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Overview of the Disease

Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) is active The kidney has basically three broad functions,
inflammation in the glomeruli. Each kidney is composed of that of:
about 1 million microscopic filtering "screens" known as 1. Excretion – where excess water, useless or harmful
glomeruli that selectively remove waste products. The materials are removed or cleared and where certain excess
inflammatory process usually begins with an infection or catabolic products such as urea, uric acid (as urates),
injury such as a burn, or trauma then the protective immune creatinine and various salts such as nitrates, sulfates and
system fights off the infection, scar tissue forms, and the phosphates are eliminated. Dead and dying renal cells,
process is complete. minute amounts of protein especially mucoproteins and
ingested poisons are expelled. When the renal threshold for
Acute glomerulonephritis occurs frequently in a certain substance is exceeded, the excess is excreted in
children as a result of the delayed hypersensitivity reaction the urine. Ex: when blood glucose reached a level of 180 mg
initiated by infectious agents like streptococci, often %, any excess above the level is excreted.
identified as causing tonsillitis or scarlet fever 1-2 weeks 2. Homeostasis and metabolism – related to the first
before the disease develops. All post infectious diseases are function, useful substances necessary for physiologic
presumed to result from immune complex formation and functions are conserved through reabsorption. When these
glomerular deposition, and the clinical presentations may be are not in excess of bodily needs, i.e., glucose, amino acids,
indistinguishable. This can occur at any age but primarily ions such as Na, K, Mg, Ca, P, vitamins, etc. The kidney
affects early school – age children. It is uncommon in also maintains acid-base and electrolyte balance and normal
children younger than 2 years of age. nutrition.
3. Endocrine – primarily deals with hormones secreted by
Acute Glomerulonephritis (AGN) as a classification the organ like renin, erythropoietin and prostaglandins.
includes a number of distinct entities. It may be a primary If the kidneys are diseased, the kidneys are not
event or a manifestation of a systemic disorder, and the able to perform their functions well and there are certain
disease can range from minimum to severe. The common methods which will be helpful in locating the site of
features include oliguria, edema, hypertension and impairment of renal function and which will also add to our
circulatory congestion, hematuria and proteinuria. information concerning the normal biochemical function of
the cells of the kidney. Of these the most useful are:
Majority of the patients recover completely; 5-10% 1) Testing the urine for albumin or protein. If the
progress to nephritic syndrome and chronic nephritis. glomeruli or tubules are damaged, protein leaks
into the urine.
Anatomy and Physiology 2) Measuring the blood urea concentration. If the
kidneys are not excreting enough urea, the blood
The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs urea rises above the normal value of 25-40 mg %.
with the inner border of hilum directed towards the vertebral 3) Determining the urine to plasma ratio as an
column. Each kidney is surmounted by a suprarenal (adrenal index of concentrating and absorbing capacity of
gland). A thin capsule of fibrous tissue surrounds each the kidneys.
kidney, forming a smooth covering. Beneath this, the kidney 4) The urinary deposit may be examined for red
substance lies which is of a deep purple color and consists blood cells and casts, etc.
of an outer cortical part and an inner medullary part. The
latter is made up of fifteen to sixteen pyramid-shaped DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY
masses, the pyramids of the kidney. The apices of these are Any damage to the kidney might interfere with one
directed towards the hilum, and open into calyces which or all functions of the kidney depending upon the extent of
communicate with the pelvis o the kidney. the damage. With destruction of less than 50% of the
nephrons, the kidneys are sstill able to carry on with the
The minute structure of the kidney is composed of work load that they are subjected to. With 60% or more,
one to one and a half millions of nephrons – the functional renal failure sets in manifested by azotemia, anemia,
units of the kidney. The nephron consists of a tuft of blood electrolyte imbalance and acidosis. Nephritis is the term
vessels, the glomeruli surrounded by the Bowman’s capsule. used to describe a group of non-infective kidney diseases
To each capsule is attached a long tubule, including a representing three broad types: acute glomerulo-nephritis,
convoluted tubule terminating in the loop of Henle, and an nephritic syndrome and chronic nephitis.
ascending loop that ultimately connects with a main Cause
collecting tube opening into the renal pelvis.
When blood passes through the glomerular It is now generally accepted that Acute
capillaries of the nephron, filtration occurs. A protein-free Glomerulonephritis is an immune – complex disease (it is a
filtration passes through the tubular segments of the nephron reaction that occurs as a by – product of an antecedent
and the cells absorb those substances which the body wants streptococcal infection with certain strains of the group A ß –
and leave behind those that are not wanted. The glomeruli haemolytic streptococci. A latent period of 10 to 14 days
filter 170 liters of solution a day but the volume of urine occurs between the streptococcal infection of the throat or
excreted in a day is about 1.5 liters, reabsorbing 99% of the skin and the onset of clinical manifestations.
glomerular filtrate in the tubules. In the lower portion (distal)
of the tubules, concentration of urine takes place and this Post infectious etiologies
requires energy. There is also a flow of substances from • The most common cause is post infectious
plasma directly across the tubular cells into the lumen of the
Streptococcus species.
tubule. Glucose under normal conditions is completely
• Other specific agents include viruses and
reabsorbed along the proximal length of the tubules,
parasites, systemic and renal disease, visceral
whereas creatinine, urea and some of the salts are filtered
abscesses, endocarditis, infected grafts or shunts,
both via the glomeruli and also via the proximal tubules to
and pneumonia.
join the urine.
• Bacterial causes other than group A streptococci
may be diplococcal, streptococcal, staphylococcal,
or mycobacterial. Cytomegalovirus, rubella, and
mumps are accepted as viral causes only if it can
be documented that a recent group a ß -
haemolytic streptococcal infection did not occur.
• Fungal and parasitic: Attributing
glomerulonephritis to a parasitic or fungal etiology
requires the exclusion of a streptococcal infection

Signs and Symptoms

The onset of AGN appears as after an average

latent period of approximately 10 days. Initial signs of
nephritic reaction include puffiness of the face, especially
around the eyes (periorbital edema); anorexia and the
passage of dark – colored urine.

Overall Appearance
The child is pale, irritable and lethargic, and unwell and
appears unwell but seldom expresses specific complaints.

The edema is more prominent in the face in the morning but
spreads during the day to involve the extremities and

Oliguria, Dysuria, Azotemia and Hematuria

The disease may be characterized by hematuria
and albuminuria (due to the damage of the renal filtering
mechanism) resulting in a cloudy urine.

The urine is cloudy, smoky brown, or what parents

describe as resembling cola or tea, and it is severely
reduced in volume. A diminished output of urine or oliguria
causes retention of waste products as a result of reduced
glomerular filtration rate.

Hematuria is a universal finding, even if it is

macroscopic. Older children may complain of dysuria or pain
when urinating.

Hypertension occurs as a result of circulatory
congestion because of damaged blood vessels in the kidney.
Upon examination, there is usually a mild to moderate
elevation of blood pressure compared with normal values for
age. Headache may occur secondary to hypertension.

Occasionally, a child will have an onset with
severe symptoms such as seizures from hypertensive
encephalopathy, pulmonary and circulatory congestion or
hematuria in the absence of hypertension and edema.

Other Signs and Symptoms

Older children may complain of abdominal
discomfort due to the stretching of the renal capsule. Skin
rashes may also be observed. Other signs include:
Pharyngitis, Impetigo, Respiratory infection, pulmonary
hemorrhage, Heart murmur that may indicate endocarditis,
Weight gain, Anorexia, Back pain and Skin pallor.

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