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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i11/118692, March 2018 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

How can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Maximize the Benefit Derived from Strategic
Flexibility? The Moderating Effect of Contextual
Ambidextrous Learning
Meghdad Ahmadi1* and Mohd. Hasan Mohd. Osman2
University Technology Malaysia-International Business School, Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia; ahmadi.meghdad@gmail.com
University Kelantan Malaysia, Kelantan – 16100, Malaysia; hassan.osman@umk.edu.my

Objectives: Controversial results are found in literature regarding the influence of strategic flexibility to SMEs’
performance, which is related to lack of understanding about the contextual factors required for its optimal functioning.
Thus, it is necessary to conduct a study to investigate the contextual condition enhancing the effect of flexibility. Methods/
Statistical Analysis: Using a quantitative research method, this study examined the proposed model in Medium Tech
Iranian manufacturing SMEs. Sample includes 60 SMEs which have been chosen through stratified sampling technical.
Factor analysis is used for measurement assessment indicating high reliability and validity of the instrument. In order to
test the hypothesis, this study has applied hierarchical regression analysis to test the moderating effect of ambidextrous
learning on strategic flexibility–performance relationship. Findings: The relationship between flexibility consisting of both
action and resource reconfiguring flexibility and SMEs’ performance is approved in this study. Contextual Ambidextrous
Learning is also found as the required contextual factor moderating this relationship. The result is in line with studies that
are in favor of necessity of both Exploitative and Explorative innovation strategies for SMEs. Application/Improvements:
The result from study has examined and approved a hierarchical relationship between levels of dynamic capabilities and
has shed light on application of dynamic capabilities in handling strategy execution in SMEs.

Keywords: Contextual Ambidextrous Learning, SMEs, Strategic Flexibility

1. Introduction operational level enhancing the effect of manufacturing

flexibility5 has emphasized on the interaction effect of
Current research stream on strategic management empha- ambidextrous learning and flexibility in firms.
size on considering a multi-level orientation on strategic Although flexibility is considered as an important
change1. In2 emphasizes on multi-level orientation to stra- dynamic capability6,7 which is driver of firm competi-
tegic change and calls for research on boundary crossing tive advantage in turbulent environments, existing stud-
of levels of analysis on strategic change. In3 proposed a ies show controversial results regarding the relationship
moderating relationship with ambidexterity enhanc- between strategic flexibility and firm performance8,9.
ing the effect of execution of hybrid strategies. In4 has There is common belief in literature on strategic manage-
highlighted necessity of taking a multi-level view to stra- ment that having the dynamic capability of strategic flex-
tegic management with ambidextrous learning at the ibility is not sufficient for gaining sustainable competitive

*Author for correspondence

How can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Maximize the Benefit Derived from Strategic Flexibility? The Moderating Effect of
Contextual Ambidextrous Learning

advantage and the impact of on firm performance is con- size and growth rate, degree of product differentiation).
text-dependen10,11. There is call for research investigating For instance, Sensing the market size and growth rate, a
the conditions under which Dynamic Capabilities can flexible firm will be able to find out about the industries
perform better12,13. This is supported by evidences indi- position in the product life cycle, which can give insight
cating that in spite of having dynamic capabilities such on the volume of production enabling firm to take capac-
as strategic flexibility, some firms are not benefiting from ity related anticipative strategic actions. In addition, by
that. sensing driving forces of change (e.g. product innovation)
However, in spite of importance of context, the firms can come up with new product development as an
boundary conditions or the context under which strategic indicator of strategic flexibility. Finally, by sensing and
flexibility should work is not fully studied. Most studies assessing the cost competitiveness of value chain activities
have considered the external context, while few studies or operating routines compared to rivals and the indus-
have taken the internal condition or context into consid- tries vale chain, firms can have corrective strategic actions
eration. Inconsistencies among existing studies highlight to remedy the cost disadvantage. For example, in cases of
the need for future research to pay closer attention to cost disadvantages due to internal factors, companies can
dimensions and context related to strategic flexibility14. start revamping the value chain.
This research aims to firstly determine the dimensions of Sensing, seizing and reconfiguring activity com-
strategic flexibility from a dynamic oriented view and sec- ponents making up the proactive and reactive strate-
ondly find the internal contextual factors contributing to gic actions are in charge of reconfiguring or modifying
enhancing the effect of Strategic flexibility. both processes and products leading to creating novelty
or improvement in either products or processes. Such
improvement or novelties known as innovation perfor-
2.  Hypothesis Development mance and result in higher organizational performance.
Empirical evidences have suggested that having a vari-
2.1  Strategic Flexibility and Performance of ety of strategic actions and shifting between actions can
SMEs bring about positive effect on business performance22.
Strategic flexibility reported as a dynamic capability makes Thus, considering SMEs’ need to avoid deficiency in their
significant contributions to firms’ performance by imple- operations due to limited access to financial supports in
menting deliberate changes enabling the firm to adjust dynamic environment, it can be hypnotized that strate-
itself to changes15. Conceptualizing strategic flexibility gic action flexibility denoting the dynamic capability of
as a dynamic capability, it can contribute to performance the firm to make changes and modification in its operat-
through two paths. Firstly, it functions by developing new ing routines and coming up with product development is
processes, products, which has the potential to increase likely to lead to improved or new product-process domain
revenue16–18. Strategic flexibilities considered as a dynamic leading to higher performance in SMEs.
capability can also act as a means of updating the opera- H1: There is positive relation between strategic action
tional routines or operational capabilities19,20 in fact by flexibility and performance of SMEs.
reconfiguring the operational capabilities, they will be
able to adjust and enhance the quality and reduce the cost 2.2  Resource Reconfiguring Flexibility
of their operation leading to higher performance in tur- complementing Action Flexibility
bulent environments. In dynamic environment, building sustainable com-
There are both reactive and proactive strategic actions petitive advantage is difficult because firms cannot long
taken by a firm. The proactive actions mostly focus on protect existing products and processes23. Firms cannot
product domains, while reactive actions emphasize on sustain above-average profits based on a single estab-
process domains. Having sensed the “Strategically relevant lished innovation or advantage in these environments.
components of a company’s external environment21, firms To survive in such business environment, firms must
can take actions. Sensing activities could include sensing carry out frequent strategic and organizational changes.
the industries dominant economic features (e.g. market Strategic flexibility is the capability of the firm to proact

2 Vol 11 (11) | March 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Meghdad Ahmadi and Mohd. Hasan Mohd. Osman

or responds quickly to changing competitive conditions a firm has two choice either to exploit the external
and environment24. resources, (e.g. benchmarking the best practices) or invest
In order to show quick and frequent responses, firms internally for internal exploratory learning.
should own the capability of making shift in its resource For organizations with Conservative identity such as
allocation. This is related to the fact that different strat- SMEs suffering from slack resources, it is difficult to mar-
egies require different type and amount of resources. shalize the resources behind the new strategic initiative
Companies need to marshal the resources behind the in case the actions are cyclically separated, (punctuated
strategy critical activities which are required to follow25. equilibrium). Besides, their small size does not let them
The resources should back up the new strategic initiatives to practice two types of strategies simultaneously in dif-
and establish the appropriate level to the right place in ferent business units, known as structural ambidexterity.
the organization which is likely to contribute in imple- Thus, it is expected that contextual ambidextrous learning
mentation of the strategy. Thus, flexibility of resource enables the firms to take effective strategic actions more
deployment is likely to contribute in enabling firms to responsively. Contextual ambidextrous learning rests on
gain higher profit. the premise that firms can benefit from synergic effect
It is expected that modifying the resource allocation from coexistence of both types of strategies in the same
can lead to higher performance of strategic flexibility business unit with exploitation executed through external
since it is capable of eliminating the high cost which is sources for either process improvement or improvement
one of the reported disadvantages of strategic flexibility on current products and at the same time, exploration
hindering SMEs from being committed to flexibility. The conducted internally for new product development or
stable and persistent pattern of resource deployment may production process innovation.
not work for SMEs in fast Changing Environment, where Based on the conceptualization of components of
products, processes and competitive actions are changing dynamic capabilities presented27,28 which highlights the
rapidly and competitive advantage is short lived. Stability importance of activities directed at generating, acquiring,
in resource deployment may lock company resources integrating and disseminating knowledge for reconfigur-
into products and processes that may become outdated, ing organizational processes and from a dynamic capabil-
adversely affecting performance. Based on the above ity perspective, a firm’s ability to develop and implement
reasoning, strategic flexibility should possess the mecha- innovations should be embedded in various external
nisms for coming up with the options and mechanisms and internal interrelated activities29,30 addressed a broad
letting the firm to quickly shift between options. Strategic range of innovation-related activities as dynamic capa-
flexibility depends jointly on action flexibility and the bilities. These activities include both internal conducting
company’s organizational flexibilities in applying appro- in-house R&D and prototyping and acquiring external
priate resources to alternative courses of action26. Thus it knowledge through R&D outsourcing. It is clear that
can be hypnotized that: acquisition of knowledge is conducted from two various
H3: Effect of action flexibility on Performance of origins of external sources and internal knowledge gen-
SMEs is stronger when resource reconfiguring is along eration in studies looking at innovation from a dynamic
with action Flexibility. capability point of view. The joint occurrence of these
internal and external knowledge acquisition activities
proposes a complementarily relationship between these
2.3  Moderating Effect of Contextual
activities, since the marginal return to one activity rises
Ambidextrous Learning as the level of the other activity goes up. Thus, contextual
Strategic flexibility is related with firms’ strategic capabil- ambidextrous learning is expected to provide an optimal
ity to be capable of recalibrating their strategies when the tray of resource for updating the capabilities leading to
environment is dynamic, which is a key factor for gain- increasing the effectiveness of strategic flexibility. Thus, it
ing competitive advantage18. However, Thompson, et.al. can be hypnotized that:
addresses the need for a superior capability enabling the H3: Contextual Ambidextrous Learning moderates
company to take action at the right time and in the right the relationship between strategic flexibility and perfor-
way. In fact, in order to remodel and update c­apabilities, mance of SMEs.

Vol 11 (11) | March 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
How can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Maximize the Benefit Derived from Strategic Flexibility? The Moderating Effect of
Contextual Ambidextrous Learning

3. Methodology firm in reallocating resources for different uses and easi-

ness of switching resource allocation among various uses.
SMEs are considered as an appropriate context for Moderating Variable of Ambidexterity is constructed
conducting research on the relation between strategic by measuring both explorative and exploitive orientation
flexibility and performance because of high costs related of top managers in strategy execution. Respondents have
to caring out strategic flexibility, which appeals for inves- expressed their orientation toward both explorative and
tigating if they are a suitable context for conducting exploitive learning. The scale is adopted from the twelve
strategic flexibility or not since they are engaged in issues item established construct measures the extent a com-
of limited resources. Secondly previous research has pro- pany focuses on current product–market domain versus
posed that SMEs are an ideal context for examining the the new product–market domain.
effects of ambidexterity. In31 argue that small businesses In this study, similar to most studies in strategic man-
or divisions of a corporation are the suitable context for agement, financial performance and innovation perfor-
OA research. For large, multi-division companies, OA mance are taken as indicators of overall performance.
may take the form of structural ambidexterity in which When monitoring SMEs’ performance, it is necessary to
each Subunit focuses on either exploration or exploita- use a combination of financial and non-financial indica-
tion and thus, at the corporate level the firm achieves OA tors. So, key performance indicators for an SME may be
because it involves in both exploration and exploitation financials and non-financials33.
simultaneously. Lacking resource slacks and having sim- The financial performance of a firm is measured in
ple organizational structures, small businesses offer an terms of its profitability and growth in sales. Financial
intriguing context for OA research32. performance was measured using five items originally
In other step taken in identifying the population, developed by Powell in34 and used in other study35. This
the target population of the study is among the manu- scale captures the extent to which growth and financial
facturing companies. With regard to importance of new performance have been outstanding based on the firms
product development and necessity of supporting the predetermined objectives and whether they have been
manufacturing sectors this study ignores the SMES in considered to be superior to competitors over the previ-
the service sector. Besides most of the SMEs in this sec- ous three years. This scale has demonstrated high corre-
tor have been widely inaugurating the strategic orienta- lations with objective measures of performance such as
tion in their companies. Thus, due to the widespread and ROA and ROS.
prolonged use strategy making in such industry, it could Innovation performance has addressed the newness
be an appropriate population for the study. In addition, and competiveness of both products and processes in
with the emerging land marks in globalization and spe- firms. The scale has been adopted from36. The strength
cifically the removal of the sanctions and new perspec- of the instrument is measuring both product and process
tive for commerce between Iranian industries and foreign innovation via multiple perspectives, for example number
countries. The Iranian manufacturing SMEs are the sec- of products, speed of new product development and level
tor which account to the value that can be created for the of newness37. According to Leaven good, it is possible to
economy of the country, thus this study addresses this measure innovation via a single construct, researchers
sector as they can play an important role for the economy must determine if it is appropriate or desirable given the
of IRAN. specific objectives of the research at-hand. For example,
if studying relationships between management practices
3.1  Measure and Validity and innovation in general terms, it may be sufficient to
The construct for strategic flexibility is taken from the simply conceive of innovation as a single construct.
previous studies on strategic flexibility. It composes two The reliability and validity of all the constructs are
dimensions of Resource Flexibility and Action flexibil- measured. Cronbach’s alpha were all over the threshold of
ity according to the drawn theoretical model. In case of 0.70 showing the reliability of the constructs. Convergent
the construct for action flexibility, the study considers validity was tested by AVE statistics. The AVE of each
reactive, anticipative and proactive types of actions. In variable in this study is 0.50 or above, demonstrating
addition, complexity of action is also taken into account. adequate convergent validity proposed. Second, it was
Resource Flexibility was measured as the ability of the assessed by factor loading statistics. As Table 1 shows,

4 Vol 11 (11) | March 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Meghdad Ahmadi and Mohd. Hasan Mohd. Osman

Table 1.  Validity and reliability

Factor Item Loading AVE a
0.86 .907
We anticipate changes by regular sensing of the industry dominant features and
make adjustment (volume of production)
We anticipate change by regular sensing of the driving forces of change and seizing
protective actions (installing buffers)
We react to changes by modify the value chain processes or operating routines
(bench marking the best practices in the industry)
Strategic action
flexibility We react to change by revamp the value chain processes or operating routines
(outsourcing some activities)
We are proactive leading agents of change by initiating time paced fresh actions
every few months (Introducing new or improved product to market every four .956
We have Diverse strategic actions and we frequently change our strategic actions and
structures to derive benefits from environmental changes
Marshaling the recourses behind the new strategic initiatives and steer them to the
appropriate organizational unit is important.

There is a large range of alternative uses to which our major resources can be applied .794

The difficulty of switching from one use of our major resources to an alternative use
Recourse .873
is low
The time required to switch to an alternative resource use is short. .908
The costs of switching from one use of our major resources to an alternative use are
The major resources can be allocated to develop, manufacture, and deliver a diverse
line of products.
Learning 0.88 .965
My firm looks for novel technological ideas by thinking “outside the box”.
(Exploratory 1)

Explorive My firm bases its success on its ability to explore new technologies. (Exploratory 2) .915
learning(the first My firm creates products or services that are innovative to the firm. (Exploratory 3) .914
6 items)
My firm looks for creative ways to satisfy its customers “needs. (Exploratory 4) .842
My firm aggressively ventures into new market segments. (Exploratory 5) .995
My firm actively targets new customer groups.(Exploratory6) .985
My firm commits to improve quality and lower cost. (Exploitative 1) .905
My firm continuously improves the reliability of its products and services.
(Exploitative 2)
learning(the last 6 My firm increases the level of automation in its operations. (Exploitative 3) .937
My firm constantly surveys existing customers ‘satisfaction. (Exploitative 4) .974
My firm fine-tunes what it offers to keep its current customers satisfied. (Exploitative 5) .931
My firm penetrates more deeply into its existing customer base. (Exploitative 6) .898

Vol 11 (11) | March 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
How can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Maximize the Benefit Derived from Strategic Flexibility? The Moderating Effect of
Contextual Ambidextrous Learning

Performance 0.76 .958

Over the past 3 years, our financial performance has been
Over the past 3 years, our financial performance has exceeded our competitors .989
Financial Over the past 3 years, our revenue (sales) growth has been
performance outstanding
Over the past 3 years, our revenue (sales) growth has exceeded our competitors .736
Over the past 3 years, we have been more profitable than our
0.87 .938
The level of newness (novelty) of our firm’s new products. .978
The use of the latest technological innovations in our new products. .972
The speed of our new product development. .889
The number of new products our firm has introduced to the market. .869
Inovation The number of our new products that is first-to-market (early market entrants). .978
The technological competitiveness of our company. .723
The speed with which we adopt the latest technological innovations in our processes .788
The level of newness (state-of-the-art) of the technology used in our processes. .870
The rate of change in our processes, techniques and technology. .743

factor loadings of the items exceed the threshold value of all independent variables and the dependent variable are
0.70, an indication of high convergent validity. significantly correlated with each other, signifying that
the theoretical model is potentially worth studying. To
3.2  Descriptive Statistics ensure that our results are not affected by multi collinear-
ity, we centered all independent variables before creating
Descriptive statistics and correlations are reported in
product of these variables proposed.
Table 2 strategic flexibility is positively related to firm
performance (0.738, p, 0.001), providing some initial sup-
port for our argument concerning the positive impact of 4. Result
strategic flexibility on SME performance. Furthermore,
Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the
hypotheses. Five models are tested to identify the predic-
Table 2.  Descriptive statistics
tors of SMEs performance as shown in Table 3. Model
Mean Standard deviation 1 intends to assess hypothesis 1, the effect of strategic
1. Overal Firm performance 3.267 .8948 flexibility. Models 2, 3 and 4 try to find how action and
2. Finantial performance 3.209 .87107 resource flexibility can affect on performance above each
other. Model 4 is a saturated model which tries to deter-
3. Innovation Performance 3.366 1.0774
mine the relative importance of the two variables on firm
4. Strategic flexibility 3.418 .68624 performance. Finally, Model 5 is the full model examin-
5. Action flexibility 3.691 1.1509 ing the effect of moderating Ambidexterity on strategic
6. Resource flexibility 3.144 .83331 flexibility.
In Model 1, this study added the strategic flexibil-
7. Explore Learning 2.572 .92586
ity. The results show that the coefficient of the strategic
8. Exploit Lerning 3.755 1.0077
flexibility is significant and positive. In order to test the
9. Ambidex Learning 3.163 .75554 importance of both Action and Resource Flexibility,
10. Environment dynamism 3.408 .5287 Models 2 and 3 yield more information. As can be seen in

6 Vol 11 (11) | March 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Meghdad Ahmadi and Mohd. Hasan Mohd. Osman

Model 2, Action effect is positive and significant B = .127, resource reconfiguring to be along with action flexibil-
P = 0.001. However the result from Model 3 shows that ity. After that, the hierarchical relationship of strategic
the resource–performance yields the least significance change and ambidextrous learning and also contribu-
p = 1.00. In order to test how action effect on perfor- tion of contextual ambidexterity to SMEs’ performance is
mance functions along with resource, a saturated model elaborated. Then, simultaneous execution of both process
is tested in Model 4. The result shows that with adding the and product innovation is explained for SMEs and finally,
resource to the model, the influence of action on perfor- the effectiveness of considering both external and internal
mance becomes more significant, and increases from .120 path to implementing innovation strategies is justified.
to .170, p = .000. Besides, the recourse influence becomes The saturated model has shown that strategic flex-
significant p = .05. The results show that resource flexibil- ibility with both action flexibility and recourse flexibility
ity indeed contributed to the model. These results suggest yields a more significant relation with performance. In
that although Action flexibility is more important than fact, the result from this study highlights the importance
resource flexibility, for the strategic flexibility to work out of considering recourse reconfiguring activity combined
in best condition, action should be accompanied with with action flexibility for the flexibility to work out as a
resource dimensions of flexibility. To test the moderate dynamic capability. Firms with high resource modifying
effect of ambidexterity, all the relevant interactions were capabilities are able to pursue new strategic actions with
entered to run Model 5. Model 5 shows that the interac- novel resource portfolios, thus enabling strategic change
tion of ambidexterity in strategic flexibility is positive and to work by shortening the cycle of adjusting strategies to
significant with B = .120 and P = .05. Besides in the full respond to turbulent environments.
model the effect of flexibility is almost doubled increased Basically, strategic flexibility or implementing diverse
from .170 to .290 and also there is a change of .05 in R2 actions including proactive product innovation and
value. Therefore, H3 is supported. The result from the reactive process innovation strategies is along with con-
study implies that the full model is the best model pre- straints on firms’ resources. The execution of diverse
dicting SMEs performance. strategies fuels competition for scarce resources. In fact
sharing the resources such as production facilities, mana-
gerial resources and marketing channel becomes diffi-
5. Discussion cult. Resource portfolios are often bounded with current
This part justifies results from the study and supports products and strategies and thus often become barriers
the findings with that of previous studies from four per- for exploratory (proactive) strategies. In fact, this creates
spectives. First, we give explanation on importance of difficulties sharing and employing the existing resource

Table 3.  Regression analysis

variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Saturated Model 5; Saturated with Interactions
.157* * * .327* * * .261* * .193* * * .158* * * .159* ** -1.533* * *
Main effect
Strategic flexibility .176* * * .178* * * .290* * *
Action flexibility .099* * .127* * .162* * *
Resource flexibility .000a .074*
Ambidexterity .748* * * .800* * * .792* * * .787* * * .759* * * .746* * * .722* * *
Interaction Effect
Ambidex × Flex .103*
R2 .952 .948 .938 .948 0. 953 .952 0.957
Notes: a = P≤ 0.10; *p ≤, 0.05; * *p ≤, 0.01; * * *p≤ , 0.001; n = 60

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How can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Maximize the Benefit Derived from Strategic Flexibility? The Moderating Effect of
Contextual Ambidextrous Learning

base. This is also stated38 as the current resources are acquisition can be supported by the necessity of “positive
intensely bounded to specified targets and it is difficult for knowledge spillovers” between internal R&D and alli-
firms to employ them for other courses of actions. Thus ances. The result from certain studies supports the idea
in such case going for complementary resources for new that the effectiveness of external acquisition of knowledge
product development becomes difficult. such as R&D outsourcing and R&D cooperation relies on
In such cases, resource reconfiguring activities can firms’ in-house R&D activities.
compensate for this limitation facilitating development In fact, in case companies are to choose R&D partners
of new products resulting in higher performance. In this and effectively cooperate with them, they should have
case, the extended resource pool may enable firms to conducted a certain level of internal knowledge genera-
conduct a higher level of proactive new product develop- tion through R&D. These results are in line with Cohen
ment without resource competition. High resource flex- and Levinthal’s concept of absorptive capacity, indicat-
ibility reduces the risk and cost to find complementary ing that a company’s capability to identify, assimilate and
resources for new knowledge or new technologies39. exploit externally generated knowledge is a function of its
The result has also shown that the impact of strategic former “related knowledge accumulated through internal
flexibility on firm performance is contingent on contex- R&D.
tual ambidextrous learning. Approving such multi-level Finally, in the last part of our discussion, necessity of
orientation to strategic change and ambidexterity is a both process and product innovation for SMEs is explained
response to call for research on boundary crossing of lev- and supported from previous studies on innovation in
els of analysis on ambidexterity. In line with March topol- SMEs. SMEs must continually seize new opportunities in
ogy in favor of simultaneous execution of both strategies order to sustain a competitive advantage by developing
with the same business unit, the result from current study new products and to innovate46 and also simultaneously
approves the effectiveness of contextual ambidexterity manufacturing SMEs in particular must continuously
as found40 in their studies on SMEs. In fact, contextual improve their manufacturing processes in order to ensure
ambidexterity provides the strategy mechanism with the long-term sustainability47. Such simultaneous adoption of
benefit of an enforcing synergic effect coming from both both types of innovation is supported48–51 in their study on
explorative and exploitive learning increasing the respon- determining innovation in SMEs.
siveness of strategic actions. In line with this argument41,42 Have examined the simultaneous coexistence of pro-
argue that due to uncertain identity of innovation success, cess and product innovation as an input for the productiv-
companies will be able to enhance the possibility of suc- ity function of SMEs and have shown that though process
cess by taking a wider scope of multiple innovation mea- innovation makes more significant contribution to SMEs’
sures simultaneously. productivity, a minimum level of Product innovation or
Firms with contextual ambidexterity reutilize inno- R&D is necessary. The logic behind this result is that such
vation and enrich individuals’ jobs through non-routine level of R&D is necessary for the process innovation to
tasks enabling firms to respond flexibly43. Highly ambi- benefit from spillovers.
dextrous firms improve existing processes while con-
sidering new processes. This capability can enhance 6. Conclusion
manufacturing responses, improve quality, reduce costs
and contribute to positive firm performance outcomes44,45. Drawing on dynamic capabilities perspective, this study
Ambidextrous firms explore new technologies while tries to uncover the internal boundary conditions of the
improving existing technologies. In an environment effect of strategic flexibility on firm performance. In fact,
characterized by high uncertainty, these capabilities can benefiting from hierarchical oriented view to composi-
improve a firm’s ability to respond efficiently and effec- tion of dynamic capabilities and considering distinct role
tively with flexible manufacturing processes, leading to for lower level and higher level of dynamic capabilities,
better performance. this study finds support for proposing strategic flexibility
The third part of our discussion tries to justify the as a lower level dynamic capability and contextual ambi-
simultaneous external and internal paths to innovation. dextrous learning as a higher level dynamic capability.
The logic underling coexistence of the complementary The result from the study has broadened the scope of
relation between internal R&D and external technology research on ambidexterity by considering a multiple level

8 Vol 11 (11) | March 2018 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Meghdad Ahmadi and Mohd. Hasan Mohd. Osman

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