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Heaven can't wait. Remembering the song written by Frank Loesser, “Praise the Lord and pass the
ammunition”. Are the lost sheep of the world / those infidels so ignorant and full of fear that they are
blind to the collusion between media and government in the American Holocaust? Will they continue
to be deceived into blaming the victims / martyrs and eventually themselves for actions coerced by a
failure to enforce the laws of the United States (US) Constitution. Those entrusted with enforcement of
the laws of the US Constitution continue to place economics over justice creating terrorism. Ballots
have yet to bring justice only personal gain for those in charge of protection and enforcement.
Terrorism begets terrorism. American citizens who are being targeted have begun using Al Qaeda
tactics by attacking police precincts. This is just a sign for corrupted law enforcement terrorist i.e.
Congresspersons, Governors, District Attorneys, Medical Examiners, Judges, arbitrators, etc. the game
is over. It”s all about your death fix it now. Those who wish to continue please inform your love ones,
associates, that you have decided to protect the oppressors even though there are no entitlements or
benefits. Remember those delay and deny tactics used on others will be used on you and yours. No
one is innocent everyone is a victim when coercion / collusion / terrorism tactics are acceptable. Those
tortured into mental illness are aware of god – governing oppressive device, good OLE deception,
group of demons, government of deceivers and the media – National Academy of Television, Arts and
Science (NATAS) satan's complimentary immaculate deceptions. Katy bar the door! The goal of the
people in high places is population control. That goal can be reached by the citizenry by targeting
those people targeting you; those specifically responsible for not enforcing the laws and benefiting.
Wikipedia defines this as guerilla warfare. No redress or immunity is unacceptable. Treason is
punishable by death. No mercy received none should be given.


Those who come in the name of YHVH / YESHUSA / JESUS / JUSTICE do so selflessly. If you
come in the name of god – (government of deceivers) surely you will be what is known as a hero after
injury or death. god – (government of deceivers) has proven he will bless you and your family with
entitlements and benefits. Hell awaits those who remain ignorant and full of fear; those that continue
to worship the devil god (governing oppressive device). Along with my only BEGOTTEN SON you
have FREE WILL so you know what you must do to receive high favour and truly be blessed.

Naysayers your government is trying to kill you.

Thank You Ever So Much FARTHER

This shall serve as yet another tribute to members of my postal /government congressional, federal,
state and local family and their family members; those who lost love ones or will soon lose love ones
and those who may survive the American Holocaust ; I write this in persecution with YHVH; your
remembrance and your strength.
CN, [YHVH] messenger written CooN by YA [YHVH]
Allen Carlton - (class of 81 - http://www.nps.k12.nj.us/University/UHSmission.htm )
National Whistleblower - http://www.scribd.com/national%20whistleblower/documents
Revelation receiver of the Peoples Righteous Kill Defense [PRKD]

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