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Original Investigation

A Modified Septal Extension Graft for the Asian Nasal Tip

Jinde Lin, MD; Xiaoping Chen, MD; Xin Wang, MD; Xia Gao, MD; Xiangyu Zheng, MD;
Xin Chen, MD; Yugang Yuan, MD

IMPORTANCE Septal extension graft is an effective procedure in tip plasty because it can
provide stable structural support for the nasal tip. However, in Asian patients septal cartilage
is much weaker, thinner, and smaller than that of white people, causing the existing caudal
septal cartilage and the septal extension graft to deviate to the opposite side of graft

OBJECTIVE To introduce an effective and reliable modified septal extension graft in tip plasty.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Observational study of a total of 143 patients (84
undergoing primary rhinoplasty and 59 undergoing secondary rhinoplasty).

INTERVENTION A modified septal extension graft technique in combination with other

procedures, including tip graft and implant augmentation.

MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURE Subjective evaluation based on photographic analysis.

RESULTS This procedure was applied in 143 Asian patients, with substantial improvement
seen in the nasal tip of all patients except for 3 (1 for the overprojected nasal tip and 2 for
bending of existing caudal septum). Other complications included infection in 1 patient and
implant deviation in 1 patient; the implant and grafts were removed 10 days after surgery in
the patient with infection. The other patient underwent revision 3 months after surgery for
the deviated implant.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This technique is an effective method to provide long-term,

stable nasal tip support. It helps to set the existing caudal septum and the septal extension Author Affiliation: Nanjing
grafts exactly at the anterior midline and decrease the deviation of the nasal tip. Friendship Plastic Surgery Hospital,
Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing,
Corresponding Author: Jinde Lin,
MD, Nanjing Friendship Plastic
JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2013;15(5):362-368. doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2013.1285 Surgery Hospital, Nanjing Medical
Published online July 25, 2013. University, 146 Hanzhong Rd,
Nanjing, China (hzljd@sohu.com).

ontrolling and reshaping the nasal tip are important lage, the most common septal extension graft is the unilat-
parts of rhinoplasty procedures. Byrd et al1 first re- eral graft and some types of bilateral grafts. In the unilateral
ported that the septal extension graft could control the septal extension graft, the graft is placed on one side of the L-
projection, shape, and rotation of the nasal tip. There are 3 ba- shaped existing septal cartilage.17 This procedure is apt to cause
sic types of septal extension grafts: spreader, batten, and di- the nasal tip to deviate to the extension graft placement side
rect caudal. In addition, many modified techniques for septal in patients with thick and strong septal cartilage because the
extension graft are described in rhinoplasty, including unilat- septal extension graft is not placed at the anterior midline. On
eral or bilateral septal extension graft and symmetrical or asym- the contrary, in some patients with very thin and weak septal
metrical septal extension graft.2-11 The grafts used for the sep- cartilage, the septal extension graft and existing caudal sep-
tal extension procedure are septal cartilage, 1-11 conchal tal cartilage will deviate to the opposite side of the septal ex-
cartilage, 1 2 homologous costal cartilage, 1 3 alloplastic tension graft. Therefore, the nasal tip will deviate in the uni-
materials,14,15 and bone.16 lateral septal extension graft technique, and when the patients
In Asian patients, the most common donor site for septal undergo concurrent implant augmentation, this technique may
extension graft is the septum; however, septal cartilage is much sometimes cause implant deviation. Bilateral spreader grafts
weaker, thinner, and smaller in Asian people than in white may be the most stable septal extension grafts, but they need
people.2,16 Because of the limitation of useful septal carti- much more cartilage and can only be used in the few patients

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Septal Extension Graft for Asians Original Investigation Research

Figure 1. Triangle Septal Extension and Stripped Grafts


Dorsal septum
L-Shaped existing septum
existing septum
Upper lateral
Stripped septal
x x extension graft
x x Triangle septal
Triangle septal x x
x extension graft
extension graft x x
x x
Triangle septal
extension graft Stripped septal
extension graft

A, The triangle septal extension graft was placed on one side of the L-shaped the dorsal septum and upper lateral cartilages. The cephalic ends of both grafts
existing septum. B, The stripped graft was placed on the other side of the must be fixed with the dorsal septum and upper lateral cartilages together to
L-shaped existing septum. Both grafts have almost the same dorsal length and stabilize both grafts and the L-shaped existing septal cartilage.
dorsal border. C, Cephalic ends of both grafts were near the middle junction of

who have large septal cartilage. Bilateral direct caudal grafts septal extension grafts should be recommended to render
or batten grafts are the less stable grafts, especially in pa- adequate support to the nasal tip. Unilateral or bilateral bat-
tients with weak and thin septal cartilage. To solve these prob- ten grafts or direct caudal grafts are less stable grafts and
lems in tip plasty, we introduce an effective and reliable modi- may not provide adequate and long-term stable strength for
fied septal extension graft, which is different from all other the nasal tip.
techniques previously described. Our technique is an asymmetrical bilateral septal exten-
sion grafts. The big triangle graft is placed on one side of the
L-shaped existing septum and extended beyond the dorsal and
caudal aspects of the septum and the anterior septal angle,
Methods which renders main and adequate support to the nasal tip
Patients (Figure 1A).The small one is a stripped graft, which is approxi-
A total of 143 patients underwent this modified septal exten- mately 4 to 5 mm in width and has the same length as the dor-
sion graft (primary rhinoplasty in 84 patients and secondary sal border of the triangle septal graft. It is designed like a con-
rhinoplasty in 59 patients). The study included 135 women and ventional spreader graft but is shorter. It is placed on the other
8 men. The patients ranged in age from 19 to 35 years (mean, side of the L-shaped existing septum to compensate for the bulk
26.2 years). The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 36 months of the triangle septal extension graft. It helps to consolidate
(mean, 26.4 months). the triangle septal extension graft and existing caudal sep-
tum (Figure 1B). Cephalic ends of both grafts are near the
Anatomy in Asian Noses middle junction of the dorsal septum and upper lateral carti-
Nasal anatomy in Asian patients is different from that in white lages, where the vault is much narrower than that at the key-
patients. The weaker alar cartilages render their tips structur- stone area. Cephalic ends of both grafts must be fixed with the
ally inadequate, and the nasal tip depends more on ligamen- dorsal septum and upper lateral cartilages together to stabi-
tous and soft tissue support than alar cartilage.2 Actually, the lize the grafts and existing caudal septal cartilage. Both grafts
septum is more important in Asian nasal tip support. A large have almost the same dorsal lengths and borders. This proce-
thick septum can render adequate support to the nasal tip2; dure helps to set the existing caudal septal cartilage and sep-
however, in Asian noses, the septum is weaker, thinner, and tal extension grafts exactly at the anterior midline and avoid
smaller; the dorsal and caudal borders of the septum are of- the existing septal cartilage and septal extension graft devia-
ten retracted; the anterior septal angle is overobtuse; and the tion (Figure 1C).
septum cannot provide sufficient support to the nasal tip.
Technique and Design Used in 128 of 143 patients, the implant was silicone in 42 pa-
Our technique is designed based on the anatomy of the tients and expanded polytef (polytetrafluoroethylene) in 86
Asian nose, which has limited useful septal cartilage. Two patients. The implant was shaped according to the patient’s
factors must be considered for septal extension graft in the specifications and intraoperative designing.
Asian nose. First, the septal cartilage and alar cartilages are
smaller and weaker, the anterior septal angle is overobtuse, Anesthesia
and the dorsal and caudal aspects of the septum and the All patients were underwent tracheal intubation anesthesia and
anterior septal angle need to be extended. Second, the septal local anesthesia. Local anesthesia consisted of lidocaine with
cartilage is weaker, thinner, and smaller; therefore, bilateral epinephrine hydrochloride (1:100 000), 2%. Both infraorbital

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Research Original Investigation Septal Extension Graft for Asians

Figure 2. Septal Cartilage Graft



A and B, The septal cartilage was cut

into 2 pieces of cartilage that were
used for septal extension grafts.
C and D, The septal cartilage was cut
into 3 pieces of cartilage, and 2 pieces
of cartilages were used for septal
extension graft and 1 piece for the tip
graft. The septal cartilage was smaller
and was used as a triangle septal
extension graft. E, Two pieces of
conchal cartilage were harvested:
1 for stripped septal extension graft
and 1 for the tip graft.

nerves were blocked using local anesthesia, and the muco- support the lower nose. If the septal cartilage collected was
perichondrium of the septum was infiltrated. smaller, the auricular conchal cartilage was also harvested ac-
cording to the method described by Han et al.18
Surgical Technique After septal cartilage was collected, the medial and inter-
Transcolumellar incision was preferred in all patients. Five min- mediate crura of the lower lateral cartilage were freed with-
utes after local anesthesia, a transcolumellar incision across out damaging the mucosa. The collected septal cartilage was
the narrowest portion of the columella was made, and the in- trimmed into 2 pieces of cartilage, both of which were used for
cision was connected to the marginal incisions. Then the colu- the septal extension graft (Figure 2, A and B). Sometimes, if
mellar flap was created along the plane overlying the lower lat- the septal cartilage harvested was big enough, it was trimmed
eral cartilages. Once the columella flap was elevated, the medial into 3 pieces of cartilage; 2 pieces of cartilage were used for the
and intermediate crura and the caudal aspect of the nasal sep- septal extension graft and 1 for the tip graft (Figure 2, C and
tum were exposed. The dorsal pocket underlying the nasal dor- D). If the septal cartilage harvested was smaller, it was just used
sal fascia was made for the placement of the implant. In some for the triangle septal extension graft. Therefore, the auricu-
patients with tight skin and short nose, the whole nasal skin lar conchal cartilage was harvested and cut into 2 pieces of car-
was elevated to help the skin flap move caudally. Before dis- tilage: 1 for the stripped graft and 1 for the tip graft (Figure 2,
secting the septum mucosa, local anesthetic agent was in- E). The method to fix the stripped graft (from auricular carti-
jected between the medial crura and both sides of the sep- lage) and the triangle graft was the same as that to fix the
tum, making dissection easier. stripped graft (from septal cartilage) and the triangle graft.
When harvesting the septal cartilage, bilateral mucoperi- The stripped extension graft was 4 to 5 mm in width, which
chondrium of the septum was elevated to the junction be- is the same length as the dorsal border of the triangle exten-
tween the upper lateral cartilages and septum. The upper lat- sion graft (Figure 1). To increase the graft’s stability, both sep-
eral cartilages could be dissected from the dorsal margin of the tal extension grafts should be long enough to be fixed with the
nasal septum without damaging the mucosa. dorsal septum and upper lateral cartilage but should not go be-
Part of the septal cartilage was harvested, leaving an ap- yond the middle junction of the dorsal septum and upper lat-
proximately 1.0-cm L-shaped caudal and dorsal cartilage to eral cartilage cephalically because then they would widen the

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Septal Extension Graft for Asians Original Investigation Research

Figure 3. Triangle and Stripped Septal Extension Grafts

Triangle septal
extension graft

Dorsal septum

Triangle septal
extension graft

Stripped septal
extension graft

Dorsal septum

Stripped septal
C extension graft

Triangle septal
extension graft

A, Triangle septal extension graft.

B, Stripped septal extension graft.
C, Both septal extension grafts from
the front view.

midvault. The septal extension grafts extended caudally be- triangle septal extension graft was in its final position, other
yond the caudal margin of the L-shaped existing septum into sutures to fix the septal extension graft with the L-shaped ex-
the area between the medial and intermediate crura. It was isting septum were finished (Figure 3). The upper lateral car-
preferable to leave the grafts slightly larger than expected. Then tilages should be fixed to the septum so that the septal exten-
the grafts were trimmed after they had been sutured into the sion grafts are sutured together. Special care was taken to
position. The first suture was to fix both the septal extension secure the existing septum and both septal extension grafts
grafts with the dorsal septum. The second suture was to fix the at the aesthetic midline of the nose. If necessary, the graft’s
triangle septal extension graft with the existing caudal sep- position was modified to prevent deformity. Then the alar car-
tum. Before the second suture was performed, the angle be- tilages were controlled directly on the septal extension grafts
tween the dorsal border of the septum and the triangle septal (Figure 3). The columella flap was replaced to determine the
extension graft was adjusted to obtain optimal nose length, op- tip shape, projection, rotation, and nasal shape. Then the im-
timal tip projection, and appropriate nasolabial angle. Once the plant was shaped and inserted into the dorsal pocket. Its dis-

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Research Original Investigation Septal Extension Graft for Asians

Figure 4. A 27-Year-Old Girl Who Underwent Rhinoplasty With Modified Septal Extension Graft, Implant Augmentation, and Tip Graft



A-D, Preoperative views. E-H, Postoperative views at 21 months.

tal end was fixed to the medial crura and the septal extension jected nasal tip and 2 underwent revision for distortion of ex-
grafts. It was necessary to place a tip graft over the medial and isting caudal septum). These complications occurred only in
intermediate crura to adjust the tip-lobular relationship and our early experiences. Other complications included infec-
to increase its contact surface. After estimating the ideal pro- tion in 1 patient and implant deviation in another patient. The
jection of the tip and contour of the nose, the columellar skin implant and grafts were removed 10 days after surgery in the
flap was returned into position without tension. Finally, the patient with infection. The other patient underwent revision
skin incision was closed with 7-0 nylon sutures. Internal na- 3 months after surgery for the deviated implant (Figure 4 and
sal splints and external nasal splints were applied. A drainage Figure 5).
strip was maintained for 24 hours in all cases. Antibiotics were
used for 3 to 5 days, and the suture was removed 7 days after
The septal extension graft is an effective procedure in nasal
tip plasty because it can control the projection, shape, and ro-
Results tation for the nasal tip. Byrd et al1 first described 3 basic forms
The length of septal cartilage harvested was 1.3 to 3.2 cm (mean, of septal extension graft: spreader, battent, and direct cau-
1.92 cm). The width of septal cartilage harvested was 1.1 to 2.5 dal. Many modified techniques of septal extension graft have
cm (mean, 1.65 cm). The dorsal length of cartilage used for the been described in rhinoplasty, including unilateral3,9 and bi-
triangle septal extension graft was 1.3 to 2.5 cm (mean, 1.83 cm). lateral grafts.2,15,19 The bilateral septal extension grafts may be
The length of the stripped septal extension graft was 1.3 to 2.5 symmetrical2,15,19 or asymmetrical.3 They all have advan-
cm (mean, 1.83 cm). The width of the stripped septal exten- tages and disadvantages. Bilateral spreader grafts may be the
sion graft was 0.4 to 0.6 cm (mean, 0.51 cm). most stable septal extension grafts, but bilateral spreader grafts
All triangle septal extension grafts were collected from sep- need much more cartilage and can be only applied in a few
tal cartilage. Of 143 patients, the stripped extension graft was noses in Asian people because of the limitation of useful sep-
harvested from septal cartilage in 59 patients or conchal car- tal cartilage.17 Batten grafts or direct caudal grafts are less stable
tilage in 84 patients. The tip graft was chosen from remnant and may not render adequate and long-term stable strength
septal cartilage in 17 patients and conchal cartilage in 126 pa- for nasal tip in patients with weak and thin septum and alar
tients. cartilages. Other techniques similar to septal extension graft,
Patients were followed up for 6 to 36 months (mean, 23 such as the caudal septal advancement technique, are also used
months). Results were evaluated mainly by subjective evalu- in tip plasty, but these techniques break the septal integrity and
ation based on photographic analysis. The improvement on the influence its stability.20,21
nasal tip was successfully achieved in most patients, except The most common material used for septal extension graft
for 3 (1 patient underwent secondary surgery for an overpro- is autologous septal cartilage. Conchal cartilage is often used

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Septal Extension Graft for Asians Original Investigation Research

Figure 5. A 25-Year-Old Girl Who Underwent Secondary Rhinoplasty, Including Replacement of Implant, Modified Septal Extension Graft,
and Tip Graft



A-D, Preoperative views. E-H, Postoperative views at 12 months.

as a tip graft; autologous costal cartilage has been used in pa- Under these circumstances, we applied a new technique
tients with severe structural deformities.22 In some patients, that can give the existing caudal septum and septal exten-
the unilateral septal extension graft is sufficient to control the sion grafts considerable stability and does not need a large
nasal tip. However, in more than half of these patients, this amount of septal cartilage. This technique is different from all
single graft needs to be strengthened.3 Unilateral septal ex- other techniques previously described in publications. The
tension graft cannot set the septal extension graft at the an- technique consists of a combined triangle septal extension graft
terior midline; unilateral graft placement may cause the na- and a stripped septal extension graft. The triangle septal ex-
sal tip to deviate to the graft placement side in patients with tension graft can extend beyond the dorsal and caudal sep-
thick and strong septal cartilage. However, in patients with thin tum and the anterior septal angle. It goes into the area be-
and weak septal cartilage, the unilateral septal extension graft tween the medial crura and intermediate crura to consolidate
can make the existing caudal septal cartilage and the septal ex- the alar cartilages and control the tip. The triangle septal ex-
tension graft deviate to the opposite side of the graft place- tension graft provides main support to the alar cartilages and
ment. Therefore, this single graft needs to be strengthened with nasal tip. The stripped septal extension graft is used to com-
bilateral grafts. The bilateral spreader graft may be the most pensate for the bulk of the triangle septal extension graft place-
stable graft and can strengthen the caudal septum and grafts, ment and consolidate the triangle septal extension graft and
but the bilateral spreader grafts are just 5 cm wide, so they can- existing caudal septum. The cephalic ends of the 2 grafts are
not successfully extend the caudal and dorsal aspects of the fixed with the dorsal septum and upper lateral cartilage to-
septum and the anterior septal angle at same time. The bilat- gether, which can greatly increase the existing stability of the
eral spreader grafts cannot be applied in all patients. Only 18.2% caudal septum and grafts. Both grafts have almost the same
of patients had septal cartilages 25 mm long that could be used dorsal length and coincident dorsal border. They help to set
as bilateral spreader grafts.17 Furthermore, the conventional the existing caudal septum and extension grafts exactly at the
bilateral spreader grafts are often applied to improve the na- anterior midline. In addition, this procedure needs less carti-
sal valve, which may widen the midvault of the nose. Bilat- lage. It can be applied in almost every patient who needs a sep-
eral batten grafts and direct caudal grafts were only used in tal extension graft. The placement of 2 grafts can effectively
cases of limited cartilage. The grafts are affixed directly to the increase the stability for the nasal tip. Moreover, it can ensure
anterior septal angle or the caudal septum. These grafts are the the dorsal implant is in the correct position and avoid im-
potentially less stable type of the septal extension graft. They plant deviation.
are more susceptible to cause deviation of the tip over time, Widening the supratip or midvault area after implanta-
especially in patients with weak and thin septal cartilage and tion of a bilateral extension graft has been considered, espe-
alar cartilages. cially in patients with short nasal bones.3 In our study pa-

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Research Original Investigation Septal Extension Graft for Asians

tients, the midvault and supratip areas are not widened too upper lateral cartilages, and 1-layered dorsal septum; their total
much. First, the original midvault area at the middle junction thickness is approximately 6 mm. The supratip area is not wid-
of the septum and upper lateral cartilages is much narrower ened. After 2 septal extension grafts are placed, the new dor-
than that of the keystone area. The length of the septal exten- sal septum near the supratip area consists of 2 layered carti-
sion grafts is shorter than that of the spreader graft. Further- lages; its thickness is only approximately 2 to 3 mm.
more, the placement of both septal extension grafts in our pro- Furthermore, sometimes, if the septal cartilage used for the
cedure is different from the placement of the conventional septal extension graft is somewhat thick, then the septal car-
spreader graft. Cephalic ends of both extension grafts in our tilage can be thinned to decrease the postoperative thickness
technique do not go cephalically beyond the middle junction of the midvault and supratip areas. Third, in Asian patients,
of the dorsal septum and upper lateral cartilages, where the who commonly have saddle nose, even if the middle vault is
midvault is much narrower. The conventional spreader graft somewhat widened, the implant placement can camou-
is placed near the keystone area, which would widen the mid- flaged this defect.
vault. Second, the harvested cartilage is relatively thin. Its In conclusion, this technique is an effective method to pro-
thickness is approximately 1 mm in Asian patients.23 The con- vide long-term, stable support of the nasal tip. It helps to set
chal cartilage is also approximately 1 mm, although the post- the existing caudal septum and septal extension grafts ex-
operative midvault at this site is composed of 5-layered carti- actly at the aesthetic midline and decreases the deviation of
lages, including 2-layered septal extension cartilages, 2-layered the nasal tip. This technique can be used in Asian patients.

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