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Student Self-

What should be Competence and

Appropriate assessment of
Adaptive Reasoning
Problem Solving Students evaluate their own
students' mathematical -works to make sense of the
proficiency should reflect the problem and fully
work for the purpose of
improving it. To become
Kashada Jones
full range of mathematics: understand problems skilled assessors of their
concepts and procedures,
work, they must have a
mathematical processes, and Reasoning
clear rubric and the
practices, and even students' -Justifies methods used for
disposition to mathematics. results opportunity to help create a
class definition of quality of
work and quality feedback.

-Explains ideas using written
word, pictures, and tables

-Makes connections of math
to real context
-makes connections between
math ideas

-Uses drawings, symbols,
and models to solve

Grading is a way for
educators to evaluate each
individual student’s
performance and learning.
Grading can include letter
grades, percentages and
even a simple pass/fail.
Grades can be attached to
physical activities like writing
Assessment Methods
What is assessment? Purpose of Assessment
Assessment suggests a Checklists
 Assessment drives
wide assortment of methods instruction and learning Questions
or tools that teachers use to
evaluate, measure, and  Assessment informs Problem Based Tasks
document the academic students of their
readiness, learning progress
progress, skill acquisition, or  Assessment informs
educational needs of teachers of their
students. practice

Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment is
used to monitor student Assessment is
learning and provide
ongoing feedback that can be today’s means of
used for the teacher to modifying
improve their teaching and tomorrow’s
student learning. This type of
assessment can be used to
identify students’ strengths -Carol Ann Tomlinson
and weaknesses, as well as
target areas needing work.

Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment is
used to evaluate student
learning at the end of a unit.
This can be in the form of a
midterm exam, final exam,
or final project.

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