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MA Fashion Marketing


Summative Evaluation Form

Student Name Surbhi Mittal

Course MA Fashion Marketing
Semester 3
Module Title Master’s Dissertation
Assignment Research Paper
Tutor Priyanka Aggarwal
Submission Date 29th April 2014

Learning Outcomes Comments

Select, analyze, interpret and conceptualize a The problem selected by you was very much of use in current
research problem completely by own efforts scenario. Your efforts were appreciated in terms of conceptualizing
problem under study.

Critically and scholarly evaluate, discriminate and You critically evaluated scholarly papers using intelligent and
select between a range of theoretical and satisfactory approach to establish a connect with the fashion
conceptual frameworks to address the problem marketing context. Theoretical model used by you was also
defined within fashion marketing relevant.

Determine a suitable research methodology for ------------


Conduct research addressing different fashion Research conducted using interviews, questionnaires and
marketing phenomenon by independently netnography was highly appreciated and considered to be a
formulating research design for data collection, strategic move to analyze the rationale/objectives in process.
processing and analysis

Argue and defend the suitability of chosen The argument and defend for the chosen solution was well handled
solution. and also in depth explanation towards the area chosen.

Articulate and define the scope of extension of the Articulation and scope of the project was well defined using
research extending into further research collation of various sources and experience.

Carry out research completely by him/herself Research carried out by you was completely your own work in
reliably terms of identification of problem and conducting a research.

Engage in confident verbal communication and You were engaged in high level of communication with intelligent
oral defense with coherence and cogency in the approach during oral defense and also the logical and well
form of a well argued, logical and systematically explained flow of the research paper was highly appreciated.
formatted research report and to defend its content
with confidence, conviction and consistency

Distinction 70% + Merit 60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail 49% and less

Faculty Signature - ________________________

Pearl Academy - New Delhi

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