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Jan. 4.

, 1972 YATARQ |¢H|KAwA ETAL 3,632,830

Filed Dec. 8, 1968


gé E
45- §\§


3640506080 '160' léo' 140 F60


l I
I 1
United States Patent 0 ” 3,632,830
Patented Jan. 4, 1972

1 2
and lower condensation products between the foregoing, or
3,632,830 those of the foregoing with BHET. (Those impurities con
PROCESS FOR THE PURIFICATION OF CRUDE taining ether linkages will be hereinafter abbreviated as
BIS-(?-HYDROXYETHYL) TEREPHTHALATE cb-DEG). Those impurities cause the following objection
Yataro llchikawa, Michiyuki Tolkashiki, and Nobuo able phenomena during the polyester production: i.e.,
Suzuki, Iwakuni-shi, Japan, assignors t0 Teijin Limited, H'E-4CBA causes coloring of polyester; HE-PTA retards
Osaka, Japan
Filed Dec. 3, 1968, §er. No. 780,619 the rate of polymerization reaction of polyester; and
Int. Cl. C07c 69/82 <i>-DEG lowers the melting point of the product polyester.
U.S. Cl, 260-475 PR 6 Claims The main object of the present invention is to provide
10 a process for eliminating the impurities in crude BHET,
particularly the aforesaid HE-4CBA, H'E-PTA, and <I>
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE DEG, whereby providing high purity BHET suitable as
A process for purifying crude bis-(,B-hydroxyethyl) the starting material of polyester.
terephthalate prepared by the reaction of terephthalic acid Various puri?cation methods of crude BHET have been
or dimethyl terephthalate with ethylene glycol or ethylene proposed in the past. One of the typical of such methods
oxide which comprises dissolving the crude bis-(B-hydroxy is solvent recrystallization. As the solvents useful in that
ethyl) terephthalate in an aromatic solvent at a concentra method, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,062,862 proposed
tion higher than the saturation solubility of the crude bis water, and U.S. Pats. Nos. 3,120,560 and 3,268,575 pro
(?~hydroxyethyl) terephthalate in the solvent at a tempera~ posed polar organic solvents, such as chlorinated hydro
ture corresponding to the apparent melting point of the carbon, alcohol, etc. Solubility of BH'ET in those solvents
same crude bis-(?-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate in the same is extremely high, however, and even at low temperatures
solvent at an elevated temperature above the apparent the solubility is still considerable. Consequently, when
melting point and rapidly cooling the solution to a tem the solvent solution is cooled to low temperatures in the
perature below the apparent melting point, thereby avoid attempt to recover BHET from the solution, substantial
ing the precipitation of granular or blocky solids of bis quantities of BHET remains as dissolved in the solution.
(?-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate. Thus, in order to recover that BHET, either the solution
must be cooled to very low temperatures, or the solvent
must be eliminated, by evaporation, completely or almost
This invention relates to a process for the puri?cation completely. Therefore those recrystallization solvents are
of crude bis-(?-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate. hardly suitable for industrial use.
Bis-(,B-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (which hereinafter Also the use of non-polar solvents, such as aliphatic or
will be abbreviated as BHET) is produced in large quanti cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons as the recrystallization sol
ties as an intermediate product in the preparation of poly vents or BHET is known. However, solubility of BHET
ethylene terephthalate, and has high industrial value. in such solvents is too low to justify their use on indus
BHET is conventionally produced by ester-interchange trially practicable scale.
between dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol, or by According to our experiments, it is discovered that when
direct esteri?cation of terephthalic acid with ethylene aromatic compounds which are liquid at room temper
glycol. Also recently, a method normally referred to as ature, such as benzene, toluene and xylene, are used as the
ethylene oxide method is drawing much attention in the recrystallization solvent, solubility of BHET in those
?eld, in which terephthalic acid is directly reacted with 40 aromatic compounds is very low at relatively low tem
ethylene oxide. peratures such as room temperature, but very high at
Crude BHET which is obtained by the foregoing higher temperatures, such as 100° C. and above. There
methods contains various impurities such as those con fore, in respect of solubility of BHET alone, those aro
tained in the material terephthalic acid, catalyst employed matic compounds are suitable recrystallization solvents.
in the BHET-forming reaction, additives, and impurities 45 Our attempt to purify crude lBHET by conventional
side-produced of the reaction. ‘Some of these impurities recrystallization method using the aforesaid aromatic
apt to cause coloring, or lowering in melting point, of compounds which are liquid at room temperature, how
polyester or are detrimental to the polymerization re ever, failed to produce BHET of satisfactory purity.
action. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate such im Whereas, it is now discovered that, if the speci?c puri?ca
purities from BHET to the maximum degree possible, in 50 tion process of the invention is applied to the recrystalliza
order to use the same as the starting material for high tion with such aromatic compounds, the objectionable im
quality polyester. purities can be very effectively removed, and that BHET
More speci?cally, the impurities in crude BHET in which is quite satisfactory as the starting material for poly
clude reaction product of the impurities carried from the ester can be obtained.
starting terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate, for To wit, the present invention comprises the known
example, 4—carboxybenzaldehyde, with ethylene glycol or puri?cation method of crude BHET including the steps of:
ethylene oxide
(a) dissolving crude BHET, with heating, in an aromatic
compound solvent which is liquid at room temperature,
(no oniongo 0 o©_ono 60 (b) cooling the heated solution to precipitate the BHET,
to be abbreviated as HE-4‘CBA); reaction product of p and
toluic acid with ethylene glycol or ethylene oxide (c) separating the precipitated BHET, the improvement
residing in that,
(110 onionzo 0 CQ-on, 65 in the above dissolving step (a), the solution is caused
to be abbreviated as H'E-PTA); lower condensation prod to contain crude BHET as uniformly dissolved therein, at
ucts of the foregoing with BHET; addition products of a concentration higher than the saturation solubility of the
BHET and ethylene oxide side-produced of the reaction crude BHET in the solvent at the temperature correspond
of terephthalic acid with ethylene glycol or ethylene oxide ing to the apparent melting point of the crude BHET in
the solvent, said apparent melting point being de?ned in Accordingly, we pursued our studies further into the
the speci?cation, at an elevated temperature above the precipitation mechanism of the puri?ed BHET. As the re
said apparent melting point, and in the above cooling sult we discovered that, when the above heated solution is
step (b), at least the cooling from the above temperature rapidly cooled or quenched, at least from that high tem
of the solution to an optional temperature below the appar perature to an optional temperature below the apparent
ent melting point is performed rapidly, so as to avoid the melting point of the crude BHET in the solvent, so as to
precipitation of granular or blocky solid of the BHET. precipitate BHET substantially instantaneously, the pre
As aforesaid, solubility of crude BHET in the aromatic cipitated BHET exhibits very high purity, and the poly
compounds which are liquid to room temperature, such ethylene terephthalate polymerized of that BHET is com
as benzene, toluene, xylene and monochlorobenzene, is 10 pletely free of coloring, or if colored, colored not more
relatively low at low temperatures, but it rapidly increases than substantially negligible degree. Also, the polyethyl
with the temperature rise. For example, solubilities of a ene terephthalate possesses the melting point as high as, or
high purity BHET melting at 110° C. in benzene, toluene, even higher than, that of commercial polyethylene tere
xylene, and monochlorobenzene at various temperatures phthalate. -
are as given in the attached graph of FIG. 1. When the solution obtained by dissolving crude BHET
As can be understood from the same graph, solubility of in an aromatic compound solvent which is liquid at room
BH'ET in those liquid aromatic compounds rapidly in temperature, for example, benzene, toluene, xylene or
creases with the temperature rise. Therefore, for practic monochlorobenzene, by heating, is gradually cooled,
ing the puri?cation at a high e?‘iciency, it is advantageous blocky or granular solid BHET is precipitated, in case the
to dissolve the maximum possible crude BHET at consid solution contains, as uniformly dissolved therein, crude
erably high temperatures such as 100° C. or above, in such BHET in the quantity greater than that corresponding to
aromatic compound solvent, and to cool such a solution the solubility thereof at the apparent melting point. (Of
to the optional temperature such as room temperature or course the temperature of he solution is higher than the
above, so that the maximum feasible quantity of puri?ed apparent melting point.)
BHET may be obtained by single puri?cation operation. In contrast thereto, for example, when the above heated
According to our studies, the melting point of high solution is discharged into a low pressure zone so that the
purity BHET is 110°-111° C., but the apparent melting slurry system resulting from the rapid evaporation of a
point of the same BHET in the system in which the aro part or the most part of the solvent in the heated solu
rnatic compound is concurrently present is lower than the tion and partial precipitation of the BHET dissolved there
above temperature by approximately 5°—20° C. For ex 30 in, is quenched to a temperature below the said apparent
ample, the apparent melting points of the BHET in the melting point of the crude BHET in the same solvent, the
typical aromatic compounds are as in Table 1 below. BHET precipitate consisting mainly of ?aky or needle-like
crystals is obtained. In that case, if the pressure in the
low pressure zone is not su?iciently low, and furthermore
Melting points of BHET in the concurrent presence of 35 the cooling is performed not rapidly enough, together with
various aromatic compounds (solvent) the ?aky or needle-like crystals, granular or blocky BHET
solid may be precipitated.
Apparent melting point We minutely investigated those phenomena in correla
Aromatic compound: of BHIET (° C.) tion with the purity of the precipitated BHET, to discover
Benzene ____________________________ __. ‘90—98 the following:
Toluene _______ .._, ____________________ __ 91-100 (A) In case of precipitating BHET by cooling the solu
Xylene _________________ __i ____________ _, 93-402 tion of crude BHET which is heated to a temperature
Monochlorobenzene __________________ __ 90-98 higher than the apparent melting point of the BHET, if
Furthermore, the apparent melting points of crude the cooling is performed with insuf?cient rapidity, granu
BHET containing minor quantities of impurities as above lar or blocky, solid BHET is precipitated.
described, in the concurrent presence of aromatic com (B) The analysis results of such grains or blocks of
pounds as above, are still somewhat lower than the tem solid BHET indicate that they still contain considerable
peratures given in the above Table l. quantities of impurities such as HE-4CBA and ii>-DEG.
The apparent melting points of BHET in the liquid (C) Whereas, if the cooling is su?‘iciently rapid, the
aromatic compounds can be measured, for example, in the BHET precipitate is obtained mainly in the form of ?aky
manner as follows: one (1) g. of the sample BHET and or needlelike crystals, in mixture with minor quantity of
5 g. of solvent (an aromatic compound) are put in a sealed amorphous BHET, but no granular or blocky BHET is
tube, and gradually heated in an oil bath. The temper contained.
ature at which the sample BHET is molten (at which (D) And, the BHET precipitate containing no granular
temperature two liquid phases are formed in the sealed or blocky BHET shows extremely low impurity content,
tube) is measured as the apparent melting point. and when it is polymerized, substantially coloration-free,
Thus, in order to perform ei?cient puri?cation oper high melting point polyethylene terephthalate can be
ation using the liquid aromatic compound in accordance obtained.
with this invention, a heated solution of crude BHET Furthermore, according to the invention, aromatic com
containing the solute at a concentration higher than the pounds which are liquid at room temperature are used
saturation solubility of the crude BHET in the aromatic as the solvent, and it is discovered that, when the solvent
compound at the temperature corresponding to the appar solution containing crude BHET as uniformly dissolved
ent melting point of the crude BHIET in the same solvent,
therein, at a concentration higher than the saturation solu
is formed, and it is then cooled so that the puri?ed BHET
may be precipitated. bility of the BHET in the solvent at the apparent melt
However, according to our studies, when the above ing point of the BHET in the solvent, said solution being
heated solution containing crude BHET is gradually cooled heated to a temperature higher than said apparent melting
‘ as conventionally practiced in the ordinary recrystalliza point, is cooled from that temperature to an optional tem
tion method, the purity of the precipitated BHET is still perature which is, at highest, below the apparent melting
unsatisfactory. That is, thus precipitated and separated 70 point, sufficiently rapidly so as to avoid the precipitation
BHET retains the greater portions of the impurities, and of granular or blocky solid BHET, precipitate of high
polyethylene terephthalate obtained by polymerizing that purity BHET free from the granular or blocky solids of
BHET is colored yellow to brown, and its melting point BHET can be obtained as described in the foregoing items
is lower than that of high purity polyethylene terephthalate (C) and (D), even when thereafter the resultant slurry is
by approximately 1°—5° C. gradually cooled.
The above phenomenon can be more tangibly explained In the above method (4) the heated solution may be
as to the solubility curve of crude BHET in benzene as directly discharged into a vapor phase under a pressure
given in the graph of attached FIG. 1. That is, the hen lower than the above-speci?ed pressure, or into a liquid
zene solution A of 120° C. or above, which consists of phase under such low pressure. The vapor phase may
approximately 28.5 parts by weight of crude BHET per Cl be of air, an inert gas such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide,
100 parts by weight of benzene, is cooled with su?icient or of the vapor of the solvent used. Again as the liquid
rapidity to a temperature at highest below the apparent phase, any liquid which is inert to BHET is usable, but
melting point of the crude BHET in benzene, which is ap for the same reasons already mentioned, the same sol
proximately 90" C. (point B in the same graph), for ex vent as employed in the heated solution, or a solution
ample, 80" C. as identi?ed with point C on the graph, so 10 or suspension thereof containing BHET, is preferred.
as to avoid the formation of granular or blocky BHET, The solvent of course may be cooled to a suitable tem
in accordance with the subject invention, The resulting perature in advance. The low pressure zone may be suit
benzene slurry, in which a part of BHET is precipitated, ably pressurized or left to be atmospheric, or may be of
never yields solid BHET in which the granular or blocky reduced pressure. In short, the essential requirement in
BHET is mixed, regardless the subsequent manner of cool this case is that the pressure of the low pressure zone
ing, i.e., if quenched or gradually cooled. must be maintained at a level lower than the saturated
The temperature to which the heated benzene solution vapor pressure of the mixture of the BHET and solvent,
is rapidly cooled, that is, the point C, can be optionally the mixture being such that will be formed if the heated
selected, so far as it is lower than 90° C., that is, the solution is cooled to the apparent melting point of the
point B. 20 crude BHET in the same solvent. Furthermore, the pres
According to our views, when the cooling of the solu sure must be maintained at the low level through the dis
tion A from the initial high temperature (point A in the charge period of the heated solution into the low pres
attached FIG. 1) to a temperature at highest below the sure zone. By so doing, for example, the heated solution
temperature at point B is not performed at a sufficiently A is rapidly cooled from the point A, i.e., 120° C., to
high rate, accompanying with the cooling from the point 25 a temperature lower than the point B, i.e., approximately
A to point B, the molten BHET is separated from the 90° C., without causing precipitation of granular or
solution, ‘forming a dilferent phase, and such molten blocky BHET. Furthermore, the slurry obtained by dis
BHET is solidi?ed into granular or blocky form as cooled charging the heated solution into the low pressure zone
to a temperature below the point B. And, because such may be further cooled by optional means if desired.
solidi?ed BHET still contains considerably large quanti Also in the foregong cooling method (3), if the pres
ties of impurities, particularly HE-4CBA, it gives inferior sure under which the heated solution is mixed with the
polyethylene terephthalate when polymerized. cooling liquid or slurry, is either equal or slightly higher
The quench or rapid cooling of the solution from the than the saturated vapor pressure of the mixture of identi
points A to B can be performed at any rate and any man cal composition with that of the heated solution, which
ner, so far as the aforesaid granular or blocky solid pre would be formed when the heated solution is cooled to
cipitate is not formed. the apparent melting point of the crude BHET in the
For instance, (1) the heated benzene solution of crude solvent, substantially equivalent and equally satisfactory
BHET of 120° C. as identi?ed with point A of FIG. 1 result to that of the method (4) can be easily obtained.
is formed in a pressure vessel because the boiling point After quenching the heated solution by any of the
of benzene is 80° C. In order to quench the same solution
methods as described in (l)—(4), it is advantageous to
to a temperature below point B, the pressure vessel may let stand the quenched liqud generally for 1 minute to
be opened so as to reduce its inside pressure rapidly to
the atmospheric level. The pressure to which the vessel 10 hours, preferably 20 minutes to 3 hours, in order to
is opened, however, needs not be atmospheric but can be fully precipitate BHET.
higher, so far as the temperature of the BHET slurry in The crude BHET to be re?ned in accordance with the
present invention is any of the products of the conven
benzene, which is formed upon the pressure release, be tional methods as introduced in the beginning of this
comes lower than the point B. Also the pressure may be
less than the atmospheric. speci?cation. Among the conventional products, how
ever, particularly the crude BHET prepared by the ethyl
(2) It is also permissible to introduce a large quantity ene oxide method normally shows low oligomers con
of cooling liquid, or cooling slurry containing puri?ed tent, and therefore is most suitable to be re?ned by the
BHET, into the heated solution to quench the latter to subject process.
a temperature below point B.
(3) Or, the said heated solution may be led into a While any aromatic compound which is liquid at room
large quantity of cooling liquid or above slurry. temperature can be used as the puri?cation solvent, so
The cooling liquid or slurry to be used in the above far as it is inert to BHET, those which show low dissolv
quenching methods (2) and (3) is not limited to speci?c ing ability of BHET at low temperature but exhibit high
substances so far as it is non-reactive with BHET. From dissolving ability at higher temperatures, such as 100° C.
such conveniences as easy recovery of the solvent and or above, and furthermore which are thermally stable,
higher thermal economy, the same solvent as used in are preferred. As such preferred aromatic compounds,
the solution is preferred. That is, in case of the heated 60 for example, aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene,
solution A, benzene, or slurry formed of puri?ed BHET toluene, xylene (ortho-, meta—, or para-), ethylbenzene,
as suspended in benzene, is preferred. trimethylbenzene and cumene; and halogenated aromatic
(4) A preferred quenching system in the invention hydrocarbons such as monochlorobenzene, ortho, meta,
comprises discharging the heated solution, for example, or para-dichlorobenzene, etc., may be named, the most
the solution A, into a low pressure zone wherein the 65 preferred being benzene and toluene. Particularly ben
pressure is lower than the saturated vapor pressure of zene is the optimum solvent for the purpose of this in~
the mixture which is formed when the heated solution is vention. Of course those aromatic compounds may be
cooled to the apparent melting point of the crude BHET used as mixtures, however without any particular ad
in that solvent. Whereby the heated solution is quenched vantage.
from the high temperature to an optional temperature 70 According to the invention, a heated solution is pre
below the apparent melting point. With such a procedure, pared from the aforesaid crude BHET and the aromatic
it is possible to quench the heated solution to the desired compound solvent which is liquid at room temperature.
temperature, e.g., in case of the above heated soluton A, In that operation, it is important to form a solution
to a temperature below the point B, by very simple op containing the crude BHET as uniformly dissolved there
eration. 75 in, at a concentration higher than the saturation solubility
. 8 .
of the crude BHET in the solvent, at the temperature cor’
responding to the apparent melting point of the. BHET Distribution coefficient i _' I
to be puri?ed in the same solvent, and to make ‘the tem ' =Irnpurity concentration intheprecipitated BHET
perature of the solution higher thanltheapparent melt Impurity concentration in the ?ltrate
ing point. ‘ ' ' ' - '

The manner of operation and method of making such

a heated solution are not critical.'For example,'some of According to the invention, the above distribution co
the useful methods are as follows: ‘ Y ' efficient is no more than 2.5 concerning HE-4CBA, no
more than 1.0 concerning I-IE-PTA, and no more than 8
(1) all of the crude BHET charged is completely dis 10 concerning DEG. Thus generally those impurities are
solved in the solvent by heating, to form the high tem effectively transferred into the ?ltrate side and removed.
perature solution; - . ' v . Accordingly the puri?cation method of this invention ex
- -

(2) crude BHET is dissolved in the solvent by heating, hibits very high elimination e?iciency of those impurities.
and the insoluble portion is removed to provide a homo
geneous high temperature solution; or EXAMPLE 1
(3) crude BHET is contacted with the solvent at a tem
perature above the melting point of the crude BHET, A 200-cc. capacity glass pressure bottle equipped with
to form a homogeneous solution containing no insol an electromagnetic rotatory stirrer was charged with 25.1
uble matter. g. of crude BHET obtained by reacting terephthalic acid
with ethylene oxide and 170 cc. of benzene, and inside
In accordance with the subject invention, the heated pressure thereof was raised to 4 kg./cm.2G by nitrogen
solution of crude BHET in an aromatic compound which supply. This pressure bottle was connected in advance
is liquid at room temperature as above-described is sub with a 500~cc. capacity glass ?ask equipped with a vacu
jected to the quenching treatment, and after optional fur um jacket, re?ux condenser, and a stirrer (hereinafter
ther cooling, whereby precipitated BHET is separated. this ?ask will be referred to as the “?ash tank,” by means
Thus, BHET which is re?ned to a very high purity can of a stainless steel pipemounted with a valve, which was
be obtained with simple procedures. connecting the bottom of the pressure bottle to side of the
According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, ?ash tank. The ?ash tank was in advance charged with
for example, when benzene is employed as the solvent, 150 cc. of BHET-benzene slurry boiling under atmos
a homogeneous solution heated to a lowest 96° C., which pheric pressure (1.94 g. BHET/100 g. benzene), and the
consists of ‘8-60 parts by weight of crude BHET and 100 whole set of the apparatus including the pressure bottle
parts by weight of benzene is directly discharged into and ?ash tank was immersed in an oil bath of 115° C., in
benzene, or solution or suspension formed of benzene and order to dissolve the charged BHET. ‘The content of the
BHET, of a pressure not higher than 2 kg./cm.2 as an pressure bottle Was stirred, and after complete dissolving
absolute pressure, preferably below 1.3 kg./cm.2, and of the charged BHET was con?rmed, the valve on the
of a temperature not exceeding 90° C., and either directly pipe connecting the bottom of the pressure bottle with
from the resultant system or after further cooling the the ?ash tank was opened, so that the benzene'solution
system, the BHET precipitated is separated and recovered. of BHET in the pressure bottle was transferred into the
Thus high purity BHET can be obtained very smoothly. boiling slurry in the ?ash tank under atmospheric pressure.
Again, when toluene is used as the solvent, 40—60 parts 40 In the meantime, the temperature in the tank was, main
by weight of crude BHET per 100 parts by weight of tained at 80.70 C., and the pressure, atmospheric. When
toluene is used, and a homogeneous solution is formed the solution in the pressure’bottle was completely trans
by heating the two at a temperature not lower than 98° C. ferred, the valve was closed‘ and the apparatus was with
The solution is directly discharged into toluene, or a drawn from the oil bath. The pressure bottle was again
solution or suspension formed of toluene and BHET, of charged with the same crude BHET and benzene under
a pressure not higher than 1.5 kg./cm.2 as an absolute same conditions, and the slurry in the ?ash tank of the
pressure, preferably not higher than 500 mm. Hg, and of quantity corresponding to that increased by the foregoing
a temperature below 91° ‘C., and the BHET precipitated operation was withdrawn from the system as the sample.
is separated and recovered either directly from the re Whereupon the apparatus was again immersed in the oil
sultant suspension, or from the suspension which has been bath. Thus the similar operation 'was repeated seven
further cooled. Thus, similarly high purity BHET is ob 50 times. The slurry obtained in each run as the sample was
tained with smooth procedures. immediately ?ltered, and the cake was washed with cold
The dissolving of crude BHET in the solvent is per benzene and dried. The resultant puri?ed BHET contained
formed under the heating of preferably not higher than no bloc-kly or granular solid BHET, but consisted mainly
200° ‘C., inter alia, not higher than 180° C. Whereby the of ?aky crystals. The analysis results of the uniformized
deterioration in the quality of BHET during the prepara sample, and contents and distribution coe?icients of the
tion of heated solution can be effectively prevented. impurities were as follows: ,
According to the invention, the above~described re?ning Impurities contents in the starting crude BHET:
may be repeated twice or more number of times. Also
the re?ning can be preformed either continuously or batch HE-4CBA—2.820 p.p.m.
wise. > 60 HE-PTA--3S5 p.p.m. '
Generally for making high melting point, substantially DEG-1.24 wt. percent
coloration-free polyethylene terephthalate by polymeriza
tion of re?ned BHET, it is desirable that the HE-4-CBA,
HE-PTA and <I>-DEG contents of the BHET ‘should be
as little as possible. According to our experiments, satis Repetitive run number
factory polyethylene terephthalate can be obtained when 1 2 4 6 7
HE-4CBA content is no more than 600‘ p.p.m.; HE-PTA
Concentration of slurry in ?ash '
content, no more than 0.5 wt. percent. It is possible to tank_ (wt. percent) ____________ _. 8. 45 10. 1 11. 5 11. 2 11. 4
produce the re?ned BHET of the impurities contents less Impurities contents of puri?ed
than the above-speci?ed values with ease, by suitably prac BHET:

HE-4CBA (p.p.m.)-

115 126 '


216 246 212

ticing the puri?cation method of the present invention' HE-PTA (p.p.m.)-. :10 :jO =10 =10 ‘='
Also the puri?cation efficiency of recrystallization proc DEG (wt. percent) _________ __ 0. 337 0.402 0.412 0. 432 0. 405
Distribution coef?cient:
ess from solvent can be evaluated by distribution coeffi HE—4CBA _________________ __ 0. 264 0. 315 0. 484 0. 538 0. 439
cient of the impurity, which is expressed by the equation I-IE-P'I‘A __________________ __ _j + #0 :‘0 :1
DEG _______________________ __ 2. 86 3.59 2. 88 3. 40 3.05
In the above experiment, the recovery ratio of the puri EXAMPLE 5
?ed BIHET was 76%.
The measurement of the DEG content in BHET in the In this example, the same apparatus as employed in
present example was made as follows. Tetraethylene gly Example 1 was used. The pressure bottle was charged with
col dimethylether (0.010 gr.) is put into a sealed tube 25.1 g. of crude BHET and 170 cc. of toluene, and nitro
with 0.500 gr. of BHET and 1.0 ml. of dehydrated and gen gas was introduced thereinto to provide a pressure of
recti?ed ethanol used as internal standard substances. The 4 kg./cm.2 G. The ?ash tank was charged with 150 cc.
ethanol decomposed product obtained by heating for 8 of a slurry formed of BHET and toluene (1.94 g. BHET/
hours at 230° C. was quantitatively analyzed by gas 100 g. toluene) and pressure therein was controlled to
chromatogram using a PEG (polyethylene glycol) 20 M 10 be always 310 mm. Hg abs. The slurry was boiled under
column with a height of 1 m. This is the same in the that pressure at 85° C. The whole set of the apparatus
following examples and controls. including the pressure bottle and flash tank was immersed
in an oil bath of 147° C. Whereupon the stirring in the
EXAMPLE 2 pressure bottle was started, and when the BHET dissolved
A SO-liter capacity stainless steel pressure vessel 15 completely in the toluene in the pressure bottle, the valve
equipped with a stirrer, heating jacket, and sight glass on the pipe connecting the bottom of the pressure bottle
was charged with 7 kg. of the crude BHET prepared in with the ?ash tank was opened. Whereby the toluene solu
the manner similar to Example 1, and 32 kg. of benzene, tion of BHET was transferred into the boiling slurry
and its inside pressure was raised to 4 kg./cm.2 G by under reduced pressure in the ?ash tank. In the mean
introduction of nitrogen gas. Thereafter the system was 20 time, the pressure and temperature inside the ?ash tank
heated to 110° C., and stirred for 30 minutes. Thereafter were maintained substantially at 310 mm. Hg abs. and
the undissolved matter in the system which settled when 85° C., respectively. When the solution in the pressure
the stirring was stopped was removed. Then the solution bottle was completely transferred, the subsequent treat
was supplied into the liquid phase portions in a stainless ments as in Example 1 were repeated.
steel ?ash tank equipped with a re?ux condenser and a 25 Thus obtained puri?ed BHET contained no blocky or
stirrer, which was charged in advance with 7 liters of granular solid BHET, but consisted mainly of crystalline
boiling benzene. The slurry formed in the ?ash tank was ?akes thereof. The analysis results of the uniformized
continuously withdrawn from the system, and in the mean sample thereof, and contents as well as distribution co
time the temperature inside the ?ash tank was maintained e?icient of the impurities were as follows:
at 807° C. Thus obtained slurry was separated into solid 30
and liquid, and the cake was washed with cold benzene
and dried. Thus puri?ed BHET contained absolutely no
blocky or granular solid BHET.
The analysis results of the starting crude BHET and
puri?ed product thereof were as follows: Impurities contents in the starting crude BHET:
HE-4CBA—198O ppm.
Starting crude BHET: HE-P'I‘A—l250 p.p.m.
HE-4CBA content—1,750 p.p.m. DEG—1.05 wt. percent.
Optical density—0.130
Puri?ed BHET: Repetitive run number
HE-4CBA content-15 0 p.p.m. 1 2 3 4 7
Optical density-0.030 Concentration of slurry in ?ash
HE-4CBA distribution coe?icient—0.66 tank (wt. percent) ____________ .. 7. 21 7. 30 9. 26 10. 7 12. 7
Impurities contents of puri?ed
Recovery ratio of puri?ed BHET-86.20% BHET:
HE-ILCBA (ppm) ________ __ 391 425 540 667 537
In the above and subsequent examples, the optical HE-PTA (p.p.m.)____--___.- 2. 10 15. 4: 9. 49 17. 1 6. 32
density was measured as to 25 cc. of the solution formed DEG (Wt. percent) _________ .. 0. 470 0. 485 0. 622 0. 594 0. 536
Distribution coe?icient:
by dissolving l g. of the sample BHET in 14% aqueous HE-4CBA _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1. 64. l. 53 2. 20 2. 23 2. 00
HE-P’I‘A ________________ __ 0.1 0. 7 0. 4. 0.6 0. 3
ammonia, which was put in a 5-cm. long cell, at the wave DE G _______________________ __ 3. 98 4. 10 6. 54 6. 27 5. 90
length of 380 mp.
The slurry of 80.7" C. as obtained in Example 2 was
let stand to cool oif to approximately 25° C. as it was,
and the resulting slurry was treated in the manner identi
cal with Example 1. The results were as follows: The recovery ratio of the puri?ed BHET was 75.5%.
HE-4CBA content—150 p.p.m.
Optical density—'0.045 Example 1 was repeated except ‘that the ?ash tank was
HE-4CBA distribution coe?icient—0.66 left empty, and the benzene solution of BHET in the pres
Recovery ratio of puri?ed BHET-98.17% 60 sure bottle was transferred into the ?ash tank through a
EXAMPLE 4 vapor phase which was maintained at the boiling point of
benzene under atmospheric pressure. The results were as
The slurry of 807° C. as obtained in Example 2 was follows:
continuously thrown into benzene of 37° C., and the re
sultant slurry was indirectly cooled with a cooling medium 65 HE-4CBA content of starting crude BHET-3,190 p.p.m.
so that the inside of the low temperature crystallization HE-4CBA content of puri?ed BHET—606 p.p.m.
vessel should be maintained at 37° C. The resulting slurry HE-4CBA distribution coe?icient——1.63
was treated in the manner identical with Example 1, with Recovery ratio of purified BHET-77%
the ‘following results.
Puri?ed BHET:
HE-4CBA content—290 p.p.m. The same apparatus as employed in Example 1, in
Optical density--0.068 which a 200-cc. capacity glass pressure bottle and 500cc.
[HE—4CBA distribution coe?icient—1.32 capacity ?ash tank were combined, was employed. The
Recovery ratio of puri?ed BHET—98.09% pressure bottle was charged with 39.1 g. of crude BHET
11 12
and 135 g. of benzene (BHET concentration: 22.5 Wt. per cold benzene. The result of the experiment was as fol
cent, and the ?ash tank was charged with 120 g. of hen lows:
zene alone. The temperature in the glass pressure bottle Starting crude BHET:
was maintained at 125° C., and that in the ?ash tank,
80° C., i.e., the boiling point of benzene. Upon complete HE—4CBA content—2,660 p.p.m.
dissolving of the crude BHET in benzene in the glass pres HE—PTA content-480 p.p.m.
sure bottle, the homogeneous solution was poured into the DEG content—1.250 wt. percent
?ash tank in the manner as described in Example 1. The Crystalline cake:
operation pressure was 5 kg./cm.2G in the pressure bot
tle, and atmospheric in the ?ash tank. The slurry con 10 HE—4CBA content-183 p.p.m.
taining the crystalline precipitate in the ?ash tank was HE—PTA content—8.0 p.p.m.
stirred for 30 minutes at 80.5 ° C., ?ltered at the same DEG content-0.438 wt. percent
temperature, and the recovered cake was immediately Distribution coe?icient:
washed with cold benzene. The results of this experiment
was as follows: '

Starting crude BHET:

HE—4CBA content—2,660 p.p.m. EXAMPLE 10
HE—PTA content-480 p.p.m. Fifteen ( 15) parts by weight of crude BHET formed by
DEG content—~1.250 wt. percent reacting crude terephthalic acid with ethylene oxide, and
Crystalline cake: which contained 1,980 p.p.m. of HE—4CBA was com
HE—4CBA content-280 p.p.m. pletely dissolved in 100 parts by weight of monochloro
HE—PTA content-#0 (below detectable densitivity) benzene at 120° C. One-hundred (100) g. of the solu
DEG content—O.463 wt. percent tion was continuously fed into a ?ask equipped with a
Distribution coe?icient: stirrer, which was charged with 50 g. of 60° C. mono
HE-4CBA—0.79 chlorobenzene. In the meantime, normal temperature
HE-PTA—¢O monochlorobenzene ‘was continuously dropped into the
DEG—4.28 ?ask to prevent the rise of its inside temperature to above
EXAMPLE 8 80° C. Thus, by the time the supplying of 100 g. of mono
30 chlorobenzene solution of BHET completed, 50 g. of the
Employing the same apparatus as used in Example 1, normal temperature monochlorobenzene was dropped.
the glass pressure bottle was charged with 54.0 g. of Thereafter the system was gradually cooled to the room
BHET and 120 g. of benzene (BHET concentration 31.0 temperature.
wt. percent, and the ?ash tank was charged with 350 g. Thus obtained slurry was separated into solid and liquid,
of benzene alone. The temperature in the pressure bottle and the solid cake was washed with cold monochloroben
was maintained at 134° C., and that of the ?ash tank, 80° zene. The thereafter dried, puri?ed BHET had a HE
C. Upon homogeneous dissolving of the crude BHET in 4CBA content of 250 p.p.m., and the HE—4CBA distri
benzene in the pressure bottle, the homogeneous solution bution coe?icient was 2.1.
was poured into the benzene in the ?ash tank, in the man
ner described in Example 1. The operation pressure was 40 EXAMPLE 1 1
5 kg./cm.2G in the pressure bottle, and atmospheric in ‘In the same apparatus as employed in Example 1, the
the ?ash tank. The slurry containing the crystalline pre glass pressure bottle was charged with 25.1 g. of BHET
cipitate was stirred for 30 minutes at 80.5° C., and there and 150 g. of benzene (BHET concentration: 14.3 wt.
after ?ltered at the same temperature. The cake was im percent, and the ?ash tank was charged with 250 g. of
mediately washed with cold benzene. The result of this ex benzene. The inside of the pressure bottle was maintained
periment was as follows: at 4 kg./cm.2 G and 123° C., and that of the ?ash tank, at
a reduced pressure (degree of vacuum: 380 mm. Hg)
Starting crude BHET: and 60° C. Upon complete dissolving of the crude BHET
HE—4CBA content—2,660 p.p.m. in benzene in the pressure bottle, the homogeneous solu
HE—PTA content-480 p.p.m.
DEG content-1.250 wt. percent
tion was poured into the benzene in ?ash tank, by open
ing the valve on the pipe connecting the pressure bottle
Crystalline cake: with ?ash tank as described in Example 1. Thus formed
HE-4CBA content—l86 p.p.m. slurry containing the crystalline precipitate was stirred
HE~PTA content—3.5 p.p.m.
for 20 minutes. Thereafter the pressure in the ?ash tank
DEG content—O.441 wt. percent was returned to the atmospheric, and simultaneously there
Distribution coef?cient: with, the apparatus including the glass pressure bottle and
HE—4CBA-0.845 ?ash tank was withdrawn from the oil bath. The slurry
HE—PTA-#01 was ?ltered at 60° C., and the solid cake was immediate
DEG-5 .53 ly washed with cold benzene. The result of this experi
ment was as follows:
Starting crude BHET:
In the same apparatus as employed in Example 1, the
glass pressure bottle was charged with 35.2 g. of crude HE—4CBA content——1,980 p.p.m.
BHET and 52.5 g. of benzene (BHET concentration: HE—PTA content——3 80 p.p.m.
40.2 wt. percent), and the ?ash tank was charged with 65 DEG content—1.154 wt. percent
250 g. of benzene. The inside of the pressure bottle was Crystalline cake:
maintained at 140° C. and 5 kg./cm.2 G, and that of the
?ash tank, at 80° C. under atmospheric pressure. Upon HE—4CBA content-490 p.p.m.
homogeneous dissolving of the BHET in benzene in the HE—PTA content-9.3 p.p.m.
pressure bottle, the homogeneous solution was poured 70 DEG content—O.489 wt. percent
into the benzene in ?ash tank, by opening the valve be Distribution coef?cient:
tween the pressure bottle and ?ash tank as described in
Example 1. The slurry containing the crystalline precipi
tate in the ?ash tank was stirred for 30 minutes, and
thereafter ?ltered at 80.5 ° C. The cake was washed with 75
13 14
EXAMPLE 12 meantime, normal temperature xylene was continuously
The glass pressure bottle in the apparatus employed in dropped into the sytem so as to prevent the temperature
Example 1 was replaced by a ZOO-cc. capacity, metallic in the ?ask from exceeding 80° C. Thus, by the time the
pressure vessel, which was similarly equipped with a continuous supply of 100 g. of xylene solution of BHET
stirrer and connected to the ?ash tank by means of a pipe. completed, 60 g. of the normal temperature xylene was
The pressure vessel was charged with 25.1 g. of crude dropped. Thus obtained slurry was separated into solid
BHET and 150 g. of benzene (BHET concentration: and liquid, and the cake was washed with cold xylene.
14.3 wt. percent) and the ?ash tank was charged with Thereafter dried, puri?ed BHET had a HE-4CBA content
250 g. of benzene. The inside of the metallic pressure ves of 160 p.p.m., and the HE-4CBA distribution coef?cient
sel was maintained at 6 kg/cm.2 G and 150° C., and 10 was 2.3.
that of the ?ash tank, at atmospheric pressure and 80° C.
It had been confirmed in advance that the crude BHET of EXAMPLE is
the same composition to that charged in the pressure ves~ In the extraction apparatus consisting of recovery sec
sel was homogeneously soluble in benzene at 150° C., by tion (mixer-settler-3 vessels), re?ning section (mixer
an experiment in a sealed tube. In the practice of this 15 settler-8 vessels), a condenser and a re?uxing box, as
example, an ample dissolving time was allowed, and the illustrated by the FIG. 2, the recovery and re?ning sec~
resulting homogeneous solution was poured into the ben tions were maintained at 105° C., and the re?ux box, at
zene in ?ash tank, by opening the valve between the metal 100° C. From one end of the recovery section, 100 parts
lic pressure vessel and ?ash tank. Thus formed slurry con by weight per unit time of pre-heated toluene was con
taining the crystalline precipitate in the ?ash tank was 20 tinuously supplied, and from the other end of the recovery
stirred for 30 minutes, and thereafter ?ltered at 805° C. section, molten crude BHET obtained by reacting crude
The cake was washed with cold benzene. The result of terephthalic acid with ethylene oxide (HE-4CB'A content:
this experiment was as follows: 2,900 p.p.m., HE-PTA content: 480 p.p.m., DEG content:
Starting crude BHET: 1.3 wt. percent, optical density: 0.195) was continuously
25 supplied at a rate of 7.5 parts by weight per unit time.
HE-4CBA content—4,440 p.p.m. The toluene solution in which the BHET was dissolved
HE-PTA content-843 p.p.m. at 105° C. as obtained in the re?ning section was cooled
DEG content——1.286 wt. percent to 100° C. by the condenser, and from which a part of
Crystalline cake: _ BHET was molten and separated. This molten BHET
HE-4CBA content-161 p.p.m. 30 phase was settled from toluene phase in the re?uxing box,
I-IE-PTA content-—3 p.p.m. returned to the re?ning section, and re?uxed. Thus the
DEG content-0.280‘ wt. percent toluene phase and molten BHET phase were continuously
Distribution coefficient: contacted countercurrently in the: re?ning section. The
HE-4CBA—0.775 toluene phase separated from the molten BHET phase
HE-PTA—-—_j—0.1 at the re?uxing box was continuously withdrawn from
DEG—-5.24 the system. Thereafter the total toluene was removed, and
EXAMPLE 13 the resultant dry cake was treated in the same manner as
in Example 1. The yield of the dry cake was 5 parts per
In the same apparatus as employed in Example 12, the 100 parts of the toluene employed, the parts being by
metallic pressure vessel was charged with 25.1 g. of crude Weight. '
BHET and 150 g. benzene (BHET concentration: 14.3 wt. This puri?ed BHET had a HE-4CBA content of 240
percent) and the ?ash tank was charged with 250' g. of p.p.m., HE-PTA content of 5.4 p.p.m., DEG content of
benzene. The inside of the pressure vessel was maintained 0.408 wt. percent, and an optical density of 0.021.
at 10 kg./cm.2G and 170° C., and that of the ?ash tank, This BHET and 0.027 mol percent thereof of antimony
at the atmospheric pressure and 80° C. It had been con trioxide were put in a polymerization vessel, and after
?rmed in advance that the particular BHET charged in nitrogen substitution of its inside atmosphere, immersed
the pressure vessel was homogeneously soluble in benzene in an oil bath of 285° C. After 30 minutes of polymeriza
at 170° C. After taking an ample dissolving time, the tion under atmospheric pressure, the pressure inside the
resultant homogeneous solution was poured into the ?ash vessel was gradually reduced to no higher than 1 mm.
tank by opening the valve between the metallic pressure 50 Hg consuming 30 minutes. The polymerization in the
vessel and ?ash tank. Thus formed slurry containing the vacuum was continued for additional 60 minutes. Thus
crystalline precipitate was stirred for 30 minutes, and 2 hours after immersion in the oil bath, the polymeriza
thereafter ?ltered. The cake was washed with cold ben tion was terminated by nitrogen gas introduction into the
zene. The result of this experiment was a follows: vessel. The resulting polymer exhibited excellent prop
Starting crude BHET: 55 erties as indicated below.
HE-4CBA content-4,440 p.p.m. [1]]: 0.651
HE-PTA content--843 p.p.m. S.P.: 262.4° C.
DEG content-—1.286 wt. percent Color tone: L=84.5, a=—0.4, b=—3.5
Crystalline cake: [COOH]: 15.1 eq./106 g.
HE-4CBA content—183 p.p.m. 60
In the above, [17] is the intrinsic viscosity of the poly
HE-PTA content-—3.5 p.p.m. ester measured at 35° C. with the use of orthochloro
DEG content-0.326 wt. percent phenol as the solvent. S.P. stands for softening point of
Distribution coef?cient: the polyester, and the l, a and b used as the norms of
HE-4CBA—0.855 color tone are the readings on color-difference meter, in
HE-PTA—¢0.1 65 accordance with the indication method designated in
"-DEG———6.18 ASTM 1482-57T.
EXAMPLE 14 Control 1
7.2 parts by Weight of crude BHET, which was obtained Crude BHET and benzene were charged in the glass
by reacting crude terephthalic acid with ethylene oxide 70 pressure bottle under the identical conditions with those
and had a HE-4CBA content of 1,980 p.p.m., was com employed in Example 1, and immersed in an oil bath of
pletely dissolved in 100 parts by weight of xylene at 130° 115° C. The content was stirred to cause complete dis
C. One-hundred (100) g. of this solution was continuously solving of the BHET in benzene. After formation of a
supplied into a ?ask equipped with a stirrer, which was homogeneous solution, the system was maintained at a
in advance charged with 50 g. of 60° C. xylene. In the 75 constant temperature for 5 minutes under stirring. There
15 16
after the stirring was stopped, and the oil bath was cooled types of products and analyzed respectively. The results
at a rate of 2° CJmin. When it reached 80° C., the were as given in the table below.
cooling was stopped, and the content in the pressure bottle
was maintained at that temperature for 30‘ minutes, and HE-llCBA HE-PTA DEG con
subsequently withdrawn from the bottle, to be treated Form of puri?ed BHET
tent (wt.
similarly to Example 1. The resultis given below.
Granular BHET _____________ _ _ 1, 180 160 1. 08
Flaky BHET ________________ __ 490 16 0. 71
Starting crude BHET:
HE-4CBA content-—2,820 p.p.m.
HE-PTA content——6l0 p.p.m. 10 Control 5
DEG content—1.24 wt. percent In the same apparatus as employed in Example 1, the
Puri?ed BHET: pressure bottle was charged with 25.1 g. of crude BHET
HE-4CBA content-1,330 ppm. (HE-4CBA content: 1,980 p.p.m.) and 170 cc. of toluene,
HE-PTA content-232 p.p.m. and nitrogen gas was introduced into the bottle to pro~
DEG content—1.074 wt. percent vide a pressure of 4 kg./cm.2/ G. The ?ash tank was
Distribution coefficient: charged in advance with 150 cc. of a slurry formed of
HE-4CBA—4.8 BHET and toluene (1.94 g. BHET/100 g. toluene), which
HE-PTA—3.4 was boiling under atmospheric pressure. In that state, the
DEG—-21.2 entire quantity of the BHET charged was dissolved in the
Control 2 toluene. The entire apparatus including the pressure bottle
Crude BHET and benzene were charged in the pressure and ?ask tank was then immersed in an oil bathof 147°
bottle and immersed in an oil bath of 89° C". The content C., and the stirring in the pressure'bottle was started. When
of the bottle was stirred to cause complete dissolving of the BHET was completely dissolved in toluene in the pres
crude BH'ET in the benzene. Five minutes after formation sure bottle, the valve on the pipe connecting the bottom
of the pressure bottle to the ?ash tank was opened, and
of the homogeneous solution, the oil bath was cooled at a
rate of 2°~2.5° C./min. while the stirring was continued. the toluene solution of BHET was poured into the boiling
At 67° C., the cooling was stopped, and the system was benzene in the ?ask tank. In the meantime, the tempera
left under that state for 30 minutes. The content in the ture of the ?ask tank was maintained at 111° C. When the
pressure bottle was withdrawn and treated as in Example 30 pressure bottle was emptied, the same subsequent proce
1. The result was as indicated below.
dures as described in Example 1 were repeated, in repeti
tive run numbers as in lExample 1.
Starting crude BHET: The sample withdrawn from the flash tank consisted of
HE-4CBA content—3,270 p.p.m. toluene phase and BHET phase, which was gradually
HE-PTA content—1,2l0 p.p.m. cooled to room temperature under stirring. Thus formed
DEG content—l.238 wt. percent slurry was separated into solid and liquid. The cake was
Puri?ed BHET: washed with cold toluene and dried. The product was a
HE-4CBA content--164 p.p.m. mixture of granular solid BHET and ?aky, crystalline
HE-PTA content—37 p.p.m. BHET, and had a 4-CBA content of 980 ppm.
DEG content—0.490 wt. percent 40 ‘Control 6
Distribution coe?iciency:
HE-4CBA—1.50 Seventeen (17) parts by weight of the toluene-treated
HE-PTA-0.82 BHET which was obtained in Example 15 was charged in
DEG—19.0‘ the pressure vessel together with 100 parts by weight of
Control 3 benzene, and completely dissolved in the benzene at an
45 elevated temperature of 120° C. Thereafter the system was
Seventy (70) g. of benzene and 12 g. of crude BHET cooled to 60° C. at a rate of 5° C./min., followed by sep
prepared similarly to Example 1 (HE-4CBA content: aration into solid and liquid phases. The solid cake was
2,800 p.p.m., H'E-PTA content: 510 p.p.m., DEG con washed with cold benzene and dried. When the product
tent: 1.3 wt. percent) were charged in the glass pressure was polymerized under the same conditions as employed
bottle, and heated to 120° C. in an oil bath under stirring, in Example 15, the following result was obtained.
until the BHET was completely dissolved in benzene. Then
the system temperature was dropped by the rate of 2° C./ S.P.: 259.2‘1 C.
min., down to 501° C. Then the content was withdrawn Color tone: L=83.9, a=-—O.5, 11:5.8
from the pressure bottle, and separated into solid and [COOH]: 16.2 eq./106 g.
liquid. The cake was washed with cold benzene. The cake 55
was composed of blocky BHET which was solidi?ed This polymer was heavily yellowed and unsatisfactory
through a molten stage as the solution was cooled, and for any practical use.
flaky crystals which were directly precipitated from the We claim:
solution at below the melting point. Separating the two 1. A process for the puri?cation of crude bis-(phy
after drying the cake, 7 g. of blocky, solid BHET and 4.5 droxyethyl) terephthalate prepared by reacting terephthalic
g. of ?aky, crystalline BHET were obtained. The impur acid with ethylene glycol or ethylene oxide or by reacting
ities contents of the two products were as follows: dimethyl terephthalate with ethylene glycol which com
prises (a) preparing a solution of said crude bis-(?-hy
droxyethyl terephthalate uniformly dissolved in an, aro~
HE-4CBA HE-PTA DE G (wt. 65 matic compound solvent which is liquid at room tempera
Form of puri?ed BHET (p.p.m.) (p.p.m.) percent) ture at a concentration higher than the saturation solu
Bloeky BHET _______________ __ 1, 600 240 1. 19 bility of the crude bis-(,B-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate in
Flaky BHET ________________ __ 450 13 0. 62
the solvent at the temperature corresponding to the ap
parent melting point of the same crude bis-(,S-hydroxy
Control 4 70 ethyl) terephthalate in the same solvent at an elevated tem
perature above said apparent melting point, and ‘(.b) rapidly
Control 1 was repeated except that the cooling was per cooling the solution of (a) to a‘temperature below the
apparent melting point, so as to avoid the precipitation of
formed while the content in the pressure bottle was stirred.
The product consisted of granular BHET and ?aky, crys granular or blocky solids of the bis-(?-hydroxyethyl)
talline BHET, The mixture was separated into the two 75 terephthalate.
17 18
2. The process of claim 1, wherein the aromatic com tion consisting of 8-60 parts by weight of crude bis~(;8
pound solvent is selected from the group consisting of hydroxyethyl)terephthalate and 100 parts by weight of
benzene, toluene and xylene. benzene, which is heated to at lowest 96° C., is directly
3. The process of claim 1, wherein the solution is dis~ discharged into benzene, or a solution or suspension
charged into a low pressure zone under a pressure lower formed of benzene and bis-(?~hydroxyethyl)terephthalate,
than the saturated vapor pressure of the mixture resulting of a pressure not higher than 2 kg./cm.2 as an absolute
from cooling the heated solution to the apparent melting pressure, and of a temperature not exceeding 90° C.
point of the crude bis-(?-hydroxyethyl)terephthalate in
the same solvent, in the cooling step (b), and whereby References Cited
the heated solution is quenched from the initial tempera~ 10 UNITED STATES PATENTS
ture to a temperature below the apparent melting point.
4. The process of claim 3, wherein the low pressure 3,268,575 8/1966 Keck _____________ __ 260——475
zone consists of the identical solvent with that which is 3,461,154 8/1969 Lafont et a1. ______ __ 260——475
employed in the heated solution, or of a liquid mixture OTHER REFERENCES
of the same solvent with bis-(?-hydroxyethyl)terephthal Weissberger: Technique of Organic Chemistry, III,
ate, and the heated solution is directly discharged into part I, pp, 433-435 (1956).
that solvent or liquid mixture.
5. The process of claim 1 in which the crude bis-(? LORRAINE A. WEINBERGER, Primary Examiner
hydroxyethyl)terephthalate is that obtained by the reac
tion of terephthalic acid with ethylene oxide. 20 E. I. SKELLY, Assistant Examiner
6. The process of claim 1, wherein a homogeneous solu

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