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Good effects of video games

So many researchers working on finding the effects of video games on children's maturity. It is

broadly accepted that video games have many native impacts on children. There are also some

beneficial aspects of video games on children's development.

First of all video games help to learn working as a team. Nowadays video game players are

involved mostly in such games that allow players from various countries and they have to work

as a team. This will increase their ability to work as a team and solve the command accordingly.

It also increases the communication skills of the children at a very early age that is


Secondly, video games are playing a vital role in understanding the eye-hand combination. The

players can be able to understand how their limbs affect the space and visual references around

them. This eye-hand coordination is so much essential in real life in terms of household or

outside work. It is said that video games make children lazy; however, this hand-eye

coordination helps them in almost all type of work.

Lastly, most of the video game players have to make decisions in very short time when there on

the game. This will help them to take split-second decisions in real life situations. Moreover, the

video game players spend so many time to get the accuracy of their decisions, which is world

doctors and soldiers are advised to play video games to have quick decision-making skills. Video

games play an important role in children's development. Children are blessed to have various

kinds of gadgets in this digital era. In spite of having some black portions, video games are

helping children to learn and working together, understanding the hand-eye coordination and

making quick decisions.

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