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Name: Muhammad Awais

Roll no: MHRM-IAS-33-R-F19

Program: MHRM 19-21 (Regular)
Semester: 2nd Semester
Course Title: Organizational Design &
Instructor Name: Dr. Yamina Salman

Question No : 1
Definition of Team
A team can be defined as a distinguishable set of two or more people who interact dynamically,
interdependently and adaptively towards a common and valued goal/objective/mission, who have
been assigned specific roles or functions to perform and who have a limited lifespan of

A strong team is the foundation of a well-performing business and the good character of a team can
be greatly captured by the good response and performance of the organization. If employees do not
work and do not work properly, problems can arise, such as disorderly conduct, absenteeism, and
workplace conflicts.

Optimal Successful Team

An Optimal Successful team can be defined as a group of people with specific roles and
complementary talents and skills, aligned with and committed to a common purpose, who
consistently show high levels of collaboration and innovation, produce superior results, and
extinguish radical or extreme opinions that could be damaging. Optimally Successful team is
regarded as they strictly focus on their goal and have supportive processes that will enable any
team member to surmount any barriers in achieving the team's goals.
Here are a few of the qualities a successful team possesses:

1) Communication

They communicate freely with each other, sharing their thoughts, ideas, and ideas with members of
their group; and watching what others have to say. Communication is important to keep track of
progress and work well together in activities. Improper communication can lead to broken cables,
which could mean that work is left incomplete / incorrect or that conflicts may arise.

2) Focus on goals and outcomes

They agree and set team goals based on results and outcomes, rather than just on the amount of
work being done. A clear plan can then be set about how they will achieve these goals, as a group,
and individual contribution. This gives them clear direction and gives them something to focus on

3) Everyone contributes their own share.

Each team member contributes his or her appropriate share of the workload and fully understands
what their responsibilities are and how they relate to business conduct. They feel they belong to a
team, they are dedicated to their work, and they care about the success of the company.

4) They give each other support.

Team members are always happy to help others when they need help with work. Teams tend to be
more productive when given support from the organization and access to needed resources.

5) Different group members

Everyone is different and will be able to share their experiences and knowledge that others may not
have. Diversity is necessary so that all the necessary skills are covered by someone in the group and
each person is assigned a specific role based on their strengths and abilities. A variety of
personalities, age groups, cultures, etc. It can also bring wisdom and broad ideas to the table.

6) Good leadership

A strong team usually has a leader they trust and respect. This person acts as a glue that holds the
team together and has to deal with setting speed, providing encouragement and inspiration, and
keeping all team members refreshed.
7) Scheduled.

Organization is essential to the smooth running of a business. Without you, the workplace could be
chaotic and goals could not be reached. While each person is responsible for planning his or her
own workload, management should ensure that everything goes smoothly and that each team
member does his or her job well. Holding regular meetings can help ensure that everyone is on the
same page and that deadlines are met.

8) They have fun.

It shouldn’t be all work and no play! This can lead to fatigue and a lack of product, so it is important
to inject a small amount of fun into the working life. Teams that work specifically together enjoy
each other's company and gather outside the office from time to time to have fun and be happy!
Building a good relationship with a partner can make the environment more comfortable and
reduce conflict.

Question Number : 2


Personality is the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one person from

Personality Attributes

The“Big five “personality traits are a set of fundamental traits that are especially relevant to

Five Big personality attributes

 Agreeableness

 Conscientiousness

 Neuroticism

 Extraversion

 Openness

Effects Five Big personality attributes on managers Own behavior with Subordinates.
Agreeableness :

Agreeableness is the ability to get along with others. If a Manager adopts agreeableness
his behaviour will be more gentle, cooperative, forgiving with his subordinates. But in absence of
agreeableness he will be antagonistic, short tempered and uncooperative towards his subordinates.

Example: An agreeable manager can better understand the problems of his subordinates as a result
he can develop better working relations with his subordinates. His behaviour will be more
sympathetic and affectionate towards his subordinates more likely to comply with rules and


It refers to number of goals on which someone focuses. Mangers following this trait are very
organized, systemic, careful and responsible.

Example: Managers having this trait are more goal oriented control impulses and they are
excellent leaders. They are higher performers then less conscientious managers and they take their
jobs in more responsible way and usually achieve their goals.

 More effective

 More drive

 Better displaced and organized


Tendency to experience unpleasant emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, and feelings of

Example: They are Emotionally Stable and can tackle situations . If any unpleasant situation they
face from their subordinates they can tackle it in best way. May express their negative emotions.

Extraversion :

It is the quality of being comfortable with relationships .

Example: Extrovert managers are more assertive, socially confident and recharge from interacting
with people. If a manager does not feel comfortable in interacting with people he will seek solitude
and introspection.

-Easily relates to others

 More emotional

 Dominates socially
Capacity to entertain new ideas and to change as a result of new information.

Example: managers having this trait are more artistic and curious. They will desire to try new
things they open to their subordinates and think creatively.

 More Creativity

 More flexibility

 More eagerness to learn

Question Number : 3
Workplace Behavior

Work behavior is the behavior one uses in employment and is normally more formal than other
types of human behavior. This varies from profession to profession, as some are far more casual
than others.

Types of Workplace Behavior

Counterproductive work behavior

It is also a type of work behavior. Most of the people do not know what counterproductive work
behavior is.
Counterproductive work behavior is the acts that employees have against the organizations that do
harm or violate the work production.

Examples of counterproductive behavior are:

 Boredom

 Intimate partner violence

Job Performance
Job performance refers to the level to which an employee successfully fulfills the factors included in
the job description. For each job, the content of job performance may differ. Measures of job
performance include quality and quantity of work performed by the employee, the accuracy and
speed with which the job is performed, and the overall effectiveness of the person on the job.
Job performance is one of the main outcomes studied in organizational behavior and is an
important variable managers must assess when they are engaged in the Controlling role.

Absenteeism refers to Unscheduled absences from work. Such absences are costly to companies
because of their unpredictable nature, affecting a manager’s ability to Control the firm’s or
department’s budget. When an employee has an unscheduled absence from work, companies
struggle to find replacement workers at the last minute. This may involve hiring contingent
workers, having other employees work overtime, or scrambling to cover for an absent coworker.

Dysfunctional behaviors
These are those that detract from organizational performance.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

While job performance refers to the performance of duties listed in one’s job description,
organizational citizenship behaviors involve performing behaviors that are more discretionary.
Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) are voluntary behaviors employees perform to help
others and benefit the organization. Helping a new coworker understand how things work in this
company, volunteering to organize the company picnic, and providing suggestions to management
about how to improve business processes are some examples of citizenship behaviors. These
behaviors contribute to the smooth operation of business.

How to make someone a better organizational citizen?

Set an example
Leaders need to set an example in the behaviors they want employees to adopt. Cultures are
upheld, and if workers see leaders considerate, jumping to help where they can, participating in
out-of-work events, helping to organize charitable events sponsored by the organization, then
workers will have a framework for participation in national ethics.

Encourage teamwork
OCBs have been shown to play an important role in human relations and to strengthen co-operative
relationships. If a culture of co-operation and co-operation is established early, employees will find
themselves playing an important role in supporting their co-workers. When goals and objectives
are defined in a way that encourages employees to look at the team there are qualities such as self-
sacrifice and respect that can hold them back.

Connect the Qualities of OCBs with Company Goals

Each principle of organizational national ethics: self-sacrifice, respect, conscience, sport, and
community actions must be linked to the goals and values of the company. They do not have to be
named or referred to directly, but the attributes of these indicators should be included in any
verbiage related to the company's objectives or objectives. This will help to promote a culture that
represents OCBs.

Don’t Over-Regulate
There is some controversy over whether the Influences of Nationality should be controlled or
considered as part of the work. However, what makes them so valuable in leadership is that the
number of OCBs that employees work with can tell leaders how much employees produce or
participate. It also removes the voluntary nature of OCBs that reflects the optional. Given this
opportunity, employees need to be free to make their own decisions about self-sacrifice, respect,
conscience, athletics, or participation in community activities.

Question Number :4

Stress is a person’s adaptive response to a stimulus that places excessive psychological or physical
demands on that person.
Is stress necessary to perform better
Though the high level of stress is very lethal for a person health and performance but to have an
extent of stress is necessary for sense of responsibility and attentiveness. Following are reasons to
justify a suitable extent of stress
 Sense of responsibility
 Attentiveness to work
 Timely achievement of goals

Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. It can occur when you experience long-
term stress in your job, or when you have worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a
long time. You can also experience burnout when your efforts at work have failed to produce the
results that you expected, and you feel deeply disillusioned as a result.

Make Time for Enjoyable Activities:

And not just on the weekend! Sprinkle your calendar with things you love to do throughout the
week, and you’ll feel start to feel more motivated to start your school days.

2. Get Plenty of Physical Exercise:

Try to exercise at least three times a week, stay hydrated and eat healthy to keep your mind and
body active and healthy.
3. Get Outside:

Studies have shown that time spent in nature can reduce stress levels so spend some of your free
time in some greenery!

4. Make Time for Social Activities:

Not only do friends and family provide you with a positive support system, but time spent in fun
social environments will make you happier and give your mind a break.

5. Develop Good Relationships with Professors:

This will make it so that you don’t feel like going to class or study hall is a chore.

6. Set Reasonable Goals:

And stick to them — use a calendar and daily reminders to stay motivated to achieve deadlines.

7. Avoid Procrastination:
When you are feeling stressed, putting off assignments and projects is tempting, but ultimately this
will lead to sleep deprivation, frustration and end in more stress.

8. Get Better at Time Management:

This is a key factor in making sure you stay on track with deadlines, avoid procrastination and end up with a
more positive relationship with your studies. Check out our tips on improving your time management skills

9. Take a Step Back:

Look at your school situation as a whole. Ask yourself, have you chosen the correct field, school or program?
Is there another direction you need to take to make this better align with your career path or interests? At
University of the People, degrees are entirely online and flexible meaning schoolwork is easier to fit in with
your current lifestyle. Plus, you’ll reduce your stress knowing your accredited degree is tuition-free!

10. Work-Life Balance:

Work-life balance is just as important for students as it is for workers. Set up your schedule for equal parts
school and fun or social activities. And don’t forget to make time for just YOU.
Question Number : 5

A group is defined as two or more interacting and individuals interdependent individuals
who influences each other and come together to achieve organizational goals.

Types of Groups:

1) Formal Groups:

These groups are formed by Organizations to do work and complete tasks. Such as task groups,
command groups, affinity groups.

2) Informal Groups:

These groups are formed by people on their own in the organization. Such as friendship and
interest groups.

A team is small number of individuals working together to achieve their goal. Teams
normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated
effort which allows each member to increase their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

Types of teams are quality circles, work, problem solving, management, product development and
virtual teams.

Differencing between Teams and Groups:

The terms group and team are similar for most people. But there are clear differences in groups and
teams. For example, we have cricket team not a cricket group and we have special interest group,
not special interest team. The important difference is that a team's focus depends on the
commonality of their purpose and how the individuals are connected to one another. While a group
can come from a large number of people or a cohesive willingness to carry out a focused action. A
group is a number of individuals building a unit for a cause, and a team is a collection of
accomplished people coming together for a common goal that needs completion.

Importance of groups:
The modern management knows the importance of groups, its values and norms in influencing the
positive behavior in an organization. A group is a collection of two or more people who work with
one another regularly to achieve common goals. Following point shows the importance of groups in
 Groups help organizations in accomplishing important tasks efficiently.
 Group work helps employees to expand their knowledge.
 Groups are important to improve organizational outputs.
 Groups influence the attitudes and behaviour of members of the organization.
It is necessary to understand the nature of the groups and group behaviour to improve the
performance of the organization.
Importance of teams:
Teamwork allows to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently rather than tackling projects
Teamwork is important due to the problem-solving ideas comes from multiple minds working on
a problem.
Teamwork is the backbone of effective communication within a company.
Employees working in teams have belongings to each other as they share common goal.
As both Groups and Teams have specific importance and differences, both are important for an
organization to achieve its goals. So knowledge of difference between teams and groups helps
to know their behaviors and roles in organization.

Behavior Difference:
There is social cohesiveness in teams which means the members want to be part of the team and
want to contribute to its success. There is Collective efficacy in teams that is team’s belief that it is
capable of organizing and working together to reach its goals. There may be some members who
are not giving their right contribution.

Group behavior in organizations tends to follow the organizational norms and rules where the
employees are expected to be disciplined, follow orders, and work to the requirements of the
organization rather than their rules.

Organizational Characteristics different for a team-based

The major differences that can be observed in a team-based organization are increasing
innovation, flexibility and creativity. Team-based organization empowers the teams to
make decisions and change decisions as required based on accomplishing the goals,
opposite to try and convince managers who in turn have to convince their managers to
make a decision on whether or not a change in approach is required. As the teams are
empowered to make decisions, team members feel a sense of ownership in their work as
well as they feel that they are a significant part of the organization.
Question Number :

I don't agree with the statement. Gathering of individuals make an Organization. People can’t take
choices in a gathering without the assent of rest of the general population in it.Everyone/gathering
may have distinctive perspectives and when joined those perspectives make an association. Finish
conviction (scope of accessible data) and finish vulnerability(elective results) will assume a part in
a basic leadership. Thus, investigation of authoritative basic leadership isn't trivial and is an
essential component

Argument that People make decisions not

I disagree Organizations do not make decisions, its people who make decisions. There are
transportation, transformation, technological and communication structures to support human
decision makers. These infrastructures generally have differential impact on the individuals in
question, affect what information they have access to, and so what decisions they make. But
organizations are also created, supported, maintained and operated by these individuals. Thus
individual decision making lies at the heart of research on organizational decision making.

The humans makes organizations, is not questionable. Important thing is that whether any of
individual behavior can measured at the organizational level. Researchers have argued, human
behavior is very irrelevant. It is because of scale the specific model that individual agent is
irrelevant. It is suggested that for markets, social economies, and structures, it is important to
measure the aggregate or collective behavior of players, but not the individual micro processes
underlying these individual behaviors. In this sense, individuals may be represented in an
aggregate manner which reflects their collective behaviors. It has been argued that there are
general principles of organizing that are true for any collection of entities and not peculiar to

Organizational analysts who are interested in individual and organizational decision making take
above mentioned argument and argue for the relevance of the agent-model. In this, organizational
behavior is seen as an emergent property of the concurrent actions of the agents within the
organization. This body of research has been informed by the work in distributed artificial
intelligence, computational biology, information systems, social networks, behavioral decision
theory, and human computer interaction and is influencing work in organizations, particularly that
on organizational decision making.

Keeping in view the above arguments, organizational performance is a function of both individual
actions and the context in which individuals act. I disagree that there is no need of Organizational
decision making.
Decision making:
Decision making is the process of choosing an action from a set of alternatives in order to find solution
of problems.

Decisions making is used at every level of management to ensure that organizational goals are
achieved. Decision making is an important part of modern management. Rational decision making
is used as primary function of management. Every manager in organizations make hundreds and
hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously as it is the key component in the role of a
manager. Decisions play important roles as they define both organizational and managerial

Decision making process:

Decision making process is a step-by-step process which help managers to solve problems by
measuring evidence, analyzing alternatives, and choosing a right way. This process also provides an
opportunity to review whether the decision was the right one, at the end.

1. Identify the decision

It is the first step in decision making process. In this problem is identified which is needed to be
solved.in this decision is clearly defined. If decision is not identified correctly it can distract the
decision making process.

2. Determine the problem:

After identifying problem, relevant information is gathered to the problem. Information is collected
from internal and external resources.

3. Identify the alternatives

Several alternatives are identifies in this step which can solve the problem.

4. Weigh the evidence:

After identifying alternatives, next step is to evaluate them that which could be the best in solving
the problem. This is done by assessing all the alternatives.

5. Choose among alternatives

Here is the part where you make the decision. You have identified and clarified what decision needs
to be made, gathered all relevant information, and evaluated alternatives. In this you choose the
best alternative
Question Number : 7

Answer :
Individuals often persist unduly with unsuccessful initiatives or courses of action.
Likewise, initiatives that are intended to raise productivity sometimes impair rather
than enhance performance. Unfortunately, managers and employees often persist
with advertisements or initiatives despite these failures. This tendency to maintain
these floundering pursuits-especially endeavors in which they have invested
heavily-is called escalation of commitment. When individuals escalate their
commitment to an ineffective campaign or initiative, they are, in essence, implying
the course of action is indeed appropriate. This implication indicates their initial
choice or behavior was indeed justifiable.

An Escalation is a procedure that results from the pre-established set of parameters that
moves a customer's complaint, challenge or concern to either a more senior representative or one
that initiates a related process.

Escalation bias, sometimes referred to as “irrational escalation of commitment”, is a term

frequently used in psychology, sociology, and finance to refer to a situation in which people who
have initially made a decision that may be rational, follow it up with an irrational one in order to
justify the initial decision ...

Escalation Effects
Escalation effects are instances in which a decision maker continues to commit resources to a losing
course of action, solely because prior resource allocations have been made. The research described
in this article examined the potential influence of financial budgets on such escalation effects.

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