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Dear Calculus 1 Online Class Students, Welcome to Calculus 1( Differential Calculus)!

My hope is that by the end of this course you have a new appreciation for the subject
matter and will continue your education in the subject. My name is Richard V. Gomez
and I will be your instructor for in this completely online course. In this letter, you will
find basic information about the course as well as resources for ensuring your success in
online education. The course will be conducted in everything for your success will be
found there. Once the course starts you will be able to log in at the ULS site and/or via
Zoom meeting. Let me start by telling you about me. I have a Masters in Public
Administration at the University of La Salette . I graduated from Saint Louis Baguio
City with a degree Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. After the review, I
passed the licensure examination for Electrical Engineers. I also finished Bachelor of
Laws and Letters at the University of La Salette, Santiago City. I took the Bar
Examinations and successfully passed the exams. I am currently practicing both
professions. An online course is much like a face-to-face course, it takes a significant
time commitment from you. I expect you to spend at least 9 hours per week working on
the material. While there is a significant amount of reading and problem solving, I have
worked to make it all enjoyable. It is for this reason, I say the course will take at least 9
hours per week. Each week’s material will be made available at the soonest possible
time. if you are having trouble logging in or as other technical issues arise. Note: If you
find yourself having trouble with course content, please contact me through our group
chat. The University of La Salette, College of Engineering and Architecture strives to be
an equitable and prestigious institution. For students new to online learning, you can
find resources for how to prepare yourself for the online learning environment by
visiting the ULS webpage. Thank you and I am looking forward to have a great learning
experience with you

Course Information

Course Description:

This course introduces calculus using analytic geometry functions. Topics include limits
and continuity, derivatives, optimization, related rates, graphing and other applications
of derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, and numerical integration.

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Determine the domain, limits, and continuity of functions.

2. Calculate derivatives using the basic definition, sum and product formulas, quotient
rule, chain rule, and power rule.
3. Analyze functions and sketch curves using first and second derivatives.
4. Use derivatives to solve problems involving maxima and minima (optimization),
related rates, and differentials.
5. Estimate roots of equations using Newton’s Method.

Course Outline:
Trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions

Chapter 1 Limits and Continuity

1–1 Rates of Change and Limits

1–2 Finding Limits and One-Sided Limits
1–3 Limits Involving Infinity
1–4 Continuity
1–5 Tangent Lines

Chapter 2 Derivatives

2–1 The Derivative as a Function

2–2 The Derivative as a Rate of Change
2–3 Derivatives of Products, Quotients, and Negative Powers
2–4 The Chain Rule and Parametric Equations
2–5 Implicit Differentiation
2–6 Related Rates Chapter

3 Applications of Derivatives

3–1 Extreme Values of Functions

3–2 The Mean Value Theorem and Differential Equations
3–3 The Shape of a Graph on and Differentials (Optional)
3–4 Newton’s Method


Differential and Integral Calculus, Sixth Edition by: Clyde E. Love and Earl D. Rainville.
Specific Management Requirements

Assignments will be evaluated according to instructor directives.

Students can manually mark this item complete: CALCULUS


Module 1-Basic Concepts

The Three Calculus Concepts You Need to Know

Many people see calculus as an incredibly complicated branch of mathematics that only
the brightest of the bright understand. However, many college students are at least able
to grasp the most important points, so it surely isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be. In
fact, it might even come in handy someday. With that in mind, let’s look at three
important calculus concepts that you should know:

1) Limits
Limits are a fundamental part of calculus and are among the first things that students
learn about in a calculus class. In short, finding the limit of a function means
determining what value the function approaches as it gets closer and closer to a certain
point. For example, finding the limit of the function f(x) = 3x + 1 as x nears 2 is the same
thing as finding the number that f(x) = 3x + 1 approaches as x gets closer and closer to 2.

For many functions, finding the limit at a point p is as simple as determining the value
of the function at p. However, in cases where f(x) does not exist at point p, or where p is
equal to infinity, things get trickier. Overall, though, you should just know what a limit
is, and that limits are necessary for calculus because they allow you to estimate the
values of certain things, such as the sum of an infinite series of values, that would be
incredibly difficult to calculate by hand.

2) Derivatives
Derivatives are similar to the algebraic concept of slope. In algebra, the slope of a line
tells you the rate of change of a linear function, or the amount that y increases with each
unit increase in x. Calculus extends that concept to nonlinear functions (i.e., those
whose graphs are not straight lines). In other words, it lets you find the slope, or rate of
increase, of curves.

The catch is that the slopes of these nonlinear functions are different at every point
along the curve. That means that the derivative of f(x) usually still has a variable in it.
For example, the derivative, or rate of change, of f(x) = x2 is 2x. Therefore, to find the
rate of change of f(x) at a certain point, such as x = 3, you have to determine the value of
the derivative, 2x, when x = 3. The answer, of course, is 2x = (2)(3) = 6.

3) Integrals
The easiest way to define an integral is to say that it is equal to the area underneath a
function when it is graphed. For example, integrating the function y = 3, which is a
horizontal line, over the interval x = [0, 2] is the same as finding the area of the rectangle
with a length of 2 and a width (height) of 3 and whose southwestern point is at the
origin. That is an easy example, of course, and the areas calculus is interested in
calculating can’t be determined by resorting to the equation A = l x w.

Instead, calculus breaks up the oddly shaped space under a curve into an infinite
number of miniature rectangular-shaped columns. Each miniature rectangle has a
height of f(x) and a width that is called dx. While dx is always constant, f(x) is different
for each rectangle. Therefore, the area of a single miniature rectangle at x = p is equal to
the product [dx][f(x(p))], so the sum of the areas, or the integral, is equal to [dx][f(x(a))]
+ [dx][f(x(b))] + [dx][f(x(c))] + . . . + [dx][f(x(infinity))]. In other words, integrating, or
finding the area under a curve, can be more formally defined as calculating the limit of
an infinite series (i.e., calculating the sum of the areas of the miniature rectangles).

It sounds complicated, but it is just a way of modifying the algebraic concept of area to
work with weird shapes comprised of “wavy” curves instead of straight edges. Finally,
another cool and useful feature of integrals is the derivation of the integration of f(x) =
f(x). In other words, deriving a function and integrating a function are opposite
operations. To “undo” a derivative, you just have to integrate it (and vice versa).

Calculus is tricky, so don’t feel bad if you don’t understand everything here. If you take
away nothing else, however, let it be these three things:

Limits predict the value of a function at given point.

Derivatives give the rate of change of a function.
Integrals calculate area, and they are the opposite of derivatives.

Students can manually mark this item complete: ASSIGNMENT 1
Solve problems 1 to 10 page 7 in our textbook. Show your solution.
Section 1-1 : Functions
In this section we’re going to make sure that you’re familiar with functions and function
notation. Both will appear in almost every section in a Calculus class so you will need to
be able to deal with them.

First, what exactly is a function? The simplest definition is an equation will be a

function if, for any xx in the domain of the equation (the domain is all the xx’s that can
be plugged into the equation), the equation will yield exactly one value of yy when we
evaluate the equation at a specific xx.

Example 1 Determine if each of the following are functions.

Answer: This first one is a function. Given an xx, there is only one way to square it and
then add 1 to the result. So, no matter what value of xx you put into the equation, there
is only one possible value of yy when we evaluate the equation at that value of xx.

The only difference between the second equation and the first is that we moved the
exponent off the xx and onto the yy. This small change is all that is required, in this
case, to change the equation from a function to something that isn’t a function.

To see that this isn’t a function is fairly simple. Choose a value of xx, say x=3 and plug
this into the equation.

Now, there are two possible values of yy that we could use here. We could use y=2 or
y=−2. Since there are two possible values of yy that we get from a single xx this equation
isn’t a function.
Note that this only needs to be the case for a single value of xx to make an equation not
be a function. For instance, we could have used x=−1 and in this case, we would get a
single yy (y=0). However, because of what happens at x=3x=3 this equation will not be a

Next, we need to take a quick look at function notation. Function notation is nothing
more than a fancy way of writing the yy in a function that will allow us to simplify
notation and some of our work a little.

Let’s take a look at the following function.

Using function notation, we can write this as any of the following.
f(x)=2x2−5x+3 ; h(x)=2x2−5x+3; w(x)=2x2−5x+3; g(x)=2x2−5x+3;
R(x)=2x2−5x+3; y(x)=2x2−5x+3⋮

Recall that this is NOT a letter times xx, this is just a fancy way of writing yy.

So, why is this useful? Well let’s take the function above and let’s get the value of the
function at x=−3. Using function notation we represent the value of the function at x=−3
as f(−3). Function notation gives us a nice compact way of representing function values.

Now, how do we actually evaluate the function? That’s really simple. Everywhere we
see an xx on the right side we will substitute whatever is in the parenthesis on the left
side. For our function this gives,

Let’s take a look at some more function evaluation.
Example 2 Given f(x)=−x2+6x−11 . Find each of the following.

Answer: 1.f(2) = -3. 2. f(-10) = -171. 3. f(t)= -t2 + 6t -11. 4. f(t-3) = -t2 +12t -
38. 5. f(x-3) = -x2 + 12x -38. 6. f(4x-1) = -16x2 +32x - 18.

All throughout a calculus course we will be finding roots of functions. A root of a

function is nothing more than a number for which the function is zero. In other words,
finding the roots of a function, g(x), is equivalent to solving g(x)=0

Example 3 Determine all the roots of f(t)=9t3−18t2+6t

So, we will need to solve, 9t3−18t2+6t=0. First, we should factor the equation as much as
possible. Doing this gives,
Next recall that if a product of two things are zero then one (or both) of them had to be
zero. This means that, 3t=0 OR, 3t2−6t+2=0. From the first it’s clear that one of the
roots must then be t=0. To get the remaining roots we will need to use the quadratic
formula on the second equation. Doing this gives,


In order to remind you how to simplify radicals we gave several forms of the answer.

To complete the problem, here is a complete list of all the roots of this function.

t=0, t=3+√3, t=3−√3

Note we didn’t use the final form for the roots from the quadratic. This is usually where
we’ll stop with the simplification for these kinds of roots. Also note that, for the sake of
the practice, we broke up the compact form for the two roots of the quadratic. You will
need to be able to do this so make sure that you can.
This example had a couple of points other than finding roots of functions.

The first was to remind you of the quadratic formula. This won’t be the last time that
you’ll need it in this class.

The second was to get you used to seeing “messy” answers. In fact, the answers in the
above example are not really all that messy. However, most students come out of an
Algebra class very used to seeing only integers and the occasional “nice” fraction as

So, here is fair warning. In this class I often will intentionally make the answers look
“messy” just to get you out of the habit of always expecting “nice” answers. In “real
life” (whatever that is) the answer is rarely a simple integer such as two. In most
problems the answer will be a decimal that came about from a messy fraction and/or an
answer that involved radicals.

One of the more important ideas about functions is that of the domain and range of a
function. In simplest terms the domain of a function is the set of all values that can be
plugged into a function and have the function exist and have a real number for a value.
So, for the domain we need to avoid division by zero, square roots of negative numbers,
logarithms of zero and logarithms of negative numbers (if not familiar with logarithms
we’ll take a look at them a little later), etc. The range of a function is simply the set of all
possible values that a function can take.

Students can manually mark this item complete: Assignment 1
Solve problems 1 to 10 page 7 in our textbook. Show your solution.

Solve problems 15 to 35 pages17 & 18 in Differential and Integral Calculus Book.


The concept of the limit is one of the most crucial things to understand in order to
prepare for calculus. A limit is a number that a function approaches as the independent
variable of the function approaches a given value. For example, given the function f (x)
= 3x, you could say, "The limit of f (x) as x approaches 2 is 6." Symbolically, this is
written f (x) = 6. In the following sections, we will more carefully define a limit, as well
as give examples of limits of functions to help clarify the concept.

Continuity is another far-reaching concept in calculus. A function can either be

continuous or discontinuous. One easy way to test for the continuity of a function is to
see whether the graph of a function can be traced with a pen without lifting the pen
from the paper. For the math that we are doing in precalculus and calculus, a
conceptual definition of continuity like this one is probably sufficient, but for higher
math, a more technical definition is needed. Using limits, we'll learn a better and far
more precise way of defining continuity as well. With an understanding of the concepts
of limits and continuity, you are ready for calculus.


A limit of a function is the value that function approaches as the independent variable
of the function approaches a given value. The equation f (x) = t is equivalent to the
statement "The limit of f as x goes to c is t." Another way to phrase this equation is "As x
approaches c, the value of f gets arbitrarily close to t." This is the essential concept of a

Here are some properties of limits.

k = k, where k is a constant.

xb = ab

= if a≥ 0

Here are some properties of operations with limits. Let f (x) = C, and g(x) = D.

kf (x) = kC, where k is a constant.

(f (x)±g(x)) = C±D

f (x)×g(x) = C×D

= , if D≠ 0

[f (x)]n = Cn

The more formal definition of a limit is the following. f (x) = A if and only if for any
positive number ε, there exists another positive number δ, such that if 0 < | x - a| < ε,
then | f (x) - A| < δ. This definition basically states that if A is the limit of f as x
approaches a, then any time f (x) is within ε units of a value A, another interval (x - δ, x
+ δ) exists such that all values of f (x) between (x - δ) and (x + δ) lie within the bounds (A
- ε, A + ε). A simpler way of saying it is this: if you choose an x-value x1 which is very
close to x = a, there always exists another x-value x0 closer to a such that f (x0) is closer
to f (a) than f (x1).

A limit of a function can also be taken "from the left" and "from the right." These are
called one-sided limits. The equation xâÜ’a-]f (x) = A reads "The limit of f (x) as x
approaches a from the left is A." "From the left" means from values less than a -- left
refers to the left side of the graph of f. The equation xâÜ’a+]f (x) = A means that the limit
is found by calculating values of x that approach a which are greater than a, or to the
right of a in the graph of f.

There are a few cases in which a limit of a function f at a given x-value a does not exist.
They are as follows: 1) If xâÜ’a-]f (x)≠xâÜ’a+]f (x). 2) If f (x) increases of decreases
without bound as x approaches a. 3) If f oscillates (switches back and forth) between
fixed values as x approaches a. In these situations, the limit of f (x) at x = a does not

One of the most important things to remember about limits is this: f (x) is independent
of f (a). All that matters is the behavior of the function at the x-values neara, not at a. It
is not uncommon for a function have a limit at an x-value for which the function is

Problem : Let f (x) = 5, and g(x) = 4. What is ?

Problem : If f (a) exists, does f (x) exist?

It may exist, and it may not. The existence of a limit at a point is independent of the
value of the function at that point (or whether the function is defined).


In this text we'll just introduce a few simple techniques for evaluating limits and show
you some examples. The more formal ways of finding limits will be left for calculus.

A limit of a function at a certain x-value does not depend on the value of the function
for that x. So one technique for evaluating a limit is evaluating a function for many x-
values very close to the desired x. For example, f (x) = 3x. What is f (x)? Let's find the
values of f at some x-values near 4. f (3.99) = 11.97, f (3.9999) = 11.9997, f (4.01) = 12.03,
andf (4.0001) = 12.0003. From this, it is safe to say that as x approaches 4, f (x)
approaches 12. That is to say, f (x) = 12.

The technique of evaluating a function for many values of x near the desired value is
rather tedious. For certain functions, a much easier technique works: direct substitution.
In the problem above, we could have simply evaluated f (4) = 12, and had our limit with
one calculation. Because a limit at a given value of x does not depend on the value of
the function at that x-value, direct substitution is a shortcut that does not always work.
Often a function is undefined at the desired x-value, and in some functions, the value of
f (a)≠f (x). So direct substitution is a technique that should be tried with most functions
(because it is so quick and easy to do) but always double-checked. It tends to work for
the limits of polynomials and trigonometric functions, but is less reliable for functions
which are undefined at certain values of x.
The other simple technique for finding a limit involves direct substitution, but requires
more creativity. If direct substitution is attempted, but the function is undefined for the
given value of x, algebraic techniques for simplifying a function may be used to find an
expression of the function for which the value of the function at the desired x is defined.
Then direct substitution can be used to find the limit. Such algebraic techniques include
factoring and rationalizing the denominator, to name a few. However a function is
manipulated so that direct substitution may work, the answer still should be checked
by either looking at the graph of the function or evaluating the function for x- values
near the desired value. Now we'll look at a few examples of limits.

What is ?

Figure %: f (x) =
By direct substitution and verification from the graph, = - .
What is ?

Figure %: f (x) =
Direct substitution doesn't work, because f is undefined at x = 1. By factoring the
denominator into (x + 1)(x - 1), though, the (x - 1) term cancels on the top and bottom,
and we are left evaluating . By direct substitution, the limit is .
Consider the function f (x) = x for x < 0, f (x) = x + 1forx≥ 0. What is f (x), what is f (x),
and what is f (x)?

Figure %: f (x) = x for x < 0, f (x) = x + 1 for x≥ 0

The one-sided limit from the left is 0. This we can tell both from direct substitution and
by studying the graph. Using the same techniques, we find the one-sided limit from the
right is 1. By the rules of the nonexistent limit, f (x) does not exist, because is f (x)≠f (x).
Consider the function f (x) = xforallx≠3, f (x) = 2forx = 3. What is f (x)?

Figure %: f (x) = x for all x≠3, f (x) = 2 for x = 3

Direct substitution gives the limit at 2, but more careful inspection of the graph and the
values surrounding x = 3 show that in fact the limit of f at x = 3 is 3. This is a prime
example of how the value of a function at x has no impact on the limit of that function
at x.

Students can manually mark this item complete: THE DERIVATIVES



CALCULUS IS APPLIED TO THINGS that do not change at a constant rate. Velocity
due to gravity, births and deaths in a population, units of y for each unit of x. The
values of the function called the derivative will be that varying rate of change.

Now, since we consider x to be the independent variable and y the dependent, then any
change Δx in the value of x, will result in a change Δy in the value of y. In a straight
line, the rate of change -- so many units of y for each unit of x -- is constant, and is called
the slope of the line.

The derivative

The slope of a straight line is this number:

Δx = The derivative = Change in y-coördinate
Change in x-coördinate .
A straight line has one and only one slope; one and only one rate of change.
If x represents time, for example, and y represents distance, then a

The derivative
straight line graph that relates them indicates constant speed. 45 miles per hour, say --
at every moment of time.

The slope of a tangent line to a curve

Calculus however is concerned with rates of change that are not constant.

The derivative

If this curve represents distance Y versus time X, then the rate of change -- the speed --
at each moment of time is not constant. The question that calculus asks is: "What is the
rate of change at exactly the point P ?" The answer will be the slope of the tangent line
to the curve at that point. And the method for finding that slope -- that number -- was
the remarkable discovery by both Isaac Newton (1642-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz
(1646-1716). That is the method for finding what is called the derivative.

A secant to a curve
The derivative

A tangent is a straight line that just touches a curve. A secant is a straight line that cuts
a curve. Hence, consider the secant line that cuts the curve at points P and Q. Then the
slope of that secant is

Δx = The derivative
But once again, the question calculus asks is: How is the function changing exactly at

What is the slope of the tangent to the curve at P?

We cannot however evaluate deltas exactly at P -- because Δy and Δx would then both
be 0, and the value of deltas would be completely ambiguous.

Therefore we will consider shorter and shorter distances Δx, which will result in a
sequence of secants --

The derivative

-- a sequence of slopes. And we will define the tangent at P to be the limit of that
sequence of slopes.

That slope, that limit, will be the value of what we will call the derivative.

The difference quotient

Let y = f(x) be a continuous function, and let the coördinates of a fixed point P on the
graph be (x, f(x)). (Topic 4 of Precalculus.) Let x now change by an amount Δx. Then
the new x-coördinate is x + Δx.
It is the x-coördinate of Q on the graph.

But when the value of x changes, there is a resulting change Δy in the value of y, that is,
in the value of f(x). Its new value is f(x + Δx). The coördinates of Q are (x + Δx , f(x +

Then Here, then, is the definition of the slope of the tangent line at P:
The slope of the tangent line at P is the limit of the change in the function (the
divided by the change in the independent variable as that change approaches 0.

Since Δx -- not x -- is the variable that approaches 0, x remains constant, and that limit
will be a function of x. Since it will be derived from f(x), we call it the derived function
or the derivative of f(x). To remind us that it was derived from f(x), we denote it by f
'(x) -- "f-prime of x."

This quotient --

-- is called the Newton quotient, or the difference quotient. Calculating and simplifying
it is a fundamental task in differential calculus.

Again, the difference quotient is a function of Δx. But to simplify the written
calculations, then instead of writing Δx, we will write h.

The derivative

Δx = h

Δy = f (x + h) − f (x)
The difference quotient then becomes:

We now express the definition of the derivative as follows.

DEFINITION 5. By the derivative of a function f(x), we mean the following limit, if it


We call that limit the function f '(x) -- "f-prime of x" -- and when that limit exists, we say
that f itself is differentiable at x, and that f has a derivative.
And so we take the limit of the difference quotient as h approaches 0. When that limit
exists, that means that the difference quotient can be made as close to that limit -- "f '(x)"
-- as we please. (Lesson 2.)

As for x, we are to regard it as fixed. It is the specific value at which we are evaluating f

In practice, we have to simplify the difference quotient before letting h approach 0. We

have to express the numerator --
f (x + h) − f (x)

-- in such a way that we can divide it by h.

To sum up: The derivative is a function -- a rule -- that assigns to each value of x the
slope of the tangent line at the point (x, f(x)) on the graph of f(x). It is the rate of change
of f(x) at that point.

As an example, we will apply the definition to prove that the slope of the tangent to the
function f(x) = x2, at the point (x, x2), is 2x.

THEOREM. f(x) = x2 implies f '(x) = 2x.

Proof. Here is the difference quotient, which we will proceed to simplify:

1) (x + h)2 − x2

2) = x2 + 2xh + h2 − x2

3) = 2xh + h2

4) = 2x + h.
In going from line 1) to line 2), we squared the binomial x + h.
In going to line 3), we subtracted the x2s. That is, we subtracted f(x).
In going to line 4), we divided the numerator by h.
We can do that because h is never equal to 0, even when we take the limit .
We now complete the definition of the derivative and take the limit:

f '(x) = The derivative (2x + h)

= 2x.
This is what we wanted to prove.
Whenever we apply the definition, we have to algebraically manipulate the difference
quotient so that we can simply replace h with 0. In fact, the entire theory of limits, with
all its complexities and subtleties, was invented to justify just that. (Poor Newton and
Leibniz were criticized for offering justifications that the 19th century inventors of limits
didn't like.) We may put h = 0 here because the difference quotient reduces to 2x + h,
and is therefore a polynomial in h.
Problem. Let f(x) = x2, and calculate the slope of the tangent to the graph --

a) at x = 5. Since f '(x) = 2x, then at x = 5 the slope of the tangent line is 10.

b) at x = −3. −6.
c) at x = 0. 0.

Differentiable at x
According to the definition, a function will be differentiable at x if a certain limit exists
there. Graphically, this means that the graph at that value of x will have a tangent line.
At which values, then, would a function not be differentiable?
Where it does not have a tangent line.

Above are two examples. The function on the left does not have a derivative at x = 0,
because the function is discontinuous there. At x = 0 there is obviously no tangent.

As for the graph on the right, it is the absolute value function, y = |x|. And it is not
possible to define the tangent line at x = 0, because the graph makes an acute angle
there. In fact, the slope of the tangent line as x approaches 0 from the left, is −1. The
slope approaching from the right, however, is +1. The slope of the tangent line at 0 --
which would be the derivative at x = 0 -- therefore does not exist .

The absolute value function nevertheless is continuous at x = 0. For, the left-hand limit
of the function itself as x approaches 0 is equal to the right-hand limit, namely 0. This
illustrates that continuity at a point is no guarantee of differentiability -- the existence of
a tangent -- at that point.

(Conversely, though, if a function is differentiable at a point -- if there is a tangent -- it

will also be continuous there. The graph will be smooth and have no break.)

Since differential calculus is the study of derivatives, it is fundamentally concerned with

functions that are differentiable at all values of their domains. Such functions are called
differentiable functions.

Can you name an elementary class of differentiable functions?

To see the answer, pass your mouse over the colored area.
To cover the answer again, click "Refresh" ("Reload").
Think about this yourself first!

Notations for the derivative

Since the derivative is this limit: The derivative then the symbol for the limit itself is
The derivative (Read: "dee-y, dee-x.")

For example, if

y = x2,

then, as we have seen,

The derivative = 2x.
"Dee-y, dee-x -- the derivative of y with respect to x -- is 2x."

We also write

y '(x) = 2x.

"y-prime of x is equal to 2x."

This symbol by itself: d

dx ("dee, dee-x") , is called the
differentiating operator. We are to take the derivative of what follows it.

For example,

dx f(x) signifies the derivative with respect to x of f(x).
dt (4t3 − 5) signifies the derivative with respect to t
of (4t3 − 5).
And so on.

A simple difference quotient

The difference quotient is a version of deltas. And at times we will use the latter. That
is, the change in the value of a function y = f(x) is y + Δy. Hence the difference quotient
is at times it will be convenient to express the difference quotient as
Note: As Δx approaches 0 -- as the point Q moves closer to P along the curve -- then Δy,
or equivalently, Δf also approaches 0. That is,


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Students can manually mark this item complete: Derivatives



Approved by: ENGR. REMA A. ARIOLA,PhD


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