menu>Automatic Seeding. Select your
COMPOSITE TRIANGULATION as the Triangulation Model and your COMPOSITE MODEL as the
Model Name.


How to Create a Composite Triangulation
How to exclude an area of a model from a
tringualtion analysis
Tailoring Triangulation

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When you hit Next a Warning will show to assign the default style set, Select OK.

This will apply a default group to the triangulation.

Seeding the Composite Triangulation Model

The Define Triangulation Groups dialog box will appear, this is the tools that assigns the groups to
the different Areas of the trinagautlion model. The seeding functions of the tool are detailed below.


How to Create a Composite Triangulation
How to exclude an area of a model from a
tringualtion analysis
Tailoring Triangulation

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Eyedropper Tool

This tool changes the current group code to that of a triangle you select.

At any time when using a different tool, you can press the CTRL key and select a triangle to change
the current group code.

Feature Select

This tool assigns all triangles between the feature types which lie either side of the triangle you
select to the current group code. It is particularly useful for seeding parallel features such as
carriageway edges and shoulders. Note that all triangles lying between strings of the same feature
type are seeded, no matter where they are in the model.

It is recommended that you use this tool first and then make any corrections using the other tools.

If you have assigned triangles using any of the other methods, they are not overwritten using
Feature Select.
Use Highlight to highlight the triangles before they are seeded.

Crossing Select

How to Create a Composite Triangulation
This tool draws a line across several triangles and assigns all triangles
model. that the line crosses to the
current group code. How to exclude an area of a model from a
tringualtion analysis
Tailoring Triangulation

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This tool assigns individual triangles you click to the current group code. You can also drag the
cursor to select multiple triangles.


This tool assigns triangles to the current group code using traditional seeding. It is less selective than
the other tools, but is useful for seeding large areas at a time which you can then tidy up using the
other tools. If the triangles have already been assigned, only triangles with the same group code as
the triangle you select are seeded, so the tool is also useful for changing the group code of adjacent

Fill to String

This tool also assigns triangles to the current group code using traditional seeding, but stops at a
string link. It is particularly useful for seeding closed shapes such as buildings.

Use the slider underneath the palette to adjust the size of the link tolerance; a low value means that
the seed can easily escape into the surrounding area whereas a high value means that the seed is
easily blocked.

Undo and Redo

Use these tools at any time to undo and redo the seeding. There is no limit to the number of undos
you can perform and you can undo assignments made in a previous session. You can also use
CTRL Z (Undo) and CTRL Y (Redo)

The main seeding groups are

FOOT - Foot path

GRAS - Grass
KERB - Kerbs
RIVR - River
ROAD - Road
SHDR - Shoulder
WALL - Wall
WATR - Lake/Pond

Viewing the Seeded Composite Triangulation

Related with Materials.

How to Create a Composite Triangulation
Change the feature and style set of the COMPOSITE TRIANGULATION model to MFW Grouped
How to exclude an area of a model from a
Triangles with materials. This associates materials with the various seeding groups assigned to the
tringualtion analysis
triangulation. Tailoring Triangulation

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To display a basic render of the seeded triangulation select a new view from the View Toggles (View
2) and use the Rotate View button to give a 3D view of the triangulation model.From the view display
dropdown select Smooth with Shadows.

See Also
MX TechNotes And FAQs

How to Create a Composite Triangulation Model

How to Create a Fly Through

 Triangulation  how to  Bentley MXROAD  SELECTsupport  Seeding

Created by Jason Walsh

When: Fri, Sep 20 2013 10:19 AM

Last revision by Jason Walsh

When: Fri, Sep 20 2013 10:41 AM 
Revisions: 3 How to Create a Composite Triangulation
Comments: 0 model.
How to exclude an area of a model from a
tringualtion analysis
Tailoring Triangulation

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