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Strategic and development planning

- What is the difference between strategic planning and development


Strategic planning Development planning

-Long-term strategic planning generally -In schools, planning
covers an extended time scale of three to Long-term development usually refers to a
five years shorter time scale of approximately one year
-business plans or action plans -usually include performance objectives and
indicators and indicate the details of the
specific action.
- Strategic planning is a systematic process It is a technical tool for decision-making for
of developing and implementing plans to the teacher, because it is a product of the
achieve purposes or objectives. evaluation of the learning and development
of children, it is intended to facilitate the
organization of elements that guide the
educational process.

- Who participates in strategic planning?

There is an implicit hierarchy in consideration of long-term strategic planning

and short-term development planning and implementation. By For example, in
schools, the strategy can be seen as the province of senior management,
development planning as the participation of middle managers and master
operational activities. West-Burnham (1994b) argues that this is not necessarily
the case:

1. In schools, individuals can work at all three levels.

2. The process is dynamic, depending on the interaction between the levels.

3. A hierarchy of functions does not necessarily require a status hierarchy.

4. The project or working group can be an ideal way to solve problems and
generate policies

- What are the processes for development planning, according to Hargreaves

and Hopkins?

Audit: a school reviews its strengths and weaknesses.

• Construction: priorities for development are selected and then become specific

• Implementation: the planned priorities and objectives are implemented.

• Evaluation: the success of the implementation is checked

2 Design a development plan for a high school in which there are 3 different
situations to improve. From the list, choose a situation to design the
corresponding development plan, as proposed by Hargreaves and Hopkins.

Development plan

The increase in the use of ICT in the curriculum.

It aims to launch various innovative practices in the educational institution This
is intended that the school offers a quality service, committed to constant
improvement. In short, provide an education adjusted to the needs and interests
of the students.

All actions and activities that are intended to work, is based on the importance
of the use of new information and communication technologies in learning and
the essentials of experimentation and active participation. Idea that will be
developed throughout this development plan, due to the great importance that
new technologies have had and have, in the social and school environment in
recent years, since they are part of our lives and students grow in a process in
which they are influenced by them, having the opportunity to work with digital
instruments that allow easy access and application of strategies with fines to
improve education day by day.

Today's society moves, as never before, around technology, so it is highly

influenced by them, and there is a close relationship between society and
technology. (Trejos and Fallas 2013)

Education does not escape this reality, and is currently greatly influenced by
technological development, which has complemented and improved the
educational process of students, providing new learning tools, which if used
properly can be of great benefit. for teachers and students.

That is why teachers must be able to introduce educational technology into the
current system, which requires the necessary training and resources by
providing them with a view to educating them to train and lose the fear of
current technologies and see in these an ideal complement in your teaching

That is why innovative practices are essential to renovate the school and that it
can offer a more current service and according to the new needs and
challenges that young people face. The key factor to promote is a significant
learning, current, practical and linked to social interests for its subsequent
projection to reality. According to Jiménez Sánchez (2003) “in most of the
centers, new technologies are used to improve the internal management of the
centers and their connection with the educational administration. But where
there is still a long way to go is in the use of computer technology in the
classroom. ” With this project we try to give more prominence and foundation to
the ICT in the classrooms, to the benefits that it implies for the student and
teachers, a good use and application of them.
The general purposes of this development plan can be summarized in the
following statements:

- Strengthen student training processes with the fundamentals of active


- Generate innovative coexistence processes based on autonomy and


- Develop skills and abilities to live.

- Ensure learning environments in the educational community.


Contribute to the development of attitudes that enable the student to act

effectively with a view to building in the community fundamental strategies such
as renewable energy in the construction of a healthy and ecological

To guide the acquisition of cognitive skills and competences from technology,

guided by an efficient construction according to the guidelines of the MEN.

Promote the development of students in all its dimensions: corporal, instinctual,

affective, cognitive, transcendent, social and ecological.

Provide an academic training of excellence that adequately provides students

for higher education and their future working life.

objectives and purposes that are intended to be achieved thanks to the

application of techniques and strategies that lead to the improvement of the
problem in a determined time set by the directives of the school and applied in
the educational institution from the first years until the 11th grade.

Innovative practices are essential to renovate the school

and that it can offer a more current service and according
to the new needs and challenges that young people face.

Technology It is intended to create a bank where activities addressed

of the in depth and detail are developed, in this case different
information from those raised in the textbooks with which it is
and intended to work, this means that it is intended to modify
communica teachers must be able to introduce educational technology
tion into the current system, for which the necessary training
and resources are required by providing them with a view
to educating them to train and lose their fear of current
technologies and see in these an ideal complement in your
teaching process.

B Strengthen student training processes

with the fundamentals of active
Develop skills and abilities to live. AND
Ensure learning environments in the
V educational community.

Audit processes:

Directing an educational center in an effective way is not a simple task or

associated with improvisation, it requires a whole team of teachers and
managers involved in achieving a common goal and a coherent, viable, realistic
and flexible planning. This last term, flexible, refers to the need to be able to
introduce modifications in the development of the educational institution to
achieve an adequate adaptation to the context and reality of the students, in
short, it means having the capacity to innovate, because our society is
eminently technological , finding ourselves surrounded by new forms of
communication, easy access to information and new modes of socialization and
relationship. Therefore, educational institutions cannot be stagnant in the past,
they must include these novelties among their identity to cover the interests of
the students.

Given this situation, the educational institution and the entities in charge decide
to apply in a strategic plan designed, with a view to introducing students to the
topic of information and communication technologies, as a training process,
through the agreement and application of different methods and strategies that
lead to the achievement of a general objective and allow observing the process
of each student and the approval of the proposals, for this purpose in the
educational institution it is intended to work throughout the 4 school periods of
the year, through the area of informatics, different thematics, of analysis that
lead the student to daggle and transversalize the tics with the other areas of
knowledge, a process that will be evaluated at the end of the first period,
dialogue with the purpose of observing the advantages and disadvantages and
the Scope of the application with the proposals, for this an evaluation will be
carried out with different criteria (rubric) which will be diligence gives for the
academic and directive council.

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