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JUSMAWATI, S. Pd., M.Pd/NIDN: 0903049001
MUH. RESKI SALEMUDDIN. S.Sos., M. Pd/NIDN: 0919118703
YOLAN KASTELA/NIM : 15093188203008
MUH. ASWAR/ NIM 15093188203017

Dibiayai oleh : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Mega Rezky


TAHUN 2017


Using Grammar Maps in Improving English Grammar of the Fourth Semester Students
at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.
The objectives of the research were to identify whether Grammar Maps was effective in
improving English grammar mastery of the fourth semester students at Muhammadiyah
University of Makassar and to examine whether the students were interested in learning
English grammar by using Grammar Maps. This study employed quasi - experimental
design. The study was conducted at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The subject
of the study was the fourth semester students and the numbers of the students observed
were 60 students; there were 30 students in experimental group and there were 30
students in control group. The data were collected by using grammar tests to the
students’ English grammar mastery and questionnaire to examine the students’ interest
which was analyzed by utilizing SPSS 17.0 version. The result of the study revealed that
the use of Grammar Maps could improve the students’ English grammar mastery of the
fourth semester students at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The posttest result
for experimental group was higher than posttest control group. It was proven by the mean
score of the posttest of experimental group was higher than the posttest in English
grammar (82.00 > 72.67). Statistically, the mean score was different significantly which
was based on t – test value at significant level of 0.00<0.05. The mean score based on
the students’ answers from the quiestionnaire was 84.33 which means positive.
Specifically, the result research indicated that the use of Grammar Maps got good
response and was effective for English grammar.

Keywords: grammar maps, grammar mastery, improvement


Kami panjatkan Puji syukur atas kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan berkah dan

karunia-Nya, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan Laporan Kemajuan Penelitian Dosen dengan judul

Pembagian Daging kurban Bagi Masyarakat yang Kurang mampu didaerah Antang Kota


Dalam laporan tersebut, hasil penelitian akan dijelaskan secara rinci. Berkat bantuan dari berbagai pihak

baik pada saat persiapan maupun saat penyusunan Laporan Kemajuan Penelitian ini, maka kami

mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan bantuan

dalam penelitian ini, diantaranya kepada :

1. Bapak Pembina dan Ibu Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Mega Rezky Makassar atas

motivasi, petunjuk dan arahan yang diberikan kepada kami.

2. Bapak Dr. Abdul Malik Iskandar, S.Ag., M.Si selaku KETUA STKIP Mega Rezky
Makassar yang telah memberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada kami untuk
mengembangkan diri dalam kegiatan penelitian demi memenuhi Tri Dharma
Perguruan Tinggi
3. Ketua Prodi PBI Unversitas Muhammadiyah Makassar yang telah memberikan izin
penelitian dan dukungan teknis serta fasilitas demi kelancaran penelitian kami.
4. Drs. Syamsul Alam, M. Si selaku Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian
Masyarakat STKIP Mega Rezky Makassar atas dukungan dan bantuan terutama dari
segi administrasi dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini.
5. Ketua Prodi dan dosen-dosen lingkup prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Mega
Rezky Makassar.
6. Teman-teman dosen dan staff STKIP serta semua pihak yang telah memberikan
bantuan serta dukungan kepada kami dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini.
Akhirnya, kami mengharapkan kritikan dan saran yang sifatnya membangun dari
semua pihak demi perbaikan serta kesempurnaan Laporan penelitian tersebut.

Makassar, Mei 2017

Tim Peneliti

HALAMAN SAMPUL..................................................................................... i

HALAMAN PENGESAHAN........................................................................... 2

ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... 3

KATA PENGANTAR........................................................................................ 4

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…................................................................ 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE..................................................... 9

CHAPTER III AIMS AND BENEFITS OF RESEARCH.......................................15

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH METHOD...................................................................16

CHAPTER V RESULT AND OUTPUT OF RESEARCH............................ 22

CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION..............................................30




Idul Adha identik ditandai dengan penyembelihan hewan atau yang lebih kita kenal sebagai

“Qurban”. Penyembelihan hewan qurban dalam Islam sebagai ritual dan peribadatan telah

dilakukan selama ribuan tahun.

Idul adha (‫( ضحىٔعيداال‬adalah hari raya umat Islam yang diadakan setiap tanggal 10 Dzulhijjah. Pada

hari raya ini, umat Islam berkumpul, bersilaturahmi dan melakukan shalat Id bersama-sama.

Setelah shalat Id, umat Islam melakukan penyembelihan hewan kurban, untuk memperingati

perintah Allah swt. Kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s. yang menyembelih domba sebagai pengganti

putranya Nabi Ismail a.s. Peristiwa tersebut disampaikan oleh Allah swt. dalam al-Qur’an yaitu

pada QS ashShaffat/37: 102.

‫ذب ُح َك فَ ْاو ى فِى ال اَ ْ ي ْؤ َم‬

َ ‫ق‬َ ‫ر ی‬Iَ‫ا َذا ت‬I‫ام اَ ّو َ ال ْ ُظ ْر َ م‬Iَ‫ب اَر ِ َم ِ ى‬
ُ ‫ق َغ َ م َعهُ َّ الس ْع َّما بَ َل َ ْي فَل ِ َّ ىَي اِ ّو ْي‬
َ ‫ي َ ال َي‬

٢٠١‫َع ْل َ ما تُ ْ ْي اَ َب ِت اف ُر ۖ َستَ ِج ُد ِو ِ ِْري َه َء اِ ْن َ شا هلالُ ِ م َه الص ب ۝‬

Terjemahnya: “Maka ketika anak itu sampai (pada umur) sanggup berusaha bersamanya (Ibrahim)

berkata, “Wahai anakku! Sesungguhnya aku bermimpi bahwa aku menyembelihmu. Maka

fikirkanlah apa pendapatmu!” dia (Ismail) menjawab: “Wahai ayahku! Lakukanlah apa yang

diperintahkan (Allah) kepadamu: InsyaAllah engkau akan mendapatiku termasuk orang yang


Ibadah Kurban bukan sekedar persembahan untuk meningkatkan kualitas spiritual seseorang dan

bukan hanya cara untuk memperoleh kepuasan batin. Bukan pula kesempatan bagi orang kaya

untuk menunjukkan kesalehan dengan harta yang Departemen Agama RI, Al-Hikmah Al-Qur’an

dan Terjemahannya )Bandung: Diponegoro, 2008 dimiliki. Dengan ibadah kurban seorang

mukmin memperkuat kepekaan sosialnya. Inti kurban terletak pada individu seseorang sebagai

makhluk sosial. Binatang yang boleh dikurbankan adalah yang termasuk dalam kategori al-An’am

yaitu unta, sapi, kerbau, kambing dan sejenisnya.

Adapun firman Allah swt. yang lain dalam perintah berkurban yaitu pada QS al-Kautsar/108: 2. ‫و‬

‫ ص ِ ّل ِ ل‬٢‫ْاو َح ْر ّ َك َ ِ َرب فَ َ۝‬

Terjemahnya: “Maka laksanakanlah Sholat karena Tuhanmu dan berkurbanlah”.

Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang Nomor 18

Tahun 2009 Tentang Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan dijelaskan bahwa Hewan ternak yaitu

hewan peliharaan yang produknya diperutukkan sebagai penghasil pangan, bahan baku industri,

jasa, dan/atau hasil ikutannya yang terkait dengan pertanian. Hewan kurban yang populer di

Indonesia yaitu kambing, sapi, domba, dan kerbau.

Pengertian Qurban

Secara bahasa kata Qurban berasal dari kata ‫ق‬ ُ ‫ اًا َوربْ ْربًا ـ‬artinya yang ‫ق ُر َب ـ يَ ْق‬
ُ ‫ق ُر ُب ـ‬ َ menghampirinya

atau mendekatinya.1 Sedangkan menurut istilah syara‟ Qurban ialah binatang ternak yang disembelih

untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Swt pada hari Adha, tanggal 10 Dzulhijjah dan hari-hari Tasyriq

(tanggal 11,12,dan 13 Dzulhijjah). Qurban atau udhiyyah jamak dari dhahiyyah adalah penyembelihan

hewan di pagi hari. Yang dimaksudkan disini adalah mendekatkan diri atau beribadah kepada Allah Swt

dengan cara menyembelih hewan tertentu pada hari raya haji (Idul Adha) dan tiga hari tasyriq berikutnya

yaitu 11, 12, 13 Dzulhijjah sesuai dengan ketentuan syara‟.

Qurban merupakan ajaran yang hampir menyatu dalam segi waktu pelaksanaannya dengan ibadah

haji. Namun berbeda dari segi tempat dan pelakunya. Ibadah kurban biasa dilakukan pada saat hari

raya idul adha. Dengan lain bahasa, bila kita mendengar Idul Adha, maka langsung terlintas pada

benak kita akan tradisi ber-qurban, yang sangat identik dengan menyembelih hewan qurban.

Qurban mengingatkan sesorang mukmin kepada satu peristiwa yang melukiskan satu kesediaan

memberi qurban kepada yang lebih tinggi dan lebih besar, yakni peristiwa pengorbanan yang

diperintahkan Allah kepada Ibrahim dan anaknya Ismail.

Qurban mempunyai kedudukan yang penting dalam Islam. Dengan melaksanakan qurban maka

kita telah berusaha mendekatkan diri dengan Sang Pencipta yang dilambangkan dengan

penyembelihan hewan. Dalam ajaran Islam hanyalah keikhlasan, ketakwaan, dan keimanan
manusia saja yang akan sampai kepada Allah Swt, bukan darah atau daging dari hewan yang


Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk berbagi kepada sesama manusia. Pada dasarnya manusia

merupakan makhluk sosial yang tidak terlepas dari interaksi antar sesama. Manusia merupakan makhluik

yang hidup dalam bermasyarakat yang memerlukan adanya manusia lain untuk mencukupi kebutuhan

hidupnya. Setiap orang beriman merasa dirinya terikat dengan dua hal dalam setiap garis kehidupannya

yaitu dengan Allah sebagai penciptanya

Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengangkat citra anak panti di Indonesia,
karena seperti yang telah kita ketahui selama ini para anak panti kurang mendapat pendidikan
yang layak. Selain itu, pemberian pelajaran bahasa Inggris ini juga merupakan pemenuhan atas hak
dasar anak panti terhadap pendidikan bahasa dan memberikan motivasi kepada mereka agar tidak
merasa tersingkirkan dalam kehidupan sosial. Secara khusus kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan
pengajaran bahasa inggris yakni English vocabulary dan English Daily Conversation agar mereka
memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris sehari-hari sehingga dapat memberikan wawasan agar
dapat berkomunikasi langsung kepada native speaker yang merupakan turis mancanegara dan
sering menikmati waktunya di tempat wisata. Secara umum kegiatan ini merupakan pembimbingan
kepada anak panti agar dapat hidup lebih baik karena dibimbing untuk terbiasa bersih dan teratur,
hal lainnya adalah kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang mereka peroleh dapat membangkitkan
semangat belajar dan kepercayaan diri sehingga tidak menutup diri untuk tidak mau bersekolah
dengan alasan apapun karena merasa mereka berhak dan mampu untuk belajar. Materi

2.1 Definisi Peta Pikiran

Secara bahasa kata Qurban berasal dari kata ‫ق‬ ُ ‫ اًا َوربْ ْربًا ـ‬artinya yang ‫ق ُر َب ـ يَ ْق‬
ُ ‫ق ُر ُب ـ‬ َ menghampirinya

atau mendekatinya.1 Sedangkan menurut istilah syara‟ Qurban ialah binatang ternak yang disembelih

untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Swt pada hari Adha, tanggal 10 Dzulhijjah dan hari-hari Tasyriq

(tanggal 11,12,dan 13 Dzulhijjah). Qurban atau udhiyyah jamak dari dhahiyyah adalah penyembelihan

hewan di pagi hari. Yang dimaksudkan disini adalah mendekatkan diri atau beribadah kepada Allah Swt

dengan cara menyembelih hewan tertentu pada hari raya haji (Idul Adha) dan tiga hari tasyriq berikutnya

yaitu 11, 12, 13 Dzulhijjah sesuai dengan ketentuan syara‟.

Adapun pengertian qurban menurut para ahli antara lain :

1. Menurut Sayyid Sabiq, Qurban berasal dari kata Al-Udhhiyah dan AdhDhahiyyah adalah nama

binatang sembelihan seperti unta, sapi, kambing yang disembelih pada hari raya Qurban dan hari-hari

tasyriq sebagai taqarrub kepada Allah .

2. Menurut Syaikh Kamil Muhammad ‘Uwaidah, Qurban yaitu hewan yang disembelih pada hari raya

Idul Adha dan hari-hari tasyriq, baik berupa unta, sapi, maupun domba, dalam rangka mendekatkan

diri kepada Allah.

Jadi pengertian qurban adalah perintah yang telah disyariatkan oleh Allah Swt untuk

menyembelih binatang ternak (unta, sapi, kerbau, domba, dan kambing) pada hari raya Idul

Adha sampai pada Hari Tasyriq (11, 12, 13 Dzulhijjah) dengan tujuan untuk mendekatkan

diri kepada Allah Swt, mensyukuri nikmat-nikmatnya, serta mencari Ridha Allah SWT.

2.2 Cara Pembagian Daging Qurban


2.1 Definitions of Mind Map

As has been developed by Buzan (2001), Mind Mapping is defined as a powerful
technique that allows people to make the best of their brainpower. He also said that mind
mapping technique harnesses the full range of one curtail skills, making people, more
productive and creative. Mind mapping is technique which summarizes the materials will
be learnt and projected the problems faced into mapping or graph technique so that it
makes easier to understand (Iwan Sugiarto, 2004:75). Mind mapping is verbal
visualization technique into the picture. It is supported by (Eric Jensen, 2002: 95) that
mind map is very useful to understand the material especially the material which is given
verbally. The goals are to make the lesson visually which can help rememorizing and
strengthening information that have been learned Furthermore, Bobbi de Porter and
Hernachi (1999: 152) explains that mind mapping is technique how to use a whole brains
by using visual and other graph to build the impression more deeply.
Beasley (2001) defines it as a method of organizing information, which involves
drawing diagrams to show how ideas in a text are related and colored to highlight broad
concepts. In shorts, it can be said that mind mapping is a procedure for constructing
visual displays of categories and relationship ideas.
Buzan (2001) emphasizes that a mind map uses the words, lines, the logic colors and
images to stimulate our brain with four important characteristics: (a) the subject is
represented by a central image, (b) the main themes radiate from the central images as
main branches, (c) minor themes are linked to main themes, (d) all branches are
connected forming a modal structure.

1.2 How to do a Mind Mapping?

a. The First Step of doing Mind Mapping

b. Look for Relationships.
c. Draw Quickly on Unlined Paper without Pausing, Judging or Editing.
d. Use Capitals
e. Put Main idea in the Centre.
f. Leave Lots of Space
Mind Maps have many applications in personal, family, educational, and
business situations, including notetaking, brainstorming (wherein ideas are inserted into
the map radially around the center node, without the implicit prioritization that comes
from hierarchy or sequential arrangements, and wherein grouping and organizing is
reserved for later stages), summarizing, as a mnemonic technique, or to sort out a
complicated idea.

1.3 Applications of Mind Mapping

Mind maps can be applied to most of life’s situations that involve any learning or
thinking. As an individual mind mapping will help in planning; doing ‘lists’; projects;
communicating; organizing; problem analyzing/solving. As a learner it can help in
remembering; note taking; note making; reports; essays; presentations; exams; thinking;
concentrating; projects; organizing; over viewing; meetings; training; negotiating;
interviewing; appraisals; Brain Blooming.

Table 2.1 Uses and Benefits of Mind Mapping

Uses Benefits
Learning Reduce those ‘tons of work’ feel good about study, revision,
and exam. Have confidences in your learning abilities.
Over viewing See the whole picture, the global view, at the once. Understand
the links and connections.
Concentrating Focus on the task for the better results. Use all of your cortical
skills attracts your attention.
Memorizing Easy recall. ‘see’ the information in your mind’s eye.
Organizing Be on top of all of the details for parties, holidays, projects or
any subject.
Presenting Speeches are clear, relaxed and alive. You can be at your
best. Communicating In all forms with clarity and conciseness.
Planning Orchestrate all details and aspects-form beginning to end- on
one piece of paper.
Meetings From planning to agenda, to chairing, to taking the minutes,
the jobs are completed with speed and efficiency.
Training From preparation to presentation they make the job easier and
much faster.
Thinking Having the method to analyze thoughts- almost a way-station
for them.
Negotiating All the issues, your position and maneuverability in one sheet.
Brain Blooming The new brainstorming in which more thoughts are generated
and appropriately assessed.
(Adopted from Buzan, Internet Jurnal 2001)
What is Grammar?

Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. The

more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and
effectiveness of the way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect
ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English. And it can help
everyone--not only teachers of English, but teachers of anything, for all teaching are
ultimately a matter of getting to grips with meaning. (David Crystal, 2004). It is necessary
to know grammar, and it is better to write grammatically than not, but it is well to
remember that grammar is common speech formulated. (William Somerset Maugham,
Fromkin et all (1997:15) explains that the way in using the word grammar differs in
another way from its most common meaning. In our sense, the grammar includes
everything speakers know, about their language – the sound system, called phonology,
the system meanings, called semantics, the rule of word formation, called morphonology,
and the rules of the sentences formation, called syntax.
House and Harman (1950:11) states that grammar is study about words and their function.
In its wider sense it may include phonology (pronunciation), morphology (inflectional
forms), syntax (the relation of words to other words in phrases, clauses, and sentences)
and semantics (meaning of words). In its narrower sense it may deal only with the forms
and with the uses of words. Since the grammar is a science, it is described and analyzed
the basic parts of speech, explain and interpret the laws of governing the language.
Haliday (1985) says that grammar is one that construes all the units of a
language. Also grammar is the field of linguistics that involves all the various things that
make up the rules of the language. Subfields of linguistics that are considered a part of
grammar include syntax, phonetics, morphology, and semantics. Grammar may be
separated into two common categories: descriptive and perspective. Both views of
grammar are in wide use, although in general, linguists tend towards a descriptive
approach to grammar, while people teaching a specific language – such as English –
might tend towards a more perspective approach.
A perspective grammar looks at norms of speech as given by authoritative sources, such
as an upper –class or academic subculture, and creates strict rules by which all speech
within than language must abide to be considered grammatical. Few linguists take a
prescriptive approach to grammar in the modern age, preferring to describe language as it
exists in a given speech community.

Grammar Maps
Pictorial methods for recording knowledge and modelling systems have been
used for centuries in learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking, and problem
solving by educators, engineers, psychologists, and others. Some of the earliest examples
of such graphical records were developed by Porphyry of Tyros, a noted thinker of the
3rd century, as he graphically visualized the concept categories of Aristotle. Philosopher
Ramon Llull (1235–1315) also used such techniques.
The semantic network was developed in the late 1950s as a theory to understand human
learning and developed further by Allan M. Collins and M. Ross Quillian during the early
British popular psychology author Tony Buzan claims to have invented modern mind
mapping. He claimed the idea was inspired by Alfred Korzybski's general semantics as
popularized in science fiction novels, such as those of Robert A. Heinlein and A.E. van
Vogt. Buzan argues that while "traditional" outlines force readers to scan left to right and
top to bottom, readers actually tend to scan the entire page in a non-linear fashion. Buzan
also uses popular assumptions about the cerebral hemispheres in order to promote the
exclusive use of mind mapping over other forms of note making. The mind map
continues to be used in various forms, and for various applications including learning and
education (where it is often taught as "webs", "mind webs", or "webbing"), planning, and
in engineering diagramming. When compared with the concept map (which was
developed by learning experts in the 1970s) the structure of a mind map is a similar
radial, but is simplified by having one central key word. A mind map is often created
around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and
concepts are added. Mind maps have many applications in personal, family, educational,
and business situations, including notetaking, brainstorming (wherein ideas are inserted
into the map radially around the center node, without the implicit prioritization that comes
from hierarchy or sequential arrangements, and wherein grouping and organizing is
reserved for later stages), summarizing, as a mnemonic technique, or to sort out a
complicated idea. Mind maps are also promoted as a way to collaborate in color pen
creativity sessions.
Futhermore, Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. The
more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and
effectiveness of the way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect
ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English. And it can help
everyone--not only teachers of English, but teachers of anything, for all teaching is
ultimately a matter of getting to grips with meaning.

In the next development of Mind Mapping rising Grammar Maps term. Grammar Maps is
a method or a way how to learn or how to improve the students’ Grammar mastery. So
that Grammar Maps will be used in teaching English grammar by organizing information,
which involves drawing diagrams to show the students’ ideas in learning grammar
because the students can imagine or think when the teachers are teaching grammar and
also teaching Grammar Maps use the words, lines, the logic colors and images to
stimulate the brain. In relation to this concept, De Porter (2000) said that all details in a
mind mapping is very easy to remember because it follows the brain framework. Based
on the explanation on how to do mind mapping with its diagram and how to combine with
English Grammar in teaching English grammar to the students. From consideration
above, we can underline that Mind Mapping umbrellas Grammar. Then, the reseacher
shows some examples of Grammar Maps.
3.1 The Aims and Benefits of Research

The aims of the research are:

1. To identify whether Grammar Maps is effective in improving English grammar

mastery of the fourth semester students at Muhammadiyah University of
2. To know whether the students are interested in learning English grammar by using
Grammar Maps.

3.2 The Benefits of Research

This research was conducted of the fourth-year semester students at Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in 2010/2011 academic year, focused on improving students’
grammar by implementing the Grammar Maps in some meetings. And the writer
therefore used five items as scope of the research namely Tenses, Question tags, Passive
voice, Conditional sentence and Gerund. Based on the objectives of the research, the
significances of the research were able to:
1) help the students to solve their problems in mastering English grammar, so that they
are more active and motivated in learning English through Grammar Maps.
2) enrich the teachers’ and lecturers’ knowledge with appropriate model of Grammar
Maps applicable in EFL class to improve the students’ grammar mastery.
3) give contribution to the university in improving teaching and learning process and in
increasing the quality of education as a whole.

A. Design of the Research

This research applied quasi experimental design (Gay et.all 2006:258). The
students were divided into two groups namely experimental group who received
treatment (Grammar Mapps) and Control group who received Conventional teaching
grammar (non Grammar Maps). The reseacher used kinds of grammar above in treatment.
After the treatment, they were given post-test. The aim of given this was to know of using
Grammar Maps in improving the students’ grammar mastery. To make it clear, we saw
the following table:

O1 X1 O2

O1 X2 O2

Table 3.1 Research Design

(Adapted from Gay, et al 2006: 255)

O1 : Pre-test
O2 : Post-Test
X1 : The treatment for experimental group by using Grammar Maps
X2 : The teaching for control group by using non Grammar Maps

Before the treatment was done, the researcher gave a pre-test to know the ability
of the students in mastering the grammar. Then after pre-test the researcher gave five
meetings for treatment using English grammar with Grammar Maps. The last, the
researcher gave post-test to know the result of the treatment.

B. Variable of the Research

This research consisted of two kinds of variables namely dependent and
independent variables. The independent variable was the use of Grammar Maps and the
dependent variables were English grammar mastery and the students’ interest.

C. Operational Definition of Variables

The researcher formulates the operational definition of variables as follows:
1. The use of Grammar Maps teaching English is how to teach English grammar
effectively for the students by using Mind Maps technique and defining the problem,
diagnosing how big it is and what causes it, formulating alternative strategies or
plan for solving it, deciding upon and implementing the most desirable strategies,
and evaluating the success of the strategies used. As has been developed by Buzan
(2001), mind mapping is defined as a powerful technique that allows people to make
the best of their brainpower. He also said that mind mapping technique harnesses the
full range of one curtail skills, making people, more productive and creative.
2. Grammar Mastery involves students in mastering English grammar in some meetings
by using Grammar Maps in teaching process.
3. The students’ interes is perference of someone to love something, so she/he is ready
to give attention and mobilizing his/her energy, ideas, time and finance which might
be developed by given stimulant.

D. Population and Sample

1. Population
The population of this research was the fourth semester at Muhammadiyah
University of Makassar in academic year 2010/2011. The population was 13 classes. The
total population was 645 students from thirteen classes.

2. Sample
The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling, two classes were then
taken randomly to represent them as experimental group and the control group. Each class
consists of 30 students so that both of the classes were 60 students as sample. Moreover,
the students were considered had different characteristic and capability.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

A quasi-experimental research was pursued. Two intact groups of students were
assumed homogenous duo to their similar educational background. The two groups of
students were labeled as experimental group and control group. The treatment was done
by using pre-test and post-test. Each group studied the same English grammar.
In collecting the data, the researcher used this following procedure:
1. Pre-test
Before doing the treatment, the students were given pre-test to know their
ability in English grammar. The researcher gave one hundred numbers of objective
test in grammar. Pre test was given for both of groups, experimental and control

2. Treatment

a. Teaching Strategy
The teaching strategy was used Grammar Maps to improve the students’ English
grammar mastery.
b. Teaching Procedure
In teaching English grammar the researcher gave some kinds opf grammar that
use Grammar Maps. Before teaching the students were shown materials by using
softwere from LCD. This aim made the students were easy to understand English
Grammar. Then the researcher arranged the students to pay attention to Grammar Maps
and understand it.

c. Treatment
In this treatment, the researcher took five meetings to the students of
experimental group. The students were shown some kinds of English grammar with
Grammar Maps by using LCD in the class room. The five meetings have been taught the
five kinds of Englisg grammar, they were: Tenses, Question Tag, Passive Voice,
Conditional Sentence and Gerund. The experimental group was taught by using Grammar
Maps while the control group thought Conventional teaching grammar. The researcher
can help his students to teach English grammar by using Grammar Maps became
effective and interest for them.

3. Post-test

After the treatment, the researcher gave the objective test (multiple choices) that
the same with pre-test. The test intended to know whether Grammar Maps can improve
the students’ English grammar mastery. It ran for 90 minutes.

2. Questionnaire
Collecting data from questionnaire form was very important thing to know and
to understand the students’ opinion and perception in feeling the answer from grammar
questions that distributed by researcher to the respondents. In the connection the question
items were devided into positive and negative items.

F. Instrument of the Research

In this research, the data were collected using two kinds of instruments,
questionnaire and test.

1. Questionnaire
The first kind of reserach instrument was questionnaire. In this reserach the
instrument was given to find out the students’ interest toward the use of grammatical
map. The questionnaire use Likert Scale. Strongly, agree, undecided, disagree and
strongly disagree were the options for the statements. The questionnaire was distributed
to the respondents after last treatment.

2. Test

The test consists of two kinds of test: pretest and posttest. This instrument was
intended to measure the students’ grammar mastery.
G. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data collected through English grammar test and questionnaire,
the researcher used the product below:

1. Grammar Test
In this research, the data collected after giving instruments of collecting data to
the respondent (students). The data were analyzed through quantitative analysis. To get
the score, the researcher used scoring scale which includes tenses, question tags,
conditional sentences, gerund, and modal . The data were analyzed by employing the
following procedures: In classifying the students’ score, the researcher gave 20 (twenty)
multiple choices each items. For each item of the questions was valued 1 (one) score so
that the total numbers of the questions were one hundred multiple choice questions.

The data were classified into five classifications by referring the scoring system
as follows:

Table 3.2 Scoring Classification of Students’ Score Into Seven Levels Which was Based
on Depdikbud Standard of Evaluation (1985: 6) as following:
No Classifying Score
1 Excellent 9.6 to 10
2 Very Good 8.6 to 9.5
3 Good 7.6 to 8.5
4 Fairly Good 6.6 to 7.5
5 Fair 5.6 to 6.5
6 Poor 3.6 to 5.5
7 Very poor 0 to 3.5

In this research, the researcher also used SPSS analysis. SPSS analysis uses as a
tool for colecting data processing and analyzing data, drawing conclusion and making
decision based on the result of analysis of the data collected (Asfah Rahman, 2007:2). In
this case, the data were analyzed by the descriptive statistic and inferential statistic
through SPSS 17.0 for Windows Evaluation Version. If the value of test was greater than
the value of p.value by setting significant level was 0.05 it means that there was a
significant difference of grammar achievement between the students of experiment group
and control group.

2. Questionnaire
The data of questionnaires were analyzed by using Likert Scale. It aimed to
measure the respondents’ opinion or feeling about using Grammar Maps in mastering
English grammar. The measuring of instrument items of Likert scale that consist of
positive statements and negative statements as follows

Table 3.3 Likert Scale

Positive statement Negative statement

Score Category Score Category
5 strongly agree 1 strongly agree
4 Agree 2 Agree
3 Undecided 3 Undecided
2 Disagree 4 Disagree
1 strongly disagree 5 strongly disagree

To interprate the students’ interest responds, the researcher used the interval
estimate. The interval estimation was used to measure the parameter of population based
on the score of rates interval sample data that have 15 intervals estimate each level. In this
case, the rating score was range 20 to 100 and the questionnaire levels are 5 levels or 5
categories. Thus the researcher started to measure the score of strongly uninterested (20)
to strongly interested (100). Therefore, the researcher used 15 intervals estimate and as
well as large enough score in order to minimize the error level or significant score in
The interval of the students’ interest responds on the questionnaire was seen in
the following table as follow:

Table 3.4 Score Category of the Questionnaire

No Interval score Category

1 85 – 100 strongly interested
2 69 - 84 Interested
3 52 – 68 Moderate
4 36 - 51 Uninterested
5 20 – 35 strongly uninterested

The questionnaire data into percentage the researcher used the percentage
technique using the formula as follows:
𝑃= x 100 %

Where : P : Percentage from test and questionnaire

Fq : Number of frequency
N : Total sample
(Sudjana, 1992)
This chapter deals with the finding and discussion of the research. The finding
shows the data obtained through the test to see the achievement of the grammar through
Grammar Maps. The discussion contains the description and interpretation of the finding
of the research. It was based on the analysis of data collected.
A. Finding
This part consists of students’ achievement and interest. The Students’
achievement analysis deals with the percentage of students’ achievement mean score,
standard deviation, t-test value of students’ pretest and posttest on experimental and
control classes. The students’ interest analyses consist of the percentage and mean score
of students’ interest.

1. The Students’ Achievement

a. The Percentage of Students’ Achievement for Pretest

The following table presents the students’ pretest score and percentage for
experimental and control class.

Table 4.1 The Percentage of Students’ Pretest Score

Experimental Class Control Class

Classification Score
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very good 89-100 0 0% 0 0%
Good 78-88 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Fairly Good 67-77 11 36.7% 11 36.7%
Fair 56-66 14 46.7% 11 36.7%
Poor 45-55 3 10% 7 23.3%
Very poor 33-44 1 3.3% 0 0%
Total 30 100% 30 100%
Based on Table 4.1 above, it was known that there were fourteen students
(46.7%) got fair of the students for experimental class was in fair category. Eleven
students (36.7%) got fairly good, three students (10%) got poor, one student (3.3%) got
very poor and one student (3.3%) got good in pretest of experimental.

On the other hand, in control class was categorized in fairly and fair category,
from the thirty respondents, the data indicated that only one student (3.3%) got good,
eleven students (36.7%) got fairly good, eleven students (36.7%) got fair, and seven
students (23.3%) got poor.

Chart 4.1 The Comparison Between Pretest Experimental Group and Pretest Control

Chart of comparison between pretest experimental

and pretest control
Pretest Experimental Pretest Control

1111 11

0 01 1 3
Very 0
Good Fairly
good Fair
Good Poor

Based on chart 4.1 above it shows that the comparison between prettest
experimental group and posttest control group that there were not significance different
both of them. So that both of them increased by giving the treatment.

b. The Percentage of Students’ Achievement for Posttest

The following shows the percentage of students’ pretest score who were taught
by using Grammar Maps was different from those who were taught without Grammar

Table 4.2 The Percentage of Students’ Posttest Score

Experimental Class Control Class

Classification Score
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very good 89-100 11 36.7% 0 0%
Good 78-88 14 46.7% 10 33.3%
Fairly good 67-77 5 16.7% 18 60%
Fair 56-66 0 0% 2 6.7%
Poor 45-55 0 0% 0 0%
Very poor 33-44 0 0% 0 0%
Total 30 100% 30 100%
The data above shows that the students’ achievement of experimental class in
posttest increased, eleven students (36.7%) got very good, fourteen students (46.7%) got
good, and five students (16.7%) got fairly good, and none student got fair, poor, and no
one got very poor.

While, in control class, just ten students (33.3%) got good, eighteen students
(60%) got fairly good, two students (6.7%) got fair, no one student got very good, poor
and very poor.

Chart 4.2 The Comparison Between Posttest Experimental Group and Posttest Control

Chart of comparison between postest experimental and

postest control

Posttest experimental Posttest control




0 0 00 00

Very good Good Fairly good Fair Poor Very poor

Based on chart 4.2 above it shows that the comparison between post
experimental group and post control group that there are significance different both of
them. Most of the students got high score if they study English grammar by using
Grammar Maps. So that the different between them were significant.

c. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students’ Pretest for Experimental and
Control Class

Before treating experimental class and teaching control class, pretest was given
to know the students achievement. Besides, the purpose of the test was to find out
whether or not both experimental and control classes were in the same level.
The result of students’ pretest score was gained by the students using Grammar
Maps in improving English grammar mastery was seen in a table as follows:

Table 4.3 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students’ Pretest

Class Mean Score Standard Deviation

Experimental 62.67 8.277
Control 62.00 8.469

The Table 4.3 above shows that the mean score of students’ pretest of
experimental class was 62.67 which was categorized as fair classification and control
class was 62.00 which categorized as fair classification. Therefore, based on the table
above, the reseacher concluded that the students’ mean score of experimental class was
the same with the control class. It means that there was not significantly different between
the students’ achievement from both experimental and control classes before treatment.

Since the students’ pretest were nearly at the same level, it means that the
reseacher can do futher research.

d. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students’ Posttest for Experimental and
Control Class

The mean score and standard deviation were presented in the following table to
find out the difference between the posttest score of experimental and control classes.

Table 4.4 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students’ Posttest

Class Mean Score Standard Deviation

Experimental 82.00 7.144
Control 72.67 5.833

The table 4.4 above shows that the mean score of both groups was different after
being given treatment. The mean score of experimental class was 82.00 which was
categorized as good and control class was 72.67 which was categorized as fairly good
(82.00>72.67) and standard deviation of experimental class was 7.144 and standard
deviation of control class was 5.833

e. Test of Significant (t-test)

Inferential analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The researcher used t-test
(test of significance) for independent sample test. This was a test to know the significant
difference between the result of students’ mean scores in post-test in control class and
experimental class after being taught by using Grammar Maps.

The level of significance (α) = 0.05, the only thing which was needed; the degree
of freedom (df) = 29, where N-1 (30-1); then the result of the t-test was presented in the
following table:

Table 4.5 the t-test of Students’ achievement on Control and Experimental Class

Table 4.6 The Percentage of Students’ achievement

Variables T - test T – Table Remarks

Pretest of control and Not significantly
Experimental classes .758 .311 different
Posttest of control .000 .176 Significantly
and experimental classes different

Based on the result of data analysis as summarized in Table 4.5 above in pre-test
of control and experimental class, the researcher found that the t-test was lower than t -
table (.311 < .758) which means that there was no significant difference in pre-test. While
in post-test of control and experimental class, the researcher found that the t-test was
higher than t-table (.000 > .176) and the degree of freedom 29. The mean score of
experimental and control classes in post-test were remarked significantly different. It
indicated that the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and, of course, the null
hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It showed that the use of Grammar Maps significantly
increased students’ English grammar achievement.

2. The Students’ Interest

To know the students’ interest toward the use of interpersonal interaction in
learning English grammar, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the students. The
data were analyzed by using Likert Scale. The results show that the students had good
response in learning English grammar by using Grammar Maps. This was indicated by
the percentage of the students’ questionnaire shown in the following table:

Table 4.6 The Percentage of Students’ Interest

Category Range Frequency Percentage
Strongly Interested 85- 100 9 30%
Interested 69-84 19 63.3%
Moderate 52-68 2 6.7%
Uninterested 36-51 0 0%
Strongly Uninterested 20 – 35 0 0%
Total 30 100%
Based on the percentage analysis of students’ interest on the Table 4.6 above, the
analysis shows that there were no students who states negative statement to the use of
Grammar Maps, nine students (30%) were strongly interested who get score in interval
85-100, eighteen students (63.3%) were interested in interval 69 - 84 and two students
(6.7%) were moderate in interval 52 - 68. The table above indicated that the use of
Grammar Maps technique in teaching of English grammar was interest to the students.
This supported by the following table:

Table 4.6 The Mean Score of Students’ Interest

Total Respondent Total of students' score Mean

30 2.530 84.33

The Table 4.6 shows that the mean score of the students’ interest was 84.33
which categorized in interested category according to the range of students’ interest score.
Therefore, the students had interest toward the use of Grammar Maps as a technique in
teaching English grammar.


1. The Students’ Score of English Grammar

In this section, the discussion deals with the strategy used in teaching English
grammar. Using of Grammar Maps strategy in teaching English grammar of the fourth
semester students of English Department at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar
Increased the students’ score. This was proven by α (0.05) value in the table of
distribution of t - probability of the students’ posttest was less than the result of the t-
value counted based on the achievement of the students’ grammar. Thus, the hypothesis
for H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected which indicates that there was a difference
between pre-test and post-test. The significant difference was proven with t value was higher
than ttab.
Although both of the teaching grammar strategies were used in the class room
and they gave improvement of the students’ achievement, a better of the strategy
recommended here was directed activities related to the English grammar. This strategy
was able to change the students’ ability to improve their English grammar mastery than
before. So it was inferred that the statistical counting based on the t-test value of the two
strategies, the use of Grammar Maps was better than a conventional teaching of English

Based on the result of the students’ work in the experimental group after the treatment,
the researcher analyzed that their English Grammar in Grammar Maps. The data showed
that the students have improvements on their understanding in learning English grammar.
This was proven by the frequency of the students in answering result of their pre-test and
post-test. The result data shown in the description of the table proven that both of groups
showed an improvement in the post-test though the experimental group had a better effect
to the students rather than control group. Each of group completed the same English
grammar tests with different treatment and both of the groups were analyzed to see their
level of comprehension after treatment.

In experimental group, the students followed the steps of the application of Grammar
Maps in which the students to decide what information constituents were to be the
focuses on attention to the students. They were able to know the surface. From the data
shows that in the pre-test and post-test the achievement of the students on their
understanding of English grammar increased where the data post-test significantly
improved from the distribution frequency of the result and the mean score as well as the
standard deviation. By having opportunities, the students had an opportunity to ask about
what they did not know and identify the parts of grammar for answering the questions.
Therefore, their motivation to learn was increased. It was also proven with the data
showed in the interest score. The achievement of the students’ score indicates that the
students are able to recall all the English grammar that they have recognized them in
their memory. From the result and discussion above, it was stated that an English
grammar was still needed to improve the students’ ability on their level of mastering.
Based on the research result, the students had already made significant progress in
improving their grammar mastery after they were given the treatment. In addition based
on the research findings, the students’ achievement taught by using Grammar Maps
strategy was better than use of a conventional way.
Most of the students’ result show that in the posttest for experimental group,
there were fourteen students (46.7%) got good classification mean while the post test
result of control group shown that most of the students or ten students (33.3%) got good
classification. This indicated that the two applications of Grammar Maps and
conventional way were significantly different to increase the students’ ability in learning
English grammar.

2. Students’ Interest
Students’ interest toward the application of Grammar Maps was high. It was
proven from the data of questionnaire which administered to them. The mean score of
experimental group was 84.33, so it was concluded that the students were interested in the
application of Grammar Maps.
Based on the percentage analysis of students’ interest on the Table 4.6 above, the
analysis shows that there were none of the students stated negative statement in the use of
Grammar Maps, nine students (30%) were strongly interested who get score in interval
85-100, eighteen students (63.3%) were interested in interval 69 - 84 and two students
(6.7%) were moderate in interval 52 - 68. The table above indicated the use of Grammar
Maps technique in teaching of English grammar was interest to the students.

In the Table 4.6 shows that the mean score of the students’ interest was 76.55
which as was interested category according to the range of students’ interest score.
Therefore, the students had interest to use of Grammar Maps as a technique in teaching
English grammar.

This means that the Grammar Maps was a good applicable strategy in teaching
English grammar. Most of the students stated that learning English grammar using
Grammar Maps improved their interest in the process of study. Most of students shows
their high interest to application of Grammar Maps because it, the students’ motivation to
improve in English grammar. There was none of them show their low interest in the
category of questionnaire interest to application of Grammar Maps.
This chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion based on the finding and
discussion of the data analysis.

In relation to the research finding and discussion in the previous chapter, the
conclusion is presented in the following statement:
The hypothesis testing shows that the students’ English grammar before and
after treatments are significantly difference. It is found that the students post-test is higher
than pre-test, so that by using Grammar Maps is effective in improving English grammar
mastery of the fourth semester students at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. From
The result of the questionnaire also shows that the students’ interest toward the
application of Grammar Maps is interested category. This led to the conclusion that the
blend strategy of using Grammar Maps in learning English grammar had brought up an
up-to-date way in English language teaching grammar subject.

In relation to the subject (English grammar) discusses in this thesis and in order
to improve the teaching of grammar to the students, the researcher presents some
suggestions as follows:
1. Lectures should give enough opportunity to the students to practice their skill
through various techniques, one of them is Grammar Maps because it is easy to
be presented and it is also enjoyable the students in learning English grammar.
2. It is recommended that the readers of this thesis use this technique (Grammar
Maps) in order to improve English Grammar more comprehensive of the
learners, and to carry out deepest investigation to examine whether or not
Grammar Maps can improve the students or the learners in English grammar

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Justifikasi Anggaran

No Jenis Pengeluaran Biaya (Rp)

Honorarium (Maksimum 30%)
1. Ketua Peneliti, Anggota 1, 2 dan anggota 3 Selama 24 3. 300. 000
Minggu (6 Bulan)
Bahan habis pakai dan peralatan (30-50%)
2. Materai, Laporan, Kertas, Tinta, Persuratan, Jilid, 5. 000. 000
Pulsa/kuota, Sewa kamera dan rental mobil.
Perjalanan (Maksimum 20%)
Transportasi, Survey, Konsumsi, Snack 2. 200.000
4. Lain-lain (publikasi/seminar? 500. 000
Jumlah 12. 000. 000



1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Penyusunan
2 Pembuatan instrument
3 Penyempurnaan instrument
4 Survey lapangan

5 Penelitian
6 Pengelohan dan analisis
7 Penulisan
8 Editing dan penyempurnaan
9 Seminar Hasil


No Nama / NIDN Instansi Asal Bidang Alokasi Waktu
Uraian Tugas
Ilmu (jam/minggu)
1 Sujarwo,S.Pd., STKIP Mega Pendidikan 8 jam/minggu 1. Perencanaan
M.Pd Rezky Bahasa 2. Pelaksanaan
Makassar Inggris 3. Survey
4. Analisis
5. Presentasi
6. Pelaporan
2 Muh. Reski STKIP Mega Pendidikan 7 jam/minggu 1. Perencanaan
Salemuddin. Rezky Sosiologi 2. Pelaksanaan
S.Sos., M. Pd Makassar 3. Survey
4. Analisis
5. Pelaporan
3. Yolan Kastela STKIP Mega Mahasiswa 7 jam/minggu 1. Pelaksanaan
Rezky Prodi 2. Survey
Makassar Pendidikan 3. Membantu
Bahasa 4. Dokumentasi
4. Muh Aswar STKIP Mega Mahasiswa 7 jam/mi 1. Pelaksanaan
Rezky Prodi nggu 2. Survey
Makassar Pendidikan 3. Membantu
Bahasa 4. Dokumentasi


A. Identitas Ketua
1. Biodata Ketua
1 Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Sujarwo, S. Pd., M. Pd
2 Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
3 Jabatan Fungsional Asisten Ahli
4 NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 014093188147035
5 NIDN 0903038401
6 Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Bima/03 Maret 1984
7 E-mail jarwo.ibrahim@gmail.com
8 Nomor Telepon/HP 081230091927
9 Alamat Kantor Jl Antang Raya No 45 Makassar
10 Nomor Telepon/Faks 0411 – 496614
11 Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan
1. Vocabulary I dan II
2. Profesi Kependidikan
3. Introduction to Morphology
12 Mata Kuliah yang Diampu 4. Curriculum and Material Development
5. English for Nursing, Midwifery
6. Bahasa Inggris untuk Farmasi dan Umum
2. Riwayat Pendidikan
S-1 S2
Universitas Universitas Negeri Makassar
Nama Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah
Pendidikan Bahasa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Bidang Ilmu
Tahun Masuk-Lulus 2003-2008 2009-2011
Using Grammar Maps In
Measuring Vocabulary
Improving Grammar Mastery of
Mastery at SMP Negeri
Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi the Fourth Semester Students at
26 Makassar Using
Muhammadiyah University of
Cloze Procedure
Dr. H. Bahrun, M.Hum Prof. Dr. Haryanto, M. Pd
Irwan Akib, S. Pd, Dr. Sukardi Weda, M.Hum,M.Pd,
M.Pd M.Si

3. Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

(Bukan Skripsi, Tesis, maupun Disertasi)

No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Pendanaan

Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)
1 2015 The Effect of the Use Grammar Maps Mandiri
In Improving Grammar Mastery
2 2016 Using Mnemonic Technique in Yayasan
Improving English Vocabulary
Achievement of the Twelfth Grade
Students of SMA Tut Wuri Handayani
of Makassar

4. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Pendanaan
Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)
1 2016 Yayasan -

5. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/
. Nomor/Tahun
1. The Effect of the Use Grammar Jurnal Tekstual Fakultas Vol.13/No.3/ 2015
Maps In Improving Grammar Sastra dan Budaya
Mastery (Jurnal Ilmiah
Kebahasaan dan
Kesastraan) Universitas
6. Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation) dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No. Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah / Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu danTempat
1 The Correlation Between Seminar Nasional Linguistik 16-17 Juni 2016 di
Students’ Vocabulary (SEMIOTIK), Fakultas Ilmu AULA MATTULADA
Mastery and Fluency in Budaya UNHAS UNHAS
Speaking English at the
First Semester Students of
English Education
Department of STKIP Mega
Rezky Makassar

Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata dijumpai
ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu
persyaratan dalam pengajuan hibah penelitian Yayasan.
Makassar, Mei 2017
Ketua Peneliti,

(Sujarwo, S. Pd., M. Pd)

NIDN: 0903038401
2. Biodata Anggota
1 Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Muh. Reski Salemuddin, S. Sos., M. Pd
2 Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
3 Jabatan Fungsional Asisten Ahli
4 NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 014093188147037
5 NIDN 0919118703
6 Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Jeneponto/19 Nopember 1987
7 E-mail muhrezkysalemuddin@ymail.com
8 Nomor Telepon/HP +62 852-9962-5087
9 Alamat Kantor Jl Antang Raya No 45 Makassar
10 Nomor Telepon/Faks 0411 – 496614
11 Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan
1. Media pembelajaran sosiologi
2. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
3. Model-model pembelajaran
12 Mata Kuliah yang Diampu 4. Antropologi budaya
5. Sistem sosial indonesia,
6. Sosiologi Korupsi

1. Riwayat Pendidikan
S-1 S2
Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Makassar
Nama Perguruan Tinggi
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Sosial Pendidikan Sosiologi
Tahun Masuk-Lulus 2005-2009 2012-2014
Peranan Pemimpin Perempuan Sebagai Lambing Siri’
Informal Dalam (Studi Kasus Silariang Di Desa
Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Pembangunan Desa Desa Bangkalaloe Kec.
Bangkalaloe Kec. Bontoramba Jeneponto)
Bontoramba Jeneponto.

2. Riwayat Penelitian
No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Pendanaan
Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)
LAMBANG SIRI' (Studi Kasus
Silariang di Desa Bangkalaloe
Kecamatan Bontoramba Kabupaten
Jeneponto Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan)
3. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam Jurnal dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/
. Nomor/Tahun
1. PEREMPUAN SEBAGAI Jurnal Tekstual Fakultas Vol.13/No.3/ 2015
LAMBANG SIRI' (Studi Kasus Sastra dan Budaya
Silariang di Desa Bangkalaloe (Jurnal Ilmiah
Kecamatan Bontoramba Kebahasaan dan
Kabupaten Jeneponto Provinsi Kesastraan) Universitas
Sulawesi Selatan) Khairun

Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata dijumpai
ketidaksesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu
persyaratan dalam pengajuan hibah penelitian Yayasan.
Makassar, Mei 2017
Anggota Peneliti,

(Muh. Reski Salemuddin, S.Sos., M. Pd)

NIDN: 0919118703

Foto Penelitian Tentang: Using Grammar Maps in Improving Grammar Mastery Of

The Fourth Semester Students At Muhammadiyah University Of Makassar
Nomor :037.b.3/LPPM/093188/lX/2016

Yang bertandatangan di bau'ah ini Ketua Lembaga Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada
Masyarakat STKIP Mega Rezky Makassar menugaskan
kepada: Ketua Peneliti
Nama Sujarwo, S. Pd., M. Pd
NIDN 0903038401
Anggota Peneliti
Nama Muh. Reski Salemuddin. S.Sos., M. Pd
NIDN 0919118703
Nama . Yolsn Kastela
NJM 15093188203008
Mahasiswa (2) Muh. Aswar
NIM 15093188203017

Judul Penelitian : Using Grammar flaps in Improving Grammar Mastery

of The Fourth Semester Students At JHuhammadiyah
University of Mshassar.

Untuk melaksanakan penelitian dalam rangka memenuhi salah satu tugas Tri Dharma
Perguruan Tinggi dengan judul diatas, dan akan memberikan laporan akhir penelitian
(hardcopy dan softcopy) ke LPPM STKIP Mega Rezky Makassar.

Dcmikian Surat Tugas ini dibuat Ufltllk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Makassar, 13 September 201b

Ketua LPPM,

d RU .
rs it iii.sul Alert 8J. Sr
NIDN : 0926115801

Dipindai dengan
Kampvs siriP Mega Rez¥y 'atassarTelp / Fax Out t • <91Jo3 Email


Nomor: 037.b.2 /Ll'3$l-STIKlP-8lR8lfIX/2016

Pads hnri ini, Sahtu, tanggal Sep il ih bulan Scytcmher tahun 2016, kmni yang
bcrtandatangan di bawah ini:
1. Drs. Syamsul Alam SLSi. selakrl kepala Pusat Lembaga Penelitian dan
Pengabdian Nlasyarakat (LP3M) untuk dan atas nama STlKIP Mega Rezky Makassar,
selanjutnya disebut PHJA K PERTAâIA;
2 Sujaro'o, S. Pd., M. Pil. sclaku peneliti, disebut PIHAK KEDIJA;
menyatakan bcrsepaknt untuk membuat pcrjanjian kontrak pcnclitian sebagai bcrikut.
Pasnl 1
Judul Pcnelitian
PIHAK PERTAMA dalam jabatannya tersebut di atas, mcmbcrikan tugas kepada PIHAK
KEDUA untuk melaksanakan penelitian yang berjudul: Using ti ram mar flaps in
Improx'ing Grammar IHaster)' of The Fourlh Semester Stuilents At âl uham r» adiyoh
University of Alakassar.
Pasal 2
lVaklu ‹lan Bia3a Penelitian
(;) Waktu penelitian adalah 2 Bulan, terhitiing bulan September sampai dengan Nopcmber
(2) Biaya pelaksanaan penelitian ini dibebankan pada pos Anggaran Pendapatan dan
Bclanja (APB) Program Studi peneliti yang bersan3kutan Tahun Akademik
2016/2017 dcnyao nilai kontrak sebesar R}i. 12.000.000,- (Dualielas belas juta rupiah).

I’asxl 3
Personqlia I’enclitinn

Susunan pcrsona li a penelitian ini sebagai berikut

Ketua Penelili
Nama Sujor is'o, S. Pd., JYJ.
NIDN Pd 0903038401
Anggota Pcncliti
Nama Muh. Reski Saleiniiddin. S.Sos., M. Pd
NIDN 0919118703
Slahasiswa (1)

NIM . 1 5093188203008
hlahasiswa (2) : Muh. Aswar
NIM 15093188203017

csra Pembayaran
Pembayaran biaya penelitian d ilberikan sesuai dc° s* n aturan d1n
tata cara yang tel811
ditetapkan dalam Pedoman Penelitian STIKIP Mega Rezky Makassar, sebaga i bCrikt)t.
Sh flE80IxBUo ni xoxon :ti7/E/o/zero tTenzxxrnirnslj

(1) Tahap J sebesar 75% dari nilai kontrak y•• s diterimakan paling cepat dna minggu
setelah surat perjanjian kontrak penelitian ini ditandatangani oleh kcdua pihak melalui
Biro Bag. Adm. Keuangan STIKIP Mega Rezky Makassar.
(2) lii.‹litutiou‹il fe•‹• sebesar 5% ditcrimakan kepada STIKJP Mega Rezky Makassar.
(3) Tahap I I sebesar 20% dari nilai kontrak yang diterimakan setelah PIHAK KEDUA
menyelesaikan seluruh kewajiban pekerjaan penelitian.

Pasal 5
Mstitutioiuil 4“ee
Dalam rangka penyeragaman dan efisiensi administrasi pilaporun penelitian, PH IAK
PERTAMA me1akulan pemotongan terhadap dana penelitian yang telah disetujui sebesar 10%
scbagai n, tiluliimal fee• dengan alokasi pemanfaatan antara lain untuk:
(1) Pcnyelenggarann Money Laporan Keinajuan.
(2) Pcnggandaan laporan akhir penelitian sebanyak 2 eksemplar.
(3) Jilid Laporan Akhir penelitian sebanyak 4 eksemplar.
(4) Kegiatan penunjang penelitian bagi dosen/pcngusul penelitian.
Pasal 6
Keaslian Penelitian dan Ketidakterikntan dengan Pihak 1.ain
(1) PIHAK KEDUA bertanggungjawab atas keaslian judul penelitian sebagaimana
disebutkan dalam pasal 1 Surat Pcrjanjian Kontrak Penclitian ini (bukan
diiplikat/jiplakan/plagiat) dari penelitian orang lain.
PIHAK KEDUA mcnjamin bahwa jiidul pcnelitian tersebut bebas dari ikatan dengan
pihak lain atau tidak sedang didanai oleh pihak lain.
(3) PJHAK kEDUA mcnjamin bahwa judul penelitian tersebut bukan merupakan
pCnC)1tlftn yang SEDANG atau SUDAI-I SLLESA 1 dikerjakan, baik didanai oleh
pihak lain maupun oleh sendiri.
(4) PIHAK PER’I“AMA tidak bertangpungjawab terhadap tindakan plas '•‹ yang dilakuki¥H
(j) apabila di kemudian hari dikelahui keiidakbenaran pemyataan ini, maka kontrak
penelitian DINYATA KAN BATAS, dan PIHAK KEDUA wajib mengembalika n
yang telah diterima kcpada STIKIP Mega Rezky Makassar.

Pembinibing/Konsultan Penelitian Pra blnndiri

( ) Setiap Peneliti Pra Mandiri harus menunjuk scOrang Peinbimbing/Konsulta n yang
bertugas membimbing pelaksanaan peneliliannya.
( ) Peneliti Pra Mandiri diharuskan berkonsullasi dens• n penibiiubingnya berkaitan
dengan penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan serta laporan hasil pcneliiiannja.
(3) TlnnnraritJm Pemhi mhin g/K nnsu \t8n ditanggung o1eh STIK I P Mega Rerky Makassar di
luar nilai kontrak penelitian sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku, dan akan dihayarka n
sctc)ah laporan hasil penelitian beSv•rta kelengkapannya diserahkan ke PIHAK
Pasal 8
h1onitoring Penelitian
(1) FIHAK PERTAMA berhak unluk:
a) Melakukan pengawasan adminislrasi, monitoring, dan evaluasi terhadap pclaksaruian
h) klemberikan sanksi jila dalam pelaksanaan penelitian terjadi pelonggaran terhadap
isi }›efjanjian oleh pencliti.
c) Bentuk snnksi disesuaikan dengan tingkat pelanygaran yang dilakukan.
(2) Pemanlaiian kemajuan penelitian dikoordinasikan oleh PIHAK PERTAMA.
(3) Pelaksanaan kcmajoan penelitian dijadivalkan podn bulnn ke-5 setelah Kontrak
Penelitian ditandatangani.
(4) Format Laporan Kemajuan dan teknis pelaksanaannya diatur oleh PIHAK PERTAMA.

Seminar Hnsil Penelitian

(1) PIHak x»ouA wajib nJcnysmhkan laporan hasil penelitian sebcnyak 2 (dua)
ekscmylar kcyada PIHAK PERTAMA pnling lnmbat 30 Mci 2017
(2) Pcns'clenggaraan S ininar IJasil Penelitian Rcgulcr Doscn STIKIP Mega Rgzky
Makassar menjadi tanggung jawab PIHAK PERTAMA.
(3) KCtuo Pcncliti di›vajibkan Nadir untuk mempresentasikan hasil pcnelitiannya pada
seminar hasil penclitian.
Fasal TO
Laporan Akhir Penelitian
(1) PIHAk kEDUA wajib menyerahkan revisi laporan penelitiannya paling lambat
dna pckan setelah seminar hasil penelitian seperti tersebut pada pasal 9.
(2) Berkas-bcrkas I.aporan ALhir meliputi:
(a) Ilurdcopy Laporan Akhir penelitian sebanyak 2 eksemplar(tidzk dijilid) terdiri dari:
(1) Laporan Hasil Penelitian,
(11) Naskah Publikasi, dan
(III) Sinopsis Penelitian Lanjutan (jika ada kelanjutan).
(b) Laporan Akhir penelitian mngkap 4 (empat) dengan perincian: 1 eks. untuk
PIHAK PERTAMA (LP3M STIKIP Mega Rezky Makassar). 1 eksemplor unluk
PIHAK iiEDUA (Pencliti), 1 els. unluk PerpustaLaan STlkIP Mega Rezky
Makassar, dan I cks. untuk pcrpusiokaan Progam Studi.
(C) Naskah yublikasi Jalam bcnluk y«i›i c sebanyak 2 eksemplar yang terpisah
dari laporan aLhir hasil penelitian. NasLah f‹iirre(dalam bentuk hardcopy dan
soficopyj ini disiapi.an untuk publiLasi di media massa.
(d} Diskct atau CD berisi file laporan lengkap dun naskah publikasi bentuk fe‹#rre
sebanyak 1 keping.
(3) Format laponin hasil penelitian scsuai dengan aturan-aturan yang lelah ditetapkan
dalam Pedoman Penelitian STIKIP Mega Rezky Makasszr 201S baik dalam hal wanna
sampul, tata iulis maupun unitan masing-masing komponen.

flak Kepemilikan Atas Baraag/Peralatan Penelitian

Scgala barang atau alat yang dibcli atas biaya penelitian menjadi Program Stodi peneliti yang
°• '•°• skutan. Pengaiumn kepemilikannja sebagai berikut.
(1) Barang atau alat berupa calriclgc•, printer, alat perekam, akscs internet, dan
sejenisnya pada dasarnya lidak dianggarkan dalam biaya penelitian selama masih
dapat menggunakan fasilitas STIKIP Mega Rezky lvlakassar.
(2) Kamera, aim perekain, dan semacamnya yang dapat dipakai ulang, buku, jurnal, CD,
DCD, I9VD, rr.i.scre, dan sejenisnya yang merupakan .voflware, program, alat atau

refercnsi penelitian yang didapatlan (dibeli) dari anggaran penelitian menjadi

milik Program Studi.
(3) Software dan/aiau 6ar‹/u'ore yang merupakan hosil penelitian harus disertakan dalam
Laporan Akhir Penelitian dan mcnipakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari peke
aan penelitian.
(4) Pemindahan hak kepemilikan bnrang atau alat sebagaimana tersebut dilakukan

Segala kelalaian baik disengaja maupun lidak, sehingga menyebabkan kelerlambatan
menyerahkan laporan hasil penelitian dengan batas waklu dalam pasal 9 yang telah
ditentukan akan mcndapatkan sanksi sebagai berikut.
(1) Tidak diperbolehkan mengajukan usulan penelitian reguler dosen STIkIP Mega
Rezky Makassar pada periods tahun anggaran berikutnya bagi keiua dan anggota
(2) PIHAK KEDUA diberi kesempatan perpanjangan waktu penelitian selama 2 (dua)
bulan sampai 31 December 2016
(3) Jika setelah masa perpanjangaii tersebut PIHAK KEDUA tidak dapat menyelesaikan
penelitiannYa, PIHAK KEDUA diwajibkan mengembalikan dana yang sudah
diterima kepada STIKIP Mega Rezky Maknssar dengan cara:
(a) mengembalikan tunai kepada PIHAK PERTAMA, atau
(b) dipotong pembayaran gajinya selama maksimal 10 angsuran.
Pasal 13
Pe anjian ini berlaku sejak ditandatangani dan disetujui oleh PIHAK PERTAMA dan
Makassar, 10 September 2016
°'^ *"ERTA

Su ari›S. Pd. FI
urs. s amsul Alam JYLSi.
NIDN: 0926115d0l NIDN: 0903038401

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