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Cycle LAB Experiments

Cycle 1 Lab 1 1. Write a JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the following operations: sum, product, difference and quotient.
2. Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 to 10 and outputs HTML text that displays the resulting values in an HTML
table format
Lab 2 3. Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXT-GROWING” with increasing font size in the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when the font size reaches
50pt it displays “TEXT-SHRINKING” in BLUE color. Then the font size decreases to 5pt.
Lab 3 4. Develop and demonstrate a HTML5 file that includes JavaScript script that uses functions for the following problems: a. Parameter: A string b. Output: The
position in the string of the left-most vowel c. Parameter: A number d. Output: The number with its digits in the reverse order
5. Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering college affiliated to Amrita. The information must include USN, Name,
and Name of the College, Branch, Year of Joining, and email id. Make up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the
Cycle 2 Lab 4 document.
Lab 5 6. Write an HTML page that has one input, which can take multi-line text and a submit button. Once the user clicks the submit button, it should show the
number of characters, lines and words in the text entered using an alert message. Words are separated with white space and lines are separated with new
line character.
7. Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of visitors visiting the web page and to display this count of visitors, with proper headings.

Lab 6 8. Write an HTML page that contains a selection box with a list of 5 countries In the above page when the user selects a country, its capital should be
printed next to the list, and add CSS to customize the properties of the font of the capital.
9. Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the server.
Lab 7 8. A user validation web application, where user submits the login name and password to server. These are checked against the data already available in
database and if the data matches a successful login page is returned. Otherwise a failure message is shown to the user using PHP
9. Write a PHP program to sort the student records which are stored in the database.

Cycle 3 Lab 8 10. A user validation web application, where user submits the login name and password to server. These are checked against the data already available in
database and if the data matches a successful login page is returned. Otherwise a failure message is shown to the user using Java Servlets
11. Modify the program using JSP
Lab 9 12. Modify the above program to use an xml file instead of database.
13. Modify the above program to use AJAX to show the result on the same page below the submit button.
Lab 10 14. A web application takes a name as input and on submit it shows a hello page where is taken from the request and it shows a start time at the right top
corner of the page and provides the logout button on clicking this button it should shoe a logout page with thank you message with the duration of Usage

Lab 15. A web application that takes name and age from an HTML page. If the age is less than 18, it should send a page with “hello ,and u are not authorized to
visit this site” otherwise it should send “welcome to this site” message where name should be replaced with the entered name otherwise it should send
welcome to the site message.
Lab 12 Project and Viva

Internal Assessment Lab Test(LT) 1,2:
LT1…………………………………………………………………………10 marks each.
LT2(project)………………………………………………………………..10 Marks.
Total internal marks: LT1+LT2………… …………………………………20 marks.
TOTAL……………………………………………………………………….20 marks.

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