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DENR Personnel 

A. Questions catered towards the general environmental state of the Philippines: 

1. (open) Would you consider the environmental issues arising in the Philippines as
alarming and may pose harm to the nation? 
Chad: Yes, I would say it is alarming because the Philippines is not prepared to
face future natural disasters. This unpreparedness is due to environmental abuse. 
2. (closed) Can you name a few of these environmental issues? 
Chad: One issue is inefficient solid waste management since our waste generation
is constantly growing. Second, we are slowly running out of disposal facilities.
3. (open) What do you think are the causes for these issues? 
Chad: Negligence of the public is one factor. People do not care about properly
managing their solid waste. Filipinos in nature, lack discipline, in terms of
following rules. Even if there are laws, designated trash bins or ordinances in
terms of proper waste management, most citizens still refuse to follow them.
4. (open) Do you think it is imperative that action should be done in order to help solve these
Chad: Yes, each one of us has a role and responsibility to properly manage their
waste. A solution in order to address our solid waste problem is that we should
start practicing zero waste. If we can go away with using products like single use
plastics, plastic straws, buying sachets of like shampoo or toothpaste, it would
already go a long way. Another thing is to practice CLAYGO (Clean as You Go),
when we eat at a fast food joint or when we go into malls, we properly dispose of
it [trash].
B. Questions catered towards the paper waste situation in the Philippines: 
5. (closed) Would you consider the usage of virgin paper and waste a problem? If so, should
we be alarmed and do something about it? 
Chad: I believe paper production is important because we cannot go about our day
without writing something and using paper. However, using online or computer
applications to write reports or documents can be a good alternative and
Yes, sometimes we do not maximize the use of the paper that we are using. For
example, once we use paper, we immediately throw it out without recycling or
using the back page for scratch.
6. (open) Are there any actions that can be taken in order to help resolve this problem? 
6. (closed) Do you believe that creating alternatives for the virgin paper through using
recycled materials, such as CocoPaper, would be helpful? 
Chad: Yes, actually if there is another means or raw material to use paper then
why not? -*I start introducing CocoPaper*- . It is a good thing. In terms of
researching other materials to create paper, like what you mentioned, using
recycled materials to maximize the use of the waste materials. We can instead,
limit the waste generation because we are maximizing the use of coconut waste so
it actually helps the environment in terms of reducing the number of trees being
cut in order to make paper and also help in minimizing the paper waste
C. Questions pertaining to CocoPaper as a product and all its aspects: 
8. (open) What aspects of society, in particular, would this product be useful?
Chad: We can use it in schools and offices especially the ones that are tasked to
implement the environmental programs. I mean it is ironic as well if you are an
agency or organization and you are promoting this but still using this type of
material. In schools, and if it is being introduced in schools or in class, it would
be, personally, when it is being used in schools or being practiced using by
students then it could go a long way because again it would open the eyes of the
student that they can do stuff in terms of waste pollution and reducing the harm
we do to the environment.
9. (open) Do you think that CocoPaper can help to solve or at least decreasing the rate of
paper waste and usage of virgin paper here in the Philippines? 
Chad: Yes, because you are already using recycled materials, that means that the
amount of virgin paper being used or produced would be decreased. There is a
balance now since the creation of recycled paper can even out the production of
virgin paper. If you introduce other materials like coconut waste instead of using
virgin paper, there will be a reduction of production of virgin paper. It’s like
introducing another agent to help it balance out. 
10. (open)What is the environmental impact of using CocoPaper?
Chad: It lessens the usage and generation of virgin paper, lessen deforestation,
and fully maximizes the potential of paper. Although paper is biodegradable, it
can still be a big factor of minimizing deforestation. 
11. (open)What is the difference between traditionally manufactured paper and CocoPaper?
Chad: I’m so sorry but I am not familiar with how paper is being created. But
initially it starts off with pulp (fibers).A difference is the usage of chemicals. 
12. (open)Do you think that CocoPaper could be considered as an alternative for traditional
Chad: Yes it can be considered? 
13. (open)How can CocoPaper benefit the people collecting coconut waste?
Chad: I’m not really familiar with the coconut industry but from what I have
learned, all of the parts of the coconut can be used. So, with this product it can
further allow usage of the parts of the coconut. *I start explaining the process
since the interviewee became interested* CocoPaper has become a way to
maximize use the parts of the coconut. Based on our monitoring, in coastal
barangays they generate tons of coconut waste like the husks. If you can pilot
some barangays, so that you can introduce this process, especially if the process is
easy, make it as a community project so that you can help the community address
the problem in terms of coconut husks waste. This could also open up livelihood
opportunities for the people there.
14. (open)How can the people using CocoPaper benefit from it?
Chad: *answered above*

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