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By Rick Heizman, Sept 23, 2020

The goals of Islamic terrorists involve both short-term goals and long-term goals. The short-
term goals may change as the terrorists achieve or not achieve them, however, the long-term
goals are essentially the same - eliminating all other religions (or non-religions) by converting
others to Islam or killing them all - and it will be a perpetual war, with occasional truces that
will be used to secretly gather an overwhelming force, and when ready, to launch a decisive
blow upon the infidels.

Examples: Osama bin-Laden had short-term goals of killing as many people (most of whom
were non-combatants) as possible, of flying hijacked airplanes simultaneously into the World
Trade Center, the Pentagon, and either the US Congress building or the White House, and
taking control of Afghanistan followed by Pakistan. His long-term goal was to destroy the
US, which would give him the ability to conquer and destroy more and more infidel countries.

ISIS had short-term goals of bringing the world to its knees with constant terrorist attacks,
establishing an Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, with the long-term goal of expanding the
Islamic State until it conquered the world and established a strict Sharia Law abiding Islamic
Caliphate everywhere on Earth.

The Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’), under the banner of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation
Army (ARSA) have the short term goals of killing and evicting ALL Buddhists, Hindus, and
ethnic minorities, seizing the land of northern Arakan / Rakhine State, Myanmar, and
declaring it an autonomous Islamic State. Their long-term goal is to seize ALL of Rakhine
State, when they have the wherewithal to do so, and beyond that to keep conquering in both
directions from Rakhine State - to the west, Hindu dominated India, and to the east all of
mostly Buddhist Myanmar.

(Note that the flag of the Bengali Muslim militant terrorist group -
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) - shows the ENTIRE
Rakhine State, which is about 8 times larger than the northern
part of the state that they are now demanding).

In these three examples the terrorist groups’ goals, and the

means to achieve their goals, become exactly what they accuse
their victims of. The War Crimes and the Intended Genocide of
the terrorists become accusations of the same against the true
victims. It is a transference of the charges of War Crimes and
Intended Genocide.

In all of these cases, and many others, there are characteristics that are in common.

1. Victimhood - The Muslims always perceive themselves as the victims of others, and in
the Muslim mind that morphs into fighting against the aggressors.

2. Their goals become their accusations against the people that they are fighting, in other
words, as they fail in their ethnic cleansing or intended genocide of infidels they accuse
their victims of the same crimes against humanity.

3. There is the transference of charges of War Crimes, Ethnic Cleansing Genocide or

Intended Genocide.

4. There are many situations of Islamic terrorists attempting to (and often succeeding) in
drawing their opponents into firing on civilians, thereby creating damning media.

5. There are many instances of Islamic terrorists creating fake news stories with photos and
videos unrelated to the conflict, but claiming that they are real.

From a Nepal movie - NOT Rohingya baby Tibetan monks with big earthquake victims.
with dead mother!

By Rick Heizman, September 24, 2020

Photos and Videos of Arakan at: arakan-reality.smugmug.com - go to Conflict videos

YouTube Channel: Richard Heizman

Papers at scribd.com/rheizman

Email: rickmusic4@gmail.com


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